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Ah, you case, former finance minister has announced hes standing for Prime Minister for she still says hell fix the economy and deliver the u. K. Ah, robinson, this is all the 0 live from doha. Also coming up. Russias defense minister accuses ukraine are planning to use a so called dirty bomb. But keep close the allegations. Absurd. Chinas president , shes in praying is handed a 3rd time as the head of the Ruling Communist Party and he packs the leadership with loyalists. Here is our ford between the law itself, one of the most luxury villas in the city. We visit World Cup Team hotels to see where the players will st. Joes. Oh, there are no 2 people vying to become the you case next, Prime Minister for much as i was, she cynic officially announced. Hes running a few hours ago. Candidates hoping to enter number 10 downing street have just a day left to gather the support of a 100 m. P. s, former Prime Minister boris johnson, is expected to be soon acts main challenger. But hes yet to announce whether hes going to be a candidate the met soon. I for talks on saturday, tallies by british media suggests anake has a clear lead in the number of m. P. s backing him. But johnsons backers insist he has enough to run senior cabinet member. Penny moreland is declared. She also wants the job, but its not clear if shes good enough support to enter the race. Im not sharing my campus data with the with the others. I am very confident about the progress were making and i will say to you that i am in this to win it. I think its important for our party. We have a contest. I am very confident about our numbers. And its i, the reason why im doing this is because i think i am best place to bring the party together. Yalom fisher has more from london. There is only one m p at the moment who is over the 100 m. P s support threshold, and that is richie sooner. Youll remember that when he stood against list trust, there was an election among the and peace to decide who would go forward to at that the full election of the, the phil conservative Party Membership and soon at one overwhelmingly with the support from the m p. So this is well worn territory from him, penny morton has support, but not enough at the moment to hit 100 mark. And then there is bought as johnson yet. That boris johnson, he is back from holiday in costa rica. He is back to rally troops. His support, see that he is ready to come back, that he is ready for the fight and ready to declare. But hes got to get to a 101st and all the tallies were seeing in the british media, he is falling short of that. Now his supporters see hes there, hes done it, but he hasnt yet declared at, but well find out in just under 24 hours time. Who has hit that 100 route threshold. It is important to do that because only getting beyond that 100 m. P support means that you can proceed to the next round of the competition of the contest to become the conservative party leader. And by extension, britains next Prime Minister, russias defense ministers accusing crane are planning to use. Whats. Busy that dirty bomb saga chicago is reported a voice as concerns during 3 phone calls with his counterparts and the u. K. France and took care. A dirty bomb as an explosive laced with radioactive material, moscows provided no evidence to back up the claims. The Russian Defense minister, he says, the warden, ukraine, has a steady tendency towards further uncontrolled escalation. Well, ukraines denied the allegations with foreign minister to meet so cruelly about calling with dreams absurd and saying russia often accuses others of what they are planning to do. While harry forces is joining us live now from keith harry, another twist in the war in ukraine. Yes, and another potential escalation, even if it doesnt turn out to be an escalation on the battlefield. I think we can safely clueless an escalation in terms of a diplomatic rhetoric being used in the, in a sheer number of calls. 4 of them on the same day to the french, the turkish, the british, and the americans all making this same claim that russia has. It says intelligence of the formation of some kind of dirty bomb for use by ukraine to blame russia for carrying out some kind of Nuclear Explosion inside ukraine. Now this is something that has been, as you say, utley refuted by the ukrainian governments of the foreign minister at dmitri caliber as well as the, the comments that you noted there. He also said that you train as a member of the nonproliferation treaty and that it neither has the, the material nor the ambition to acquire such material to carry out such an attack. Weve also heard from the u. K. Defense ministry, the defense minister, ben wallace. Having this conversation with defense minister, chicago, and the u. K. A saying that it refuted these claims and cautioned that such allegations should not be used as a pretext for greater escalation. Now, the Something Else that collaborate, the foreign minister here said, was that russia often does this ahead of something that plans to do itself. And there are analysts looking back at the course of the war in syria or the uses of chemical weapons during that conflict. And the either retroactive or sometimes preemptive blaming of such attacks by russia on rebels helped by western countries. They named britain in at least one of those instances as well. So this is extremely concerning, especially given the fact that a russia does seem to be withdrawing both civilians and potentially military personnel and equipment from the area around her son. This very hotly contested ukrainian city, which rock russia occupied back in march or, and they accuse ukraine of manufacturing this. Suppose it, does he bomb device not too far away from there as well . So these are certainly worrying signals, whether it is bluster, whether it is something more, we have to wait and see having thank you very much. The italian fossil talking to us from keith. While meanwhile, ukraines problem has urged people to save electricity in the face of russian attacks on power facilities. More than 1000000 ukrainian households are experiencing black cars. After a wave of strikes in the last 2 weeks keeps as attacking civilian facilities ahead of winter amongst to terrorism. Lady tinkle is a resident of keep men. She has power cuts are now part of their daily routine. We have to wear around so how are they surpassing . So basically you have a are sirens or is that you have a problem results with, you know, sometimes with boss, for instance, just yesterday we have to graph like the chime in the morning just like, wait, you know, we have a constant air, so i ran it was about like 4 hours. I want to yeah. Hell one wow. Am like we the small break. Also the eloquent, the city comes and goes. You sometimes at 1st you could never know when it comes and when it will go yet. Basically now as truly age mom weve quite hard to adapt, you know, to the conditions we have. Now we even have like a special app when you can go to your treat and no one you would not have an electricity. Usually you may not work this way yet. We are trying to adapt as much as we can because we understand that you are in the winter and youre in the coming weeks and moms rush. I will try to attack our electric facilities as much as they can take into account a strategy of so called hollow. The more shiny as president , shes in pain, has secured a historic 3rd term as head of the communist party. These 6 other members of the party, Senior Leadership group, dominated by men loyal to the president , comes a day after the party concluded its week long congress, which solidified sieges pings grip on power shoes. You find that it is she eligible justice. China cant develop a nice relation from the world, it needs china for its development. Through over 40 years of relentless reform and opening up. We have created the twin miracles of fast Economic Growth and social stability. The china will open its doors if a wider we will be steadfast and deepening reform and opening up across the board. A prosperous, china will create many more opportunities for the world. We should. Patrick, fog has more from beijing. Well, this was a combination of a week of deliberations behind closed doors here in beijing. And there was always an expectation. The president , she would pack his in a circle with the loyalists, giving him unfettered control over the party and country all along the way. He is shown a willingness to cast aside Party Traditions including age caps and term limits, and that was no difference with the appointment of new faces on to the polar Bureau Standing committee, including the appointments of lee chang, chide she and lee c. None of whom have previously had central governments experienced the appointments of lee chan. In particular was noteworthy because he is set to become chinese new premier. And that was another break with tradition and that he has never served as vice premier. And we also saw the downsizing of the wider politburo from 25 members to 24 members, and there was no place for any women on that top advisory body for the 1st time in 25 years. At the unveiling to day also present, she talked about how china could not develop isolated from the rest of the world and the world lead chinas development as well. That was an important thing for him to have said at a time when the whole world really is a grappling with a slow damn. But it was in stark contrast. One might argue with the focus last week at the opening dress, where he talked about the need for chinas self sufficiency. But whatever direction china takes in the years to come will no doubt be under president. Shes terms particularly with the makeup of this new government. When chinas new paula bureau stunning committee will govern for the next 5 years, the 7 Member Committee is chinas equivalent of a president ial cabinet. And its the countrys highest Decision Making body president , she ging pain, has increased his powers by securing a 3rd term for the members and new to the committee. Effectively, hand picked by she, theyre going to be responsible for policy making and day to day political affairs. Run a meter is professor of the history and politics of modern china at the university of oxford. He says the new leadership signals, the kind of china were going to see for the next 5 years. I think that its one way you could say to use a phrase are paula borrow from chairman. Now, back in the fiftys. Politics is in command. In other words, i think youve asked mr. Chinas middle Class Population on the streets today. What are the most worried about the answer to probably economic that the economy is failing to kind of fire back off the cove. It because of the continuing 0 cove. It shut downs because of the growth in use unemployment because of the fear that the property sector may fall apart. But none of these are problems that can obviously be solved by the team thats being picked. So i think the historical lesson is that were going back to an era a little like perhaps the 1970s when ideology and the idea that the power of the party and a sort of nationalist message is going to be more important than what much some people might call conventional economic policy. The increasing global tension is that are going on in chinas backyard and beyond have made whoever writes the speakers. I think theyre usually done by a team that gets together for weeks, if not months beforehand in an institution like paging. Central party schools, so its a collective effort even though its from, from the voice of one man, i think, than what thats indicating is that areas such as tensions with the united states, with u. S. Allies in the asia. Pacific region such as japan are going to continue to be very fraught. In other words, the language thats being used to suggesting that this current period, china perceives itself as essentially being in struggle. And he actually used the chinese work dont struggle several times in his speeches. Which is an indication that actually the feeling that these confrontations that have the military, they could be economic, but none the less that they are real cannot be put off. Still, i had an ard with his 1st feeling Prime Ministers office, and he was really the countrys most white wing government, the message of peace from baghdad to the world. How performers are hoping to inspire goes to the theatre festival. Ah ah, that much change in the weather since you and i last spoke across the middle east, everyone to see you again. Heres the details on monday. Still plenty of sun. Temperature is above average, for example, in kuwait with the high 30 degrees and weve got some rain rolling through at lower temperatures in bill 25 for you. Now through the gulf, still humid and thats because weve got that wind oscillating at times rate off the golf. So not only human here in cats are but also q 8 as fall on monday. Well, the seabreeze has once again picked up for could archie. So thats going to shuffle in a bit more humidity there with the high 35. 00 degrees and showers that were over the caspian sea have moved eastward and knocked down temperatures across the stan, so ish kick, a high of 13 degrees on monday. After turkey, we go a pleasant day and stumbles suns out 22 degrees, but weve got some rain for this Northeast Corner pushing into the caucuses. That will be some pretty intense stuff. And weve also got that intense rain falling around the gulf of guinea coastal sections. If cameroon got born right into the republic of congo on monday and to the south, we go, there was raines or once again picking up the cross south africa round as what teeny and southern moves and peak as wall put has got a high of 29 degrees on monday, thats it. Ah, ah, if the world has taught us anything, its that we all need support. That includes as hail, won, and as failed to, to do their job, they need help from the ground. Support doesnt come any stronger than the s l samp. Teleport, designed to protect and maintain our satellites from infrastructure to control. It never stops adding value. As hale sounds, space to deliver your vision. Lou ah, what here does either remind him on top stories this our former u. K. Chancellor wishes sooner cuz he knows hes going to run to become the next Prime Minister. Is expected to face off against formerly to ballast johnson, who hasnt yet announced whether hell stand brushes, defense ministers accuse ukraine or preparing to use a bomb, least with radioactive material. Moscows provided no evidence to back its claims. Ukraine has called the allegations absurd. Chinese president eugene paying his claims to historic 3rd term. His head of the communist party isnt as to 6 out the new members of his parties, the Senior Leadership groups dominated by she loyalists believes in somalia. I say 5 people have been killed following an attack at a hotel in the southern port city of cas mail. A car filled with explosives, reportedly rammed into the gates of the building. The army rubashaw. Bob has claimed responsibility. At least 220 people have been killed in 2 days of violence between ethnic groups in sudan. Hundreds of others have been hospitalized because of their injuries. The latest fighting in the blue now states reportedly broke out because of a land dispute. Security officials have now arrived in the area. Hebert morgan has the leases from how to protest other angry, over the reaction from Security Forces in blue. Now said over the violence that has killed more than 200. 00. And this is not the 1st time best storming a government facility in the state. Just 2 days ago they saw the local government headquarters demanding that the governor resign because of the handling of the situation in the states. Now they see that figurative forces have not been and bias that some of them have been taking sides against the houses or against the berta tribe. Most are fighting each other overland a few and they have been demanding that Security Forces take a neutral stance and be able to end the violence. Of course, this is not the 1st time bad violence and clashes are breaking out between the 2 sites. In july, the how the tribe has announced that it would like to nominate or appoint a tribal chief in an claim, land in blue. Now state, other tribe in blue and i have rejected that saying that the houses have no right to land claims. And to point achieve in the area. Now thats parked a clashes that killed at least 140 people in july. And over the following weeks, there have been people from both sides been killed as well as more than 40000, displaced as a result of the outbreak of violence. In july 8, organizations have said that they are trying to get aid to those who have been affected from the previous flight thing as well, from this recent fighting. But there has been difficulties due to the high tensions this has been going on for 3 months now with no solution. Now protest to say that they are planning to stage a sit in front of the military headquarters until they get a response to their demand. To have the Security Forces. I take a neutral stance and end the violence and the governor resign. Georgia maloney has to empower, is it his 1st female Prime Minister behind over from outgoing premier model . Jackie was made official at a ceremony in rome. Maloney was sworn in on saturday as a leader of the countrys most far right government since world war 2. Kind of a dancer is a member of the European Parliament as well as maloneys brothers eventually party. He says, even though the new government is conservative, its not far right. The 1st government of the law made by the 2 parties of the leg and the movement born, the l become and federal stands and they were the most. It was the government in the, in the, in the republic done the history of i think that the government would be some of the government, a center, right government and is how it is caused by people. So nothing far arrive and that big cream is from some black just some of the central right government. Thats necessarily a bad Us Government made the big nations or made by the less will be a bit more of started in these inter mess on it. And you will be our relationship, what we are saying, emptying its meaning that we want to to compose your belongings and also international belonging to natal and the other international fora, with our National Interest floating in the far north of camera rooms, likely to get worse to the market town of sadie, which is close to the border with shot has been struggling with floods for a week. Sandbags are being used to contain to nearby rivers, but already many are homeless and people have had to build shelters on higher ground. I can Roslyn Maitland fall on the west coast of mexico. The category 3 storm hit, the country with winds of up to 195 Kilometers Per Hour and heavy rain. Hundreds of people to be forced to leave their homes that are warnings of deadly storm searches and flooding along the coast. Millions of people in pakistan are at risk of acute mung attrition and water born diseases. One 3rd of the country was flooded off to unprecedented monsoon reigns in july. Tens of thousands of people are still homeless, and winter is not far off. South heights reports a country devastated to month soft, wrong precedent and monsoon rains caused a lot of damage across much of pakistan, roads, homes, and businesses remain under water in some areas. Julys floods affected 33000000 people across the country. More than 1700 people died. But for those who survived, its been an absolute struggle. Thousands of people are living and make shift camps with no health facilities. And theres a lack of clean water and food. The minute. Since we arrived in these terms, we havent received much from the government. We dont know where the aide is going. We barely get food once a day and if we do its a fight. Everyone is pushing each other to get just one piece of bread to survive. The National Nutrition survey says 1600000. 00 children are in need of urgent treatments for acute malnutrition, especially in the worst effected areas of sin than baluchistan. And the United Nations reports that more than 6000000 people no longer have clean sanitation or toilet facilities, waterborne illnesses, skin conditions, and respiratory infections are spreading fast. Didnt know we are now homeless and in the middle of nowhere, houses have swept away diseases of attacked us because were all standing in the water. Every child woman young, an old person i know is suffering for me to diarrhea, malaria stomach problems. And theres no medical care pocket st. Johns government says its run out of money and its desperately appealing for help. Its trying to secure loans, so there seems to be dont of fatigue earlier this month. You and revise. Its a to appeal from 160000000. 00 to 816. 00. Unicef says its only received 13 percent of the money. Its trying to raise the historic flooding caused around 40000000000. 00 in damages. Castro pakistan was already facing a serious financial crisis before the heavy monsoon rains and it hopes it can raise more money next month you and Climate Conference in egypt saw a height at al jazeera. So here margaret had been rescued from a small boat drift in the Mediterranean Sea children. What among those saved by the rescue ship, the ocean viking, it now has 73 migrants on board. One by the com. Sees in Southern Europe and an editor right in of lead to a sharp increase in crossings. Iraq is hosting its 3rd International Theatre festival this weekend. It opened with a message for World Leaders investing and the arts can help bring people together and resolve conflict. Xanda, solving for us from bucked on Opening Night in both got a chance to see past your rocks tragedies the, the International Theatre festival should be an annual event. But this is only the 3rd one. In 10 years wars and a Global Pandemic forcing along intermission. But the show must go on and did very much is put, you know, a lot of the what was the was i so but now a dock is fine. These kinds of rooms approve a dock is fine. I think so many important people attending is the most obvious proof steady dock is doing well and disinfect a safe place a week of pleased by performance from 15 countries. All the bose and optimism of broadway in the people from all walks of life. Some made for the limelight, others happier in the crowd. About the fall about 3. 5 i think the one that i was skin started people like strictly because people davis, i like the lights are back on and iraq yard is having an awakening. It is a full house and the show is about to start. The main organizer of this event has just told the crowd that in his opinion, the government should invest in culture, in theater, in the arts, to try to bring an end to conflict. The centerpiece of the festival, a play called mercy building. A story of war and loss life. And the ubiquity of death in iraq. Art mimicking reality. Ah. The message stopped cycles of violence. See one another with kindness, not as targets to ne, a room. Were trying to bring out all the depression that we have all the things that have happened, the depression that all iraqis are suffering from. At the same time, were showing theres a path to revive them. But exploring National Trauma in a country that is seen generations of suffering makes for the kind of art that can take a toll. The artist in basra, the alta 0, but thought now when your world class football are playing in the world cup, there are certain essentials you need to be at your best jonah goods. Roscoe went to see where the stars are going to sleep. Some resemble an arabian palace, others and oasis in the desert. Whether its a luxury resorts or Student Accommodation to 32. 00 well cup finalists have booked their rooms. And if they make it all the way to the final, theyll be staying in them for up to 5 weeks. So their choice of accommodation may well prove crucial. The compact nature of this tournament means is the 1st time teams havent had to change locations or travel long distances to get to games. 2432 teams have made their home base within a 10 kilometer radius of the center of dough hop. While others are chosen to stay much further away, belgium and saudi arabia are close to the Saudi Arabian border. The german team has exclusive use of a wellness resort as far north as you can go in the country around a 100 kilometers from doha. The most basic rooms here cost around a 1000. 00 a night. And mexico chose to base themselves in the small seaside town of some may summer. 30 kilometers north of dough. Here is our 4 bedroom villa. Its the one of the most luxury villas in the city. I believe the mexican team have selected the police earlier. The can yamba had one of the choices before even they could qualify. I think the privacy here is the key. You still have to have something from a culture or something from their bud rollin for, for the mexican, a bit of a god or its should be essential to be there. The chiles. Of course this like get something very, very important and we will make it happen for them. And it really feels like we could be in mexico, doesnt it . Is through a little a little mexico has a little bit of like the plays at this tournament may be worth millions of dollars, but not all of the mustang and luxury linelle, macys, argentina, and former champion spain have chosen capital universitys campus where they can walk to their training, ground, australia and Student Accommodation tooth, albeit at the state of the art, a spy, a sports academy. Well this is a nice a student dome ive ever been in the beds are very comfortable. As you can see, there are 2 beds in this room that the suckers will only have one player in a room like this. Hell have his own private ball through and then that she another bedroom on the other side of his suite. 263 suites like this in this building. As you can see, theres a shared lounge where the players can sit. Chat have a cup of tea, watch some tv, and also a balcony with a view of the training pitch. So whether its a bed in a dorm or luxury villa, the Hotel Managers can guarantee at least one thing. When the well cut champions

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