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A wave of russian drone attacks kills at least 4 people and kids, and targets Energy Infrastructure across ukraine. Ah, how theyre, im the styles they attain. This is al serra live from doha. Also coming. We are a country that funds all promises and pays all debts. And when you came near finance, minister warns of difficult decisions to come as he ditches nearly all the Prime Ministers plans for the economy announced just weeks ago. The un calls for a Rapid Action Force and hazy to about a humanitarian catastrophe. You keep talking about nancy pelosi if you want to run against nancy pelosi moved back to San Francisco and run against nancy pelosi youre running against me and just weeks away from us, mid term elections will have the story of a key state where the battle lines are already being drawn. Ah, well, the nice state says it will hold russia accountable for war crimes. After it hit ukraines capital with drones and feast 4 people were killed and 16 injured and strikes during warning rush hour. One struck a residential building and downtown cave. The attacks and people running for cover and week after russia anesha its most widespread attacks against the country and months. Lam and jim, jim reports now from the ukrainian capital. Ah, this strikes on ukraines capital started early on the ground. People felt the explosions in the sky. They could see the attackers, one so called kamikaze drone approaches its target as keeps air Defense Systems attempt to shoot it down. Rescue teams were quick to arrive in the ship. Chikavsky, district, firefighters, hosing down smoked ruins. As people who taken shelter emerged from underground, the target destroyed the whole infrastructure of ukraine destroyed infrastructure, omaha haunt all their lives. People praising you, the window less people who do are dissolved electricity they need. The russians want to make become inter couples trauma on top. And all thought the same type destroyed the buildings peoples homes were destroyed behind me as the residential building that was damaged in the drone attack this morning at this neighbourhood also has important infrastructure sites in it and was hit by russian missiles last week. Air raid sirens may have stopped sounding the local officials say, residents should still avoid the area for now, many injured people like this woman were rescued. But others, including a pregnant woman. Her husband were killed the monkey which we were in their own. Lindsey blast started, but we didnt go out and see the staircases got all gone to the ground floor. He waited for alarm to be called of god. You are a lane on the floor, firefighters came and they used a leather to rescue us one by one reason run to the shelter in that building. It was horrible. Many here worry about how quickly they can reach safety colon meyer. There is no shelter around the closest in a 10 minute strand from here. We decided to stay home. You might be riding on the street and a particle so to her till then as if on cue, the air raid sirens ring out again. Oh, why should probably go to the shelter because this is their target peoples constant concern now, if and when this area may be targeted again. Maam jim drama 0 keith. Well have to take a closer look at these kamikaze drones that were used in this attack. They are small Unmanned Aircraft that carry explosives. Theyre designed to hit behind enemy lines. And unlike traditional military drones, theyre destroyed during the attack, meaning they dont return to base. A kamikaze. Drones are also relatively cheap that about 20000. 00 each compared to millions per unit for and traditional drone. Oh hydro castro has more on the u. S. Government reaction now from washington. A u. S. State Department Spokesman says the so called suicide drones that hit keith monday morning or likely made any run. The state Department Says its been warning since july that iran was planning to sell the drones to russia for use against ukraine. And that the u. S. Has now determined the arrangement is in violation of a Un Resolution link to the 2015 iran nuclear deal. This resolution placed a weapons embargo on iran and while the ban on selling conventional weapons expired in 2020, the u. S. As there still remains a ban on iran selling advanced weaponry like these drones. Now england in england were the 1st to say that this weapons trade is illegal. Iranian denies making the drones that hick here, but the white house as that is untrue. And the white house also describes the drone attacks on residential keith as war crimes saying that russia must be held accountable. Now, several e u Foreign Ministers have called for sanctions against iran, over the transfer a drones to russia. The u. S. Has so far not gone as far while ukrainians have gathered outside the Iranian Embassy and cheers, demanding that terran stop selling drones to russia. They accused the rain in government of supporting what they call it terrorism. And say drone attacks were hitting civilian rather than military targets. Iran denies that it sold drones to russia. Should news rom cool, blah. This morning, there was an attack by the Russian Federation of our country on the city of ki, remove. The iranian drone had a residential building runs as usual, russia cannot precisely hit what it says it will hit. So citizens are suffering, war. Koreans have died because russia terrorizes, our country repeal, or at least 4 people have been killed and dozens injured. After a fight, a jet crashed into a building and the russian city of yeske and the Russian Defense Ministry Says the plane was on a training flight. When its engine caught fire and then hit a 9 story residential block, setting that on fire. As the war continues in ukraine, nato has said its annual Nuclear Exercise will go ahead and forces from across nato on taking part. The drills involve 14 countries and around 60 aircraft. Theyll be conducting training fights as a belgium, as well as the north sea and the u. K. Tosh, a butler has more from paris at the nato defense ministers meeting in brussels in stoughton. Bird though, said that nato would certainly not cancel these exercises this year, and in fact, it would not be a good thing to do. So it would send the wrong message. He said to moscow at this particular different difficult time when russia has been stepping off its rhetoric, when it comes to a threat about using Nuclear Weapons. Weve heard a lot for moscow about that. We know that the nato lion says that its taking those very seriously. Indeed it is working them closely at this point. The line says that it really feels a threat some more about trying to deter western powers from taking part in this country prison. Theres less, as i said, being looked at very seriously. In fact, the us defense secretary lloyd austin, said, any Nuclear Strike by russia would receive a response from ukraines allies. He didnt exactly say what it would be that it would be a physical response. We then heard a little bit later from the french presidency by my code. Think that almost contradict dotson manual micro saying that the allies would not use a Nuclear Weapon against any Nuclear Strike by russia, but he wasnt totally clear about exactly what would happen. Nevertheless, its important to note that france is not part of the operation. Steadfast noon is not part of these exercises. Even though france is one of the 3 Nuclear Powers in the lines along with the u. S. And the u. K. But fraud is not part of nato Nuclear Deterrent tiny group. Now the u. K is new finance minister says hes reversing. Almost all of his predecessors proposals. The government new ton announced my jeremy hunt comes after quantity quantity was fired last week. And early a Prime Minister and his trust had been accused of running scared for failing to address parliament. The dean bother reports. I know shes fighting for her political survival, but lets trust wasnt in parliament on monday, as the opposition was granted an urgent question to ask the Prime Minister to make a statement on reflection. Rebecca, during the current Economic Situation is to speak. With apologies tv pleaded the opposition on the house, the piano is detained on it and hiding away. Dont you question . Scared of our own shadow. The light is not a turning ah, trust was there later on to hear her new finance minister give more detail on a huge change in direction. The Prime Minister and i agreed yesterday to reverse almost all the tax measures announced in the growth and 3 weeks ago that have not been legislated for in parliament. So have decided that the basic rate of income tax will remain at 20 percent and it will do so indefinitely until economic circumstances allow for it to be cut. Taken together with the decision not to cut Corporation Tax and restoring the talk rate of income tax. The measures ive announced to day will raise around 32000000000. 00 pounds every year. Hans also announced the governments move to cap energy bills will only last 6 months. Instead of 2 years with a review, next april, this leaves a Prime Minister clinging on to the job. She only took up last month. After weeks of negative reaction to her, many budget with Mortgage Rate rises for millions of people. She may have bought herself some time. Mark is like what theyre hearing, whether or not this is good for the economy in the next 3 to 6 months. Well, the jury is elma less trust fired her finance minister quasi quoting last friday. And that joint project chasing growth by a tax cuts funded by massive borrowing, has effectively been ditched behind the scenes in westminster, many conservative politicians are rotting to find a unity figure to replace lease trust and revise the policy standing with the public. But its far from clear whether they can avoid further turmoil, or in fact, early general action that involved al jazeera, london, or in black ford is the leader of the Scottish National policy in the british parliament. He says, the government has no economic credibility and should call an election. Whats been referred to as cross adobe has been crushed, has been put into the bid and everything that the trust government brought forward with that Financial Statement a few weeks ago was no longer there. But lets not forget that the damage that this is cause these unfunded tax cuts ended up with. The financial crisis will run in the pony with the bank of england having to step in and buy bonds to stop Pension Funds crashing. But ultimately, what it does mean is that millions of people that will be renegotiating the mortgages are facing sharply higher rates. Whats been estimated by the Resolution Foundation as people paying thousands pounds more and mortgage costs and the blame for this lies with the Prime Minister. She needs to accept the responsibility of the chaos that she has cause i, quite frankly, tonight i think what the British Public one is to see that this government is calling tell you one itself that ought to be an election that im not for trinity to send doors that have been responsible for those me, him out of office. Now astray. Leah has reversed its recognition of west tourism. As the capital of israel. Foreign minister penny wong said the city status must be decided through peace talks between israelis and palestinians. Australia initially made the recognition under former Prime Minister Scott Morrison back in 2018. All stella had here on out as aaron argentina celebrates the legacy of a former president , while a major rift divides the modern day party that once fed his name and a favor. Well, camp is on its way to catch up, but its taking a while to tor, fast, or track it down for you in mexico. Ah. To suppression as was so with anyways, how low they were looked at east asia and things of family turning wet and when if the southern areas of china thanks to typhoon nessa, which is pulling its way towards heinen island. Its going to be very heavy. Falls to coastal areas one dong province, for example, likely to see that wet and windy weather as it moves its way towards the vietnam later in the week. But farther north of this lots of clear skies and sunshine to be found as High Pressure takes hold temperatures in beijing and shanghai set to edge up slightly here across the Korean Peninsula with plenty of sunshine to be found here. And for japan, just bits and pieces of rain, the temperature in tokyo sitting closer to the average where we expected to be after exceptional heat this summer. Now as we move to south asia, the monsoon rain, the still clinging on to the south and the west coast, but theyve dashed away from the northeast leading, leaving lots of clear skies here for places like a some, as well as much of bangladesh. Still a shower to over here, before the worst of that, whether we have to look to the west coast corolla, seems very heavy, falls in the days ahead. Its a similar story for thomas now. Do some fear thunderstorms as well. Breaking off in colombo for sri lanka, but up in that northwest corner new delhi, see some misty mornings, but plenty of sunshine. 31 degrees on wednesday. I do with sponsored by categories on counseling, the cost ok plus has agreed to Major Oil Production cups, u. S. Is not happy, we explore the relevance of the i m f as the outlook for the global economy. Gall could off we bought our house on african countries on making the ship for green energy counseling, the cost on al jazeera. We know whats happening in our region. We know how to get the plate that others and not a far as i said, im going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference with oh, hello there, im the stars. It ain doha, thats remind you of our top story is here this hour. At least 4 people have been killed and 16 injured in drone strikes in ukraines capital. The Early Morning attacks and people running for cover a week after russia unleashed its most widespread strikes against the country and months. Meanwhile, air force us from across nato on taking part in the alliances annual Nuclear Exercise. The drills involved 14 countries in around 60 aircraft. Theyll be conducting training flags over belgium as well as the north sea, and the u. K. U k is new finance minister says hes reversing almost all of his predecessors proposals. Jeremy hunt announced a raft of you turns on last month. Controversial, many budget ditching tax cuts and scaling back in Energy Support scheme. Now us mid term elections are less than a month away and the candidates vying for want of ohio senate seats have taken part in a televised debate a higher key battleground state. Is that to be a tight contest . Nancy, it has been held by a republicans in 1999 republican j. D. Vance and democrat. Tim ryan are now neck and neck, and the polls she had her tansy has more on the issues that dominated that debate. And youngs town or higher. We have j, the vans, the republican candidate accusing ryan of being a political lead test is a 20 years in washington with nothing to show for not least the appalling state of the economy and the inflation that the u. S. And other countries. But the, the, the particular places that the u. S. Is suffering right now. Meanwhile, we had run, tim, run then saying that j d vans are simply an extremist, and the run was representing the exhausted majority. Weve had enough of extreme as donald trump and those on the fall right to be of the republican party, and particularly always drawing attention to it in sentences become rather notorious. Now, just the last few weeks, donald trump came here sensibly to endorse j. D events, but actually rather humiliating j. D bombs by saying on stage. Jade events, well just take the equipment. What he said with jamie about its gonna suck up to me and do anything. And i say police are desperate for life. I was not effect the actual probates was a bit more frequent. And then j. D events meekly went on stage and shook hands that we had. We had run that same look. I mean, if you cant stand up to your leaders, how can you stand up to people in washington and, and support and fight for ohio and interest, theyll eat you up like a chew toy. He said in one of the memorable lines from the debate and in addition, ryan is trying to prevent present violence as an extremist on abortion. And thats been the key driver of the resurgence of the democratic hopes in these mid term elections. They should not be competitive, right, especially in the state like an ohio, which is a republican said, well, lets bring in our shot hassan. Hes a Democratic Political strategist and former executive director of democratic president ial candidate howard, deans political organization, democracy for america. He joins us now live from sell, gone, and vermont are. So ill start by asking you to reflect on tonights debate. It obviously got pretty personal and role. But do you think it really shifted opinion was telling was contentious, sometimes even uncomfortably. So both of the candidates focus not as much on the issues at hand, but more on each others character and their associations. I dont know how many minds it really changed because again, it was hard to really figure out what candidates are for when both sides are really characterizing what the other associated with show will. As she have just mentioned, the Supreme Court ruling on abortion has really reinvigorated a lot of democrats and potentially swung some versus how much do you think its changed the dynamics, especially in places like ohio this is actually interesting because you might not see those voters were energized reflected in a lot of the pulling. One of the numbers you can take a look at is how many new registrants after the Supreme Court decision, how many new people registered to vote, and an extraordinary number of young women registered to vote for the 1st time in states that got high. Oh, and sometimes very deeply read states. Those people dont often show up in the poll. So thats kind of an unknown factor that may fee for the democrats this time around. Very interesting now, even though it was balance and ryan on the stage tonight, it feels like most of the platforms are actually about how close they are to trump and biden. So ill start with vantage. He was very critical of former president trumpet. He has to have changed his june somewhat. How does that play with versus back in the day he was actually famous for a book. They wrote vance called a hillbilly elegy. And around that time he had very critical words for donald trump, calling him americas hitler. And so to see him turn around now, as he runs for senate with the republican nomination, sucking up to president trump, really the words that trump views were far more crude and public. It is, it almost makes your head spin. So yes, he has been associated very closely with trump. He hasnt seem to really distance himself from trump during the debate. When asked if theres any position on trump that he disagreed with, he evaded the question and eventually when pressed said, well maybe he disagrees with some of trumps administrative appointments. So he is tied very closely to trump said something that struck me from the to higher debates with how ryan has really tried to cost himself almost as an independent i see job bidens Approval Rating has been hovering around a fairly dismal what . 42 percent, as a democratic strategist, yourself, let me ask you, is the way you now when youre raised by distancing yourself from joe biden. I think if thats all you focus on, then youre really losing what voters are focused on. The way that you win your race is you tell voters what you are for and then you contrast that with your opponent, joe biden isnt the number one issue. When you ask voters, what theyre worried about for democrats is most certainly abortion. And the freedoms and rights that weve really become used to. And for independent voters, we talk about the economy and inflation. You can associate jo, biding with one of those or the other. But if you want to reach voters, if you want to actually change peoples positions and get them to vote for you, you have to tell them about how your leadership will affect their lives. Are you then optimistic, the democrats well hold onto the house . Im hopeful, but i know that both the historical trends and i and sort of some of the numbers that were seeing makes it very difficult to hold on to the house. We may see an upset, we may see a surprise and im hopeful for it. It does look certain or it does look likely, i should say that the democrats will hold on to the senate or Upper Chamber here. Ill see how it all plays out in the coming weeks. Are sad house on there and Democratic Political strategist speaking to us from the more vermont. Thanks so much for sharing with us with us. Awesome. Thank you for having me now, living on and thousands of people have protested in haitian capital as the United Nations discussed measures to address the countries and dia, security crisis. And you answers proposing to us and International Trips that after the haitian government asked for military assistance. And from that again, that james base reports ah, protest is in the haitian capital, quoted prince angry at the idea that foreign troops could once again be deployed to that country in the sacramento as well. We are making President Biden remember the promise he made when he knelt in front of the Haitian Community in the united states. He asked them to vote for him so that the situation in haiti would change, but they did not vote for him to have a president who was assassinated. Haiti has a troubled history, but the situation has rarely been as grave as this. Its a place crippled by violence and disease. Color is spreading more than 20 people have died. Many more of contracted the disease. There is an economic food and fuel crisis to the un says 19000 people in the capital are living in famine conditions. There are shortages of fresh water, some hospitals are preparing to close the main fuel depos blockaded by armed gangs which roam the streets of the city. Thats why the un secretary general says the only solution is a strike force made up of International Troops and place. In the presence of consensus, we need an armed action to release the ports and to allow for humanitarian quoted or to be established after the gang thats blockading the fuel their pose led by this man, jimmy shall say, known by his nickname, barbecue, who al jazeera filmed earlier in the year, he and other gang leaders could soon be subject to Security Council sanctions. The u. S. Is drawing up to draft Security Council resolutions one to authorize an international force. The other to target gang leaders like shall say that he is directly responsible for the devastating fuel shortage that is crippling the country. By passing this resolution, we would take concrete actions to hold him and so many other violent criminals to account. There are so many unanswered questions. The u. S. Is drawing up the 2 resolutions, one of which would create the international force, but would it contribute to it . And which other countries would do so. Its also not clear how other members of the Security Council will respond to this idea. Already, china and russia are expressing reservations. The view of the haitian people is also important, the protested, who place on the streets of porter prince. But exactly the same time the Security Council was meeting may prove sobering. For some, a number of people were carrying russian flags. As they protested, a new international intervention. They even brought a coffin, a symbol. They said what will happen to foreign troops if theyre deployed here. James bays al jazeera at the United Nations on thousands of people and argentina knocking the founding. And one of the countrys most powerful political parties. Loyalty, dan celebrates apparent as to party, which support as a has championed whack as rights treason by reports. Every october, 17th thousands of people march to the center of when a fight is to celebrate the Parents Party and what they see as it fight for social justice now will lead if, as the values of parent is, am i more important than ever . If you dont evoke also, if it was, if he had a parent as him is the only movement that privileges and gives rights to the most vulnerable in society. We have to be on the streets demanding, inclusive politics and a government that is not only out for the rich. On october 17th, 1945, thousands of people took to the streets to demand the release of coronel one domino paid on who had been detained by members of the military. His wife, if he does organize the protest, the couple became some of argentine as most renowned political figures and less than a year later, but on was precedent a decade later, the ponies Party Remains argentinas most powerful movement. Theres big divisions within the parent party. Right now the most significant one is the rift that exists between president alberta for non myth and his Vice President , dan, former president , christina hernandez, the kirschner dos division, generate lot of uncertainty about which is the way house of the current financial and economic crisis. Money for a member quino works in a to is company and went site is he says there is no reason for anyone to be celebrating. One of the i think the for think its a little bit of their making my work difficult aside from the Economic Situation. I cannot move around the city. The taurus i have to take to the airport will lose their flight and all because these people want to celebrate something that happened 45 years ago. I get argentine is in the middle of an economic crisis. Inflation is close to 7 percent a month until now the government has been unable to find a solution and only say that government right now is focused on stabilizing the economy. I had of next years president ial election if a kid is jerica regular. If its on a particular, the only objective right now is to not lose votes from the heart of the per honest party, the around 35 percent. They have to lay that they cannot improve the Economic Situation. There is no time they dont have the elements and they dont want to practice open heart surgery to fix things. The baroness party is struggling to maintain support as economy that he rates. But there are millions who continue to believe it is the way forward. In spite of the difficulties and an uncertain future, that is, i will, as i see, that when a site is now with just a 33. 00 days to guide the for the fee. For wildcat comes to cattle. The prize tournament trophy is on a while to all right now. Its in mexico to kick off a sack of latin america. And as many rattler reports, fans could not be more excited. The paint job on this air bus a 320 leaves little doubt over whats on board. Oh, its the world cup trophy, arriving in mexico city, villa premier, i recently started. Okay. This is the 1st them history. The word copy so close to mexico and the cds most popular. I mean by that. Oh, for mexican football fans, its not just the world cup trophy thats arrived. Its world cup fever life. But in terms of nobody here break by what the experience has been perfect. I love football and watching all these families come together just to see the trophy has been amazing. And what kind of i learned, oh, mexico is only a 1st stop in the trophies tour of latin america. The next stops include brazil, uruguay origin, tina ecuador, and costa rica. The 2022 world cup trove

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