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The way we are delivering all mission right now. House to change . British Prime Minister liz stross dumps her finance minister. Im her economics strategy only 6 weeks into the job. Markets react negatively despite the dramatically you turn. Ah, i money inside this is out. Is there a lie from ohio also coming up. C desperate rescue f is continue for mine is trumped on the ground off to coal mine explosion in turkey with 25. 00 dead. So fall the crane says rushes called the people to flee. The heavily bombarded castle region is a mass steeple taishan, not an evacuation. And the im f predicts grace to full sharply in europe with the Energy Crisis on ukraine rule blamed for the downturn. Ah, hello and welcome off to just fatty 8 days is burtons Prime Minister list trust is now clinging on to her job. She has sacks, have financed minutes, the quantity quoting 3 weeks off to his many budget triggered market turmoil. He succeeded by jeremy hunt, failed leadership contender, whose but trust his main rival, where she sumac hunt is persons for chancellor. The exchequer in just 4 months, entrust, confirmed another major. You turn scrapping a rise in cooperation tax from 19 percent to 25 percent next year. Well the british pound fell more than one percent off to the Prime Ministers News Conference before regaining some ground later. Government boring cost rows, however, the bulk up against our coverage. This is a government fighting for its survival. The Prime Minister list ross announcing the sacking of her main ally the chancellor quasi quoting, and the reversal of financial promises that had sent the u. K. Economy into free fall is clear that parts of our many budget went farther and faster. The markets were expecting. Said the way we are delivering our mission right now has to change. We need to act now to reassure the markets of our fiscal discipline. Trust that a planned freeze on Corporation Tax will now be reversed in a painfully awkward grilling by the press. Yes, he has. Okay. Because of how come you get to say well, my priority is making sure we deliver the economic stability that our country needs earlier. The chancellor quasi courting dashed back for meetings in washington for crunch talks, would trust only to be shown the door. Do you feel that youve been betrayed by the Prime Minister . Theyd entered office together as ideological part as bent on massive tax cuts and debt funded borrowing. But there are many budgets spook the markets, causing the pound to plummet from ascending the cost of government borrowing. Soaring, well janet trust has appointed jeremy hunt a form of foreign and Health Secretary to replace quoting. Hes a respected faith in the conservative party who back the former chancellor. Re she soon act over live trust in the race to become leader. Its hoped hell help unify a party dog by in fighting in londons financial center, quoting departure was welcomed with a collective sigh of relief and questions about the Prime Ministers future. Youve got to be a pragmatist. If you pursue dogmatically your ideology, it will end in disaster as you just seen. Incredible is that im not surprised. Im not surprised doing a really bad job. I think probably the worse of ever seeing it for a good me for the country you think . Absolutely. Yeah. We need stability is on a viable for and carry on doing what he was doing. I mean, is as crazy and what does this mean for trusting i can see her go on to be honest, so i cant see how it says sustainable. Its less than 40 days since lets trust food. That famous black door is the countrys new as Prime Minister, in which time the market to be left in turmoil divisions within the conservative party have deepened, and the policies reputation for fiscal responsibility have been shattered. Sustain battered and bruised, she limped on her premier ship looking more or more precarious. By the day, the bulk of which is 0 london. Joe hall has more from the Prime Ministers residence at downing street on how bad the days been. Phyllis truss, i think potentially extremely Damaging Police trust, potentially catastrophic for, for her premier ship. Remember, shes been in office for just over a month now. She has no popular political mandate. She was elected by 1000 conservative Party Members to whom she promised higher growth off the back of lower taxes and radical Economic Reforms of promise that looks to have been torpedoed. And you turns reversals on political policy. Decisions are always damaging for a Prime Minister. They eat away the primary is credibility. Theyve been a few of those not least the softer and here down the street during the Political Campaign Leadership Campaign in the summer, she swore it was the centerpiece of her campaign. Indeed that she would reverse a planned rise in corp taxes put in place by riches soon as her opponent. Then the chancellor previously will cease to row back on that. Those rises will go ahead. In the campaign, she said theyd be no Public Sector budget cut. So here she implied, they would have to be Public Sector budget cuts, that of course she, you turn on her chancellor quasi quad tag. He was sacked this afternoon. The turkish interior minister says that the death toll off explosion in a coal mine has risen to 25 people. As such continues for others who may be trapped deep on the ground. Fenton monahan has more than i do. Not. The survivors of turkey is deadliest mind disaster in years. There being taken for treatment at a nearby hospital crowds including family members, have gathered round the site, awaiting word of those still trapped below. Use on cache nervous shams order, which 110 of our brothers are working in the might cause some of them. The ones on the upper levels managed to get out right after this explosion was some others have been rescued. The darkness has made rescue efforts more difficult, but emergency workers are continuing to search through the night. The explosion happened 300 meters below the surface just before sunset. Youre more with me, its most likely an explosion when we were back there, we only felt the pressure everywhere was covered and thus we couldnt see anything. Turkish present rissa type it a one is heading to the mine on saturday. Prosecutors of last investigation. Its being treated as an accident, but it will take time to discern exactly what caused the explosion. Been to marlyn al jazeera, a ukrainian official says, russias call for residence to flee the castle region amounts to deportation, no evacuation the regions, russian and stole leader edge people to leave on thursday, citing daily rocket attacks by ukrainian troops. Ukraine says it doesnt target its own civilians, cason as one a full partly occupied ukrainian provinces annexed by moscow. Now month. Charles strafford is in creevy close to the front lines in terms of what an evacuation would look like. Its really important to recognize that this statement from this russian installed official is saying that these people should go to the russian side to towns like rust off roast off on dawn in russia. We know, having seen footage at the early stages of this wall, the immense protests that people put up inside care so on against the occupation people standing in front of russian tanks demanding that the russians withdrawal. So there are a lot of people in that city that are very pro ukrainian. So one in fact and evacuation would look like whether it would be a false evacuation. Whether in fact there could be some sort of potential agreement for a cessation of hostilities, a corridor for people to actually move out to the ukrainian side at this stage. That seems almost inconceivable. But were in that area yesterday, relatively speaking. And we saw a lot of Ukrainian Military tanks being moved to and fro. Ukrainian soldiers dug in in an hedge rose in the areas of countryside around there. We saw helicopter gun ships as well. A lot of very nervous civilians in that area. That area that is being re taken by the ukrainian so yeah, a lot of unanswered questions, but obviously the ukrainians determined to re take control of this huge, great city of, of huge strategic bones. Russias president says, the drafting of 300000. 00 soldiers will be completed within 2 weeks and then no plans for full military mobilization. Speaking at a News Conference in catholic stones, capitol Vladimir Putin says he has no regrets about the conflict in ukraine. Just the principal issue, a new military. What is happening today is unpleasant to put it mildly, but we would have to face the same situation later in worse conditions for us. That is, so we are acting correctly and on time you study, we do not set ourselves the task of destroying ukraine. No, of course not. There is no need for massive strikes, at least for the moment, for now, as for the future will secreted more now from the hammered vow in moscow. Putting was the speaking on the side lines of the, the commonwealth of independent States Conference in a stana. And he, in addition to what a mission, what he said the in that clip, he also said that he doesnt see any need for any meeting with the President Biden during the g 20 summit in, in bali next month. And that seems to be a, you turn on the statements made on wednesday by he is a foreign minister, sergey lover of who was asked about this particular event quality. And he said, but a rush is open for any proposals from the other side. If they receive any proposals, they would study them and he doesnt see any reason why such a meeting cant happen if they receive a request for it. But also we have to remember that the u. S. Prison joe biden. The day before on tuesday, he made it clear in an interview with sin and that he doesnt have any plans to meet with their present putting deductions receive that statement. Her belatedly a little bit late and they responded on it or to day by president put in. But it is clear that the 2 leaders have now made it are clear that the they are not intending to meet each other present by then his statements on tuesday he said it unless president putin comes to him during the summit and asked him for a meeting and particularly to discuss the release of to you or citizens who are in jail here. Russia, he wouldnt consider any such meeting. The battle for a Crucial Senate seat in the us state of georgia has been heating up with a highly anticipated televised debate. The republican has show walker is looking to unseat the democrat. Rafael warnock. Georgia is one of the seats that could determine which Party Controls the u. S. Senate falling the midterm elections in november. Lets go to mike hannah, who is in savannah, georgia. Mike. So that debate has just ended one of the highlights. Well indeed it has. Yes. And its part of a campaign that has been exceedingly vicious and away between the 2 candidates. The attack ads that have been on television are very personal, very vituperative. That came to 4 in the debate in the course of the hour, all the debates points would discuss the issue of abortion with the republican opposing the democratic. Absolutely. Encouraging saying it is the right of women to have the choice, the issue of the economy. Once again, the republican lambasting the bite and administration, the democrats defending it. That was the theme throughout the the debate. We heard the points that have been made many times over the recent months, but the senate seat is absolutely crucial. Its one of the 2 that the democrats, one back in Runoff Election in january 2021. And if they are to retain control of the senate, it is absolutely essential that they wouldnt this particular senatorial race. But that back to the debate itself, nothing new emerged in a way. The animosity between the 2 players was that for everybody to see, but what it did as well was just served to confirm the depth of animosity, not only in this campaign, but throughout the mid term elections as a whole. Its an animosity that has characterized each and every race that is happening these but to him elections and goes to show just how deeply divided this United States has become. How the body politic has been become one of deep partisanship and also at times deep anger once again as was demonstrated in the debate in the past, our, my can i thank you, my canada in savannah, georgia. Still ahead on al jazeera, a strike that feeling frustration in france. There are signs of the brakes very i am worried about the tax at the border. The rising tension between pakistan and afghanistan. Ah, anticipation is rising and so is the atmosphere. You read the width of my castle anyways. Lets go with your weather update for asia and nice to have you along. So the rains have cleared away. The monsoon rains from northern india bulk of the action is really towards south and western areas. So its a pretty good downpours as well, for hydro, bad with a high of 29 degrees. Weve got this tropical activity slamming into central vietnam, moving through laos into central thailand. And i think anywhere in this area, we are likely to see some flooding. Heres Something Else i wanted to put on your radar. Just north of the philippines lose on island. Weve got this disturbance. Its going to throw a lot of rain in log. But manila is sit this one out with a height of 30 degrees on saturday. Temperatures are running above average from chinas yellow river valley, down to the gang, see some spots still getting up to 30 degrees on saturday. Now for japan, those winds have started to back off. Still a few showers along that eastern side of japans island of honju tokyo at 22 degrees back to southeast asia. We got rich swan to show you most of the energy up around indo china and north of loose on but still rain for that western side. Of montrose west, java and west borneo on saturday will. And this other report in august on both for lower and upper syn province temperatures ranging anywhere from 36 to 37 degrees to with sponsored by cats. All day was British Political Party at war with itself. Labor, poetry is a criminal conspiracy against its members. Newly obtained documents reveal members silenced, suspended, and forced at my god. This is unbelievable. And free speech was shot down an exclusive investigation. The labor files pop 3 on al jazeera. Ah ah, welcome back, he watching out. Is there a mind a thought up stories as our british Prime Minister liz charles has sacked, have financed minister and made another major policy. You turn, the government has now abandon plans to ca, to Corporation Tax, and explosion in attackers. Coal mine has left at least 25 people dead. Dozens of others trapped on the ground and 10 workers were reported to be in the mind in bottom province at the time of last. Russias president says he has no regrets about the conflict and ukraine blood. My patient adds, he has no wish to destroy ukraine and sees no need to continue big airstrikes. The International Monetary fund is urging european leaders to bake tough choices, as late as forecast says that the warn ukraine is hitting europes post. Pandemic recovery. Now map predicts g d p growth in developed, European Countries will fall from 3. 2 percent this year to just no point 6 percent in 2023 in emerging economies. That growth is expected to slide from 4. 3 percent to 1. 7 percent in the same period. The m f says inflation will ease in 2023 bought remain high. And advanced economies is expected to be about 6 percent and 12 percent in developing economies coming in to 2022 thanks to the strength, coordination and solidarity displayed in policy responses to corporate 19 euro plus on its way to exit depend amick. Meanwhile, rising inflation was expected to gradually subside as Commodity Prices and supply party next would ease. But russia, us invasion of ukraine changed a picture completely, and it is now taking a growing toll on europes economies. Alan fisher has more from the m. F meeting in washington dc. The delegates and representatives will be leaving the i m. F. World Bank Meetings here in washington over the next couple of days with the reality. Really enforced to them that the economic picture globally is not great. Number of problems. First of all, growth is down and inflation is high, not just in certain sectors, but essentially across the world. That means that feeding familys heating homes becomes much more expensive for ordinary people. And part of the reason for that is the war in ukraine. No. Janet jaelyn, who is the us treasury secretary, essentially the finance minister. She has been speaking here in washington, and she said it was important that the International Community watch together to make sure that russia continues to suffer for the war in ukraine. One thing we want to be clear about is that russia should not profit from having a started this atrocious war in ukraine, and shouldnt be benefiting from our profits it result from. And those, those atrocities the i m f is insisting that the priority should be helping those who can least afford to help themselves. The poorest and community is just a couple of days since the head of the i m f said that inflation was essentially attacks on the poorest parts of every single community. But the reality is, this isnt going to get better any time soon. The i m f long Term Forecast is the growth will be down and inflation will be high. Continuing into 2023 before it starts to debt. And for that many things have to break their way. There hasnt to be any more climate emergencies. And of course, the big overwriting question is, can there be peace in ukraine which would help stabilize markets, but also ease issues like fuel insecurity and also Food Insecurity for those leaving. Here it is a very big leak picture 420222023. The i m f is also released as Regional Economic outlook for africa. The continents most industrialized economy south africa, has had it squared forecast cart is for mr. Miller in china. Spec, more than a 3rd of sub africans dont have a job. The world banks lowered south africas Economic Growth to under 2 percent for this year. The rising cost of living has put millions of South Africans under pressure. And saving for many of them is now simply a luxury. The cost of fuel has gone up as it has across the world. Growing inflation and increase in Interest Rates on of course, soaring food prices, a threatening households, especially poorer income homes. No more both good. If we did, you suppose through 500 rates, that no place to go through it so big basically doubles doubled. What you used to spend on petrol, what you spend on food . Its just, its crazed worse than ever be fool. If luca doll current government is, how can i put it now . You just hear about money disappearing . Money has been allocated to different, lets say municipalities in nothing actually happens. South africas Economic Future is uncertain with poverty and debt worsening. Now, solution for many would be an increase in local and Foreign Investment to create jobs. Are the countries electricity and potential water supply crisis may be putting investors off. South africa have the worst power cuts in decades with many areas without electricity for anything between 2 to 6 hours at a time. And one trade indian has vowed to continue strike action thats cause fuel shortages in france. Bothers, have accepted a deal to return to work. Natasha oliver ports from paris. After more than 3 weeks of strikes, a most of france is oil refineries. Signs of a breakthrough, french company, total and algae and to trade unions agreed to a 7 percent pay eyes and 1. 00 of slowness for workers. Egypt wants to tune one that i think that everyone contributed. We listened to every one and this allowed us to achieve something more wonderful nodes. We support this agreement. Its the result of a decent compromise and its a good deal compared to most of but the main union behind the strike, the c g t has rejected the offer. Its demanding a 10 percent pay rise to help work as cope with inflation and says, staff should be given a share of the high profits that Oil Companies have made because of the Energy Crisis. Some people are gorging themselves, totals management, refusing to share the wealth that their employees have created. The strikes affected feel supplies across the country. One 3rd of petrol stations in france are either close or sort of a few people here, a queuing for one of the only federal pamphlet actually open or in the powers region. And some of them tell us that theyve been waiting here for more than an hour. Every dorm when youre very the i live in the suburbs, but need to come into paris early for work every day. So im forced to use my scooters and need fuel and im waiting for a one hour and my fingers to have a 30 minutes or something. Hopeful. So sounds as Prime Minister promised in the blockade by ordering some staff to return to work all face penalties and move that and good unions. And prompted frances finance minister to step in to try to calm the situation could little do, of course, or tell has to increase salaries. It has started to do so. This company today has significant profits. Sought out has paid dividends softer, wrote than france should be shared fairly. With some refinery workers returning to the job, the government says fuel supplies will improve. But a new crisis looms. Trade unions of called for a general strike next week to demand better pain conditions at a time when inflation is already fueling discontent. Massage butler, al jazeera paris, a wrong Supreme Leader has wound people protesting against the government that they slumber. Republic cannot be destroyed. Its been a month since the death in Police Custody of 22 year old mazda many who was arrested for how she wore a head scarf. Young women have been on front line of demonstrations. Removing the hid, scoffs and confronting Security Forces. Footage is the mud showing gunshots ringing out in bunny in in welds northwest video and social media. And verify. Found 0 appears to show rainy and Security Forces in at truck farming at people running away. Its been a major crack down in the area and protests that have sweat. The nation for a judge in malta has sentenced 2 brothers to 40 years in prison for the cobble murder. If an Anti Corruption journalist, Daphne Cardona galicia was killed near her home in 2017 george in alphretta. Georgia had initially denied involvement a change that pleased to guilty on the 1st day of that trial. Burgess and anger over the matter led to the resignation of the then Prime Minister. Joseph must get for justice in pakistan, all demanding Government Action over increasing violence in boulder, regents without got histone, they say not enough is being done to stop the ban. Pakistani tell about group from launching attacks, barbara, and got a reports. Oh, good. Terrorism is not acceptable, hooliganism is not acceptable. Expulsion is not acceptable. These are some of the slogans protest as a chanting after a rise in violence in pakistans border region with afghanistan, particularly in swat. Our general, not to, for you to go to go to school board to do to baggage kitchen or aguilar ran up to go to moth. Because her as of europe known in the area have been did. Indeed, jimmy, these elders were killed in a bomb attack and lash carlos commanded to re key taliban or t. T. P is set to be responsible. The grip controlled swat between 20072010 until it was crushed in the military operation. But since the taliban came to power in neighboring afghanistan, fighters have reappeared and swat and other border areas in pakistan. Ah, protest as the demand and Government Intervention to prevent the ttp from regaining a strangle hold over the region. Because the government is either sleeping or they have intentionally allowed. The 3rd is to cross over the border into pakistan, yeap skills. But this time youre not going to take the brunt and wont allow it easier to fall into the day. This hands will stand and fight this till the last drop of our blood to see of our ears. The government says, although recent talks to the t t p bore no concrete results, it will proceed peaceful means to end the chaos. Protest her say they are ready to march on islamabad unless the outlawed group is rained in. Barbara and good pop out to sarah. 2 thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes across east coast of australia after days of torrential rainfall. Sarah clark reports swamped. This is the suburb of mare belonging melvins west, just 10 kilometers from the heart of the city. American on river burst its banks. Hundreds of homes are under water, others have been isolated, 50000 people across the state, or without power. This is not family heim, the father built his house and gum lived. He nice to my life, and its near that the watering of before. 2 days of unrelenting rain caused flash flooding across melbourne. Thousands of people in victoria were told to leave. Those who were stranded were rescued by Emergency Service crews. We still are of the view that theres about 400. 00 himes that have been inundated, ah, there are, and another 500. 00 times, at least, that have been oscillated when a shy harms properties might be more than just a house might be in terms of farmland, much bigger apostles of land that you ation orders were issued across 3 states in western new south wales, highways and raw lines had been cut off in the state to as many a rainfall records had been broken after 2 days of torrential rain. This is the 2nd major flood of business with queensland and new south wales, devastated by what was described as a right born in february this year. And its not expected to be the last. The bureau of meteorology has warned that a leading the wither event will bring with it heavy rainfall. I was summer

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