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The u. S. Warren saudi arabia of consequences over the opec plus oil cuts accusing re out of siding with russia. Ah, hello, im down, jordan, this is out of there, alive from dough. Are also coming up more jail time for me and mazda pose leda unsung sushi, a Court Sentences out to another 3 years, but alleged bribery. Ill stop warning from the i. M. F of a possible global downtown with the organization saying next year it will feel like im a session for many and stars of the st. Do battle, we meet the children playing their own work up here and cut off. Ah, yes, President Joe Biden warn saudi arabia, theyll be consequences off of the saudi lead Opec Plus Group decided itll cut oil output. The white house accuses riyadh of siding with russia and says its reevaluated, re evaluating its relationship with saudi arabia, with the organization that announced the move, despite us opposition with price is forecast to rise, once output is reduced. The white house, as president biden, is willing to work with congress after senior sen called for a freeze on corporation with saudi arabia. From the beginning of the Administration Since taking office, the president has been very clear that United States need to need a different sort of relationship with saudi arabia. He has said that from very early on. And i have said this last week when opec made the decision to align their Energy Policy with russias war and war aims and against the american people. Further underscore is that reasoning to realign that relationship to reevaluate that relationship with saudi arabia. We are reviewing where we are currently right now and will be watching closely over the coming weeks and months as well. Kimberly, healthcare has more from the white house. Well, this is something that has really been concern for many on capitol hill for some time. This us saudi relationship, as there has been concern about particularly the issue of human rights. And so this is something that many members of congress, not just from the opposition republican party, but also from the president s own democratic party, have been urging the white house to do not just the biden administration, but also the trumpet ministration for many years to reevaluate this relationship and so this is something that as weve been reporting the National Security both 1st and john kirby says, is now something that the white house is willing to look at. And given the fact that the president did travel to saudi arabia and recent months, did feel that he had a good conversation with the saudi current. Principal had been solomon, but theyre not happy with the fact that now there has been decision this decision by opec to in fact cut production. So theres a number of reasons why the white house is not happy about this decision. And one of the big reasons is that there is a Congressional Election that is coming up in just a matter of weeks, in fact, in november. And this is really seem to benefit the president. Well, adversaries here in the United States, High Energy Prices really are not good for the president politically. And so thats one reason that this white house is not happy about this. But the other reason that the white house is not happy about this is that the fact that this is really seen is aligning with russia well got bronchitis from the National Defense university in washington dc. He says both countries need each other despite the rocky relationship. Now, american, so the relationship has always been a reflection of both interest and values and much more about interest then values. United states interest now is by then administration, interest, lo, oral prices, low gas prices. The election is coming in just for weeks. And also, United States see as far as the main enemy, this would be cutting oil production, will raise gas prices before the election bed for them across bed for president biden. And also is seen as a lying to the area with shock them in us. Any, this is why, you know, might, the space by dana administration is very unhappy with this development. United states mix a lot of money by setting arms to saudi arabia and other countries. And do you like to see it c, as in as them in adversary . In the middle east . There is no way you like to see us will stop selling arms to saudi arabia. Also normalization was, is, are you, is me and objective of United States and europe. And so the idea is normalizing great nations was as or you saw this. Why as bad as a credit is, is it is no divorce and that 2 countries need a char. I quoted miramar sentence to pose liter unsung sushi to 3 more years in prison on charges of accepting a bribe. There was 20 change on his like now from bangkok, tony. So just talk through what happened in court today. Was she was facing 2 charges of corruption relating to cash bribes that she was alleged to have received mainly at her house. This occurred on a number of occasions. The court was told by a prominent businessman medical among wake. He had said he visited her house on a number of occasions. Left parcel was wrapped in black paper with some ranging between 80850000 us dollars for her in return for preferential treatment and government tenders. His company had made that those accusations were actually broadcast, live on me and my tv after the qu, he himself is, is a rather dubious witness or witnesses, questionable quality. Hes previously served to prison terms for drug possession. Nonetheless, she was found guilty on both charges today and was sentenced to 3 years for each charge. However, the court ruled that she would serve both sentences similar tenuously. So it adds simply 3 years to the 23 years shes already facing, which is a very considerable term. Her lawyer session were able to speak to her very briefly. She instructed them to appeal these these convictions, and they reported back that she was in good health tonys from its, its worth reminding our viewers of these Court Sentences handed down to ang suji, actually hadnt quite frequently. So whats me at the gym to trying to achieve here . Well, theyre effectively trying to remove completely from the political scene. They have said since the qu, in february 2021, that they were going to hold elections to restore democracy and their woods. I think many people assume that will be a pretty flawed election. Weve seen a lot of maneuvering within pro joan to Political Part to the leadership of several part is being replaced with with people who are known to be very close to the senior general men on lie. I think they know very well that if there was any form of election an accent suit, she was on the ballot paper, she would win overwhelmingly, as she has done in the past. So she has now been effectively, completely removed. These challenges amount to 20. So with these convictions about 26 years, effectively, she 77 years old. She wouldnt get out of jail until shes a 103. 00. Now it may be the gender has in mind once they have settled that election in the autumn of next year, they may come to some agreement where she is released early or shes left under house arrest. Nonetheless, i think they recognize very well that yvonne censor she was to contest an election. Theres no way that when all right, attorney july, 1st the in bangkok, tony, thank you. Now the International Monetary fund says, while things have been bad for the Global Economy, the worst is yet to come. Im f as cut in Global Growth for cost for 2023, saying that for many next year would feel like a recession. Allen, fisher report some im a headquarters in washington dc. Its a dark time for the Global Economy. From all over the world. Delegates and representatives are in washington to be told what many already know economically, things are bad and theyre going to get worse. The Global Economy continues to face steep challenges, shaped by 3 powerful forces, the russian invasion of ukraine. The cost of living crisis caused by persistent and broadening inflation pressures. And the slow down in china, inflation is biting economies around the world, making it harder for ordinary people to do ordinary things, like feed their families or warm their homes. The i m f says the reasons are many under complicated, but strict covered locked downs and china has hit growth there and impacted the Global Supply chain. There are several climate emergencies, and theres rushes war and ukraine, which is hit foot supplies and caused an energy crisis. This winter in europe is described by the i m. F is challenging, but warns next winter will be worse when it comes to the cost of living crisis. The way to go is to provide targeted support to the most vulnerable households and firms. Rather than a very general support, which would just make things even more difficult. Its not hard to find economic trouble sports, lebanon, with political upheaval, into Banking Sector crisis. So align co with double digit economic slump and huge debts or pakistan were massive. Floods have wreaked havoc. This is the 1st in person gathering for the International Monetary fund in 3 years, but facing the biggest coming together of Economic Security and climate challenges since the 2nd world war. Theres an acceptance that this can be business as usual. Allen fisher al jazeera at the i m f. Annual meeting in washington. The governor of the bank of england as ruled out extending an emergency bond buying intervention. The Pension Funds measure came off, the new british governments, many budget brought chaos to financial markets. And so the pound plummet, long instability brought alarm over the possible impact on Pension Funds. But bank of england governor Andrew Bailey says that the emergency measures will end in 3 days. You angie ministers at the meeting in prague to find ways to tackle sky high gas prices, which of saud since russia invaded ukraine. The block is considering emergency measures like a possible price cap, but divisions remain over the cost. And as that vast reports are, are fears that what it was agreed may come to lead. Katerina novak of, i could not believe her energy bill that from 160 dollars, one month it went up to 700. 00. The next she managed to change provider, but still has to pay nearly half her salary to the power company. Thanks her for of just a good was nice casino. I will try to go to the Welfare Office and see if i can get some housing allowance. Maybe they can help me out. We have to power phone bowls and food is so expensive to. This is all taken me by surprise. I dont know what to do, mamma telephony, but you must sail with temperatures dropping anger is growing. Jack trade unions wont lead us to find solutions. I think the leader of europe was looking for some common approaches. Because sir, its for us unacceptable to have 2 european union, a one for her, for the wars countries, one form reaches countries. I think that if we want to have future for european union, it was looking for some common approach for all but agreement as yet to be reach on how to reduce the price of gas at last weeks e u. Summit in proctor 27 liter 3 maint divided. One of the matches to e, you managed to agree on is to cut Energy Consumption by 15 percent. Like other european cities. Brock has decided to stop illuminating some of its famous monuments. But everyone agrees more far reaching measures are needed, and especially in the east and the south of europe, theres a real push for a price gap on gas. The countries are discussing the forms a price cap could take some want a maximum price to be set for all gas. But a compromise could be in the works. We how to limit our dog, no impact on the gas home electricity prices with salt. And this is extremely important pushing up the consumption l, so we have to find a solution which is basically which works, which will the collision does that basically process. But on the other side, we stick to the commitment, we have to reduce the cost consumption. Because in the case of seo, inter derek, that there can be your lack of gas, whatever the answers, the e you comes up with all capacity than ofac of our want is lower power bills as soon as possible. Step fat and al jazeera proc thought for a short break here now to 0. When we come back, russian missiles had ukranian cities for a 2nd day as president laudermill zalinski calls on g 7 leaders to provide air defense weapons one ah ah hello is fine and dry. Lots of hazy sunshine across much of the middle east, a little more in the way of cloud across northern parts of the region during the black sea and the caspian sea, just up toward sea caucuses here. So we are going to see some showers just around georgia, not too much chance have wanted to showers in the kia as well, possibility of the odd shower, just around the lebanon as we go on into work thursday. But i think essentially settle and sunny that are cloudy, weather just slipping. A little further south was down across a cypress, come across into iraq, into kuwait, into iran, into a good part of the arabian peninsula. At is fine and why pleasant sunshine. 35 celsius here in doha, present sunshine across much of north africa, although little more the way of cloud theyre just coming into Northern Areas of morocco, northern parts of algeria, cuz see some live the showers here actually. So somewhere to weather in the forecast. Plenty a share was once again across southern parts of nigeria, well see some wet or whether to just making its way over towards a lake victoria. For that same chain of showers is still a long way further north, actually, so the gambia could catch one or 2 showers here as well. I dont up with the showers across Central Africa possibility of a shower or 2 to northern parts of angola, but try to the south. Ah, this was the moment the likes of which we have never seen. This is important. This is the story from breaking down the headlines to expose in the powers attempting to silence reporting. Were seeing Media Freedom being threatened, and attacked is basically criminalizing journalism. The listening post doesnt cover the news. It covers the way the news is covered. People have no idea what the source of uses a lou ah, well get back here to come out of the top stories here. This l a u. S. President Joe Bidens Administration says its reevaluating washingtons relationship with saudi arabia. Comes after the saudi lead Opec Plus Group, which includes russia, ignored us opposition, and decided to cut oil output. Unless full cost fuel prices are likely to rise. A quoted me and ma has sentenced supposedly the unsung suit g to an additional 3 years in prison on charges of accepting a bride. She has denied any wrong doing. On the International Monetary fund is painting a bleak picture of a Global Economy with a worn ukraine and cost of living crisis sits cottage growth for cost, for 2023, saying that next year it will feel like a recession. For many not russia has continued to launch missiles at several regions of ukraine, including the se on city of zappas. Asia. Ukrainian Officials Say at least one person was killed off a 12 missiles at the city on tuesday. At attacks in the western city of la viv have caused blackouts. The un says russia may have committed war crimes, but it strikes across ukraine on monday, which killed at least 19 people and injured more than a 100. Well, a capital p was among the cities targeted for the 1st time in months. But while people there, a nervous life is getting back to normal for a challenge, report keeps residents are jumpy. And now, the day after the worst russian air strike since the beginning of the war, many a taking the air raid warnings more seriously. Last week, most would have ignored the sirens. On tuesday morning, the metro was filled with people taking shelter. I got scared because we didnt think it will happen again in the downtown. It is terrorism. You understand that you are not safe at home, even if there are no infrastructure objects nearby to us and basement will not save you. But what the people and key of to, as soon as the all clear is given, easy coffee in the sunshine, anton runs 1900 coffee and central cave for him opening as soon as he can is a duty to his employees, his customers and his country. Option which of us a little . Why is this important question when we are responsible for those work for us in the business must keep working our regular guest keep coming to us even during the last 2 days or daughter of whatever. But also we continue to pay taxes and contribute a part to the countries budget a year. If we all close, it seems to me we will no longer be able to sign on the contract and help me to liberate the country. Today to show when the motion for ukraines governments getting back to normal as quickly as possible, is a vital part of the war effort. Electricity must be restored, glass cleared, and miss l. Crate is filled. Everything that is being destroyed will be rebuilt. The president lensky says, well, look at this intersection where several people were killed on monday. The repair work is already well underway. Resilience is defiance and defiance. Ukrainians believe will win them, the war will reach helens, out to 0. G suddenly does have gathered for a Virtual Meeting to discuss their continued commitment to ukraine. President let me answer lensky as asked the group to supply key with a defense weapons. He said its his top priority. After recent russian narr strikes, latasha butlers in brussels with more and what the g 7 just got. Place to g 7 and nato pledging to continue to supply more weapons. The key, something to keep is repeatedly off for both the g 7 and nato. Also think that they condemned the recent russian. This all attacks on ukraine, on civilian areas and also on civilian infrastructure. And they can then move illegal annexation of policy. If you train and what both a bodies called the referendum took place, they call them better roof to not to deploy troops to fight a little side. Russian soldiers in ukraine got off the min suggested that they could deploy it soldiers into the country. And of course, and also i think, hold on all sides to try and find a way to move one piece. Now. Ukrainian person below them is landscape addressed. G, 7 leaders is getting their video conference. Lensky said the number 11 priority right now is more Missile Defense systems. Its something that we know the key is also all along to try to protect its guys protected population. We know that the United States, for example, will be sending more advanced and Missile Defense systems. The thought can in perfect helicopters, enjoy some skills, they put out the same off to the g 7 meeting. He said that would be no dialogue with the head of russia. I didnt mentioned that to me by name, but certainly that to mean, but he says it could be dialogue with ahead. All russia implies you comply with international law. Now, clearly zalinski was responding to comments earlier by Russian Foreign minister said a lot of who suggested that russia could possibly be open to Vladimir Putin and talking to joe biden. The us president , if that should come about, students continued to protest in iran almost a month after the death of a young woman in Police Custody demonstrators that a tear on university gathered to form the word, blood in fantasy Rights Groups and protested, have been sharing videos on social media, despite internet shut downs and a Police Practice is ready, forces had been deployed near the legal settlement of survey, some run in the occupied west bank after a soldier was shot dead on tuesday. The palestinian arm group lyons den says it was responsible. If the 2nd such attack on Israeli Forces in recent days, the leaders of palestine, rival Political Parties are meeting in algeria for 2 days of talks focused on reconciliation. Is the latest effort to solve a rift between hamas and fattah after previous agreements failed. Well hm. As, as govern the gaza strip since defeating president muffin would, our boss is for that party in elections in 2006 Armed Conflict broke out after father refused to recognize the results. It ended when hamis forced further out of gaza. But since then, the palestinian leadership has been split, amass runs, the gaza strip. Father governs the westbank unit else. I had told us what the response has been in gaza. There is a white disbelief among the people in the gaza strip. That these reconciliation efforts would be any different than the several previous our reconciliation efforts to bring any success between hamis and flattery. We cannot to disregard the general interest among the people of garza who do strongly wish for a reconciliation between father had hammers, which would mean at least the opening of the crossings. The returning of at least 40000. 00 policy authority. Employees who have been told to stay home after the hammock take over since 2006 to return to their jobs. And maybe even the lifting of the last thing is really blow kate. But to, as the people say in the street, that these, this internal division that has been going on for at least 16 years now has been compounded by many on demands and many disagreements between both hamis and that they do not see that theyre not optimistic about at the ending of, of these disagreements, by just our efforts of the, of talks. They believe that more efforts are to be made for these disagreements to be sold. Especially when we look at our hamis demands. Which is a frontside that uh with which are in the president ial law elections. New president ial elections, new legislative elections, and the us top thing. Or could a seas of security coordination with israel need abraham mass more from ramallah and the occupied westbank. People here feel like the 2 parties have vested interest in maintaining the status quo, whereby the Palestinian Authority is controlling the occupied west bank somehow is controlling the gods. But people will tell you that whatever control they have is very limited. Because ultimately, the real control is in the hands of the occupying power, which is israel. This is why many palestinians believe that both parties are clinging to power. And they do not believe that they are serious in their efforts to end the past in individual preferred alarm. And yet when the disagreement is over, who rules, not the Political Program, its about how much i get. How do i maintain control notes over the Political Program . As they claimed it 1st, no one wants to make concessions of the p a has its demands in hamas has its own. The p a talks about one or 31. 00 weapon. Hamas says we have armed groups and we are in the liberation process. Theres no disagreement on the Political Program, both agree on a states in the west bank and gaza. And that was the core difference before to expand on the issue of the political a program after him asked, has changed its tortured charter a few years ago saying that it will accept having a palestinian state on the 967 board. There is with a long truth, many say that at the end both wont the same thing, which is the same Political Program. So what really is the division or the, the main point of contention is that both parties want to still maintain that power and control, even though it is limited. We see that tension on the ground. We see that there are at us. Its based on political affiliation. Here and in the besieged goddess through a weve seen 3 fights also in nablus in the past few weeks because the Palestinian Authority at us did her math activists in nablus and the palestinian authorities. The officials at the preceding thought. The advent officials often say that they will not allow her mast again grounds in the occupied westman or spanish football fan. As in the last weeks of his journey, walking to the cat, our world cup from madrid. Santiago sanchez is now in iraq after setting off 10 months ago. He walked between 15 and 30 kilometers a day with a trailer attached to his waist, containing all his belongings and food. Sancho says he has been made welcome throughout his journey. Ahead of the main event next month, theres a mini woke up happening here. And kat, our boys and girls are taking part in a st. Charles woke up, which changed out vulnerable young people around the globe, out as a was allison ron petty caught up with columbias team at the last Training Session for flying for qatar. These girls say growing up, wanting to play football and couldnt. Daughter was rough boys chided them off in the, letting them on the dusty pitches of this down deep in the jungles of western columbia and played by Drug Trafficking armed groups. Any legal gold mining. With the help of a foundation, they built a team and got a field and have been chosen to participate in katara st child world cup and up or down in la jolla. 17 years old fury, less pretty young, an admirer of columbias female football star. Lean there, k c though, and period center means killians in by peer can hardly contain her emotions. Her and then when what our dorothy, it feels incredible. And 1st of all, i want to thank god for this opportunity to represent our country had it, but her father says the girls have mostly themselves to tank their level of dedication and sacrifice as spreads to their relatives and family, to revere the mentors and 1 dollar i often used to go out and party, but i havent in years to help her with what she needs. Boots told at trees or trips, which means i need to have money available to help her. Or im on model. What is of the gonna good as foundation says their goal was to offer them the possibility to overcome their difficult context is so laurie hale and like a lazopoulos is a region that offers very little opportunities to women. One where violence and vulnerabilities are the rule of the games and they will be organization is, is football to offer them light. Oppertunity is changed the way they make their life decisions to take them away from the risks they face every day. I stare skills on the pitch. Girls are also excited to bring their traditional dances in culture tickets. Her 16 year old catalina barrier says, her passion has changed. Her life must go die for the marathon hour. More than anything football taught me the value of working as a tim the responsibilities, the punctuality. Its hard because were trained early in the morning, we go to school and then back to training, but its worth it for all the opportunities. And if someone wants something and you will have to fight for it, and white people are out partying right now. I will go to the pitch again. Play out. I did cation that offers them the chance to leave their country for the 1st

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