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The police, the hell pay to request International Armed forces to deal with weeks of violence, spots by anger over arise in fuel prices. Ah. So robin watching all their lives when headquarters here and also coming up no deal e leaders fail to reach an agreement to cap the price of gas country struggle with Rising Energy prices. Families in thailand, mold the deaths of at least 22. 00 children killed in an attack on the daycare center. The king has been victims, families and visitors injured also, us chips away at chide as a major tech firms with new export controls. Ah, welcome to the program haitis government is appealing to International Armed forces to intervene. As the security situation continues to deteriorate. Gangs, and protested of power lies the country, causing the humanitarian crisis to spiral to control. The kind of a nation has effectively ground to a whole since gangs blockaded the main field terminal 4 weeks ago. Theyre refusing to leave until Prime Minister ariel only sets down. There are a major shortages of petrol and food, as well as bottled water, which is feeling a cholera outbreak. Leaders from the organization of american states who meeting in peru, se haitis future is at risk. For despite the, if its made by the International Community during the last decade, which brazil and others have substantially contributed to the situation have not only degraded from now tuning concerning. The deterioration of its security conditions imposes an urgent challenge risking the future outlook of the haitian people improve the body of the sanchez has more from the meeting of the organization of american states in lima. Former at foreign minister, john victoria. News made a pre here because he said that the Economic Situation in haiti is catastrophic. As he put it, explained to 2 members of the company that the gang controlling as a fuel piece, one steel terminal, which is causing great have a team in tv because its affecting the distribution of drinking water. Not only that, the transportation and the well functioning of hospitals, so so dramatic and important. So you form of the asked for assistance for an International Police force, not a military force by the police force. And there have been some reaction the the question would be, what kind of form this force will have . Who will lead it . Will the United Nations be part of it . We dont know what it would look like, but if you are a secretary of state, Anthony Lincoln said that the u. S. Is committed to restore security. Katie and canada. Foreign minister melanie, julie said the force must they lead by haitians. This is what we know for now, but for sure, here at the assembly, there has been some special interest in the situation. In haiti, Russian Forces say theyve captured territory and ukraines eastern didnt region. Its the 1st time the kremlin has claim success since Ukrainian Forces launched a counter offensive in the east and south ukraines president says his troops have re taken more than 2400 square kilometers since the latest offence began. Brought in good results were achieved in the south of ukraine. This week. We are liberating or land or people from the through the roof from them every day. Theyre true. And you are sure to get to the lands which were occupied by russia earlier. You can you hold, he has found a large barrel size with east and town of lyman. The regions governor says its unclear how many bodies it contains. Laven was retaken by ukraine over the weekend after russia with its troops ever felt that they would be surrounded. Its a report to the being used by Ukrainian Forces, the base full further attacks. Youve made, the Authorities Say at least 11 people have died in russian strikes on residential buildings in the Southern City is reaching. The us Nuclear Watchdog says the shelling also damaged a power line, providing electricity to a reactor at the Operation Nuclear plant on thursday. The i. E. A says diesel generators were used while in alternative parcels was found. E leaders meeting in prague have failed to agree on price current for gas. And thats despite most that states agreeing is the best solution to bring down Sky High Energy cost driven up by the ward ukraine. Bassett has bought from the cheque capitals both past us urging you, lead us to stand firm against moscow. But you will be in unity is once again on the threat. How to tackle sky high gas prices has been the fighting. The block, europeans, long dependent on cheap rush and gas are struggling to pay their bills. One way of bringing the price down would be for you members not to compete with each other when buying gas on the open market. One thing is very clear as a broad support that next spring at the end of the winter. When our storage is, will be depleted. It is of paramount importance that we have a joint, but she is for chase me and to show me and off gas. So that we avoid to our bit each other, but that we have a collective bargaining power. And that we put that in place. But countries like poland, greece and italy say, this is not enough to take a look crisis. And a cap on gas prices must be put in place. A call for unity here in prague at the start of what would likely be inexpensive winter for europe. The Energy Crisis has been driving a wedge between your members and with growing resentment about unaffordable prices. Your leaders are under pressure to find a solution fast. A couple of hours drive out of the check capital barbara how badly java is trying to keep warm. Now, temperatures are dropping, the high gas prices have made alternative sources of energy like locks and would pallets hard to come by. And yet, no, its not easy. Prices are up 350 percent from last year electricity in the pallets were using for heating or up by about 13250 percent and keep growing up. Weve completely stopped investing in the business because we cant afford it. If we dont have many guesses winter, we might have to move out and sell up. See you lead us hope that in the next few weeks, they can agree on a common approach which might see a price being put in place. But that would mean that differences between richer and less well of countries would have to be confronted and resolve steadfast and al jazeera brock that she has the bel peace prize has been awarded to a jail bell, russian rights activist, russias most famous human rights group, and the ukranian organization, the documents war crimes. Its being seen as a strong condemnation of the invasion of ukraine and the president s of salaries and russia. Alas, but litski has been campaigning for democracy and human rights and bellows more than 30 years. But hes been in prison on charges of tax evasion since last year. The loyal is one of russias oldest human rights organization. It was set up to uncover abuses that were carried out in soviet era. Prisons rational authority shut down the group last year. And Ukraine Center for Civil Liberties was established in 2007 to promote human rights general has what was like, hello, i am loving you installed the director of the no beach and Noble Institute in our slow an unexpected phone call on behalf of the center for Civil Liberties will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 20 to 22 received in the ukrainian capital q, with what activists later described as delightful shock is good. Thank you. The center for Civil Liberties was founded in 2007 to advance human rights and democracy in ukraine. Never imagining they would one day promote accountability for russian war crimes in their country. Much less become joint recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. And in moscow, the prize would have come as a welcome boost to the now band human rights group. Memorial founded to commemorate soviet era abuses and more recently in vladimir putin, russia. This is a sign that our work, whether it is recognized by, by russia, which is not. It is important. It is important for the world. It is important for people in russia. The 3rd recipient is alice b ski, a Human Rights Campaign of for decades in paris. His group, the asner documents, the use of torture under putin ally, Alexander Lucas shank, against political prisoners, which he has become jailed without trials since 2020. This years peace pri is awarded to in announcing the awards Nobel Committee chair, barry thrice anderson acknowledged that this was a peace prize set against the worst war on the european continent in 7 decades organ speaking, afterwards, she told al jazeera that the prize was bound from time to time to take on a political dimension on mandate is to identify the individual or the organization who in the past year has contributed most to piece. Now, issues of war and peace are always political. Thus is the political context of the price. She said the recipients in 3 neighboring countries involved in the war demonstrated the significance of Civil Society for peace and democracy in the press conference that followed the announcement, mrs. Rice anderson was asked whether this years award was intended as a pointed message to russian president vladimir putin. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, she denied that to the extent that it concerned him at all. She said the award would highlights how his authorization regime and the one in neighbouring battle roost sought to suppress human rights and those who try to uphold them. John hall al jazeera of lo, thailands king has visited, survive as a thursdays massacre at a Nursery School. King baja, which are long corn travel to boil province with queens to tear to meet survivors to hospitals. That 6 people were killed and full of police, but open fire at least 20 to the victims of children. Its one of the worst attacks in thailand history. Tiny chang is a known boy lumber and has his report staring blankly into a future of unfathomable loss. His bereaved mother still comp believe her 2 year old son patter. One will never return. I thought it was just an ordinary day. I thought hed go to school as usual. I had no idea he wouldnt come home hope was on hand, government officials filling forms and assisting families with the bureaucratic burdens of death. But for many, it was just too much grieving parents in inconsolable pain. Finance Health Minister focused on one tiny ray of hope. 3 critically injured survivors who are now stable and safe. But hes aware changes must be made. So this never happens again in the last 2 years were seen to mass killings by a soldier. Now, policeman. Is it a concern for you that these people in position is both dorothy and pow . It is big concern suddenly only cancer, but we will surely have to do something that will be hard in a country where the military wheeled so much power. The Prime Minister, the general himself visited the families on friday afternoon, handing out checks for compensation to the victims, families. With all the noise and commerce and the media attention. Its easy to forget that at the center of this disaster is this building the daycare center. Where 22 children were murdered and the families that they leave behind. And the children made one last journey coffins from the morgue, arriving at a temple near their homes. His parents waited outside so many caskets that names and identities needed to be double checked. And then the final check and the awful confirmation that this is the final goodbye tony, checked out to 0, no one who knows the time and still had his on their forrest file. And hes trying to do some of the famous moist statues and pushing the boundaries of storytelling. Filmmakers turn war and climate claps into an immersive experience of the london Film Festival. Ah, anticipation is rising. And so with the, with a you read the, the, with both of my cattle anyways. Now its been a very hot year for china and its still pretty hot. Just intrude yet. But you can see from the organ hit from the cloud, that cold front of things have certainly cool down terms had been brought back to where they should be. The vincent, persistent rain that was now lighter along the ng see. And its now below 30 for the most part in hong kong, where we still little bit above average, where, where the proper probably tie while not is saturdays full cost. Saturday and sunday will soon see similar sorts of weather in japan. And we start off with rather accrued a breeze in of late. Again, your attempt to come down for this near record spell, but hes going to get rather wet by the time we get the end of sunday. That rain its gathered across the yellow sea will be affecting the Korean Peninsula and a good part of southern japan as well. The more axis weather as the season sees, the rain going south is this sort of circulation here, which is spread showers into borneo back into sudden parts of thailand and doris and cambodia. Little less so in sumatran java, those hardly bone dry i have to say and is, although the officially the mon, the soon trough is only reached this far. Its been dry a lot further south as you know the last week. But this rain is still unusually fall off in india, and its there for a couple more days. The weather sponsored by categories. Ivy k is the worlds leading coca producer. But its weak infrastructure makes traveling a challenge. We follow to drive did as he grappled with repairs to his many back. And yet one of the few women to try to remote villages. Rescan it all. I because im out there. Ah. The book back you want yall just bear with me. The whole, rob doha, reminds me of the top news stories. Government is appealing for International Armed forces to help deal with a deteriorating security situation. Gangs as anti government, protested the power lies the country, shortages of fuel suits and water. The leaders meeting in process fail to agree on price. Again, despite most of the states agree that its the best solution to bring down high energy costs. The timelines king has met with survivors. The 3rd states Nursery School bus because 36 people were killed by all the police, but at least 22 of them were children. The u. S. Has announced mal export controls on chinese tech companies. Not 30 tech firms have been added to the so called a verified list. The latest additions include chinas top make rev bemberry chips, y m t c. 3 measures, prevent beijing from accessing advanced us, be conduct the technology. The rules also ban us base companies from selling the machinery to beijing without a license. Mike, hannah has more from washington d. C. Well, its certainly the widest ban that has been imposed in at least a decade, and it will have a major impact on china. Given the fact that the technology is used for everything from Super Computers to missile launches. So this is a critical issue. It is very wide ranging as well in terms of the number of companies that are targeted more than that specific companies are listed. And if for any us company from selling technology to the chinese. But it goes far further than that. It also places a ban on any Company Worldwide that uses Us Technology from placing any sales with china. So its exceedingly why ranging ban the Commerce Department, which actually announced the ban, also added that it was concerned with chinas surveillance activities. And this certainly would be something that would partially limit those activities. Surveillance that Commerce Department claims is illegal and has been prying into us affairs, such as private phone calls. But this is going to have a massive impact on the development of Chinese Technology School District in texas as suspended its entire police force. 5 months after gunman killed 1900 students and 2 teachers. The attack at the rob elementary in val, they in a spot war appeal for gun control. Now the Police Department has been under investigation for slow response to the shooting. Hydrogen castro has more of what this means for the School District and leave them with few good options. Because now theyre turning to the Texas State Police to fill in that void to keep their students safe. But that Police Department is also under investigation for the way that it handled the School Shooting back in may. This police force that is run by the School District. There were only 4 officers remaining after the chief was fired in august for his role in responding to the shooting and 2 others. Employees replaced on administrative leave. And the major question that all of these investigations have been looking into is why did it take more than an hour, in fact, 77 minutes to be exact, for our Police Officers to breach the classroom door in order to stop the shooting. The shooter within those classrooms killed 19 students and 2 teachers in the ensuing time and the School District police force. They of course now have been suspended for an indefinite period of time. And state police force that has been asked to replace them still under resignation. At all, for its role in responding to that killing Israeli Forces of shells and kill to palestinian teenagers in separate incidents, the occupied west bank. This position appears to show its rady soldiers beating palestinians who tried to rescue an injured 17 year old boy during one of the incidents in a village near tamala. A 14 year old was shot in the head 0 separation rule sounds when he left. It happened while as where the soldiers stormed the village. World Health Organization is working with the guy b as government to investigate the deaths of 66. 00 children linked to full cost syrups. The country has launched an urgent daughter the campaign to try and retrieve coughing, cold medicines that a belief of cause acute kidney damage, and investigating an Indian Pharmaceutical Company which manufactures the ca, syrups, some barbie migrants who live and work in south africa are taking the government to Court South Africa tends to end both special purpose for foreigners. As it re vamps is immigration policies. Horrible torso has more from johannesburg. Beverly quite ada moved to south africa from zimbabwe more than a decade. Her visa allows her to live and work here. That special permit expires in june next year. She fears being deported to zimbabwe, a country with few jobs and record high inflation. She is also worried about a 14 year old son in terms of his education is going to be disturbed d. Because the curriculum isnt this in the language ways she king speech, una veggie conrad to sentence is going to be very difficult for him to add jests. South africas government is trying to manage an influx of economic migrants for decades. Africa, most industrialized economy has been a magnet for people seeking better Economic Opportunities from across the continent and other parts of the world. We know that people are flocking sl africa for health care in particular because it may not be the best in the world, but its certainly better than than what theyre getting now. So we are just saying that we are not anti anyone. It is, it is not an antique african agenda, its not a, its not an antique asian agenda. Its an agenda of saying, lets prioritize our people around a 3rd up South Africans, arguably, is causing resentment among some locals who see foreigners as competition for scarce jobs. And public services, but not everyone agrees with that view. I think the blame theres is formal, reasonably laid at the foot of the, of the government itself, for not maintaining for not investing in that infrastructure. I think it is a quite a worrying development, not politics that foreign nationals are so easily scapegoats now for the forgot fulfill government failures. Thousands of people from zimbabwe, endless city are legally working or studying in the country, but with special permits being terminated. Foreign is not have to prove they have Critical Skills needed in south africa as the kinds of repairs where the 2024 general elections, the presence of undocumented foreign nationals is a divisive issue. The man, as he has a politicians, i use this to gain support from frustrated of africans. Angry at the high cost of living and rising unemployment. Its putting more pressure on the in c, live government as cause to show jobs and Business Opportunities go to South Africans 1st, seemingly growing louder, harder, matessa algeria. Janet, one person has died after please find pig said football fans in argentina. A crowd was attempting to break into a top Division Game between the gym, nausea and bucket juniors and la plata. Now the match was sold out with an estimated 10000. 00 pounds locked outside authority said a son died of a heart problems trying to escape the take us football. Its only gaining popularity in basketball, obsessed philippines. Thats thanks to a charitable organization. That center juice, the sport of children and impoverished communities, Girls Football team as are qualified for that st child world cup hosted in cattle this week. Father below husband from manila. In any other neighbourhood in the philippines. This would have been a basketball court. Must massage and thought on. But for years now, british coach in Charity Worker roy moore has been teaching you tear how to play football. Not only as a sport, but as a way out of poverty. They just felt like gradually and really growing thing from the grassy top is where we could make the most different now just with football, but with the education, the social, emotional development, the holistic mentoring that we bring here at that play and being able to recall that level the playing field. Jasmine claire grew up in an impoverished area and just started playing football last year. But she speeded into the play at the football club. Its become one of the more competitive teams in the country. And she plans to use this experience to get the College Scholarship said any of those are we go . Its one way of showing that i can be good both in sports and in my studies. Now jasmine is part of the National Team that reached the final of this 3 child world cup in brazil in 2014. What ball is oddly an elitist sport in the philippines . Its really only recently that its becoming mainstream. It is the women who are leading the way that the National Team qualify for the womens world cup next year. The 1st time were any philippine football team. Ah. 2022 has been a breakthrough year for to womens National Team. They reached the semis of the womens asian cup and won the final against regional powerhouse tyler. And at the Southeast Asian championships, theres no stigma for the girls to play, so they have an opportunity to play. And as soon as they join an affinity play that challenge against boys, theyre challenged figure color and stronger people. And they have to level up quickly if youre giving them a chance, a lot of countries dont give them a chance. Its a chance of a lifetime for families like jasmines for other siblings are also being coached by roy. And if they do well, they will all have a shot at College Football scholarships. An opportunity that their parents never thought was possible. Orange below al jazeera manila forest fires on Easter Island in the southeastern pacific of damage. Some of its carved stone statues, now took emergency cruise 8 hours to control the spread around the unesco World Heritage site. But some of the figures known as mo, i are said to be badly charred. The island has nearly 1000 of the megalith switch were cast by the islands indigenous people. More than 500 years ago. E, one, defeat yardly, the damage is unquantifiable unmeasurable. It also unrecoverable because the fire warmed the stone and the stone cracks. How scientists, along with the park administration, will have to go to the island to make the corresponding analysis and see how big the damage is. And what well have to do in the future. I do not know if theres a solution for this climate gloves war undone, saw in focus that the london Film Festival, which is just started the chas filmmakers pushing the boundaries of new technology to pull sort of a goes deeper into the stories. As Charlie Angela explains, me never has a corey been so captivating nor a recycling center. 2 locations featured in frame rate. A film created from thousands of 3 d time laps scanned of british landscapes. This is the expand strand of london b, f. I Film Festival inside disuse, railway arches, audiences are experiencing the many ways there are to 10 tel visually using Cutting Edge Technology is about giving people an insight into the way that the world is changing in a way that theyve never been able to see before. So the glimpse real world sites in this room, you see them change over time period every year or sometime long. And that capture 3, the is not traditional cameras, laser scanners, nice pieces use Virtual Reality headsets, others augmented reality, where through the phone, visitors see images overlaid onto the real World Climate collapse as a recurrent theme planet city build the utopian future where you can peer inside whats special about immersive ecology is that youre in the central experience. Youre not in front of the screen anymore in front of the stage. You really are part of the experience. And i think this is my makers, artist creators are drawn to this media. And theyre trying to push the boundaries of how we tell stories and how we engage with our audiences. And this is so exciting, other work to touch on war and conflict. Putting the view literally in the trenches. I want to make a work that explores an aspect of warfare, as is usually not in the media, and also not in the imagination of people of war, namely, the endless waiting. On the morning you wake uses a documentary stuff to put you inside the panicked minds of hawaiians in 2018 when they all received a text alert to an imminent nuclear top. My phone here in the ballistic missile. And now we just got it to

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