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Vladimir potent, formerly climes parts of ukraine as russian territory, but only crowned ukrainian forces, a fighting bag. The tanks operating here, a part of a wider counter offensive in the east that a see Great Success be recent weeks. Ah, im told mccrae this is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up the u. S. And south korea conduct military exercises in response to a missile test from north korea. And palestinians and gaza, offered visas to work and israel. But those permits come with conditions rushes, president Vladimir Putin has signed into law, the annexation of 4 ukrainian regions a week after separatists referendums that cave and its allies cold, a sham, but the kremlin now controls lists of those regions than it did when the votes were held, who has a look at the areas. Russia says it has annexed. These are the 4 regions that voted and referendums to join russia. The area and bridge shows what Russian Forces now controlled moscow says, all all done it skin hans will be part of its federation, even though its not in full control of these provinces. Has her, her solomons f, a risha fear the south. Many areas are outside moscows control and the kremlin has yet to clarify what exactly it is climbing to you enough. Yes, the Ukrainian Army is carrying out a pretty fast and powerful advance in the science of our country as part of the current offensive operation. Dozens of settlements of already been liberated from the russian sham referendum this week alone. Hes in the car, san regional, the car key ration who Hands International reasons altogether, says that our warriors do not stomach. And its only a matter of time before we ask the occupier from our land. Well, lets go live to re challenge and keep in touch with thing ukrainian force is making significant progress in both the northeast and the south. Why have they been able to make such a dentist Russian Health territory . Will any graduate from a military academy will be familiar with the concepts of culmination and initiative . Now, what are these culmination is when an invading or advancing army exhaust itself essentially and cant go on any further initiative is who gets to dictate the terms of what happens on a battlefield, the what the where and how russia has obviously culminated on the battlefield. If not when the rest weeks, certainly recent months, maybe ams now it has seeded the initiative to do ukrainians at. Thats partly because of some mistakes that the russians have made in their operational design. But its also to do with smart planning from the ukrainians. Their ability to hit well in the rear of russian lines and disrupt the russians. Ability to bring supplies and manpower to the front. What this looks like on the grounds is what were seeing down in the south or in here. Sun, where are pockets of Russian Troops is now isolated on the west bank of the deep river in and around curse on city. Are there now all pretty much within range of ukraines artillery and the bridges have been blown so they cant get back across the river. Theyre traps there in the northeast, or the ukrainians have been hitting crucial supply hubs. Towns like is hume and li man, and now spots of her or isolating russians there and, and controlling those towns, taking them over. And that means that russia is increasingly unable to keep hold of the territories in ukraine that it is taken. And now its on the retreat. Well, there was the view from very childrens and cave. What for the latest from the kremlin . Its go now to mohammed val in moscow. And der, were very glenmere person has signed off on the annexation of those for region. So can you explain to us what happens next . Yes, a tom, what happens next is her transitional period. Theyre talking about here putting at the same time when he signed earl, those laws has appointed her the pro ration heads of those regions as in tell him, are rulers indeed yet can le ganske. Theyre called the president s of those republics in sheriffs on ends up, what is your, they are governors, thats the 1st step. And then russia will have to define the borders of the territories, particularly in her son. And theres a procedure in den, yes. Can look, ask the they talked about a 2014 border, but still they also have to liberate in the terminology used, he ain in moscow to liberate the rest of those territories will understand that particularly and on yeske almost 40 percent of that territory is is still not under russian control, and there have been a steady advances by the ukranian army. Lots of questions here being asked about these are retreats by the russian army in front of the ukrainian or soldiers air. No commence so far from the highest command. And the russians are waiting for clarifications from their leadership. And you can see on tv screens and the in social media, a mounting mounting criticism against the military leadership, particularly the yep. The yeah, the, the field commanders leading those operations at rush or so talking about this fight is not just against ukrainian soldiers, but also against in nato. In general, nato is supplying ukraine with the most sophisticated weapons. Despite bird complete a warnings or a repeat repetitive warnings from russia, but natal should it should not supply you clean with those weapons. Okay, this mohammed val, for us in moscow. Thank you. Laneesa and ukraine case forces are pushing forward after the capture of the town of leman. Last week shall strength. It is there in the den, its christian where he met one of the units. Thats part of the counter offensive. The drive to tank positions on the Eastern Front is often a long, muddy isolated roads hidden in the forest. Under wet autumn leaves, we find ukrainian soldiers with the 5th assault tank regiment tanks here who be vital preventing a russian advance as ukrainian troops. Continue a counter offensive that has recently retaken thousands of square kilometers from Russian Forces. The forest will offer less cover from russian drones and as strikes in the coming weeks and months. Heavy machine gun far echoes through the trees. Long of the final preparations, the signal to move is given the near 40 year old t 72 tank moves out from under the trees. Its a 5 minute drive to its firing position, exposing the crew to rush a time. We follow it to a nearby field and within a minute the tell tale winding sounds signal it will fire in seconds. A minute later, a 2nd blast to the tank has moved into its operating position. We understand that they are firing a russian positions about 3 kilometers from here. The tanks operating here a part of a wider counter offensive in the east. That is seen Great Success in recent weeks. Time now is of the essence moved back into color before Russian Forces locate the foreign position and reply this tank. A soldier tells us, is one of around a 100 that russian soldiers abandoned. In the past month when they fled, the ongoing Ukrainian Army advanced. Suddenly, the sound of a jet fighter approaching we struggled to see it through the leaves, apart with its screams overhead. Alexander says he has a wife and child waiting for him when the war is over. That he doesnt know when that will be the or who follows or well, our role as a tank regimen is very important because we are preventing Russian Forces from moving forward as our troops advance. Nicola tells me hes not worried about the possibility of a push by thousands of new russian conscript as part of russian president Vladimir Putin so called partial mobilization, doesnt matter how many man they, they bring it is that dont matter for us. Our machine guns can shoot what kind of fallen on them unit. If you shoot 5 or 50, i dont think our a machine gunners will be tired. Ukrainian military says its winning Bank Territory in the east bit by bit day by day. So far. Evidence on the battlefield, at least, suggests moscows military response is yet to come. Char stafford, al jazeera, eastern ukraine. The u. S. South korea and japan are conducting military drill this in response to north koreas miss our launch on tuesday. The u. S. Navys flag shipped Aircraft Carrier headed to the sea of japan for training with the south koreans. Us fighter jets have also carried out drills with japan, young gangs, Nuclear Capable, Ballistic Missile was the 1st to fly over japan and 5 years. Wheat and dan, oh, this dangerous and reckless launch of a long range, Ballistic Missile that move over to pan and hose an unacceptable threat to the japanese public. And this action is a clear violation of multiple resolutions adopted by the un security council. And. And again demonstrates the threat that the dpr a ah hordes are both as it relates to its a lawful one struction program, but also its more submissions around and the threat than it poses to its neighbors as well. Renewed tensions have helped focus attention on the demilitarized zone, running 250 kilometers across the korean peninsula. The dmc acts as a buffer between the 2 sides that are still technically at war. Its also a big draw for visitors. Rob mcbride took a military guided tour into the area the truce village, japan man john, where the signing of the armistice ended the korean war nearly 70 years ago. Its a good barometer of the current mood on the korean peninsula. When we visited 3 years ago, Border Guards and tourists were clearly visible on the north korean side to day, no one as the north has virtually cut itself off from the outside world. Since the start of the pandemic, even more recently they were, ive not even seen them come out of building with the demarcation line. That leaders stepped across amidst summit diplomacy, hopes 3 years ago. Now weeds grow on the northern side of it and in 2019 the military dispensed with their weapons and helmets. In a further sign of improving relations with the hopes, soldiers from both sides of the line would be able to mingle freely to day. That still hasnt happened where they were never able to come to an agreement on that. So that did not one of developing all the only signs of life on the northern side farm workers in distant fields. But on the Southern Side with restrictions because of the pandemic and the fear of swine flu being lifted, this border area is accessible once more, as one of the worlds most heavily fortified borders. The dmc continues to fascinate and people are expected to come back once more in large numbers. Just as relations across this divide into an you and unpredictable phase. For some that the attraction of such a hot border, new hiking trails have been created. A new observation post has been opened for visitors to peer into the north. A new attractions like this cable car offers rides into previously restricted areas. Once youve signed an agreement to stick by the rules, a ride to spend time in the middle of the mind fields on a tense border. That current developments seem to ensure will keep up the tension levels. Rob Mcbride Al Jazeera on the demilitarized zone, was still ahead on al jazeera, unarmed, and not a suspect. An inquest looks into the Fatal Shooting of a black man by u. K. Police and talks between columbias government and the largest remaining river group back on 3 years after they were called off. Ah ah, hello, we got more very heavy showers across much of southeast asia, the heavier showers just straddling the equator. More than process democracy, 170 millimeters, frank in 24 hours more the same as we go one through thursday. Good. Scattering a shout into the philippines. Have you down . Pause into southern parts of indo china, cambodia. Sing some, live the rain over the next day. Also pushing across. Its a good part of thailand. Western areas of borneo, also seeing some big downpours as we go on through thursday on into friday. And a girl scattering a shower now started to show the had across much of indonesia, probably a shower as long as spells of right into the east side of australia. We do have Severe Weather warnings in force across large parts of new south wales. Big bank of cloud here brings are a wet at a time, very windy weather in across the regions, southern areas of queens dancing, some of the heavy rain Northern Areas of victoria, also seeing some very heavy right. And a brisk wind there, just around the southeast corner of oz shabbas eas, off a little as we go on into thursday. But the next weather system will sweep its way further. East was bringing more rain across the flat hit area. So flooding is very much a concern that where to where the slowly making its way across the tasman. See ah ivy case is the worlds leading co producer. But its weak infrastructure makes traveling a challenge we follow to drive did as he grapples with repairs to his many bath, and yet one of the few willing to drive to remote villages. Rescan it all. I because on algae there, lou. Ah, youre watching al jazeera reminder of our top stories. The sour russias leader has signed into law, the annexation of fool ukrainian regions a week after referendums that keith and its allies called a sham. Putin says, dont its clue, hans, cuz every shirt and her song we part of russia for ever russia has not been able to hold on to lands. Its claiming, as its own ukraines president , for low to miss zalinski his, his forces have made strong advances. Miss southern and eastern counter offenses. The u. S. South korea and japan are carrying out military drills in response to north koreas Missile Launch on tuesday. Pyongyang Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile was the 1st to fly over japan and 5 years an official inquiry has begun in the u. K. Looking at how the u. K. Government handled the corona virus pandemic. A retired judge will investigate every step of the nations response to the outbreak. The killed more than 200000 people. Charlie angela reports at san gallus, my dad, and thats my eldest. So the last time amanda henry saw her father robert, looking well in a care home. The country was locking down against corona virus. He was quiet garrett davis. You know, always jokin, always sing in. 4 weeks later he was dead with coven 19 as the cause of death. So his ashes, his ashes, now sit in her living room. She blames the governments decision to discharge people from hospitals into their homes without testing them for coded 1st. There was so many failings when they said that priority test in was going to happen for elderly residence in care. That didnt happen. That was not happening. And when they said they were put in miss steel ring around one rouble, people in care homes that didnt happen at all, is decisions like this that the coven inquire will examine, starting with how prepared or unprepared the country was for a pan demik. There is one word that sums up the pandemic for so many, and that is the word loss. My principal aim is to produce reports and recommendations before another disaster strikes the 4 nations of the united kingdom. Independent of the government. The inquiry will go on to look at the political decisions made during the pandemic, and the impact on the Health Care System hearings will begin in spring. And the process is expected to last several years costing upwards of 80000000. 00. But as broad as the inquiry is, there are gaps, say experts, the Socio Economic consequences of locking down the country. The impact on education, business, hospitality, that was simply not discussed in government. You would have thought that the inquiry would be giving a raise a sharp focus to that issue. But theres no indication at all that theyre going to look at what didnt happen, which was to get advice from experts about all these these other issues. 200000 people lost their lives to cove. It here in the u. K. Each one represented on this memorial wall. Now the inquiry says that those that suffered will be at the heart of this process. And to do that, theyre going to listen to the accounts of tens may be hundreds of thousands of people. The aim to discover what could or should have been done to reduce their suffering. Charlie angela, our de zera london. In the coming hour, the u. K. Prime minister is due to address her conservative Party Members who are gathered in birmingham for the annual conference. Its an opportunity for lose trust to rebuild her dwindling authority, which took a serious hit after a number of controversial policies. Poor brennan is there at the conference. Citations are from the Prime Ministers speech this morning off pretty low. And i see one commentator saying that if she manages mediocre, that in itself will be regarded as a triumph. Id only is going to be a long speech. And often liter speeches will go on for an hour. I dont think were expecting no more than half an hour from the Prime Minister this morning. And some of the snippets that have been briefed out to journalists essentially say that she will reiterate her drive to expand britains economic growth. And shes not afraid of ruffling feathers. In order to do that, wont quote, wherever there is change, there is disruption. Not everybody will be in favor, but every one will benefit as a result. And she will rail against the anti Growth Coalition as she will describe it, which is at labor, the opposition labor party. And, and the unions im, its been a difficult conference and, and this is, this trust is chance to try to put her her, put her points forward at this stage of an, a new government, a new Prime Minister, literally a month into the job with a new chancellor again, a month into the job of this conference and the annual conference is traditionally a kind of showcase of the parties intentions. A celebration of the parties. Success having put a new Prime Minister into number 10, danny fit it has been anything, but that was staying in the u. K. An inquest hes opens into the death of an unarmed black man who was killed by police in south london. 24 year old chris copper was shot through the windscreen of a car in september. Police had linked the vehicle to an earlier firearms incident. Recover was not a suspect. His family has asked for a quick decision on where the criminal charges should be brought. In the case a radio broadcaster in the philippines has been kills near his home. In a suburb of manila, kelly say percival of bassett was driving his car on monday night with 2 men on a motorcycle shot him twice and the head. People have rallied in the capital to demand justice after a string of attacks targeting members of the media in recent years. Vasa was the know and critical form of president s for trico to 30 and his and his successor, Ferdinand Macos junior relations with the media in the rubbermaid were not that good under good bear bear and under my goss administrator, we were hoping that it would be a friendly, ha, this shows about this, about jesus and that the frame conditions that existed under debarber, i still here, and this is a talent for and the new government to show that they do with that, they understand that all of journalists learn that they will bring us our way we do our jobs on monday, bosnia herzegovina, window to the polls, to elect a new 3 way presidency. But as the poles closed, as senior official announced, he would be making changes to the constitution electoral law. And the size of the Lower Parliament were Christian Schmidt says its his way of ensuring the country doesnt descend into war again. Be it bosh near crooked, or sir, i should say in the half set, friends, not this way. The idea that we are the better ones and we will dominate the other ones, has led to a disaster in this country. This is the re a message, not the question of whether my i keep locking instruments are saving the country. They will help. I am pretty convinced as it beg, spoke further with Christian Schmidts. You can see that the full interview on talk to al jazeera on saturday at 450 g m t. Israel has issued nearly 20000 work permit since the beginning of last year, allowing palestinians from garza to into and work in jobs that of a higher salaries garza has been under a years long is rarely blockades. Human l feed has more mohammedan. Natasha is a happy man. He got his permit work and israel month to go. He says this will help him and his family earned a good income government for 3 kind of happy. I mean either before i got my work permit in israel, i owed everyone money. I worked a day and was jobless 10 and return in gaza. I made a maximum of 15. 00 a day on an israel. I made a minimum of 150. 00. Can you imagine the difference . I know many people in garza, like mohammed have been granted permits to work in israel when this process began early last year. It was the 1st time people from garza were allowed to work in israel, didnt ham as took power here in 2007 israel austin suspense or rejects the permit based on what it calls security situation on the ground. Critic say its a pressure tactic. According to policy and official, hes really way where we have nothing beneficial for garzas wider economy, which has been severely affected by constraints of the volcano. The gossip Workers Federation says that while thousands are still waiting for their turn, 18000 workers have had their application rejected israel recently. And now its also looking into granting work permits to hundreds of women in gaza. Something officials hearing calls to say is a sensitive topic that needs to be steadied at all political and security levels for the whole for cathedral. There are many fears within the Palestinian Community about sending women to work in israel. And so there must be security reservations in order to protect and preserve palestinian women. Monica ha, but many women in gaza see this announcement as an opportunity for them to provide for their families. I gave them i had the for none, none of us are sick. Im certainly with this decision because here in garza, girls do not have job opportunities. And if any, the salary is too low. Imagine being paid a 180. 00 a month for 12 hours a day. Palestinians are choosing to work in lands from where their families were expel decades ago. Its a hard decision to make, but they say gases, poverty and ban employment hath left them with blade l choice. You may see it l g 0. Gusta would slip in on. Now where people are facing challenges accessing their bank accounts, independent impeach, cynthia 00 into the bank branch, and by bruce demanding her own money to pay for a surgery. She said she wouldnt leave the bank until she was handed all her savings. Lebanon has been in deep financial crisis, and the recalls for more protests, a columbia government and the National Liberation army river group will restart. Peace talks next month. Discussions between the e. L in and form of president , even to k is government broke down in 2018. Its the largest remaining ribbon group in the country after a peace deal with signed with the fog in 2016. Alessandra from p. A. T has more from boca town. There are new circumstances that of death that are definitely helping among them. The fact that there is for the 1st time left the government in place in columbia that the president gustavo pay if it was himself rebel and non group, and a youth. And this is something that the 1st commander of the land has also recognized that during the announcements from kodak asked earlier today essentially saying that the fact that they feel that at the dialogue will be easier with the government. Also the fact that the venezuela is on board and president nicholas and my buddha said that he will be a mediator in this process is very important because during the last decade or so, the l n as an expanded greatly its operation inside the venezuela. And they are now operating and at least a dozen venezuelan states. So it would be impossible without venezuela to advance in the stocks. The city of paris says it will not broadcast world cup matches on screens and public fans owns because of concerns about the treatment of Migrant Workers and cut her other friends. Cities have also refused to show the matches. Citing the Environmental Impact the deputy mia of paris said the decision is based on issues with social conditions surrounding the event. But a french senator who is visiting to ha insist cutter has been transparent. Italian estron ot Samantha Cristo Ferretti has become the 1st european female commander of the International Space station. She will be in charge of communications

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