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A nuclear deal. Ah, money fight this balance, is there a lie from dough . So coming up, the current president says that a mass grave has been found near the ne, in city of is you, which was recently retaken from Russian Forces. Well, feed program. So this is lieutenant set on fine haitis vine and protests sweep the country. And critics, a keys us republicans of using people with political poems off to nearly a 100 migrants had dropped in front of the Vice President s home. As a rollins president has spoken exclusively to al jazeera about talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. Abram racy, says any removal of sanctions should have guarantees and a mechanism to shes a lasting agreement. Our correspond wrestler said a reports from his pakistan. I had to sit down either way with the president of the Islamic Republic of iran, and i asked him several questions on a wide range of topics. One of the most important of them was about the nuclear, the potential nuclear deal. I asked him why the Nuclear Negotiations are not moving forward. This is what he said. Well, hello, firstly. All you ought to have pod, the money removal of sanctions should be accompanied with the resolution of safeguards. There are some political and baseless accusations against Islamic Republic of iran when it comes to safeguard issues. So this agreement will not be fruitful of following a few days after signing the agreement. Like the resolution proposed to the board of governors that the i a, a, the same thing will happen and based on the influence. So they will create problems again. So we should finalize the safeguard issues for and regarding the guarantees, if we have the trustworthy guarantees and we have the last thing, removal of the sanctions, not temporary removal of sanctions. And if there is a lasting solution for the safeguard of shoes, the shore, its possible to reach agreement. I also asked him if youre on see, is it useful at this stage to have direct tours face to face meetings with the american officials to pave the way for a, a nuclear the, he said that iran doesnt see added benefit of having these to face meeting with the americans, so that iran has tried that before, has done that before and it didnt work out. He also questioned american sincerity. Ever since the sincerity of the american approach to diaz issue said that if americans wants to finalize a deal, why do they impose new sanctions on iran in the middle of the negotiations . And he can watch our full interview with abraham racy on. Talked out there on friday at 1630 g m t you quite as president says that a mass grave has been found in the North Eastern city of the city, which is in the khaki region happen recently captured recaptured from Russian Forces earlier, local Police Officials said 440 bodies have been located across the region. Meanwhile, the European Unions top officials has again visited ukraine. Thats the 3rd time or so vonda lynn has been to the country since rush invaded in february. She met with philosophies lensky, weather, to discuss european support for ukraine, and its bid to join the gabriel and its own day. Have laces from keith. A day after giving her state of the Union Address in brussels, where she said, Vladimir Putin was waging an energy war on europe. The president of the European Commission made an unannounced trip to keith. Ursula van de lion came with a clear message. You have your european friends by your side as long as the takes, and that we are friends forever, fun to lion and ukrainian presently, both the mere zalinski appear to have respect for one another. So lensky unveiled a plaque outside parliament honoring the you leader. After they held closed door meetings, bunder lion committed to 5000000000 and loans to ukraine, and 250000000 for schools and temporary housing for people displaced by the war. But she stopped short of committing to any new russian sanctions. Something keep has been asking for bunder, lie and announced that she will be hosting a ukraine Reconstruction Congress at the end of october in berlin, where she will be bringing together people to discuss how much money ukraine will need to rebuild. And where to get that money from. And that amount could keep going up, because ukraine continues to be destroyed. As this countrys war continues. Late wednesday night, russian cruise missiles hit a damn in southern ukraine, forcing water to overflow a local river, and partially flooding. Creevy, a city of 600000. That is, sir lensky is home town. You begin with. We understand that at the destroy damn. There were no ukrainian minute for units, doesnt surprise me that russia hitting civilian infrastructure because ive done it before. With this its a better event. It was the 2nd strike on civilian infrastructure in recent days by the russians, after they also bombed at thermal power plant in the northeast, temporarily cutting power to ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep it up while bonder lane wanted to talk about rebuilding the ukrainians continue to call for what they consider more immediate needs. Weapons that they say are the only way to in the war. Gabriel lozano, how does it keep a russian lead Security Organization is sending 18 to armine aft, as government requested help in its latest vice, with as a by john more than a 100 armenian soldiers and 70 azerbaijani troops have been killed since monday night. Charles stafford hurts from the capital of azerbaijan, bucko as a by jones ministry of defense as this video shows, strikes against armenian saboteurs, operating inside as a, by johns territory. 3 days of fighting around the border region close to nagondo car, back as killed, more than a 100 armenian and 70 as erie soldiers. Both sides accuse each others starting the fighting as a by john says it was responding to the armenian armies. Shelling of a 0 military positions. The Armenian Defense ministry released this video. It says shows as erie soldiers moving into armenian territory. Al jazeera, cannot independently verify footage released by either side. Ha, hang fled in the armenian capital year of an overnight with protest is demanding. Prime minister, nicole tashina resign. The demonstration started off the pushing the unemployed piece deal had been signed with as a by jean. He denied the claim. On top is last week up. I officially states that no paper has been signed tomorrow. No paper is going to be signed and there is no talk about any paper. This information is a conspiracy to do more or less. A soldiers standing at the board of russia has tried to maintain relations with both countries and on tuesday, trying to broker c spot. But the fighting continued, ah, as a by john does not see russia as an honest broker and there are fears. Another full blown war would risk dragging in as a, by johns most powerful ally, turkey, the collective security. Treat your organization, our meeting at the request of armenia were on the speaking escalation situation to country because of course, both institution be problematic and also many would say biased since as a john is not a member of the russian lead. Collect the crew to treat organisation. Armenia announced a new c spot, took effect on wednesday night. But there has been no official comment for me as of i, ga one an agreed truce, a time, a great uncertainty over the war and ukraine. This latest up surgeon fighting between 2 more post soviet states is of great concern to neighboring countries and those struggling amidst the energy crisis. The latest fighting along the borders and close to the gordon car back show that despite the 2020 piece initiative, finding a lasting political solution to this crisis, one that has huge g o strategic implications is nowhere in sight. Cha, strap it out to 0. By cou, meanwhile kirsten forced to say renewed boulder. Clashes with project stone have erupt. It with several outposts being targeted. On wednesday, at least one person was killed and several others were injured. To border guards, Exchange Fire to country share more than 950 kilometers the border. One 3rd of which remains disputed. While feed Program Facilities been looted, an nearby office is set on fire in northern haiti fall and protests of swept across the country, falling in announcement on wednesday that the government was hiking the price of fuel the price of a liter of petrol. Well, now more than double processed as a calling for the ousting the Prime Minister ariel henry. Its because the country after the assassination of the president shiver, now mosey in july of 20. 21. Youre not in by. Is the well see programs, country director in hazy, he details what happened at what happened. Weve got a mob to enter the premises and going to eve, which is a 3rd city and 80 percent of the foods that we go. And then that the warehouse is simply unacceptable. And whats important is that we actually lost enough food to feed around 100000 School Children for 3 months. The impact of this building is really whats, whats important here. The situation is a blow to have School Children School Training programs and have happened to bring children to so get an opportunity for an education and this type of load manager and program to Education Programs in the country right now. Hes going through a food crisis, more than 4000000 people and 80 are acutely food insecure. And these are the greatest numbers from, from the government. This is because of the increasing food prices in the country, basket of goods in food products, and hes up by 50 percent in the past year. Inflation and hes running at about 30 percent a year and thats really hurting smart. People are very hard in this country. Still ahead on al jazeera thousands of monas pay. The final respects to Queen Elizabeth as her body lies in states at westminster plus crumbling economy. As for people to use a cheaper mode of ah, the journey has begun. The b for world copies on its way to the castle book, your travel package today. Hello there. Lets have a look at the weather in east asia and after the strongest storm to hit shanghai this century, the remnants of that typhoon are moving pretty quickly through the north, east of china and on to north korea. Now this is a rainmaker bringing torrential rain by the time we get into saturday will sweep into rushes far east. No hot on its heels. We have another system. This is strengthening as it works its way across Southern Islands of japan. It is expected to move towards south korea by the time we get into next week, bringing a significant storm surge as well as flooding raines and damaging winds. Now despite all of this wet weather, were still seeing some heat, particularly across japan, temperatures well above the average and Northern Areas of china. But also in the south, its going to remain pretty hot and humid for hong kong through to the weekend. Now as we head to south asia, we still are seeing some significant rain effect Western Areas of india marashi in particular. And in the north we got some watches out for west and east auto pradesh, but its looking a long dryer in the south as it is in the north west. And pakistan after its wet monsoon season on record is sing some clear skies. 36 degrees in the hall and karachi, i saw official airline of the joy. The welcome kicks will be canceled in 2 months. As the main event gets closer to 0 is here. The way i went with updates from across the globe, these can express some strong support in with the spotlight on north and central america, canada build their personal explanation, qualify all the us mexico costa rica rights to the work out on al jazeera. Oh, the the me youre watching out a reminder of our top story is this, our iranian president , abraham, where you see as told al jazeera, the us sanctions must be lifted to reach a nuclear deal. Pricey and says there should be guarantees to achieve a lasting agreement. Ukraine, president , locksmith, see, says, mosque or has been found in the northeast and the city which is in the region has recently been recaptured from russia for local police. Official fed fours and 40 body happened located across the beach. Wealthy program says its facility is lucid and they buy off the set on fire in northern hasty bought and protests have swept across the country following the announcement on wednesday, the government was hiking the price to fuel the price of petrol. More than dumb republican governors in the us being a keys of politicizing, the plight of migrants and refugees. And a 100 people recently across the border from mexico into texas were dropped off nay. The Vice President s residence in washington, d. C. Of florida paid to fly Asylum Seekers to popular holiday sport for the washington elite audio. Catherine. There people made ponce children clutching plastic bags. Men and women who cross the continent to flee poverty and violence. Now being used as political tools. Duke, im a meet us yeoman. Lift venezuela. On august 18th, i passed through the jungle. I spent 6 days there. It was a tough experience. Something unforgettable. I saw many people did in the jungle. Buses sent by the state of texas. Dumped these 101 Asylum Seekers at the side of the road in front of the residence of Vice President comalla harris aid worker. Say a baby arrived injured and a man with diabetes was rushed to the hospital after his insulin went bad on the 40 hour bus ride. Republican governors interfering in that process in using migrants as political pawns is a, is shameful, is reckless and just plain wrong. A day earlier, 50 Asylum Seekers had been flown to marthas vineyard, massachusetts. The vacation town popular with washingtons elite, was given little notice to prepare, volunteers quickly mobilized, finding them food and shelter. Its manipulating people who are in very dire circumstances. No purely for political gain. Florida governor and Rhonda Santas took credit for the flight, part of a coordinated effort among republican governors to send migrants to democrat lead cities. Some have declared states of disaster to hasten aid to the migrants. And all those people in dc and new york were beating their chests. When trump was president , saying they were so proud to be sanctuary. Jurisdictions saying how bad it was to have a secure border, the minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door. They all of a sudden go berserk and theyre so upset that this is happening and it just shows you, you know, their virtue signaling is a fraud. At the southern border, us agents encountered about 200000 migrants in july, down from mays peak, and slightly lower than this time. Last year. Greater numbers of Asylum Seekers are arriving from cuba, nicaragua, and then its way again, this is the syrian, its not just me, but thousands of venezuelans who look for ways out of the country in search of the future more than anything, to be honest. So our families can eat 3 good meals a day, not to be made political pawn in the us. Hydro Castro Al Jazeera washington. Now, after nearly 2 months, its now safe residence in jackson, mississippi to drink water from the taps. A boil water notice was put in place after widespread flooding effect that is main Water Treatment plant. And if the 150000. 00 residents will say food to lie now for bottle Water Repairs needed to the treatment plans for the citys mayor says they cant afford to do the us president joe biden, her posted for the white house to bring about attention to hate base violence in america, events gathered experts and survivors to price a united front against recent domestic have coin bought announce new actions against Tech Companies like youtube and twitch for making violence. And the clattering too much shaded shield extreme as violence has been allowed to fester and grow. You know, as a result, our very own intelligence agencies, our own intelligence agencies, United States of america have determined that domestic terrorism, routed and White Supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat to our homeland today. Ive been around a while, i never thought id hear that say that enough. We need to say clearly, unfortunately, White Supremacy all forms of hate. Fuel by violence have no place in america for 2 years, millions of people, lebanon have suffered a severe economic crisis. Government officials havent been able to agree on a Recovery Program from northern lebanon. Zayna auto shows is how people have changed their lives in order to get by ah, its a new mode of transport to lebanons impoverished north a new reality in a country where nearly 80 percent of people are poor, stuff talks are becoming more popular as the high cost of living changes the way of life. I just saw that i do all my good life has become very difficult. So we are always looking for ways to save money. And its hard the price to use took docs and that of course, thats all. Its been 3 years since the economy collapse already vulnerable the global rise and food and fuel prices has worse and not an odd situation. Politicians blame for decades of corruption and mismanagement, are failing to agree on a recovery plan. For most of lebanons people, life has changed. Basic necessities are an affordable, especially since the cash strapped the states and the subsidies on basic goods. In a country that imports nearly everything, food Price Inflation is among the highest in the world. Peoples diets have changed. I think we used to sell between 200 to 300 chickens a day. Now we sell about 50 sales have been effected across the board with a vegetables or even close bread. A main stable is 6 times more expensive as production costs, spiral power cuts last most again, not everyone can afford the diesel for private generators. Others switched to wood stoves since a gas cylinder cost half of the minimum monthly wage as mit, theyve been seen when me as people are returning to all traditions. But we have to use would, because are affected by the fuel electricity crisis. Millions like rami awake cant rely on their savings because banks have locked depositors from their dollar accounts or funds they can access are worth less. While the local currency, the lira, the valued against the dollar by more than 1900 percent. When our, our seniors, i used to get paid 13 and a half dollars an hour. We had a good life. We used to food to eat at restaurants. Now my pays were less than 2. 00 an hour. We cant even attend primrose because we cant afford transportation. The crisis has pushed the middle class into poverty. And as long as politicians step to make the economy viable, again, its likely to think even deeper than i could, there was a theater. Didnt mean north flipping on the cross morning had gathered in the occupied west bang for the funeral of the palestinian teenagers, shot dead by strange forces on thursday. The Palestinian Health Ministry Says 17 year old or de sally was killed in violence per account during israeli. On great and while the International Committee of the red cross has just wrapped up a high level, full day visit to the occupied west bank, that take a look at some of the work its doing there. Now since the start of the, the c r c is carried out 285. 00 visits to the palestinian detainees and israeli and palestinian detention center. Its enhanced access to water and electricity foremost, 560000 residents in the occupied west bank and gaza. And its provided emergency and trauma training to 230 medical staff at hospitals in the occupied territories for bruce capone is the regional director for near and middle east at the International Committee of the red cross has more than what the needs are for those palestinian detainees currently behind boss. Now our work in the tensions and what we see in the tension, its something we keep confidential. What i can say is that we have this, this regular access. And what is very important is that we facilitate the visit our families. Because we often speak about our detainees, but what is also important is those families were separated and, and for them, because of the restriction of movement in the west by, its often very difficult to have access to, to the last one who are, who are detained into an important part of our kids to, to have them get to those places of detention and see, are they people, they loved one in detention. I believe that the discussion should be about the human situation. The discussion should be about the political solution. I mean, you made an action doesnt solve political problems in, in i believe that what we facing in the occupied territory. Its a lack of credible political process and with credible, credible political process often comes courage. Courage to do the right compromises, courage to engage based on our international. You may turn low any particular the law of occupation. So probably lets focus more on the political situation and let start serious negotiation. Because i can tell you for the people in the occupy territory, its just unbearable. Awe. Thousands of bonus have been streaming into Central London hoping to catch a glimpse of the coffin of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. Right now the que along the river thames is around 8 kilometers long, and still getting longer. More than 300000 people are expected to make their way to Westminster Hall before the state funeral. Which takes place on monday out on fisher reports from london. Lane no stretches, kilometers the wait more than 6 hours, but people continue to come, refusing to be detect. Waiting for the moment they can pass the queens coffin, waiting to pay the respects. Jessica howells travelled with her granddaughter. She saw the coronation in 1953. She wanted to see her own personal farewell. I was around when the coronation was a mouth, so i saw that when i was sick on the little tally in my grannys room. And i thought right, ive seen her beginning of a rain, a neat say are out there be many who traveled in the early hours of the morning joined the line walk past and are now heading home. She has the nav figure, head for a long time. And when you talk about britain air, its the queen belie no stretch is a long way from Westminster Hall, over bridges, past famous london landmarks, the line itself. And you, landmark of it. So, and the line stretches for kilometers, but the pace is actually reasonable. No. But with the authorities warning, thousands more are expected in london over the we can, the lines are going to get bigger. The weight is going to get longer overnight. The military held rehearsals for mondays funeral. The gun cottage which will be of the queens casket, rolling through the empty streets from buckingham palace. An empty black coffin carried into westminster abbey. Most of the royals have kept a low profile of the last 24 hours. But the new year to the throne was out at san took him at what was the queens Country Estate in the east of england. Prince william and princess catherine gathering flowers, talking to well wishers back in london. Its now estimated by the authorities. More than 300000 people will in time file past. As the late queen lies in state, meeting the expectations for the nation. Seeing farewell, alan fisher, al jazeera london, swedens Prime Minister has resigned after suffering a narrow defeat in sandys election to the far right coalition. Always reports from now that mcleana anderson 100 in her resignation to the speaker of the Swedish Parliament at about 11 a. M. Stock home time, a very low key and to a remarkable 10 months in charge. She became swedens 1st. Ever female Prime Minister made the historic decision to take the country into nato. And indeed she improved her party. The social democrats results at these elections with 30 percent of the vote. Not enough though. Her reign will also be remembered for swedens shift to the right. The man now charged with trying to put the government together is of kristen, leader of the moderate party, who has thrown that locked in with the right wing suite. And democrats, who in this election have become the 2nd Biggest Party in sweden. Now the door still might be open for Magdalena Anderson in a sense in her resignation speech. She said that she was prepared to talk to of christopher and to see if he wanted to change his mind about working with the far right. A possible moderate social democratic government. It seems far fetched to the moment, but its something that could happen as talks continue over the coming weeks. The tennis grades Roger Federer as announced his professional retirement from the sport of age of 41. And the statement posted on social media. This with player said next weeks love. A cap in london will be his final atp tournament twins. He tell him, grand slam champion has been struggling with the need problems. The last 3 years hes widely considered to be one of the greatest players in tennis history. As many of you know, the past 3 years have presented me with challenges in the form of injuries and surgeries. Ive worked hard to return to full competitive form, but i also know my bodies capacities and limits and its message to me lately has been clear. I am 41 years old as play more than 1005 on a matches over 24 years. Chinese treated me more generously than i ever would have dreamt. And now must recognize when it is time to end my competitive career. Ah

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