Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220831 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220831

which also economic and political reforms unleashed forces he couldn't control causing the breakup of the soviet union. ah, the whole robin, you're watching out. they were like, my headquarters here in deco also coming up. ukraine says it's destroyed key russian positions and it's offensive to take back the southern kensal region. com returns to rocks capital after supporters of shiite leader. but other all sudden heat is cool to end their protests ah. bottom to the pro mikhail gorbachev. the li do help and the cold war and preside over the breakup of the soviet union has died at the age of 91 fall into a poor farming family. in 1931, he rose to become the most powerful man in the communist government. initiated a massive program of political economic conceptual change and was praised in the west as eastern europe moved away from communism and soviet influence. but he was blamed in russia for unleashing false. is it led to the collapse of the soviet union in 1990? 1 general looks back on his life. mikhail gorbachev left office in 1991 recent survivor of an attempted hard line communist qu, but the victim nonetheless, of unstoppable change. the vast soviet empire had suddenly ceased to exist. gorbachev left behind a moscow reduced in stature, the capital now of a newly independent russia. of course, he was very, very disciplined in man because he was at his house. he had not only by the russian state or soviet state, but by the russians. i mean, he used to not for a popular he'll be remembered more warmly abroad than at home. go b as he came to be known, one the confidence of world leaders by dismantling the structures of the cold war. he played a crucial role in the reunification of germany. joining east with west as the berlin wall fell last last and perestroika formed the new, more attractive face of an old foe. he became secretary general at the time when the soviet economy was beginning to collapse. he realized that he had to make a very serious choice in open up to the west. and when over the confidence of the west, after 70 kids, of very hard mutual distrust this was, the task was almost insurmountable. as the wall fell, so the ussr itself began to crack and crumble. many regret the loss of empire of superpower status. and they blamed gorbachev still well read. no. the present russians are why be in our booth in the trying with military force to rebuild the soviet union to reintegrate it through forceful means kind of, do the gorbachev where jesse break away from the west. though that's not the main purpose. the main purpose is to rebuild reintegrate the empire maurier that of the young are at least kind of and build the people because they feel that he gave them freedom. what he given them was democracy and as hundreds of thousands of russians protested against allegedly rigged elections. in the latter years of the me, a putin's presidency, the old soviet leader lived to see democracy flipping backwards. but then he made a news news. you can compare this election with those of 198919191 those 2 occasions. the voting really was fair and democratic. but every election since then has been flawed. tens of thousands of russians across the country have demonstrated to free and fair elections and the process of democratization has found new strengths. these young people, this new generation is very important to me. they have not abandoned democracy and democracy will not abandon them or she avoided the nobel peace prize in 1919 go be . and his famous crimson birthmark remained in the public eye. less consistent is his legacy valued more by some than by others. oh, there is rob reynolds as in feed mcculloch over, jonathan has more on his legacy. was an enormous contrast to the elderly, enfeebled man who had preceded him, whose only goal was to uphold a failing status quo. here came mikhail gorbachev. a member of a new generation and not of the old communist who had lived and worked under stalin, but of a different generation. more of a technocrat, more of a man with ideas. and he did have ideas about how to change the soviet union, how to allow it to, to develop and survive, glass nosed openness in english, perestroika, that means restructuring glass. no, st gave russian and other peoples living in at that time the soviet union, the opportunity to speak out are to, to, to talk about their society to talk about their leaders to examine. and this is, i think it's very important. the history of the soviet union, the horrors that the people endured under stalin under lennon. no subject was taboo anymore. but it, it was a process that you could like into sort of opening of a steam vows or something like that on a very complicated apparatus. and once that valve was opened, the whole thing became unstable and eventually just broke apart. well, it's taking place, look at me. hell go. which helps legacy. he drove through reforms aimed at reviving the soviet union's economy. and 19 eighties was a time of survey economic hardship for countries in the communist blog. perestroika, as rob mentioned, the russian word that means restructuring was a name given to a series of reforms that gradually decentralized many businesses, producers could now set their own prices. while glasnost, meaning openness aimed to instill a spirit of transparency, but the reforms bank fight as food prices, spikes, and millions used for receiving government subsidies. going instability led to the collapse of the u. s. a saw in 1991. to me now live from jacksonville, florida. nancy said a book, she's a former us ambassador to the united nations and a former clinton administration. foreign policy advisor was sort of a good topic with us on the program you did meet because gorbachev just your initial impressions of him and of the legacy that leaves behind well, on a personal level, he was very engaging, warm, a quick, quick till after i had the opportunity to meet him in the ninety's with senator ted kennedy for who was working and the big issues there were trying to get some refuse next out of the soviet union. he understood how to make that deal and we got some out. big crisis at the time was the street in he was a brilliant leader. he helped and they will empire open up the country and the glass knows process and is revered in the, in the west for really being a partner for a number of years in a way that we hadn't had internally. it went south on him because the reforms didn't take hold that people didn't have the prosperity that should have come with the collapse of the soviet union. and it leads to where we are today, which is an autocratic, sorry that is invading his neighbors. of course you were part of president clinton's foreign policy team. if we just thought a little bit beyond the breakup of the soviet union, one of the big issues at the clinton administration had to deal with was yugoslavia while not in or behind the i and cut the breakup of a very pro soviet country was a huge dilemma for the clinton administration, for so many reasons for so many years. yes. and president clinton wanted to do more forcefully. do policy more purposely earlier to get 2 and a half years to realize you had been the un and the you and take the lead. and, you know, basically moved quickly to have the date and according boss. you know, which, by the way, i'm very nervous about what's happening and, but in the course saving the people of, of kosovo and in that process as we went from gorbachev to yellow. and then the course eventually didn't. medea now which and again, the leaders have gone far farther away from the vision and the gorge i have, which is a democratic question that would be embedded in a capitalist democratic system. now we face a russia that is autocratic, not democratic, no press sewing disinformation and dealing with his neighbors as if they were chattel and invaded them right and left and killing people in ukraine. and i think the mikhail gorbachev saw the possibilities back in the early ninety's, but wasn't able to deliver on them because the system needed a much heavier live from the west. it needed more support to the people. so they see the benefits of democracy. this even today, the russians don't necessarily see why we have a democracy and you see that all through the western balkans today. why would we need democracy? gorbachev's understood why that was a good idea. why an open market, but the system has failed to deliver for the russians. and that's why we're in the crisis with ukraine today. i didn't deliver go rich. i've had the he was influential, the man that was required at the time. but was he a man that came before his time in the sense that, you know, as we had a not over just then that he, that he cares about the younger generation. and the younger generation are standing up in part within russia and in other parts of the, of the world to sort of say, we don't like what we see going on in ukraine. that voice is a stifled to a certain extent. he significantly cares. i'm sure he has influence many of his own generation to us. they carry on the mantle, carry on the work of what he's doing. do you see that anywhere? i would not say that he was a man before his time. i would say he's a mind man for the time that couldn't quite deliver on the vision because the, the west didn't do as much the progress became that the assets of the russians were sold off to oligarchs. and the people never saw the benefits of democracy. and i think gorbachev could have perhaps done more of the west, could have done more, but he was a man at the moment and then was unable to deliver in the system has, has moved farther and farther away from that vision for which you want to know will be charge, of course, you know, we have this, this whole sort of rather interesting conversation about how will be remembered in, in russia and how will be remembered in the west. what sort of work you expecting from president biden when he comes to actually maybe on camera later in the day to talk about the legacy that because gorbachev is left for the world. it will be a manual, entered the cold war, who opened up the soviet union to possibilities for peace. with the west integration with the west. he understood the need to have russia embedded and integrated with the west even if it may contain keepers. slightly different system in russia, i expect there will be stern noting of the passing of a former leader, but vitriol on there on the right and the social media eaten already see it on twitter and instagram of the calls that he's a traitor. and so i think the kremlin will be dignified about his passing, but mom on too much of the legacy, which was he for the moment turned his head away. thanks so much for joining us in jacksonville, florida. like now the lead as a across the globe, but also been paying tribute to mikhail gorbachev. russian president vladimir putin has expressed his deepest condolences and says that he'll send telegrams to his family and friends, european commission president as little delane as described, the former soviet leader as trusted and respected. he says he, she says he opens the way for free europe. united nations secretary general antennae good harish says, gorbachev did more than any other individual to bring a peaceful end to the cold war. he says, the world has lost a towering global leader. and the british prime minister both johnson says he admired gorbachev. courage and integrity to bring an end to the cold wall. also, the french present now has spoken of mental back roll, has praised him and called him a man of peace. well, stella had here on al jazeera today. it is pakistan to laura. it could be your current deal appeals to $160000000.00 to help buck is gone. as massive flooding leaves one 3rd of the country underwater or tens of thousands of the capital of the state of mississippi being fools to cue the will to those stories after the break. ah, judy has begun. the, the full world cup is on its way to cat hoop your travel package today. here's your weather update for asia. thank you so much for joining him. we'll begin in pakistan and afghanistan. a much more quiet pitcher here. how just the odd showers popping up, but of course we're in a law, and it is forecast still. law for the monsoon rains in its forecast to extend into mid september heavy falls of rain for the western gadson india, particularly around marashi, around demo by and just outside. and then we've got some torrential rain also long that border with west bengal and 2nd on wednesday, off to our japan. you know, this says southern island here chichi jima saw a record wind gusts of a 174 kilometers per hour. all had to do with this typhoon this about a 1000 kilometers a just toward the east of tokyo. also setting records for rain fall within 24 hours . let's track out where this is go and it's equivalent to a category for storm by the way, it's dipping further toward the south, but it's going to keep its distance from a taiwan that's a forecast on wednesday. and by thursday, it's going to inject some moisture to taiwan, but nothing major. we do have this slug of rain crossing over the waters between korea and japan running into northern honshu and ho cato and some thunderstorm, alerts and play for southern areas of honshu on wednesday that show up. they will see later i saw air with issue airlines of the journey. soon, the oppression of an ethnic minority and me and my guys back mainly jenkins. the intention was to make sure that bro hinges were no longer entitled to either basic rights or citizenship, right. al jazeera explores the history and mo, tips behind the systematic persecution after a hinge and me and my exile, i'm out is era blue. ah, look back here watching a dresser with me. so he'll rob the reminder of all the top stories. because gorbachev, the last leader of the soviet union has died at the age of 91. gorbachev presided over the end of the cold war and the listing of eastern europe, iron curtain. the fail to prevent the collapse of the ussr. russian television has announced the news of the gold jaunts death president vladimir putin. it has expressed his deepest condolences and says that he'll send messages to his family and friends. also, the un secretary general has led global tributes to mikhail gorbachev. antonio guitar irish called him a towering leader, while european commission president civil delaying called him a trusted and respected statesman. the team from the united nations nuclear watchdog agency, the i, a e. as we meeting ukrainian president vladimir lensky in keith. the delegation is due to travel to the upper reach a nuclear power plant, ukraine and russia of accused each other of shelling around the facility, which was briefly knocked offline last week. the fighting has drawn international concern about the potential disaster. the team is being given access to inspect the russian control site. now ukraine's military says it's destroyed key russian positions, weapons and warehouses as it tries to take the occupied southern region, of course, on murder case on which borders the black sea was seized by russia. at the start of the invasion. 6 months ago present lensky says, troops all pressing on with a counter offensive. he's addressing russian soldiers to flee for their lives. but mosca says its repelled attacks and inflicted heavy losses on ukrainian troops. the united nation says a ship carrying wheat from ukraine to the drought stricken hoard of africa has don't injure beauty. the ship, who was transporting 23000 tons of grain is the 1st vessel to make the journey to the regions that russia invaded ukraine. 6 months ago, the shipment will be transported to ethiopia. experts say it's enough to feed $1500000.00 people for a month. the u. n says 82000000 people lead food 8 across eastern africa because the extreme weather surging food prices and conflict. we've already seen a reduction of 15 percent in wheat prices globally. since the blacks, the initiative commence, what we want to see is more food flowing. we need from wi fi perspective. millions of tons in this region in ethiopia alone, 3 quarters of everything that we used to distribute originated from ukraine and russia. it appears being accused of targeting civilians in drones strikes in the northern to gray region. the head of the main hospitals has bombs under close to the building and the 2 riding capitol mckelly. there were no reports of casualties fighting between the ethiopian government and to grime rebels. resume last week after a 5 month lo, iraq's prime minister says he'll quit if the political crisis in his country continues, was found to the me address the nation after supporters of she laid him. another letter withdrew from that heavily fortified green zone. at least 30 people were killed and hundreds wounded in the unrest across the country monday. following for those announcements that he was quitting politics, well, has the men who none. and i want that if they want to continue to create disputes and complications and not to listen to the source of reason that i will make a moral decision. but i'll proceed to leave my post in accordance to the iraqi constitution at an appropriate time. my day people, our country, iraq is bleeding and has been bleeding for a long time as much such a cost. iraq's president bob sila has warned that the political crisis is not get over, but says an early election could guarantee stability is not made the head with more the president have been in his speech, have covered a few significant and crucial points on top of them. he started by commending the move by mocked at a sort of withdrawing from the green zone. he says that it's a brave step that serving the public interest. meanwhile, he's is calling on the rival fractions, including the southern himself and his rival, the iranian pat political factions. to come back to the negotiating table as a way out of this political deadlock, he reiterated that elections and forming a government power key steps to get out of this political crisis. he also reiterated that the, the iraqi people have been suffering for to the kids. now, and it's now time for them to get their wishes fulfilled. he also highlighted the fact that in his words, that iraq should not be a soil for although to foreign and regional powers to settle scores. so the present was very clear. also calling their arrival factions to come back to the negotiating table to work on holding early elections and form a new government to run the coming transitional period. as a way out of this political crisis, the search team that found the wreckage of a migrant both went down on the coast of lebanon, says it's enabled to bring the vessel to the surface. the divers also recovered the bodies inside the sunken boat families of the victims say that their re living the pain city hall has more from tripoli in northern level for months on survivors are reliving the pain of losing family members, etc. they were hoping to make it to europe, but their boat was intercepted by the army off the coast of northern lebanon, in circumstances disputed till today. no mckennon had of our goal is to know who is responsible for sinking the boat's. we still don't know. there have been contradictory statements. the army said the boat wasn't hit. if the captain of the submarine said it was hit from the front. a few days ago, a privately funded search team located the wreckage more than 450 meters beneath the surface. the army says it was overloaded and collided with the navy vessel while trying to get away. survivors say otherwise, the help is sharlena the army vessel hit. the front of our boat was just started to come in. and at 1st we didn't realize the butcher's thinking. i saw a sailor twice telling them to hit the front of our boat. the captain of the submarine reported signs of damage at the front of the boat, but says his team didn't have the capabilities to retrieve the vessel which is partly buried under silt. on the sea bed mac above me or they were killed in cold blood. we want a transparent investigation. and if they were serious about the truth, they would bring the boat up. relatives of the more than 30 people missing are not only asking for justice. what no, they killed my daughter, at least give me her bones. this is all i want now, so i can pray in her grave. the search team says it found somebody's near and inside the shipwreck, but they were badly decayed. the tragedy in april wasn't the 1st for lebanon in september, 2020 a migrant boat drifted at sea for days without food or water before it was found, 4 people died including a child. then like now families of the victims blamed the authorities saying they haven't even been told if any of the remains were recovered. i don't diesel, my children. i one thing. it's more up to the authorities. what happens? these are my children not days, but the search team has ended its mission, providing no closure to grieving families than the others, either tripoli, northern lebanon, the ones i could have general says that he'll visit boxed on next week. and tony garish is appealing for $160000000.00 need to help more than $33000000.00 people effected by massive floods. more than 1100 people have died since the monsoon rains began in june. pakistan is a washing suffering. the pakistani people are facing a monsoon on steroids, the relentless impact of ethical levels of rain and flooding. the climate catastrophe, a skilled, more than 1000 people with many more injured. let us all step up in solidarity and support to the people of pakistan in that hour of needs. let's stop sleep walking towards the struction of our planet by climate change. today. it is pakistan to morrow it could be your country. well, many as i didn't rural parts of buck, his son, southern sin province, where people live in basic mud and brick houses seemed to throbbing has a story of one remote village in chicago district where the flood victims are desperate for help. until the monsoon rains came last week barker elise was the newest house in the village was never but okay, that a big man. it started raining my neighbors, cynthia children to my house as well because my place was new, it was safe. there was no fear. suddenly at 2 in the morning, there was a loud crash, and the entire roof came down. 16 women and children were asleep inside at the time. but elise wife, young, son, and 3 other children were crushed, tad, welcome your mother. he feels helpless. he says, his household wiped away traditional structures in rural sin, affordable for the poor, usually suited to the terrain, are being overwhelmed by the effect of climate change. the weather has become so extreme. so suddenly people said the building techniques, their fathers and grandfathers used to make houses just aren't strong enough anymore. pockets on producers less than one percent of global carbon emissions, but suffers some of its worst effects. bahama the same last 2 daughters and the son when the roof collapsed, a message to the world from a grieving father. nursing me, i got me, i've got my friends go to my for the lego. the rain was not like this before. i just want to tell the world, prepare yourselves, go somewhere safe. my advice is don't sleep under ruth, may god keep your safe. i wouldn't wish what happened to us on any one. his wife was in the house at the time to get the money, but she now clings to the children. she has still in shock. she hasn't said much since it happened. they put their children to bed where they thought it would be dry, where they thought it would be safe. men slept out in the open to give women and children more room. the best of intentions met with the worst of figures. in basra, b l g 0, chicago poor since province pakistan the gambler, the us state of mississippi has been left without safe running water authorities in jackson's i pumps up the main water treatment plan to fail because of complications from the flooding of the pell river. early this week, the states health officers as best and shouldn't use the water to drink or even brush their teeth. people have been told to boil anything coming out of a top and have been given supplies of bottle drinking water. the governor tate wreaths is declared a state of emergency these solomon islands has temporarily banned the u. s. navy ships from entering its ports. the decision comes after the pacific island nation signed a security agreement with china and april. western governments are concerned. the solomon islands could provide china with a military foothold in the region moratorium will apply to all naval ships. cindy wilson watson pub, me as an independent asia pacific analyst, she says the relationship between the us and china makes plain the decision why there may be other factors. i don't think that it's something that should be interpreted unless we want to make it into something. as a grandiose move on the part of aging, to force the solomon's to do something with it. that may in fact be what happened. but there are other plausible explanations as well that have a lot to do with internal politics within the solvent. and we are forgetting that as the idea of great power competition makes everything into a 0 sum equation. china has tremendous issues right now. not the least of which is that they've announced as of today when the party congress will occur in october, which will become the primary focus of what happens with in china for the next couple of months. c, u. s. has made that accurate accusation at the same time, china regularly accuses the united states of things and we don't accept that as gospel either. my point is simply that if every thing in the world happens as if it were soley driven by great power competition, that leaves out a lot of possible explanations. ah.

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