Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220731 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220731

a government. ah, hello there, i'm this dorothy attain this is al jazeera live from durham, also coming up, ukrainian president brought him. he has a lens, he ordered a mandatory evacuation of the dumbass region. my fighting has intensified in recent days. new york stays in san francisco, declare a state of emergency. hundreds of monkey pox cases have been recorded in both places and debris from a chinese spacecraft falls on earth as it ran to the atmosphere. raising questions about the space, john ah, well, we begin in baghdad where protest is remain camped inside rocks, parliament, half the storming the building for a 2nd time this week. police fire tear gas that the crowds and the so called greens earn more than a 125 people have been injured. supporters of sheer character that i've sat are protesting against elimination of now how much i ouster donnie has prime minister like one other. why his reports, ah, once again, supporters of shia cleric more to the southern occupy iraq parliament but this time the vote to stay put until their demands are met. look, here we reject corruption and corrupt politicians. so down is a tool in the hands of foreign powers. he and his colleagues work against iraq. he won't do anything for our benefit. i'm on hello, maggie. we won't leave until we kick those corrupt politicians out of iraq approve iranian book called the coordination framework has nominated mohammed t as with n, e for play and minister. these protesters have link it to him to former premier in re l molecule. right? oh, my god, like the health ministry has confirmed dozens of people including soldiers were injured. when police fire t, a guess at the clouds. a jimmy. everyone shares the responsibility, political parties of the political elite, of the social forces and influential figures. we have to say to everyone, and everyone must act wisely with the rock in mind in order not to lose again. so saturday's parliamentary session had been dedicated to electing a new president, followed by the naming of a prime minister, who would then form a new government all there is no and hold. giving graven politicians a chance to meet. but these protesters are worried that m. p 's could hold and i don't know if session to approve. danny, so now did in for the long haul before the russian and 0 when ali i spoke to kill a bass, he's a political analyst faced in washington d. c. and he says, some supporters waiting for a comprehensive deal from the government. i think we ask the stage of who is going to be the next prime minister. the sub doris basically want a ground deal ideal that includes the judiciary consists of a supreme court setting. sometime for an early election, not touching or touching that total law, and then the premium shows. so several things in one package. this was supposedly, mainly after mildly ti, the arch enemy also took all part of the coordination of framework that, that thing really. and since intensified this conflict, when my, when molly cheese pounded, it became the premium ship candidate for the entire coordination of framework. and that really pushed so they were to react and to react wrongly. now he's waiting for this candidate to withdraw from the race. i don't think the framework will hold up for long as this process continues. i think some people in the framework are waiting are wanting some sort of excuse in order to leave the framework or kick mr. molly key out and the system, the process and the name of national security in the name of peace and iraq. some of them would make this more. so southern is giving them the pre facts one way or the other around president has visited areas hit by flooding, and lance lions which have killed at least 80 people. abraham rice. he travelled with representatives of the iranian red present to the city for risking that east of terran, heavy, rain and flooding, of course, havoc and dozens of provinces over the past week. at least 30 people are missing. now ukraine's president has ordered the mandatory evacuation of the eastern region of don yeske as fighting with russian forces intensifies in the late night address brought him his lensky, said people in the why the don bass region, which also includes neighboring who hands need to leave too much it is important for all now people who still remain dumbass in the areas of the fiercest fighting. there are hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands of children, many refuse to leave, but it really needs to be done. this decision will have to be taken regardless, believe me, and the sooner it's made, the more people who leave the don, it's region. now, the few people, the russian army will have time to kill. and lance, he calls on the un, on the international committee of the red cross to take action over an attack on a prison complex, and all the new car, which dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war kills russia and ukraine executed each other of carrying out that attack and the criminal has also invited the u. n. n red cross to investigation. on. meanwhile, 17 ships loaded with ukrainian grain are ready to depart from odessa. for the 1st time since russia invaded in february, more recent corn are being harvested as the war continues. last of ukrainian exports has raised global freed prices, threatened political instability, and helped to push more people into poverty and hunger and vulnerable countries. john henry had worn out from odessa, ukraine and the world are waiting for 17 ships filled with grain to distribute food across the globe and help avert a global hunger crisis. prisoner reloaded the landscape on friday, said those ships would leave soon, but they haven't left yet. there are a number of logistical problems involved with that. some of those could be insurance. the fact that the waters are mine, and most importantly, security because those ships will be traveling through and active wars out. we've also been told that the secretary general through a spokesman has offered to send a team of experts to a prison in eastern ukraine to determine whether it was a russian strike or an ukrainian strike that killed 50 people. those people were prisoners who fought on behalf of ukraine in mary, a pole. one of the things they'll look at is whether that with an external strike, as the russians claim, they say it was a ukrainian missile, or whether it was an explosion from inside. that is what the ukrainians claim. volota, here's a lengthy says it was a war crime. now moving on and spain has reported its 2nd monkey pokes related death in the past 2 days. there the 1st confirmed death from the virus in the european union. pain case numbers are your highest at almost 4300. the global monkey pokes outbreak is he more than 21000 cases in nearly 80 countries since may in the u. s. and new york state on the city of san francisco have both the states of emergency due to rising numbers of the virus. new york accounts one and 4 infections across the u. s. with 1300 cases reported there. there are $800.00 cases in the state of california, more than a quarter of which are in san francisco. mike, hannah is in washington with warm the us government's response to this outbreak. what it means is that, for example, in new york state, the public emergency has been declared. this allows the state to permit paramedics nurses, for example, to administer doses of the vaccine. it also opens up the door to greater federal assistance. now it is interesting in terms of the fact that you have had observed to say that it's very difficult to coordinate on the basis of the 7 entities. now that is the u. s. s. 50 state plus the 7 regions and major cities that are involved in san francisco for example, which is the 1st city to declare public health emergency. once again, that opens up the avenues of assistance from the state as well as from federal level. so it is a bit of a hodgepodge response in terms of the health departments way of dealing with it. and what i must note as well. very importantly, on wednesday, the cdc said that there was some 5054500 cases reported late last night. those figures were updated to some 5 to 4000. and now that's an increase of 10 percent over some to days. so clearly, this is a health problem that is not stabilizing. it is, in fact, mounting. now shall fighters of attack the military base on the somalia, ethiopia border, the and group which is linked to al qaeda says it's killed more than $100.00. if you can troops, the government says its soldiers killed dozens of fighters who tried to infiltrate the base. john, this samuel gets her has worn out from addis ababa. the somali state government has been supported by the european forces trying to fight with. i'll show bob. there was a story that came out saying that 150. i'll show bob. a lease members have been killed, but throughout the week and even a earlier this month, there has been different kind of claim and counter claim of victims and victory. and so on. enough for the u. n. w. p to start removing some of its employees. the somali region is one of the areas where it has a comp that's taking care of thousands of open, displaced people. and this goes to show you that this conflict is really moving forward. i'll show bob was claiming that they have been killing or winning the battle so far. but this is the 1st time that the european side or the regional side . the somali regional government forces have really. 3 clean this money or this money killing and in a way to so i'll show bob from advancing to the capital of the somali region and far beyond still had here on out in hundreds of people. rescued from the mediterranean sea are allowed to dock initially as the as migrant from refugees crossing to europe. and we meet the woman, he's become a driving force and efforts to keep women on the streets. ah, the journey has begun. the fee for world copies on its way to a catholic group. your travel package today k song goes what many would call a rainmaker it's not a tie. students or even a tropical storm. it's just chop with depression whose name disappears on sunday because we no longer can track it. but the result of its existence is this line of rain heavy removing the western side of south korea. and catching sudden, japan was only produced a fair amount of rain on the chinese or that circulation is just an increase in cloud. and rain is not extreme anywhere in china. in fact, still quite hot in places and hubie potentially coming down a little bit. one is out of the moment they probably will be taken away in the west of the high ground. you do see developing showers, but this is consistent with this time the year the heavy rain remains out over the korean peninsula and just catches the far east of russia in siberia. good lord, still to come in the philippines. i fear, in particular the central philippines were flooding, of course at this time the year is fairly reliably forecast and equal increase in the rain. and the clouds seems likely in cambodia and some parts of talent and some loss. as for india, the focus has been the indian states, northern states, i should say, and there's a singapore and the pole, but increasingly the radius you'd like to get heavy for the size as a warning coming up very soon in town. now do i saw a special airline of the journey? how and why did it become so obsessed? with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold the corrupt individuals and human rights abusers accountable. very good. i ripped this deal apart if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing what we're talking about vi american today, your weekly take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures, the course the world no matter what. when used in current calls that matter to you with ah, hello there, i'm this tells you hey, in durham, that's remind you about top stories here. the 1000 supporters of shia cleric knocked out. i'll sorta remain calm to inside iraq's parliament after storming the building for a 2nd time this week. there protesting against the nomination of mohammed childs to donny as prime minister, sharon's president has visited areas hit by flooding and landslide search of killed at least a few people. heavy rains, of course, havoc and dozens of provinces over the past week. at least 30 people are missing. new cranes president has ordered the evacuation of the eastern done yet conversion as fighting with russian forces intensifiers brought him his vents. you also said people in the wider john vast region which includes a neighboring new need to me. on this outrage in italy over the killing of a niger and immigrant on the street of a crystal town on the h. realistic c, video taken by onlookers shows the attack on the 39 year old illegal, which of course, he was selling goods when the attack had grabbed his crutch and beat him to death, bystanders, court police but didn't intervene. the victims, wife and members of the niger and community held a demonstration demanding justice. an italian man has been arrested. a growing numbers of migrants and refugees arriving initially as being politicized ahead of september's snap election. natasha game reports on how the issue is influencing bushes and lamp and usa. the aquamarine waters of the mediterranean, surrounded by craggy cliffs, keep luring tourists to these cones. however, vacationers aren't the reason the small italian island has made headlines in recent years. in 2013368 migrants and refugees died. when an overcrowded boat capsized dear lamp producer, it was one of the worst ship racks in modern european history. francesco verandas, father was fishing with a friend when he heard cries for help. he rescued a dozen people and became a national hero. reloads empty, and all the people tinkled migrant. so criminals don't understand what he means to suffer for something in forget that they're worse than earth, exploited the same africa became from after people protested the days when asylum seekers arrived and roamed the narrow streets are long gone. now their presence is invisible to most, but rewards attributed to them in the english one which are born archer and mother . there is a problem when the sea is very calm, like today, we see at least 1500 people arriving each week. vincent there immediately transferred to sicily or somewhere else well, years ago. we don't see them on the island. anyone yet the migrant welcome center is overflowing. the uptake and arrivals coincides with the collapse of prime minister mario druggies coalition government. this month he announced his resignation twice. far right and populous parties, torpedo draggy government, and are expected to prevail in snap elections. on september 25th, the majority, siblings come from one of the oldest families on lump a. do so make a living selling produce out of a truck in the city center. we've been over a lot of us on that. we should vote for the far right and give them an opportunity to run the country before we say the and no good. currently, my grants are coming here every day without any rules, peralta hopes, italians won't allow far, right and populous candidates to scape goat migrants. almost a decade later, his father has remained in contact with some of the people he rescued. and he says the sadness in their eyes remains. natasha. name l 0. lump a. do some italy cuba has announced electricity cut from the capitol. havana beginning on monday. the city will have scheduled blackouts. and the annual carnival has also been cancelled. is in response to an ongoing energy crisis. havana is home to more than 11000000 people who had been sped from the islands daily. full al, pelicans or the number of women mattered or missing in northern mexico has risen by almost 40 percent in the past 5 years. the situation has pushed one woman and the city of monterey to launch an exclusively female taxi service. yes, her story numbers those somebody a coupled one silas, but that i said most i give my name is due to my dea, comfortable sandy's founder of girls taxi monterey, a family owned under price wheel for transport services for girls and women, and guarantee they get to their destination safely. as we met with us at my not, not our 1st week and we started trending and we were shared more than 42000 times. that made me very happy, but at the same time, it got us thinking why such a reaction. it means that there's a vacuum in our community that women are scared. wow. look eligible. that's what made us start this service for the fear of how unprotected we women of any age are in our community. and i'm of the name of napoleon. we have more than $3000.00 clients on whatsapp credit. our other social network accounts are also full that we can't handle any more requests, but even less than to seek us, get us aware that many girls tell us why they chose us. some were harassed, mistreated even sexually abused by a driver when they are terrified of using any service with mail drivers. i looked up open some of those. we think that whatever a girl is doing on the street, she shouldn't feel threatened or in danger. oh oh yeah, my use thanks to them and then the business is called girls taxi and i me but it will always remind me of do to solicit my daughter. i founded it for her. i went the fema driven caving every corner of the world. so she can feel safe. pope francis has hinted that he may consider retirement. he says this week's trip to canada has been challenging due to the pain he suffered in his knees. he needed a wheelchair to get around after straining his ligaments earlier this year. as he left canada, he also called crimes committed in canada, a residential school genocide. during the trip, the pope apologized to indigenous people abused at those schools, most of which were run by the catholic church. now straightly as prime minister has presented a draft question for a referendum on setting up an indigenous advisory body in parliament. the move brings anthony albany z a step closer to fulfilling one of his major policy goals. the proposed body would give advice to the government on decisions that would impact aboriginal people. the government wants to hold the reference and by 20251 to make to it. this is i reform, i believe every is driving kenyan brice from all walks of life in every part of the country, from every bite and background and tradition. because it speaks to values that we all share an on. then respect, decency in scrawny a voice. well they, i national attainment. it will be above politics a unit by a strategy and moment. while the protests in hong kong 3 years ago went just about demands for political change. people will also angry about the widening gap between the rich and poor, especially a lack of affordable housing. but a new outbreak of cobit 19 is exposing growing inequality. and as adrian brown reports now from hong kong, the anger is still there. hong kong real estate is consistently ranked as the world's most expensive. it also ranks high for something else. inequality. the cities just recorded its hottest week on record. so imagine what it's like to live here. a windows cubicle measuring just over 2 square meters. how long have you been here? about 8 years. for $270.00 a month. david lau rents a space just big enough for a bed and his few belongings. it's on the 6th floor of a dilapidated apartment block. one of 14 partition spaces that are created when normal apartments are divided into minuscule ones and where hygiene is a daily struggle. if i, if i'm on the test and the thing guide is local social workers, he lives sean, here helping to distribute marks and cobra. 1900 test kits. her organization says that more than 220000 people. and now living this way, i last reported on this problem 13 years ago. what you're looking at are cages. no final. but people back then miss c had already spent more than a decade campaigning again, so called cage holmes. she says not much has changed since we last spoke. that's why we also request that that one increase a surprise and then we can take the take home of the normal case home. well, the reason why so many people live in the squalid and often dangerous conditions is as was the case, 13 years ago because of hong kong, acute public housing shortage. it's a short is that means the waiting time for such a home can be up to 10 years. ready the, during the recent visit to hong kong, china's president changing thing, urged the territories new rita to make the issue of affordable housing, a priority. the local government, as pledge to build more than 300000 homes in the next decade, something se says, should have happened a long time ago. it's a shame hong kong, when we hope we can pull it as soon as possible and even the sense of definitely concent housing policy. but addressing the poverty hidden behind the skyline will be a challenge. and one that former governments have failed to resolve. adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. now china space agency has been accused of not following international protocol over space debris for a 3rd time. have a look at this video was taken in the malaysian city of coaching and is said to show the remnants of the long march 5 b rocket falling uncontrollably. back to china says most of the rocket bound up during re entry over the sea between the island of borneo and the philippines. but in a statement, nasa says china did not share specific trajectory information as their long launch . 5 be rocket fell back to us and went on to say that all space faring nations should follow established best practices and do their part to share this type of information. doing so is critical to the responsible use of space and to ensure the safety of people here on us. while the issue of space junk is a growing problem, most rockets and satellites burn up during re entry into the earth orbit but some debris does reach surface intact. now, according to the european space agency, there are 2000 active satellites in the earth's orbit. another $3000.00 are setting offline, and scientists say without satellite launch regulations, one out of every 15 visible night lights in the night sky will be a satellite and not a star. well, let's bring in donald kessler. he is the former senior scientist for orbital debris research at nasa, and he joins us now from ashville in north carolina. don't. let's start with the long march 5 p rocket because by my understanding this was a bit of an unusual situation for such a large part of a rocket to reach all but with its payload. this was a controversial choice, i believe by the chinese with good care is an extra fuel a year. we always have certain guidelines that we go to minimize. the risk in general is small the consequences or depending on what it is re entered. for example, mass, it requires all our satellites to cherry, no extra you. so to reenter with 25 years after the done their mission. so it should ask for the chinese secure that extra to make sure that they have a control reaction when you don't have that called what happened today. reckless and we have the statement from nasa, but they're actually laws governing how this should be handled. laws with consequences agreements that we all agreed upon. i know we're working very quickly with all of your agencies, russia and china was included in those discussions as well as to what would the responsible thing to do. this is taking on a different task when the space program originally it was for research is become where making money as enterprise and can go very badly. there's a thing called the tragedy of the commons. moving into a common area where everybody has people lives. there is no regulation, they will destroy our spaces in a shared environment and without regulation that out here into those issues. or when you spoke about discussions and some sort of an agreement, i think this is what the 3rd time now that measuring has allowed this to happen with a long march. 5, b is trying to actually slowly adopting the norms of other countries in space or is it continuing to be a bit of a road actor? here? we have, we have to enter a record committee where we are denied the types of meetings we actually, when anything, it's not going to re enter. there's a goes out to measure exactly what's happening so they can understand exactly what happens. something re enters when it creates a hazard and my understanding that stuff you can, you can take the courses to we had a situation where marcus department, the chance is using a container, happens in the very least all gas and it was frozen this container. and it was about to enter, it was going to have survived re injury and landed and broken up and released all i guess actually if you're anybody that was within half a mile or so, we crashed and we might have landed in the ocean. but rather than take the risk matters, we're going to bring that down in a control manner and they use it. we call the satellite test. but the last, just or it was scheduled to re enter the atmosphere and lower the corner so that all the harvest was dissipated in the upper atmosphere. and nothing main cause has. so we all had to work with those kind of problems because it is an issue. but there are solutions to an issue in an increase in crowded space. it seems donald kessler, they're the former senior scientist for orbital debris, with research at nasa. thank you so much for joining us on out of there. so.

Related Keywords

United States , Niger , Hong Kong , Sicily , Sicilia , Italy , China , California , Russia , Ethiopia , San Francisco , Ukraine , Mexico , India , Odessa , Odes Ka Oblast , Cambodia , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Monterey , South Korea , Spain , New York , Malaysia , Philippines , Japan , North Carolina , Iran , Washington , Canada , Somalia , Iraq , Baghdad , Singapore , Nashville , Manitoba , Italian , Ukrainians , Chinese , Russian , Iranian , Ukrainian , Italians , Malaysian , Somali , Russians , American , Addis Ababa , Donald Kessler , Al Jazeera Hong Kong , Al Qaeda , Anthony Albany , Mohammed Childs , John Henry , David Lau , Adrian Brown , Indian States ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220731 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220731

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a government. ah, hello there, i'm this dorothy attain this is al jazeera live from durham, also coming up, ukrainian president brought him. he has a lens, he ordered a mandatory evacuation of the dumbass region. my fighting has intensified in recent days. new york stays in san francisco, declare a state of emergency. hundreds of monkey pox cases have been recorded in both places and debris from a chinese spacecraft falls on earth as it ran to the atmosphere. raising questions about the space, john ah, well, we begin in baghdad where protest is remain camped inside rocks, parliament, half the storming the building for a 2nd time this week. police fire tear gas that the crowds and the so called greens earn more than a 125 people have been injured. supporters of sheer character that i've sat are protesting against elimination of now how much i ouster donnie has prime minister like one other. why his reports, ah, once again, supporters of shia cleric more to the southern occupy iraq parliament but this time the vote to stay put until their demands are met. look, here we reject corruption and corrupt politicians. so down is a tool in the hands of foreign powers. he and his colleagues work against iraq. he won't do anything for our benefit. i'm on hello, maggie. we won't leave until we kick those corrupt politicians out of iraq approve iranian book called the coordination framework has nominated mohammed t as with n, e for play and minister. these protesters have link it to him to former premier in re l molecule. right? oh, my god, like the health ministry has confirmed dozens of people including soldiers were injured. when police fire t, a guess at the clouds. a jimmy. everyone shares the responsibility, political parties of the political elite, of the social forces and influential figures. we have to say to everyone, and everyone must act wisely with the rock in mind in order not to lose again. so saturday's parliamentary session had been dedicated to electing a new president, followed by the naming of a prime minister, who would then form a new government all there is no and hold. giving graven politicians a chance to meet. but these protesters are worried that m. p 's could hold and i don't know if session to approve. danny, so now did in for the long haul before the russian and 0 when ali i spoke to kill a bass, he's a political analyst faced in washington d. c. and he says, some supporters waiting for a comprehensive deal from the government. i think we ask the stage of who is going to be the next prime minister. the sub doris basically want a ground deal ideal that includes the judiciary consists of a supreme court setting. sometime for an early election, not touching or touching that total law, and then the premium shows. so several things in one package. this was supposedly, mainly after mildly ti, the arch enemy also took all part of the coordination of framework that, that thing really. and since intensified this conflict, when my, when molly cheese pounded, it became the premium ship candidate for the entire coordination of framework. and that really pushed so they were to react and to react wrongly. now he's waiting for this candidate to withdraw from the race. i don't think the framework will hold up for long as this process continues. i think some people in the framework are waiting are wanting some sort of excuse in order to leave the framework or kick mr. molly key out and the system, the process and the name of national security in the name of peace and iraq. some of them would make this more. so southern is giving them the pre facts one way or the other around president has visited areas hit by flooding, and lance lions which have killed at least 80 people. abraham rice. he travelled with representatives of the iranian red present to the city for risking that east of terran, heavy, rain and flooding, of course, havoc and dozens of provinces over the past week. at least 30 people are missing. now ukraine's president has ordered the mandatory evacuation of the eastern region of don yeske as fighting with russian forces intensifies in the late night address brought him his lensky, said people in the why the don bass region, which also includes neighboring who hands need to leave too much it is important for all now people who still remain dumbass in the areas of the fiercest fighting. there are hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands of children, many refuse to leave, but it really needs to be done. this decision will have to be taken regardless, believe me, and the sooner it's made, the more people who leave the don, it's region. now, the few people, the russian army will have time to kill. and lance, he calls on the un, on the international committee of the red cross to take action over an attack on a prison complex, and all the new car, which dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war kills russia and ukraine executed each other of carrying out that attack and the criminal has also invited the u. n. n red cross to investigation. on. meanwhile, 17 ships loaded with ukrainian grain are ready to depart from odessa. for the 1st time since russia invaded in february, more recent corn are being harvested as the war continues. last of ukrainian exports has raised global freed prices, threatened political instability, and helped to push more people into poverty and hunger and vulnerable countries. john henry had worn out from odessa, ukraine and the world are waiting for 17 ships filled with grain to distribute food across the globe and help avert a global hunger crisis. prisoner reloaded the landscape on friday, said those ships would leave soon, but they haven't left yet. there are a number of logistical problems involved with that. some of those could be insurance. the fact that the waters are mine, and most importantly, security because those ships will be traveling through and active wars out. we've also been told that the secretary general through a spokesman has offered to send a team of experts to a prison in eastern ukraine to determine whether it was a russian strike or an ukrainian strike that killed 50 people. those people were prisoners who fought on behalf of ukraine in mary, a pole. one of the things they'll look at is whether that with an external strike, as the russians claim, they say it was a ukrainian missile, or whether it was an explosion from inside. that is what the ukrainians claim. volota, here's a lengthy says it was a war crime. now moving on and spain has reported its 2nd monkey pokes related death in the past 2 days. there the 1st confirmed death from the virus in the european union. pain case numbers are your highest at almost 4300. the global monkey pokes outbreak is he more than 21000 cases in nearly 80 countries since may in the u. s. and new york state on the city of san francisco have both the states of emergency due to rising numbers of the virus. new york accounts one and 4 infections across the u. s. with 1300 cases reported there. there are $800.00 cases in the state of california, more than a quarter of which are in san francisco. mike, hannah is in washington with warm the us government's response to this outbreak. what it means is that, for example, in new york state, the public emergency has been declared. this allows the state to permit paramedics nurses, for example, to administer doses of the vaccine. it also opens up the door to greater federal assistance. now it is interesting in terms of the fact that you have had observed to say that it's very difficult to coordinate on the basis of the 7 entities. now that is the u. s. s. 50 state plus the 7 regions and major cities that are involved in san francisco for example, which is the 1st city to declare public health emergency. once again, that opens up the avenues of assistance from the state as well as from federal level. so it is a bit of a hodgepodge response in terms of the health departments way of dealing with it. and what i must note as well. very importantly, on wednesday, the cdc said that there was some 5054500 cases reported late last night. those figures were updated to some 5 to 4000. and now that's an increase of 10 percent over some to days. so clearly, this is a health problem that is not stabilizing. it is, in fact, mounting. now shall fighters of attack the military base on the somalia, ethiopia border, the and group which is linked to al qaeda says it's killed more than $100.00. if you can troops, the government says its soldiers killed dozens of fighters who tried to infiltrate the base. john, this samuel gets her has worn out from addis ababa. the somali state government has been supported by the european forces trying to fight with. i'll show bob. there was a story that came out saying that 150. i'll show bob. a lease members have been killed, but throughout the week and even a earlier this month, there has been different kind of claim and counter claim of victims and victory. and so on. enough for the u. n. w. p to start removing some of its employees. the somali region is one of the areas where it has a comp that's taking care of thousands of open, displaced people. and this goes to show you that this conflict is really moving forward. i'll show bob was claiming that they have been killing or winning the battle so far. but this is the 1st time that the european side or the regional side . the somali regional government forces have really. 3 clean this money or this money killing and in a way to so i'll show bob from advancing to the capital of the somali region and far beyond still had here on out in hundreds of people. rescued from the mediterranean sea are allowed to dock initially as the as migrant from refugees crossing to europe. and we meet the woman, he's become a driving force and efforts to keep women on the streets. ah, the journey has begun. the fee for world copies on its way to a catholic group. your travel package today k song goes what many would call a rainmaker it's not a tie. students or even a tropical storm. it's just chop with depression whose name disappears on sunday because we no longer can track it. but the result of its existence is this line of rain heavy removing the western side of south korea. and catching sudden, japan was only produced a fair amount of rain on the chinese or that circulation is just an increase in cloud. and rain is not extreme anywhere in china. in fact, still quite hot in places and hubie potentially coming down a little bit. one is out of the moment they probably will be taken away in the west of the high ground. you do see developing showers, but this is consistent with this time the year the heavy rain remains out over the korean peninsula and just catches the far east of russia in siberia. good lord, still to come in the philippines. i fear, in particular the central philippines were flooding, of course at this time the year is fairly reliably forecast and equal increase in the rain. and the clouds seems likely in cambodia and some parts of talent and some loss. as for india, the focus has been the indian states, northern states, i should say, and there's a singapore and the pole, but increasingly the radius you'd like to get heavy for the size as a warning coming up very soon in town. now do i saw a special airline of the journey? how and why did it become so obsessed? with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold the corrupt individuals and human rights abusers accountable. very good. i ripped this deal apart if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing what we're talking about vi american today, your weekly take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures, the course the world no matter what. when used in current calls that matter to you with ah, hello there, i'm this tells you hey, in durham, that's remind you about top stories here. the 1000 supporters of shia cleric knocked out. i'll sorta remain calm to inside iraq's parliament after storming the building for a 2nd time this week. there protesting against the nomination of mohammed childs to donny as prime minister, sharon's president has visited areas hit by flooding and landslide search of killed at least a few people. heavy rains, of course, havoc and dozens of provinces over the past week. at least 30 people are missing. new cranes president has ordered the evacuation of the eastern done yet conversion as fighting with russian forces intensifiers brought him his vents. you also said people in the wider john vast region which includes a neighboring new need to me. on this outrage in italy over the killing of a niger and immigrant on the street of a crystal town on the h. realistic c, video taken by onlookers shows the attack on the 39 year old illegal, which of course, he was selling goods when the attack had grabbed his crutch and beat him to death, bystanders, court police but didn't intervene. the victims, wife and members of the niger and community held a demonstration demanding justice. an italian man has been arrested. a growing numbers of migrants and refugees arriving initially as being politicized ahead of september's snap election. natasha game reports on how the issue is influencing bushes and lamp and usa. the aquamarine waters of the mediterranean, surrounded by craggy cliffs, keep luring tourists to these cones. however, vacationers aren't the reason the small italian island has made headlines in recent years. in 2013368 migrants and refugees died. when an overcrowded boat capsized dear lamp producer, it was one of the worst ship racks in modern european history. francesco verandas, father was fishing with a friend when he heard cries for help. he rescued a dozen people and became a national hero. reloads empty, and all the people tinkled migrant. so criminals don't understand what he means to suffer for something in forget that they're worse than earth, exploited the same africa became from after people protested the days when asylum seekers arrived and roamed the narrow streets are long gone. now their presence is invisible to most, but rewards attributed to them in the english one which are born archer and mother . there is a problem when the sea is very calm, like today, we see at least 1500 people arriving each week. vincent there immediately transferred to sicily or somewhere else well, years ago. we don't see them on the island. anyone yet the migrant welcome center is overflowing. the uptake and arrivals coincides with the collapse of prime minister mario druggies coalition government. this month he announced his resignation twice. far right and populous parties, torpedo draggy government, and are expected to prevail in snap elections. on september 25th, the majority, siblings come from one of the oldest families on lump a. do so make a living selling produce out of a truck in the city center. we've been over a lot of us on that. we should vote for the far right and give them an opportunity to run the country before we say the and no good. currently, my grants are coming here every day without any rules, peralta hopes, italians won't allow far, right and populous candidates to scape goat migrants. almost a decade later, his father has remained in contact with some of the people he rescued. and he says the sadness in their eyes remains. natasha. name l 0. lump a. do some italy cuba has announced electricity cut from the capitol. havana beginning on monday. the city will have scheduled blackouts. and the annual carnival has also been cancelled. is in response to an ongoing energy crisis. havana is home to more than 11000000 people who had been sped from the islands daily. full al, pelicans or the number of women mattered or missing in northern mexico has risen by almost 40 percent in the past 5 years. the situation has pushed one woman and the city of monterey to launch an exclusively female taxi service. yes, her story numbers those somebody a coupled one silas, but that i said most i give my name is due to my dea, comfortable sandy's founder of girls taxi monterey, a family owned under price wheel for transport services for girls and women, and guarantee they get to their destination safely. as we met with us at my not, not our 1st week and we started trending and we were shared more than 42000 times. that made me very happy, but at the same time, it got us thinking why such a reaction. it means that there's a vacuum in our community that women are scared. wow. look eligible. that's what made us start this service for the fear of how unprotected we women of any age are in our community. and i'm of the name of napoleon. we have more than $3000.00 clients on whatsapp credit. our other social network accounts are also full that we can't handle any more requests, but even less than to seek us, get us aware that many girls tell us why they chose us. some were harassed, mistreated even sexually abused by a driver when they are terrified of using any service with mail drivers. i looked up open some of those. we think that whatever a girl is doing on the street, she shouldn't feel threatened or in danger. oh oh yeah, my use thanks to them and then the business is called girls taxi and i me but it will always remind me of do to solicit my daughter. i founded it for her. i went the fema driven caving every corner of the world. so she can feel safe. pope francis has hinted that he may consider retirement. he says this week's trip to canada has been challenging due to the pain he suffered in his knees. he needed a wheelchair to get around after straining his ligaments earlier this year. as he left canada, he also called crimes committed in canada, a residential school genocide. during the trip, the pope apologized to indigenous people abused at those schools, most of which were run by the catholic church. now straightly as prime minister has presented a draft question for a referendum on setting up an indigenous advisory body in parliament. the move brings anthony albany z a step closer to fulfilling one of his major policy goals. the proposed body would give advice to the government on decisions that would impact aboriginal people. the government wants to hold the reference and by 20251 to make to it. this is i reform, i believe every is driving kenyan brice from all walks of life in every part of the country, from every bite and background and tradition. because it speaks to values that we all share an on. then respect, decency in scrawny a voice. well they, i national attainment. it will be above politics a unit by a strategy and moment. while the protests in hong kong 3 years ago went just about demands for political change. people will also angry about the widening gap between the rich and poor, especially a lack of affordable housing. but a new outbreak of cobit 19 is exposing growing inequality. and as adrian brown reports now from hong kong, the anger is still there. hong kong real estate is consistently ranked as the world's most expensive. it also ranks high for something else. inequality. the cities just recorded its hottest week on record. so imagine what it's like to live here. a windows cubicle measuring just over 2 square meters. how long have you been here? about 8 years. for $270.00 a month. david lau rents a space just big enough for a bed and his few belongings. it's on the 6th floor of a dilapidated apartment block. one of 14 partition spaces that are created when normal apartments are divided into minuscule ones and where hygiene is a daily struggle. if i, if i'm on the test and the thing guide is local social workers, he lives sean, here helping to distribute marks and cobra. 1900 test kits. her organization says that more than 220000 people. and now living this way, i last reported on this problem 13 years ago. what you're looking at are cages. no final. but people back then miss c had already spent more than a decade campaigning again, so called cage holmes. she says not much has changed since we last spoke. that's why we also request that that one increase a surprise and then we can take the take home of the normal case home. well, the reason why so many people live in the squalid and often dangerous conditions is as was the case, 13 years ago because of hong kong, acute public housing shortage. it's a short is that means the waiting time for such a home can be up to 10 years. ready the, during the recent visit to hong kong, china's president changing thing, urged the territories new rita to make the issue of affordable housing, a priority. the local government, as pledge to build more than 300000 homes in the next decade, something se says, should have happened a long time ago. it's a shame hong kong, when we hope we can pull it as soon as possible and even the sense of definitely concent housing policy. but addressing the poverty hidden behind the skyline will be a challenge. and one that former governments have failed to resolve. adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. now china space agency has been accused of not following international protocol over space debris for a 3rd time. have a look at this video was taken in the malaysian city of coaching and is said to show the remnants of the long march 5 b rocket falling uncontrollably. back to china says most of the rocket bound up during re entry over the sea between the island of borneo and the philippines. but in a statement, nasa says china did not share specific trajectory information as their long launch . 5 be rocket fell back to us and went on to say that all space faring nations should follow established best practices and do their part to share this type of information. doing so is critical to the responsible use of space and to ensure the safety of people here on us. while the issue of space junk is a growing problem, most rockets and satellites burn up during re entry into the earth orbit but some debris does reach surface intact. now, according to the european space agency, there are 2000 active satellites in the earth's orbit. another $3000.00 are setting offline, and scientists say without satellite launch regulations, one out of every 15 visible night lights in the night sky will be a satellite and not a star. well, let's bring in donald kessler. he is the former senior scientist for orbital debris research at nasa, and he joins us now from ashville in north carolina. don't. let's start with the long march 5 p rocket because by my understanding this was a bit of an unusual situation for such a large part of a rocket to reach all but with its payload. this was a controversial choice, i believe by the chinese with good care is an extra fuel a year. we always have certain guidelines that we go to minimize. the risk in general is small the consequences or depending on what it is re entered. for example, mass, it requires all our satellites to cherry, no extra you. so to reenter with 25 years after the done their mission. so it should ask for the chinese secure that extra to make sure that they have a control reaction when you don't have that called what happened today. reckless and we have the statement from nasa, but they're actually laws governing how this should be handled. laws with consequences agreements that we all agreed upon. i know we're working very quickly with all of your agencies, russia and china was included in those discussions as well as to what would the responsible thing to do. this is taking on a different task when the space program originally it was for research is become where making money as enterprise and can go very badly. there's a thing called the tragedy of the commons. moving into a common area where everybody has people lives. there is no regulation, they will destroy our spaces in a shared environment and without regulation that out here into those issues. or when you spoke about discussions and some sort of an agreement, i think this is what the 3rd time now that measuring has allowed this to happen with a long march. 5, b is trying to actually slowly adopting the norms of other countries in space or is it continuing to be a bit of a road actor? here? we have, we have to enter a record committee where we are denied the types of meetings we actually, when anything, it's not going to re enter. there's a goes out to measure exactly what's happening so they can understand exactly what happens. something re enters when it creates a hazard and my understanding that stuff you can, you can take the courses to we had a situation where marcus department, the chance is using a container, happens in the very least all gas and it was frozen this container. and it was about to enter, it was going to have survived re injury and landed and broken up and released all i guess actually if you're anybody that was within half a mile or so, we crashed and we might have landed in the ocean. but rather than take the risk matters, we're going to bring that down in a control manner and they use it. we call the satellite test. but the last, just or it was scheduled to re enter the atmosphere and lower the corner so that all the harvest was dissipated in the upper atmosphere. and nothing main cause has. so we all had to work with those kind of problems because it is an issue. but there are solutions to an issue in an increase in crowded space. it seems donald kessler, they're the former senior scientist for orbital debris, with research at nasa. thank you so much for joining us on out of there. so.

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