Transcripts For ALJAZ Mediation And Assassination 20171030 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Mediation And Assassination 20171030

now in terms of overall responsibility is. the spanish prime minister. is the next she's the deputy prime minister active lady she is in the situation whereby she has been designated by the prime minister for responsibility reporting directly to him and then she has appointed a man. to cast room all this gentleman is actually a member of the inner circle of. p.p. the ruling party in madrid and it would appear that he may well be possibly making an appearance on monday but he will be. responsible to actually. work out some form of government in the interim between now and the december elections. and he would be governor if you will there will be ministers from madrid acting. appointing people for the ministries the individual ministries the civil service there are two there are two hundred thousand. in the civil service public administrations they are all working normally it would appear there is no actual demonstrations of any sort and then you have a large number of non civil servants but political appointees if you will a large number one hundred forty they've all been completely cancel their contracts worth nothing now so basically what the spanish government has done his base is to is to unfrocked to completely disable the political machine here and it's now sort of running on a very low gas so to speak it's still sort of here but not actually functioning and it's got to have seen some sort of statement of intent and reaction to these charges before people are going to be clear on what's going on because it has to be said secession is going to be very very concerned. by this list of charges especially i say a list of charges without any specifics very concerned about what it's going to mean in terms of the future of the procession its movement so many. questions obviously that we need to fill in andrew as time goes on it will be coming back to you later to get some more details on them for now let's thank andrew symonds he's been giving us up to date on how the situation looks there in barcelona let's just update our viewers on the news that's coming. in the last half hour also things have moved in this story the situation with the attempt to break away in catalonia we've had an announcement by spain's director of public prosecutions you can see in there moments ago he announced that several charges would be brought against catalonia leaders at the national court and i didn't mention by name who those national leader who those regional leaders are but he did mention that those charges include rebellion sedition and embarrass them and how it didn't end there he went on to say that charges would also be brought against members of the regional parliament the catalonia parliament for their role in facilitating the independence vote that prompted that announcement of independence on behalf of catalonia he said the charges will be brought against m.p.'s but at the supreme court because of course they still enjoy their parliamentary privilege and therefore by the constitution members of parliament who enjoy immunity can only be prosecuted at the very highest court of the land. what the reaction will be that's what we're standing by to see we're expecting to get reaction from those doors where chiles colace huge amount office is located. the northern cemetery. principal burial ground of the city of stock. last resting place for sweden's most celebrated citizen. not far from alfred nobel whose famous prize is bear his name lies another illustrious we. count falcon bernadotte a visible. like nobel his name is linked with peace as the first u.n. mediator in the arab israeli conflict. unlike nobel his life ended violence. like ben adult who want to make peace. have a little chance of doing so look at the literally understand the deeper roots of the conflict. on the seventeenth of september one thousand nine hundred forty eight shortly after arriving in jerusalem. bernadotte us was assassinated by. the killers right wing israelis the stern gang people with seen this true patriots. they got off scot free. and one of them from mia. became the prime minister orpheus for. this is the story of how peace can be frustrated by extremists and. our suster nation can turn the tide of history. with consequences that still scar the middle east. this is the story of killing the coward. february one thousand nine hundred forty five. count falcon by an adult is about to board a nazi plane bound for land. as vice president of the swedish red cross he was leading the biggest humanitarian effort of world war two. he had come to germany to negotiate with heinrich himmler nazi minister of the interior. this meeting would secure the release of thousands of concentration camp person use. by the end of the war byrne adults mission known as the white buses. would successfully evacuate thirty thousand prisoners of over twenty nationalities to safety in sweden. one third of them were jews. in the aftermath of war those jews who had survived the holocaust began to leave a continent that had become for them a personal hell. after there was. a big guy. like the birds. thirty to palestine. the lists of ships they discovered that. they didn't the l.o.'s. country. the british the ruling all thirty in palestine had decided to put a stop to the tide of jewish immigration. the tide the pumping swelling since fascism had begun its march across. in one thousand nine hundred thirty six local arab objections to both british colonial rule and mass jewish immigration into their homeland erupted into a full scale revolt. jewish settlements in palestine had been protecting themselves against sporadic arab attacks with the defense militia. the haugen. in thirty six in the face of the daily on suddenly it dawned. the younger generation that unless they are ready to undertake the military effort in the country the jews won't be able to stay so. defensive a source changed into an offensive he says. a more extreme group now emerged from the high going up. called iran. the national military organization in the land of israel. in march nine hundred thirty seven you're going to launched a series of bomb attacks. against arab cafes markets buses and trains. with the cycle of violence in palestine growing. the british decided to act. as a dangerous palace a conference is having to arrive at the solution of the arab jewish problem of palestine. after a conference in london after attended by both arabs and jews the british government produced a white paper setting a limit on jewish immigration to palestine for the next five years to bring peace to be beyond that it would be left to the arab majority to decide to the jews this was complete betrayal soon the british would feel their anger. on the twenty six the bogus one nine hundred thirty nine. it a gun started its own war against the british killing two offices in a bomb attack. six days later the whole well it's descended into war. the name egypt we called off its campaign. so as not to hinder britain's fight against what they called the junos greatest enemy in the world. german nazi is. but within a splinter group now emerged led by a man determined to fight on. of a hamster and thought that britain was a greater enemy of the jews than down through germany. and he wanted to continue to fight the british during the second world war. you know order to expel them. in july one thousand nine hundred forty stern created a new militant break away from him gone cold and there he or fighters for the freedom of israel. to the british it was simply the stern gang. the fate of falcon bernadotte would be determined by these men. they wanted the british out of the middle east the germans wanted the british out of the middle east so decided to make common cause with the nazis tried to make contact with them in istanbul the nazis weren't interested nothing came of it. it was a mixture of stupidity and fanaticism they thought that they who should join the enemy of england in order to obtain help for the girls in palestine which was just stupid they were very brave and very stupid people. in february one thousand nine hundred forty two during his arrest in tel aviv by the british. after him stan was shot dead. on the sixth the november one thousand nine hundred forty four left he commanded now by yet sack shania struck back in an unexpected place. cairo. two assassins killed lord moyne the british minister resident in the middle east outside his home. it's hard for me. was a terrorist and not just he but the other members of the stern gang defined themselves as terrorists and wrote that terrorism is a perfectly legitimate means for expelling the foreign occupier from the land of israel. after the end of world war two in one thousand nine hundred forty five as jewish organizations were honoring bernadotte for his work with the white buses. many of the holocaust survivors trying to enter palestine found their way barred. britain had refused to raise immigration limits set before the war. to the jews the betrayal now seemed even greater. having one one ball britain found itself fighting on the other. this time against jewish militant groups. what developed was the kind of competition. you know the left was the most extreme there. and. also this. violence and death ride the streets of jerusalem. and tel aviv has been the chief outward sign of a critical situation. palestine continues to present one of the most obstinate problems of today. responding with a draconian counter-insurgency campaign. the british arrested in. imposing the death penalty on the convicted insurgents. in response. under the command of another future israeli prime minister menachem begin bombed the king david hotel. the main base for the british administration in palestine. killing british arabs and jews alike. by october one thousand nine hundred forty seven jewish underground groups had killed one hundred twenty seven british servicemen. have been inspected found his majesty's government few enough so that in the absence of a settlement femurs few. british forces of the british administration from. britain had washed its hands of a problem of its own making. the fate of palestine now lay with the united nations. only really in november one thousand nine hundred forty seven the un general assembly adopted resolution one eight one recommending that palestine be partitioned into separate arab and jewish states. the orders of the united nations the season to recommend partition brings while devolution among the jewish community there to roosevelt mentality. this was the first ever international recognition of the long hoped for jewish state. but the extremists saw no cause for celebration. they thought that the jews had the absolute right to the whole of palestine. and that the borders of the jewish state shouldn't be defined by any foreign bodies like the united nations so they wanted greater israel as it existed in biblical times. in april one thousand nine hundred forty eight going to forces began a military operation to take control of arab areas assigned to the jewish state under the partition plan. extremist militias joined the effort but soon they had overstepped the mark. left that is the stern gang and you're going has the british call them participated in one famous atrocity which was of course conquest and massacre which occurred in the village of the area seen on the ninth of april one nine hundred forty eight when about one hundred villagers were killed most of them civilians. the palestine mandate is indeed britain is relieved of about sudan and cunningham takes leave of the troops are shown exemplary patience in a thankless task ten weeks more not required for complete with the departure of the last high commissioner of palestine the british mandate was of. that same day in tel aviv david ben-gurion declared the establishment of the state of israel. thank. the celebrations would be short lived. within hours the egyptian air force would bomb the capital of the nearly full state . at the same time the armies of egypt jordan syria and iraq cross the borders into palestine. whereas the maintenance of modern security and system is an urgent question which confirmed in new york the united nations faced a major challenge to its power and prestige. the first arab israeli war going. on the twentieth of may nineteenth forty eight the united nations named its first mediator in palestine. the man who would take on the task was count full cabin adopt heroes of the white bus and. he was from that noble family he was a relative of the king and if so what he could deal very good with people meeting high and making compromises and things like that. at the end of may nine hundred forty eight bernadotte left paris for the middle east. seen off by his american born wife estelle. in a pointed to echo of the white buses campaign bernadotte is had his specially chartered plane painted white with the u.n. and red cross markings and. into the fire count but it is cut by united nations that last happy day it was time record ever. made him above suspicion of advantage of it in tel aviv here. first time his first task was to bring about a cease fire. which needed that he went to the different capitals in kind of shuttle diplomacy. which he really invented because everybody was very impressed about his energy here to the temple we used when he was traveling around and there you can see he made all possible efforts to bring this ceasefire about. after only ten days in the middle east bernadotte scored his first success on the ninth of june he announced a four week truce. if it had been through federal politicians doing all the tricks i'm not sure he would have succeeded better because. they were surprised of his total openness he never had this diplomatic roundabouts all the time and many people say that that was a clear advantage. by the end of june after weeks of diplomacy bernadotte was finally able to unveil a new plan for peace in palestine. was a realist and he did not want to abandon the un partition plan but he wanted to modify it to fit in with a new reality on the ground. and if you look at the map of the un partition plan it doesn't make much sense it's three jewish enclaves with kissing points and then there is the arab state which is also fragmented so basically what he wanted to do is to give the jews the whole of the galilee in the north and the coastal plain but to deprive them of the negative and to give the negative to the arab state that there was not to be an independent palestinian state by this time the arab part of palestine was to be incorporated with france. despite there being no independent state allocated to the palestinians bernadotte proposals did include one key provision for them. the right of return for refugees expelled by force from their homes in israeli controlled areas. assess number four how can i bear no doubt proposed the right of return and he managed to obtain a un resolution that this is a humanitarian right that can't be ignored with no limits or numbers the complete and immediate right to return. and bernadotte plan included one more provision which would outrage the israelis. in his first peace plan which i think was his biggest mistake he said that jerusalem would be inside the arab state because there was no possibility whatsoever to have that use agree to something like that. under bernadotte supplant judaism's most holy place would come under the control of the arabs. jewish militants decided they must fight on in defense of to revoke for travel to me in my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the range of. a new six part series about extraordinary lives of the common people from across tunisia. as the u.s. backs away from the paris climate agreement well diplomats will be gathering in bonn to restate that commitment. from the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories and award winning film. as tensions on the korean peninsula remain high president trump embarks on a five nation tour to east asia november on al-jazeera. sixty seven words that spelled promise for one people but ended up a disaster for another. that led to the establishment of a jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians one hundred years on al-jazeera world tells the story of the british declaration that changed the middle east for seeds of discord at this time. peter dobby in doha with the top stories on al-jazeera in spain lead top prosecutor has filed charges of rebellion sedition and embezzlement against those responsible for catalonia his independence declaration but it's unclear whether the ousted catalan leader months will now face arrest or say manuel moussa is calling on castle and leaders to testify. the only minister. the prosecution has filed several charges for rebellion addition and embezzlement against the main political leaders of the cattle and regional government with their actions and decisions or that past two years have caused an institutional crisis that resulted in the unilateral declaration of independence this was carried out without observing and ignoring our constitution. the new york times is reporting that the former campaign manager of u.s. president on crumpets to face charges as part of an inquiry into russian meddling in the twenty sixteen election paul metaphor turned his former business associate rick gates have been told to surrender to federal authorities a federal grand jury led by a special counsel robert mala will hear evidence. kenya's election board is about to announce the final results from the presidential election despite the vote being postponed in some areas president or kenya iran without a significant challenge after the opposition leader pulled out he called the poll a sham local media earlier reported that kenyatta won around ninety eight percent of the votes that were cast. the emir of qatar says he wants to resolve the gulf diplomatic crisis as long as the country's sovereignty is respected cattle beyond a blockade for almost five months after saudi arabia the u.a.e. bahrain and egypt cut ties. the seventh round of talks aimed at ending syria's six year long war underway in the capital a stana the meeting is expected to call for a cease fire between government forces and rebel groups for at least six months the talks are sponsored by iran and russia which support the syrian government and turkey which backs the rebels. media reports in me in march say the government is considering setting up a special economic zone in rakhine state the mean mom military says peace and stability in the region has been restored and a government minister has told local media it's likely one hundred fifty ranger will be repatriated every day up next we'll take you back to killing the count i'm back in thirty minutes. the greek island of rhodes. a world heritage site today it's one of the most popular tourist destinations in europe. rose's hotel is one of the oldest on the island. in the summer of one nine hundred forty eight count foca bernadotte the un's first mediator for palestine but chosen the island as his headquarters. for the arrival of his american born wife estelle and their two sons full care and bed to ease the tension as bernadotte waited for the official response to his proposals to end the war that have broken out in palestine. after two weeks relaxing with his family. bernadotte set out on another round of shuttle diplomacy. if you want a one day he came with the red cross here before but he's had as a put this all and i put it all. and i was allowed to travel with him in the united nations go. to drews and. when i was told to stay the course. bernadotte had come to jerusalem to meet the israeli foreign minister moshe at israel's response to burn adopts plan was a total rejection i think they saw him as an enemy of the jewish state he was going to reduce by large measure the size of the state the jews were to have so they regarded him as pro arab basically and he was in some ways a an agent of the british government who were regarded rightly or wrongly by the israelis as anti zionist. after the failure of bernadotte first plan and with a full week troops coming to its end. fighting broke out again palestine. three days later bernadotte accompanied by his wife estelle flew into la guardia airport to new york. but he wanted to impress on the security council the urgent need for firm and decisive action. that united nations. and. that. what if the brits had it. right. back in the middle east and with a second fragile truce in place bernadotte began a new round of negotiations. but securing that peace seemed impossible. like an shandor escheat and that but often they didn't have anything definite convinced either the arabs or the israelis that he had read authority or power so there was a lot of resistance from both sides to his proposal for their get up about. in mid august and exhausted bernadotte flew to sweden. he was to chair the international red cross conference. and it was a chance to see his family. he took me out for a whole day we went to see a movie enters or football and things like that and i remember afterwards to having my father for myself the whole day was a headache and a fantastic thing to happen. once. before returning to the middle east he arranged to meet estelle in paris three weeks later. for her birthday. it was a meeting he would never make. during the first two weeks of september one thousand nine hundred forty eight bernadotte spent what would prove to be the last days of his life in rhodes putting the final touches to a revised peace plan. completed on the sixteenth of september it contained a major concession to israel jerusalem the city would no longer be under arab control it would be administered by the united nations. but this change had come to light. six days earlier in an apartment in tel aviv's ben yehuda street the commanders of leahy the stern gang had come together to seal the fate of falcon bernadotte. nothing ailing more voted against the assassination of then the door. doctor he said i have. voted for the assassination and its talk show me cost he's voted in favor of the assassination of the un envoy. so it was two against one that's how the decision was made. on the seventeenth of september one thousand nine hundred forty eight at ten o'clock in the morning. count full cabinet officers landed at kalandia airport just north of jerusalem. shortly after his three car convoy arrived at the mandelbaum dates. the crossing points into the west and jewish part of jerusalem. waiting at the gates was a liaison officer assigned to him by the israeli government. captain moshe. or their father count notice that mr hellman was armed with a pistol so he turned to him and said no no no no you have to get rid of that pistol give it to the other officers here you're under the protection of the un and when you're protected by the un there are no weapons. with no military escort no protection other than the u.n. flag. burning docks convoy and to jewish jerusalem. after a few hours spent visiting the former british governor's house they headed to the y.m.c.a. for the night. as they left andres sort of a french colonel traveling with the u.n. convoy asked tilman to do him a favor. them a hundred or so bit and i thought right away the liaison officer swap seats in bernadotte scar and goes to sit in another car in the convoy care should be the move good lord. and switches with colonel servo who asked for the chance to thank bernadotte for the red cross campaign that had saved his wife from a german concentration camp of. the. little straw. so i was wife had been liberated by one of the white fusses. his gratitude would cost him his life. heading towards the y.m.c.a. the three car convoy was suddenly halted. an army jeep pulled out from a side street to block the road. three men an israeli army fatigues sprang out of the jeep. they are they block the road in you and then two of the assassins come out steinberg and then machete and puncture the tires of the vehicles in front. and you're going to leave sharon a before your body show no they don't know which car the counties in and then suddenly the count opens the window of his car so he can see what's happening. to show you his the shots from that they are bad news they must feel sure point then they identify him and yehoshua cohen goes to the car puts his schmeiser submachine gun in through the window and unloads on everyone sitting in the receipt but most of all of the. six bullets tore into burn a dog's left arm throat and chest. cohen kept firing pumping eighteen bullets into colonel sorrow. in a matter of seconds the assassins had made their escape. by five o'clock in the afternoon bernadotte lay dead in hospital. alongside him. i heard it on the radio which was a bit deplorable in many ways the news had come first of all it was a swedish king and he baited with members of the family who would inform my mother and that debate carried on so much that the swedish radio assumed that the family had been told but we hadn't so therefore it came as a bit of a shock and i got up and went to my mother and said something's happened to my father and she said i felt that i had a feeling. she knew that he was there. and the next day bernadotte body left israel on the same white plane that had carried him in search of news. it was on its way to paris where bernadotte had been due to present his second peace plan to a un meeting. and to meet his wife to celebrate her birthday. politicians and diplomats representing their countries of the un meeting in paris came to all the airports to pay their last respects. with the assassination of its mediator the u.n. had failed its first great test. that evening bernadotte body arrived in stockholm and was carried to the family home. why father lay in a room in our house. but i'm not a mother didn't think it a good idea and neither did i that i should go in and see him like that so i didn't have a saw him. five days later swedes came on to the streets of stockholm to bid farewell to bernadotte . ninety year old king gustav arrived to mourn the death of his beloved nephew. scouts and red cross workers from the two organizations bernadotte chaired the coffin along its way to the northern cemetery. when. in israel prime minister david ben-gurion ordered an immediate hunt for the killers. but it soon became apparent that the hunt was not what it seemed. moshe hilman the liaison officer traveling with bernadotte had recognized the driver of the jeep used by the assassins a very much as they are my dad went to moshe dyan who was then the military commander of jerusalem and said to him listen i received a threatening letter that said hilman be careful why because he knew one of them and that he said he didn't want to mess anything up and diane said to him you know what let's leave things in secret for the time being we didn't hear we didn't see. with bernadotte death his plan also done. but the legacy of his assassination had only just begun. israel covertly strengthened during the truce successfully launched a series of military operations to drive out the arab bombings. israel at the end of the forty eight war was interested in retaining its conquests and all the territory which it had in its hands which included of course all of galilee and the negative were going to have relinquished them in line with what the bernadotte had planned. i doubt it. in one thousand nine hundred forty nine a series of armistice agreement was signed in bernadotte former headquarters in roads between israel and its arab neighbors. but the solutions bernadotte had been seeking and had paid for with his life remained elusive. but if of course the jerusalem problem is still under resort that this day and ben adopt wanted the city to be part of the arab state or under international administration the proposal for the immediate return of fifty g.'s if that had happened relations between designers ten palestinians would have been a better more able to find the common future for palestine but for the thing. with israel victorious ben-gurion announced a general amnesty. bernadotte killers were freed to return to normal life in the new state of israel. yahshua cohen would head south to the newly occupied negative to a kibbutz called his day bucca. in years to come prime minister david ben-gurion would make this place his home. you're sure calling was one of the founders of this there because he puts the book at her and was the closest member of the kibbutz to bring gloria they were going to get there before the morning march in the evening march and they were talking in the were friendly and i thought to myself wow this was the guy we'll bring gloria wanted to find anywhere he wanted to find him to crush and now there are their friends. while bernadotte killer became a friend of the prime minister. one of the men who ordered the killing would eventually rise to that role himself. but. very humiliated when the right wing swept to power for the first time in one nine hundred seventy seven. menar him begun the former you're going to need a became prime minister. yitzhak shamir the former lead he commander became speaker of the israeli parliament the knesset i've never. been beginning with i and show me a target. so this is not really unusual. except that show me of all of them honest to goodness door with which begin with not. led personally led. operations. under a palestinian uprising the first intifada provoked a brutal reaction. of ours say f. those stop or these horses of the riots of flying star wars or wounding people it use lies. in one thousand nine hundred ninety two israeli politics veered sharply left. sacked rabin leader of the labor party came to power as prime minister. he quickly began to secure peace deals after decades of struggle with the arabs. but right wing extremism was still alive in israel. and in november one thousand nine hundred ninety five while attending a peace rally in tel aviv these were. itzhak rabin like bernadotte paid the ultimate price for the pursuit of peace. he was killed by one of his own countrymen. a peace which had seemed within reach. was once again snatched away. and in sweden the. maria full cabinet office has faded. except in this place. the royal palace in stockholm. on the twenty fifth of february two thousand and twelve king called gustav of sweden announced that his newborn granddaughter would be cold estelle. is that he was the wife of a former bengal and now to me it's a clear rare demonstration that they want in some way to. do aamir khan benadryl and if this baby would have been and always i guess he would have sold a. second in line to the throne princess estelle may one day be queen of sweden. or christening has rekindled public interest in by an adult's life story. but in this house in gothenburg there is one man for whom the count story has been a life's work. in one nine hundred fifty seven son a person was a member of a swedish un but tiny and guarding the armistice line between egypt and israel. this his first contact with the struggle in the middle east would shape the remainder of his life. last truth. stop. sign. i have the right to touch. up the. path that. i have met. joe. and we had a couple. of laughs. tory off the hook. it's. all. i have i thought but. that's dissertation mediation and assassination was the start of a lifetime's work. on a person whose books and articles have ensured that folk a bun adults place in history will not be forgotten. they were the inspiration for this film. from the clear blue sky dome home. to the fresh fruits and breeze in the city. however the rain continues for rio mobic showers longer spells of rain sliding out of. parts of argentina just pushing towards the southeastern corner of brazil further heavy downpours here over the next couple of days you can see through the remainder monday more heavy showers long spells of rain heading. towards already janeiro and still in place as we go on through. to come back in behind so i'm optimistic for much of europe quiet for power why should brighten up at a price that he was ill for the heavy showers right on into the heart of the amazon and showers continue to particular around the caribbean coast of nicaragua us to a fair amount of showers along the spells of rain rolling in here exacerbating the flooding concerns that we already have in place you see the long line of cloud which makes its way up across the great run today so i mean weather coming into jamaica it's a southern parts of cuba easing across hispaniola over the next day off to the east and i was not too bad i suspect there will be more in the west sunshine than showers for about a sunshine of the moment across north america but we do still have the remnants of our old hopefuls storm making its way across the eastern side of canada and england . the weather sponsored by cat time race. is native amazonian is increasingly struggling to survive in today's wild. travels to brazil. leaders of endangered tribes. and those trying to protect them at this time. this is al-jazeera.

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Qatar , Istanbul , Turkey , United States , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , Tel Aviv , Brazil , Madrid , Spain , Syria , Russia , Nicaragua , Bahrain , Stockholm , Sweden , Egypt , Sudan , New York , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Argentina , Iran , Cuba , Canada , Jordan , London , City Of , Germany , Tunisia , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Bangladesh , Kenya , Iraq , Gothenburg , Vastra Gotalands Lan , Saudi Arabia , America , Swedish , Russian , Germans , Egyptian , Britain , Swedes , Israelis , Spanish , French , German , British , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Foca Bernadotte , Itzhak Rabin , King Gustav , Manuel Moussa , Aviv David Ben Gurion , Yitzhak Shamir , Moshe Dyan , David Ben Gurion , Falcon Bernadotte , Alfred Nobel , Aamir Khan Benadryl , Estelle Ina ,

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