Transcripts For ALJAZ Blood And Tears French Decolonisation 20221031

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A record volume of grain has been shipped from ukraines ports, despite russias withdrawal from a critical un broken export deal. Ukraine says 12 ships loaded with more than 350000 tons of grain left its black see ports. On monday, the most moved in a single day since the agreement was formed in july. Rusher announced on saturday was pulling out of the deal after accusing key of attacking its fleet in the annex crimean peninsula. Moscow says the movement of ships and the black sea corridor is unacceptable. President Vladimir Zalinski says ukraine will continue. The great deal is agreed with the un and took ya, russell, settle house more from istanbul. Well, we are at the, at kill your district to off as tom ball where the black sea missed both for us right behind me. You can see the 10s of ships westhills have anchored here, and many of them are carrying the ukrainian grain to the international market. So this is just a small portion of the west anchored at, in a stumble in total, there are 97. 00, a loaded wessel and a 15 in bond. Westhills. Still waiting to be inspected by the joint Coordination Center in a stumble and according to the information that is Coordination Center, it has just provided 809 more have applied to be registered for the inspection. So today, did turkish and the United Nations delegations have agreed to inspect for 16 wells. Ukraine accepted that russia have agreed to wide remove corporation while the un humanitarian chief mounting. Griffin says, address the Security Council thing, the grain exports of vital to the Global Community value of this quite extraordinary effort. They said its not enough that the food is going to the wrong places. And thats the wrong type of food. Not my words. When things go awry as read as now, we can see together how much good it can do and has been doing. We insist as we have all along that the exports from both of these global bread baskets, ukraine and russia of vital. We need an impeded exports from both barrage or russian missiles of hypocritical Energy Infrastructure in several cities across ukraine, 80 percent of residents of the capital key of our without running water. Hundreds of people have been forced to q to collect supplies. In other news, brazils are going leader, jaya bolton arrow has yet to concede, defeat, following sundays, president ial election is due to speak in the coming hours. His left, his rival, former president lewis and astor, lula de silver, one they tightly contested, run a vote against the fire rights incumbent. And there was just a 1. 8 percent difference between lulu and ball scenario. Its the tightest election in almost 40 years. And the 1st time a sitting president has not been reelected. I t, the most essential task is to ensure that every child, every woman, every man can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Were going to bring back the ministry of culture. Were going to create a Public Commission so that culture can become sending net. Everyone has access to. So that culture can become an industry that produces jobs, though so afraid of culture, of those who dont like the people and who dont like freedom. The Police Task Force has been set up to look into the deadly crush during a halloween festival in south korea. With the government, promising a thorough and transparent investigation. More than a 150 people were killed in the crowd. Surge south koreas president has joined mourners at a shrine in their honor. Police in india have arrested 9 people after a bridge collapse that killed at least a 141. 00. Military teams are still searching for victims in the Western State of good gerard. Officials say hundreds of people fell into the river when cable supporting the pedestrian bridge snapped. You are with al jazeera, those are the top stories stay with us though, because blood and tears, french di colonization is coming up next day with us for that. Ah ah, friends once had a vast empire covering over 11000000 square kilometers of the world by the 19 thirtys, it comprised over a 100000000 people. But after the 2nd world war, National Independence movements rule and pressure mounted on france in asia, africa, and the americas to let go of many of its colonies. Pressure that it resisted often violently. Uprisings in algeria, the middle east and madagascar were subdued with brutal force. Trouble, also, simon, in the caribbean and ivory coast and indo china full scale war broke out. How long could france hold out against the tide of history . It was living in a new world now in which the new global powers of the United States and the soviet union were locked in the cold war. And in which old empires, what crumbling. This is this story of the collapse of one of the biggest empires the world does ever see. And how the blood didnt. Tears shed decades ago, a still felt in the world today. Ah, the war in india, china began in december 1946. And after 4 years stuck in the quagmire of vietnam, the french were forced to take stock. They sent for reinforcements. From now on half of their troops would come from morocco synagogue. And even algeria, as in 1939, the colonies had to come to the rescue of the colonizing power. And as in madagascar, 3 hears before they were forced to fight other colonized people. Little bit vital, voluntarily. If after that, im, if one says papa turning bushy lila, mit is that because shes with volunteer should the village of hispanic father as well as from home visit, was long vassal nominated unto it comedies im, of fissile a propaganda. The faucet is to come in for one of our buses. Its you delacour when aliya gang on years or career cur, because it emblem on julia and bon plump or the boys. Timothy his id. Young french volunteers did not necessarily commit themselves out of patriotism for marciano zonker with all day they follow la bell. No, no, not yet. Oh yeah. As long as it truly could you, she be gen no particular level to level keel eric, and im a huge concern about the i see despite military inferiority north vietnamese leda, how she men stuck to a simple but effective class guerrilla warfare. He compared his army to a tiger facing an elephants. The cat needed to strike fast and hot before disappearing back into the undergrowth. Convertible luca hood were had to reassure nash, nasha nash casual nourish. Currently, you know critical imminent jabal out of her. Im going to meet your project and get her on fall shortly in flesh and pleasure nailer. Starbuck chandler schuler dorothea t from 0 to defeat the french. The forces of the north vietnamese coalition, the viet men had conventional weapons at their disposal. As well as newspapers, propaganda was everywhere than the uncle was a clearly who if they did it, they may believe a year lo locust. Yes they did. They so love jose also mail it was a boy m, you fair play because you open to you. Uh basically lu, im debbie saddlin is up there, live noel, so they, they young no l song, gary young said la, thought the colon. Well, a deadly she ad theory built built on there is on key taylor only beef. Jose is all, again, not the whole ship, montgomery, debbie luck in the north of the country. The situation became more complicated in china, the communist had ceased power. So now or she mean had the support of a much bigger and more powerful neighbor. In response, the United States decided to support france. Indo china was no longer a simple colonial conflict. It was a new front in the cold war. In october 1950. The fighting on the chinese border hits new levels of intensity. The french army lost 5000 soldiers, but above all, they lost their sense of their own invincibility. Of yet mean took control of the north of yet nom white chinese aids, now arrived unhindered caught by the throat, the french government despatches most prestigious, general john de alotted, his destiny hero of the liberation of france. In world war 2, they called him king ashanti, and in january 1951, he swung into action. And the french army inflicted successive better defeats on the north vietnamese. In the thick jungle, the french used every means at their disposal. And that included a highly flammable petrol jelly. Nay, paul resulted a let then those of you last o. Yeah, b, b related to libby polarity will lay it will show, exert illusory, a good enough out recently, and then was in deadly now. Oh, thats wrong. Gala really Young Viet Nam laura he, they are no come. No, lee, toe rag may not take quite get out the no lead i no later than yeah, my dad, he should know like why not are lovely now hes in to die. I killed. Ill get on my young i for heated but back in france, most people appeared indifferent to events in indo china. Only a 3rd of the population supported continuing the war in order to preserve the empire. The french communists campaigned fiercely against what they called, quote, a dirty imperialist war. Their slogan, was not a man, not a penny for the war. In indo china at the ports, their cameras secretly filmed what no one wanted to see the coffins of growing numbers of french soldiers stocking up on the key side. The m p. P. R mendez pulse was one of the few to foresee the tragedy that lay ahead. He called for the start of negotiations. But the government remained blindly stubborn. The empire must not be sold off, and communism must be prevented from spreading. By the spring of 1951, the number of troops sent to vietnam had grown to more than a 140000. The war continued regardless. Oh, francis problems in indo china were married in north africa. In algeria, morocco and tanisha. People demanded more and more freedom, while the colonizers living there, looked the other way. We were both my financial back and let i did actually communion, we do moist claim closure view of depue. Denila shaw of them is reuters human retarded bill mill falsely with us as well. Your inform my home illness, roy beauty. She says in your proposal. The 2nd message i introduce as to the on it on the portal. English listed above should look a little boston. While the local colonizers averted their eyes, peoples misery fed nationalism, indonesia, the Pro Independence leader, happy boy gibber had continued his fight. Since the 1930 s, a young lawyer had come, a long way, had been arrested several times, but continued to demand his countrys independence. His public speaking electrified large crowds, but the colonial authorities here were no more disposed to grant anisha autonomy than anywhere else in the empire. And france then made a bad mistake rather than negotiate with bookkeeper. In january 1952, they arrested him and imprisoned him on the island of like elliots. Far from calming tensions, this simply exacerbated them. Anti french attacks increased the division reaction was swift. The situation quickly became explosive and the army and police intervenes. There were many debts and these enraged the arab world. The protests quickly spread to morocco. Wagon musky tulip y clinic as im not general did the okay bally for us to do much of the long. Ah, is it your the day victory . It all is already done. Luna says, you know, no one of you, my w so like lose your the to live anymore 6. Let me. Lemme know how that was use it. These are the nobody, douglas monsalud is entered or the de blasio has no sausage on his should malcolm mobility only thing that he doesnt puzzle . No. So did you draw autopay . Dont assault that the 2nd floor pick eliquis mail. Give you the what do you want . Receipt to do football. Okay. If i did do you do for years . Quality video, but even though he did, he, he shot over for, for you to shoot nocka dodgy missile. Oh, do, do new bob. The french authorities wanted all the independence movement. Leaders gone after bookkeepers, exile they put his moroccan counterparts under house arrest and then removed the sultan of morocco. A future king hamad the 5th they replaced him with a weak old man with no political legitimacy but by attacking the so time france created a martyr. The initial moroccan riots turned into a major armed struggle. The crowded market place of casablanca is a scene of horror. As a bomb explodes in a dense, crowded, the height of the business day 19 were killed instantly. As in denisia, the french were unable to deal with a crisis other than by force at the United Nations in new york, france was immediately put in the dark, 4 years earlier, the French Foreign minister Habash Sherman had affirmed francis commitment to the un declaration of human rights this time he ignored them and said the un should not meddle in an internal french matter. Let me just grab the less oddly good article yes and stuff, the mcneil donna, you need to submit you. They can append south lavish, more savvy to compliment in back of it. Well, if you have food left was out of these on up. If you know the French Colonial issue had entered the public arena and a new front had opened up over north africa. In early 1954, france froze, the Catholic Priest abbey pierre launched a major appeal for the homeless, torn between a domestic housing crisis and imperial conflict abroad. The french government needed to act decisively after 8 years embroiled in indo china, it sent in a new commander general off he, nevada. With a plan to strike a major blow against of yet mean his forces in stole themselves in the den, been full basin, a strategic position surrounded by mountains. His objective to force the enemy out of the jungle and engage in direct combat. The french still considered themselves invincible, but they would be proved wrong. Ah, ah, the french army was unaware that in the silence of the hills, the north vietnamese coalition forces. If yet men were preparing a major assaults, they carried tens of thousands of tons of equipment and artillery to the top of the hills overlooking the french camp. While trunks carried the majority of the heavy weapons, 2 wheels also came in useful or a bag, gar. Garcia, are you chris at our partner said our over booklet possible the flip was on. So sanky lord, lily liberties ugly. She says sullenly bushel cinema. Yo the please. A, b, a, c, live, no, it glad to. But will i would lay seniors on, on that, by the own booker, they, by, they alone. Ill leave it more ill now world or do the level a bus. After 3 months of preparation, on the 13th of march, 1954, the battle of tin gainful began hidden deep in case they yet mean artillery was invisible, and the shelling, relentlessly powerful. Despite being protected, even the medical teams felt the full force of this barrage, safety, terrible bulow too. But so do so to disobey what is tidily kula or silver do about her. Oh, just after boy you love. I know she really seek eva. He v i know attend. If with love your fuss you does. She feel hubbard cheek bascom . Oh queen. But to sleep in albertville ah for several french battalions were soon put out of action. There was no hiding place. The french were trapped stuck deep in the basin. The wounded could not be evacuated. Whos on the 7th of may 1954. After 55. 00 days of fierce resistance. The last ranks gave way. The city for you . She i told you she better. She just took the place, diaz, maybe she just city fiji. He said to pu will, could please test. Will she are put to, legible to pussy. She do have pre bliss. She picked the wolf. Ah, no, were good. Come back on. If i could come cockroach, umbrella, really are so be just a way we fargo to really been a mom co acme jack de la la. Marquee aint good walking. I didnt have any more thought. Took in may thanked all ah ah yes okey mondor maybe off on a fear zavala but the he b as a so gone move one to most as yet they know the law neglect on do this. Well, some i saw the sad land be jointed in the info. When i know he moved up to you from korea to where your nova get dead all. Hey, dante calling over. When kremlin petroleum, we get off out. On the french side, the disaster resulted in more than 3000 dead. And 5000 wounded. The viet mean captured nearly 11000 troops. France had suffered a humiliating defeat. The worse since the dark days of 1940 the city gonna catch alba sent over to dina. Gimme me a call. Come on mad. Im here till flushing. Jennifer donio new lucian sha motion will come up. Ah. On that window. Mamma is gone yellow supermodel to prima it to says unless you have yeah. She dont them the soon this be up, you media, osi. Its gone. Its gone into full dra ah, the military crisis soon became a political one. Pm and is false. Who had been advocating negotiations since 1950 became Prime Minister. On the 28th of july 1954 in geneva, he succeeded in negotiating a ceasefire and pulled france out of the indo chinese quagmire. Vietnam was divided into 2 separate states. The north returned to the viet mean while the south became a republic placed under american protection. Cambodia and laos saw their sovereignty recognize it was the end of french indo. China like domino pieces falling one after the other. The loss of indo china had immediate consequences. It forced france to give back to india trading post. It had administered for nearly 3 centuries in ponti chevy. My god, i can. And yeah. Now in october, 1954, france withdrew from asia to the apparent indifference of most french people. France had lost nearly 80000 soldiers. Thousands remains to be evacuated. Fighters from the 4 corners of the empire, prisoners, the wounded, damaged for life. Ah french citizens would settled in indo china plus thousands of indo chinese auxiliaries who had chosen to defend the french where repatriated to france often in difficult conditions that lost everything reports of the defeats echoed across the whole empire. So martha, she still wanted to dollar cool. Elliptical mall. I knew there lucy, ball ill forgot they a pano could touch her nose. I need to use one blade. No. These jo. East. She lives handle. She knew i felt that the me ah, i back her last name. If house is it, what i know in part to with francis destiny turned upside down, the authorities still strive to preserve their colonial power at all costs. More conflict approaches, but the fall of the french empire is now only a matter of across the u. S. Millions of americans rely on conservative talk radio shows for their news and entertainment. These are all real issues for real people. The listening post tunes in and asks is, talk radio divided america. There is no room for compromise. And thats not how democracy works. Its really just acknowledging differences that are already there. If anything, conservative talk radio created, the Republican Party talked one or 2 parts specials or not just either. Its time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. Its time for turkey. Set sail for new discoveries. Enjoy. Have new experiences. Hit the shops, make wonderful memories. Travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct whites to istanbul and tribes a book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. C y p g. Yes, for our best prices. Ah, un falcon in london, the top stories on the al jazeera ukraine says 12 ships loaded with more than 350000. 00 tons of grain have left its black c ports the most moved in a single day under you and broke an export deal. Moscow announced it was pulling out of the deal on saturday after accusing key of attacking its fleet and the annex crimean peninsula. President putin has since said, russia is not ending his participation, but rather suspend again. The un humanitarian chief Martin Griffith sales address, the Security Council saying the grain exports are vital to the Global Community. Some of pressed from the value of this quite extraordinary effort. They said is not enough that the food is going to the wrong places. And its the wrong type of food. But my words, when things go awry as read as now, we can see together how much good it can do and has been during. We insist as we have all along that the exports from both of these global bread baskets. Ukraine and russia, are vital. We need unimpeded exports from both a barrage or russian missiles have hit critical Energy Infrastructure in several cities across ukraine. 80 percent of people in the capital key of are now without running water. Hundreds of people have been forced to q to collect supplies. And other news, brazils al going liter, jaya bolton, r o has yet to concede, defeat, following sundays. President ial election is due to speak in the coming hours. His left, his rival, former president louis nasty lula, the silver one, the tightly contested one a vote against the far right incumbent. A Police Task Force has been set up to look into the deadly crush during a halloween festival in south korea. With the government, promising a thorough and transparent investigation. More than a 150 people were killed in the crowd. Surge south koreas president has joined mourners that a shrine in that honor police in india have arrested 9 people after a bridge collapse, the killed at least a 141. 00 military teams are still searching for the victims in the Western State of good gerard officials say, hundreds of people fell into the river when cable supporting the pedestrian bridge snapped. You are up to date. Those are the top stories stay with us though, blood and tears, french tea colonization continues. Next, youre watching out there. Aah france was one of the 1st and largest colonial powers in the world ruling more than 40 territories. But its empire declined after world war to france withdrew from lebanon and syria. And after defeating the bitter battle of gen, been full in may. 1954, france lost the jewel of its empire in the east. Indo china followed quickly by all its trading posts in india. The french empire, fractured on all sides. War between algeria and france broke out on the 1st of november 1954, all st. Same forces of the Algerian National liberation front b f l n. Unleashed a wave of attacks and bombings across the country. Wolf live, keep dylan cook were of him. A desert, occlusal know it. E, cassie la po, fulfill de la this cape at the bay area on please on clear eaten all set to expose the poor no kitten. When did to the seymour it began more for him. Ah, oh, less if teachers could sit pillared debbie did not get at me back as soon as she did. I want to go to get her loyal result year. Oh wow. Good. 50 it fun to wife. Shocked to what movie . The history, the offer. Dijon, co. Archer on this, she did the dick nauseous at gurkin chicago. The government in paris, san colonial authorities in algiers were caught, equally by surprise. The government continued to take a hard line minister of the interior. Ha, swami. They all went to algeria who for you all media that god, god, what he secretly glad you city i left off the lease that the girl there is more luxury self hot. It a 4th never gwinnett batches l daughter with dorothy, big less yet. In the space of 15 days, the french army doubled did strength, and went into immediate action to the french. Algeria belonged to france. It was even divided into the bottom, all french administrative areas. Any rebellion was unthinkable up will come them all. She knew calls, jones. He said, he said drindrat pollen people not was it or thought mattie thought eventually fall says genius, that a bar on the stick is it, is he who bella said. They say she bought these, did he go . Key mercy accumulated dont believe it was. She went off on to been forward. You the center . Pavel shirley. Bye. Come le dejani, toyota false. They hope a horror that stubborn. Like all naturally to this wanted her ged. If we take the j as to jose is a to print for were now jewish hospital, it too close to depend english ever since they are from the trial. Oh, need to pakistan crucial. Ah. But after the debacle in vietnam, the french government knew that force alone was not enough. And that change was necessary. Jack, so still was appointed governor of algeria in january 1955. And his liberal view was that by combating poverty. The rebellion could be ended. He created special administrative sections, the se, yes, to implement a hearts and Minds Program across algeria. French soldiers became teachers and doctors, as well as the intelligence agents. And the Propaganda Machine put out the message may get a deal if you see yourself in a mutually agreeable meadowdale. Yeah, the new building and i dont answer soleah many more. Show me that before. Thats going to jump on the seat belt of you does building lesson. Is it do it in mississippi . Ah. Received by york with this one good. Thats from be larger than love. I did last mumbo one could be carried on me if i says q menilli do yes maam. We see the scrub is it is on farms fell short to one clock precise glove. If i says jan, the competitors on phone, my panted you but louise, optimal fish knows about it on fish in north america. Ah. But the National Liberation front paid little attention for them. Stells initiative was too little, too late. The evelyn had only one objective, independence attack followed attack on the 28th of august 1955 in the north, eastern coastal city of philly. Via the evelyn murdered a 123. 00 pro french european and arab civilians with nies, including children. Jack, so stare went to the bedside of the wounded even for the liberal governor, the time for reform was over. Now it would be taught all refresh. 2 days after philip vill the army massacred many so called rebels. These shootings shocked the worlds 2 months later, franz sound itself again in the dark at the un. But foreign minister, antoine peny remained defied the hall clipper. Dont really millersville me like, i dont know what i know what it is roughly, but his bleed fell on deaf ears and the un condemned. The friend jackson pennys delegation left the room immediately in the eyes of the world. The country that claims to uphold the declaration of human rights was fighting against its freedom. But un condemnation did not change french policy on the ground at all. The government soon introduced special powers, enabling it to fight the f l in by any means possible until now only professional soldiers had fought in algeria, but now young conscripts were needed to boost their ranks for the french army. It was time for revenge. After the loss of indo china. This war must be one. But the f l. N fought back. More and more fighters joined its monks called you penalty. Millard, you elephant illegal. Gala latria or dod language alcala, deal judea to poll. My key should look back to vom knew of your daughter wouldnt call to polish. Will the full sheet coming to libby common on you know along john . Me a living that he did de la villa. Ha, ha, ha, lindley, joey, jerry to junk after selma. Push boy to with the destiny. Doctors dont look. Oh, wow. After its condemnation by the un franz suffered a 2nd humiliation. This time in indonesia, in april 1955 Prime Minister sir cardinal nero of india. And egyptian president nasa brought together 29. 00 countries at a conference in bandon in java. Over half of them had recently been freed from western colonial world. There is no fresh. And im been done on french. Ive got people, jo, gallup, people, in the history of mankind. The conference talked about the old empires as powers to be defeated. Starting with france. The clock was ticking on the established order. Isolated internationally weakened by events in north, in sub saharan africa, france could not continue to fight on every front on his list of priorities. Algeria was at the top morocco and tenicia were not so paris allowed the return home of tenicia leader happy bull dba from his 2 year eggs. On the 1st of june, 1955, he returned home in triumph. Negotiations began leading to denisia independence in march. 1956. I did not know, but i did you make me think the machine will be labeled because youve been or you dont you notice it is all maybe before this paris also moved quickly on morocco. Despite the violence, the french authorities agreed to negotiations. They allowed the return to robots of cd mohammad been use if the future king lamid the 5th after 2 and a half years of exciting. Gave her english durish sunday. Gotten them at oak maury, benny virginia. After youre all children, no, she orator gonna be out of she been issued judges, ann hickey. Leave or be left yolk. Let me know my legal aid. Then when you all know the video, the key at the bottom of it the way they were to go for her shrub gum, some gum, and you go to work. My system, a doctor doesnt work. How much a roof could you come, coach vineyard . Did he . Im going armor to work right out to do your armor, but to a different nurse. On the 2nd of march, 1956 morocco finally gained independence on her lay a legit. Grady . Ha la la. La fic under dogs, europe. Ah, she did not put to me to schedule you to do more adore for me. Issue for your message. Well, the walk for you, a curiosity and if on all to do good work. Oh she is. She deal kovachick with a little swimming corvette medical desantis. Tell me, was he a big visit, olga . Sure. City the ball loss hip and the ship more so to find it which small she could do mahash silly. The amino city to naval is your normal mama in your oakland is our graph, jose shap as it did as to what you all amounts. You just renewed it be equal in his ear duvie and add the bon i. E. If theyre all good, friends had to abandon tenicia and morocco to save algeria. But it was not ready to give up in sub saharan africa. 19 fifties africa, however, had changed. The 1930s were long gone and a middle class had a major. This new generation now demanded to be involved in managing its own future. Paris was worried. Africa must not be allowed to go communist or flare up into more wars of independence. One reform followed another in june, 1956, the new french socialist foreign minister, a guest on the fair, introduced legislation that completely reorganized frances african territories. It created the universal right to votes. Officially, the voice of every citizen would count regardless of the color of their skin. But in reality, lessons were me firmly under friends control. Guests on to say, i defended his reforms on tv with a group of Political Science students. And i think law, i got another letter do feel that she was when you have sen. Good. Even. So they can all only get your it done. It that go through that be done. They did go look on it when they said or put it in the quote, a good problem oscar. Youre the Quality Control control by the beginning of the vehicle to sub that of them. Man liberal, theres not been in was it was we saw players. I think they say on the, the policy good, hell boutique the government isnt gives up merely me agree. Good ethic, alida goodness, if buffy is out of it not, was by december of parents. Openness concealed his underlying objective to neutralize the influence of the african independence movements. The plan was to put in place a set of political leaders who had to remain loyal to france. In cameroon, for example, the colonial authorities. Charles, im a do. I hate joke. A 33 old former postman firmly in paris, his pockets his main opponent was reuben, or nearby leader of the Pro Independence party, the u. P. C. O no be clearly understood the trap of francis quasi democratization. He demanded true independence for his country even at the United Nations delinquency on monday. I guess she wont get sick or in her classroom can a judge gone roster. Just younger gordon, were about to do much. Im really other that was rocky. Oh ill frank got himself so theyre gonna pull it wanted him to bon gospel. People are gonna woo, the debt aint going deep enough. He cant conceal his buckle home. It. I dont. Hey, blue this is tim neal colonial jose the u. P. C was close to the communist party and represented everything that france was against a kind of african get mean, that must be destroyed. The french high commissioner in cameroon pierre miss math refused to negotiate with communists. He was a former member of the free french and had fought in indo china traumatized by that defeat. He had one simple aim to destroy the u. P. C, and neutralize its leader. Reuben em, nearby was a wanted man with the help of the camera union army, the man hunt began. Morgan bear county manpower in oregon to simpler markham, new village on 50 de, my man, i advise you that was on the sunni, daniel, they dont want to try these. Are you the key for virgin money . I want you not. So while were in, sir gusher isnt come, sag more on bell poise every day. The subject of choice over the cd debauchery says all former follow dunker said gala. Tell me frank strokes used the same account. A guerrilla tactics devised in madagascar we find in indo china, and apply dean algeria. They use may palm to destroy villages and helicopters to hunt down survivors in a pool conflict kept away from the eyes of the french public. After months of this terror, the u. P. C, resistance was destroyed. Robin m, nearby was hunted down on compel marco antique last name, junior. There some college clinic. So to lament followed the figure. It blew this is some just, they dont want any dollar. Moore visa is defeat you. He. Jimmy fear steppin seen it a b. If were more taker, said tom. Oh, elated if it oh ha where no, we pay a mess. Long yes, my poor b y m o y ha where no release. Mean room wheres the key eva . Why yeah. Oh oh. Oh, the enemy was dead. Francis protegee amador, hey, jill, could go on a do your sick with television when you come to so press bookish. It. That was all for a while. I would assume a little bit on the la fastball company was getting a lot of were gluco reviewing some sort of the custody. Closer for the think wanted to succeed. Am i do . I had just dictatorship, rolled cameron with frank support for 22 years. There persecution of the u. P. C. Cost hundreds of thousands of lies far away from the cameras in the public gaze. Muscogee county, you can pull it at and t or did the political elusive mossy id dem ones. You know mo, junky evoke it on a key. Is he at work kitty . How could he do it all as she lost the broom . Opposed history of the b owner is it of her come see lavish amiga. Now ali coolant is 12 oak leville krillech, Early Community peak. Im exalt dundee colonies as shown as h c. Onqua wreck and poly fair is try to let facia pneumonia hosted shanetta. Ah, by the mid 19 fifties, people in france were losing interest in these distant struggles and had far different concerns. A decade after the end of the 2nd world war, daily life was hard and rebuilding was still a work in progress. But modernizing the country was proving costly and questions were asked about the large sums of money being invested in a dwindling in pine. The editor of perry much magazine that a more katie wrote the richest and most stable country in europe. Switzerland has never had a square meter of oversee space. Wouldnt it have been better to build the lo me hospital, innovative . The idea that the french had nothing to gain from investing in countries which simply wanted to drive them out, took groups in peoples minds, the bicycle they couldnt pull a girl boy fil, dena dog visual a little bit made under him. It does on abra. Yeah, much advance copolla vanelle. Good afternoon, fuqua via the 2 months with a reply to the mental going early go. Lloyd showed the beauty not quick book is all to say bottle papa. Oh, hes got solomon shows. What is it they all over when you did . What the label saw could, yes, it is all quite at buckhead. But such doubts never challenge the overriding view. That france must keep algeria at all costs. The French Military offensive had been dreadfully effective. And in the summer of 1956, the eveline forces gave ground across the country. In the next episode, to regain the initiative, the algerians change their strategy. The f l n takes the war to the very heart of the capital r g s and in september 1956, a bomb attack. Traumatize is the french. She now cherry, sushi la, la police. Paloma jan. This december did meet math. Katie cost create a play lesson going get monte and sil ha std center, and if we can, dont city no one, no vol. Lady becca, over new city, had don tomlins upkeep the dumps, beliefs us well enough. You swayed him. Ah, however much military might, france may throw at the f l in the long and better fight for algeria is very far from over. And ah, i once again welcome to novela Kat International forecast. We have some very where to when i am now making his way back into the southeast corner of australia, round of area of low pressure, we are drawing in that cooler air. And that is going to make his way through. Epic toria easing into our new south wales, able to make das i flat affected the ground. His saturated ground, say, flooding will be likely for some as we go on through the next couple of days. And temperatures will struggle as well. 1415. 00 celsius for adelaide and for melbourne. Similar temperature that to in hobo i blustery winds gust maybe as high as 8090. Maybe a 100 Kilometers Per Hour to go on through the next couple days that were to weather will east. Further east was clearing away from the east coast of queensland brisbin, brightening up go cuz brightening up hopefully some drive right where the grassy, making its way back into new south wells at this stage as well. And that where to where the release its way across the tasman and it will turn christie on, settled into good parts of new zealand. Still the warm side though christ. Church around 23. 00 degrees. Wet weather tay, making its way across such a pan over the next. Thou so bad of cloud here, flicking its way through all associated with tropical storm. Now gay, which is making his way further northwards into the far southeast of china. Ah, indonesia your investment destination, the worlds 10th largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to beat your business, partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies. Being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. Bringing opportunities for you, invest indonesia. Now, on counting the cost gigi pings grip on china is now hi set than ever before. How will that impact the economy . What is the fall out from washington . Calves on beijing, access to advanced chips, and the Chinese People not pop electric, caused an unprecedented number counting the cost on al jazeera. So the 2nd, the 2nd time that im going to be at a woke up the 1st time was in south africa in 2010. It really was the face month, eva. Now again, the country that on residing is hosting a little bit, and i know that a lot of people who live here that might be the 1st time that theyre experiencing a woke up. I can tell you its going to be great. Its a celebration of people. Its a celebration of the school. Its the atmosphere, the faithful will cup is number one. It doesnt get any because theres something magical about that im really excited about. This will come in, i can wait for the get started. Ah, this

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