The prospect of another battlefield set back for presto, got a met, putin as fuel to fear as the kremlin could use a Nuclear Weapon. Hurry force, it reports from keith, ukraines long counter offensive for her son grinds on. But despite russias recent order to evacuate civilians and reports of some military drawback, the message from ukraine is at the russians a digging in for a fight for nipple robles. The little girl who are changing positions are intelligence confirmed that they have been reinforced by very many recruit the level that they are strengthening, their flanks. You may take up trenches me as they fear our air force to leave your art law. Artillery and soldiers lose, a thing of no copays destroyed russian army tells the tale of ukrainian gains. The russian general in charge of this war recently talked of difficult decisions having to be made around her son. Attracting speculation that ukraine might soon retake it in time for winter. But ukraine is now talking about russian reinforcements and obstacles to progress. Doors in the some of the situation on the front line itself is very tense. The enemy has dug itself in, and at the moment it seems they do not intend to leave. It is noticeable that they worked, reinforced their dug out. Trenches and fortifications went away from ukraine. Russias armed forces were carrying out exercises on wednesday, simulating would native use of Nuclear Weapons launched from land sea and air, or the Russian Military says its in preparation for a response to an enemy attack. Russias president , making more unsubstantiated claims about a Nuclear Threat from ukraine, including a radiological or dirty bomb, is that you hold on the ignore the statements of the key regime about the desire to get Nuclear Weapons. After all, the Key Authority said that openly, no, every one is keeping quiet. There are also plans to use a so called a dirty bomb for provocations. Russia state media is amplifying such claims still further saying that ukraine intends to put a dirty bomb inside, a fake russian missile, and designated overture noble. At every turn, such accusations have been dismissed by ukraine and its allies as absurd, dangerous, transparently false, either escalade re, russian grand, st. Ending or the indication that russia itself intends to use such a device. But conventional weapons continue to do damage enough here and to me pro a petrol station set ablaze by a russian strike emergency cruise said 2 people, including a pregnant woman, were killed. Harry faucet, Al Jazeera Keith confrontations have taken place between iran and Security Forces and demonstrators in hometown of mazda, meaning thousands of protested, marched the cemetery, where she was buried to market. 40 days since her death in police custody. These 15 people have been killed in an attack on a sheer shrine in irans Southern City of shiraz. I so has claimed responsibility is when a surgeon case is in the us of a common were spiritual illness that can cause breathing difficulties. The virus known as r s v usually causes mal symptoms in children. Under the age of 5. An emergency meeting over the crisis in men lies underway in indonesia. Foreign ministers from that are see in the block are expected to reassess their strategy and dealing with me and mars military. Some Member States us according for tougher action against the gender, ought workers in chile are on strike for 48 hours to demand better working conditions or than 6500 people are taking part in the strike effecting most of the countries 23 ports workers have threatened to continue indefinitely if their demands arent met. South Korean Electronics company, samsung says its 3rd quarter operating profits are down. More than 30 percent, the Worlds Largest memory chip and smartphone maker earned around 7700000000. 00 between july and september, samsung games a drop in demand for Electronic Devices on the Global Economic downturn. The price of shares in facebooks Parent Company has dropped by 19 percent to wiping all than 65000000000. 00 of the companys value. If names stagnating it there, they use a numbers and cuts in advertising budgets. Those are the headlines. News continues harold al jazeera that softer blood and tears to stay with us. Ah ah, it took over 400 years for the french to build and maintain their vast empire. But the home structure came tumbling down in the space of a quarter of a century. France swam against the tide of history and tried to keep hold of its colonies by whatever means possible. But by the mid 20th century, that position was no longer sustainable. This is the story of the collapse of one of the biggest thin pies the world has ever seen of the blood. And tears shed then and now and of the lasting impacted sweets and its violent and still have on the world today. Ah, on the 6th of may 1931. The National Colonial exhibition opened in paris. It was a huge celebration of the french empire, which had never before seen so vast, so prosperous and so powerful blue, a city within a city had been built in the white van sand on the eastern edge of paris, including a complete replica of the uncalled work temple in cambodia, the largest religious monument in the wild visitors could tour the whole world in a single day. And the show was a huge success with 33000000 tickets sold in 6 months. The overriding narrative was obey civilizing european nation, bringing invention and progress wherever it 2030 im whoa whoa. Whoa. France considered itself the center of the world . Its greatness and strength at the heart of the 40 or more territories under its control. The message was clear. On our popped off is that the quantity the domain often with on for you it did when you know that are all over the home for the french of the time this was all completely norma lagoon that you are you sick on the severe new mornings or more ago, i dont see an idea you say certainly that theyre not on the part of us. They were difficult and got when she was getting used. Remember, we will be all gone. But by the 19th thirtys, the tide of history was beginning to turn from the car to ponti sherry. And from tonkin to algiers, rebellion was in the air. A new generation of leaders was finding its voice. Alas, al fussy in morocco, happy boggy bar into neesha and miss sally hygiene algeria with questioning the colonial order and in africa and the caribbean. Leo posted off and gone in, senegal and emissary. Martinique denounced the colonial regime and in indo china, a young communist called ho, she mean was emerging as the leader of National Liberation movement. People in the colonies simply wanted their dignity. Across the empire, the colonizers were firmly in charge of injustice and inequality had few means of redress. Regimes were authoritarian, and among the millions, living under colonial rule, only a few elected officials had the right to vote. And the wide spread use are forced labor under pins. The whole system the powerful symbol of this exploitation of labor was the construction of the Congo Ocean Railway opened in 1934. I tuned on her colonial also. That would be enough, sought aunt minnie wanted to deposit. Herb. Yeah, let me know how you know that sound. Youre all good. Do you like to motivate . Let me say no cell mom on up all going im, hes not going to have the quote on may. So see, you know, i mean youre us, you saw the population was adhesion. Luckily good. What are young . But progress was built on the blood and sweat of local people and the new railway cost. 20000 african lies from exhaustion or disease to skip you. So fair grammar, gladish all jasa m all her go month on the machine, a parser sound good or no guy he go 384, do made it a super yea were good about yea, good day to go tomorrow. Were going to woo the. This will be you see, so the idea is up to have your book. So then not be a color yellow of the past in that way he saw the subjects of the empire calculated their own value in kind little bell contests. It clear that a shell is to be on bonded tail. No eagle can afford guns. We saw on the day it defaulted to his will be earlier than jenn davids about as yet upon the tallapoosa lippy boy lay bill pondered there as it were, a vandal to look on. All is on the tele, be me. He lip, the handle on what you politically look on, which it will equal from that you wont mind. Im gonna click with Barbara Keith was his wiley, theyre gone pleasure of at that late demarcus guess mourner early could all show hostile see little as to why her community do dont actually have i keep is when she is indignant kilometer, depending under has why. The marquee of it early, is im going to pull up our as either macro as well. Hm. Produce in work to shake or yeah. He seemed much like al dude said he this kind of injustice was behind the new demands of colonial workers. But their voices were soon drowned out by the sound of more. Ah, on the 1st of september, 1939. The world exploded. From my york city book to algiers to saigon. The soldiers of the empire were called on to mobilize for friday. Only lucille decided he then did one time colony can not free allow viola, but 3 men se saw new york all fe anemia. Then why . By feeble thought this. He gave us the letter a ball. Hes got the all black. Do you mean hes on a 10 months later, on the 14th of june 1940, the german army marched into paris. The ranks of colonial troops were shocked. France had been defeated. The white colonizer was not invincible. Ah, marsha peytons government in vichy collaborated with nazi germany, while shanks, the goal, made his famous call of the 18th of june to fight on. But he stood alone to resist and to liberate france. He had only one option to rally the empire to his cause. Starting with africa. In august 1940 felix, a boy, the 1st black governor of chad joined to going soon, cameroon, the congo gabon and others joined him. With this level of support, the goal could now prepare for the liberation of occupied france, support for the general and marshal the tire respectively, split the empire into oh, so they might i shun lumala today little so the bit the said um i will goes on to the new luggage in new york blended to look live as is it allow you live harlow, one or 2 dog . For samar, the new titles was filled up. Well, if youre shar day, you know the glove exhaust, they saw mr. Dog me nerves are galvan shocked. As follicle over the course of several months and battles, whole areas of the empire joined, the goal is coun, brittany han had to make promises, like offering independence to syria and lebanon in return for their support. The gummies of morocco, the spa, hes of algeria. Senegalese. Why, for men and soldiers from syria and lebanon, joined the forces of the free french awe from the heels of monte casino to the force of the vote. The soldiers being pi a flew to the rescue of occupied so called savages to be civilized, had become liberated. They didnt have the right to vote, but they had the right to die for fun. But in 1944, as the defeat of germanys 3rd reich began to look likely, nationalist demands once again shook the French Colonial order. As the gold criss crossed the empire, he heard their call reforms were needed to galvanize the troops and con there spirits. So on the 30th of january, 1944, he opened the brass a vo conference in congo, promising to rebuild the empire on new, different foundations. While you all got on there, i d like dog. E v, you look down, i gotta, i know, ordered up by the, uh huh. No, no, my mom, all my dad. Oh, wow. Good. Wow. That a haul to a room full of colonial officials. The goal expressed a willingness to change what independence was not. On his agenda. Francis greatness depended on it. Empire disappointment spread across the colonies. 7 months later, in june 1944 allied forces landed in normandy and then in august in the south of france. The war was not over yet, but the reality for the colonies was harsh and would lead to yet more bloodshed. Victory in europe was on the horizon. So the french army had to be whitewashed, so that in the eyes of the world, it would look as though it was the people of france who were liberating themselves. So the government decided to demobilize several regiments of senegalese rifle, men and other african troops to speed up their return to africa. They were promised that theyd be paid as soon as they arrived in the car. The rifleman duly said, se macbeth said glen antoine joy, be a great deal. Wholly noni. Tell your cynically it back a deca. He saw oils and conklin up rapidly pool he yard clem. Youd persona dont about mac, a content . Rapper said new book fair be you love, the more you, mo, get the and do a are foss. This is. Did that, this is olu. Come on under condo. Dario ladonna underwood shall above his arm. I tell him that the colonial authorities claim that their demand for pay amounted to a mutiny and ordered french troops to fire on the west african soldiers. The otisha diesel took keys you do monday. Lo a do send to me by little wendy. Got all my passion to select them. I want i particularly no. Susan, uncle, not another scuse she, she notions. Good bye, she think or betsy, could she could sweet here . See patty d desantis, your visa, achy store. Back on this in yacoma dod demeanor visits. Where does all beyond me . Elk, on that no contract the son did his aunt and does on his arm or barely take on any of these on the prism. What started as an act of repression became a massacre. The french claim that 35. 00 died, but war veterans and former prisoners of war say 300. 00 african soldiers were killed. On the 30th of november, 1944 white troops had fired on their Black Brothers in arms. There are no contemporary records, only word of mouth accounts. French propaganda chose instead to film the joyful return to his village of a wife or man. Probably unaware of the tragedy in charlie. And i just saw your mother a dad. Did you got those and theyre going to go with only bit missiles really badly. Minimal good. Do do get to eat and i do run wilson and i only been done with the refrain on a man. No more than a more to be done on the winds. On the leg, ice valley, many business your how does your name with the tahoe a massacre was kept a secret in france for nearly 50 years. Yeah. Ok. No memoir aside a dilemma. See, tell empty bedroom in wild is even more wazoo. Oh she better said pulse. Miss jona is in fact and manner. You messa kendra. I see from bow quin usual g o c. Com says everybodys sick is sick. I must say. Gov could could army, could army fall says a c e commerce was august hospice crew. So poor faith could sit down. Do all he barely. Joel finish was best crew over home on me. Youre a past crew on then you do lose, you put it in nobly. Diana, oops, up this coffee, bessie palka piss true. Wonder who am one local to stay short and too little . Ah, the 8th of may 1945, a victory in europe. Nazi germany surrendered and the rest of europe rejoice. France and its empire celebrated the end of 5 years of fierce fighting and the step by step we conquest of home territory. It was epic in tunis, brazza via the car and algiers. People also took to the streets in celebration, but perhaps deep down. They sense that this was the time to ask for their do. Theyd shed their blood. Now, it was payback time. Ah. In algeria, the French Colonial authorities allowed public demonstrations on condition that no one fly the algerian flag but in the city of city, the parade would turn into a battle field. One that lives on in memory to day. Sure no lead nor did she damage good. Animal door near do additionally no dark wood tooth on that to i n g or no, no, i stay thank you. Own it did not love new point. She buried to sit deep. Not unusual. I just got on was id disgust wont because she blew up there. Shell good for kate d loss is also presley saving up all history she see can go and do these up. I breeze allied full, duffy v r or math show room. She already, she les, a beauty she day, you wanted to garcia to return in which rick, in the melee, a french policeman had shot and killed a young man waving an algerian flag full of anger. The demonstrators attack settlers and killed them in the streets. Soon they were over a 100 dead. This photograph of a victim with his hands cut off was widely distributed and spread panic among the colonial french. Hatred had now been sown in algerian hans victory in europe was immediately forgotten. The colonial settlers organized themselves into local malicious, and the french army went into action. In the areas around cities, gilmer and character villages were raised to the grounds. The army didnt stop to question suspects. They let the cameras get the footage and the executions began. Polar masika and the city flew members like out. Thank you and try me the, the shingle humbles, latonya lowes, her donna beth asked you to it. Kate dasia, dupont. I think she said it was awful. If you saw a cowboys, oh, fonder ghosts, decap usher performed older. Crippled, twinkled with boy. So whichever public would more yonder facilities on board. And phil is the doctor when i see him. So the boss. Oh do turn batty level financial a clue quasi dirty, muted dude and well, well cclc which was coming up our marketing. So 2 fast ball g q la lenore offered the best enjoy to trade in a man. Yeah, joins, i did tricks. I did one on preliminary believe whole sequels to the listener. Fears, spread through the our population. To show that order had been restored, the army reenacted scenes of surrender. Unloaded rifles were given to villages gathered, especially for the occasion. The official french figures were around 1500. 00 dead. But according to some algerian sources, it was between 20 and 45000. The colonial authorities covered it up. A few days later, algerian soldiers who had fought for france, began returning to their homeland. Im glad you were on your fe. Did you . Did you notice the all yes, yes. There was a knock on the back. If i go a little while would only be a little longer. So with that i go all to reveal dollars on the cannot together much a tooth. La miss oil showed year off. I me or does she mere daughter her . Let me call her she his lawyer her please of our her. But she feel like you gosh on the left, off. The settings of she is then nearly death on figure bazzi beller. Bella, because you know, by example, or do grandma, you know n and clear blue. Find it i sent him under ties on it, and descript giblin your loved or la or no not to hunt on you bali the mill top of o bell magic her could poor is it in whatever declaw chauffeured lay other surely on t