Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Women In The Wind 20

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Women In The Wind 20221013

i'm on the inside and don't hear top stories on out zara. the un general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russia's moved annex parts of ukraine. and 43 countries voted in favor with a resolution that reaffirms ukraine, sovereignty and territorial integrity. arm message is loud and clear. it does not matter if you as a nation or big or small rich or poor, old or new. if you are a un member state your borders are your own and are protected by international law . they cannot be redrawn by any one else by force. it grains energy, minnesota says russian missiles of his around 30 percent of the country's energy infrastructure around $300.00 areas were left without power following the russian attacks on monday, on tuesday, in the western city of live power and water supply has been restored, but had a dumb june spoke to people living in live if this is the center of live, this is the cultural capital of ukraine and normally on a weekday, at this time of day, this area would be much more full of their strands of families. although there are still skateboarders that are out here, there are local musicians. it's not nearly as packed as it normally would be. and that's because of what happened earlier in the week. on monday and tuesday, you had 2 consecutive days of russian air strikes on critical infrastructure in live region because of that, you had power disruptions. you had water disruptions and wow, there are local officials that say that water and electricity are now fully back on line here. in the region, the residents that we are speaking to today are showing that they are concerned. i yeah, yeah, sure, sure. the guy got it. you was in an emergency. i plan to go to my grandmother in the village for winter. most of my sister in poland, that's an option, but i'd prefer to stay home then go anywhere i give again, colinza bachelor chuck at the gl itala. but when the attacks happen, we ran inside and stayed until the alarm went off, which was more than 5 hours later, we were to fight for our lives at a bullet. i'm lucky. and despite the worries about what might actually happen next, people are still coming out to restaurants and cafes. and some of the residents that we've been speaking with has said that although they feel prepared about what they will do in the event of further attacks. they think that the city actually needs to be better prepared going forward. it must be created special committee. i don't know to enroll engineers to in the role of people from different profession who are deep in this question to make as soon as possible there. and most safety was father station, a was the water facility is many here and live, say that for months there had been a sense of complacency that residents had felt far removed from the war that was going on. the other big question for everybody here is, what exactly comes? conspiracy theorists alex jones has been ordered to pay almost a $1000000000.00 in damages to families of the victims of the sandy hook school shooting chains falsely claim for years that the 2012 shooting was a hoax. crossing jordan reports, the judge found him guilty, and after 3 weeks of testimony, the jury decided that the families did not deserve the $550000000.00 that they had requested in their law suit. they decided that child these families deserved much more money. $965000000.00. now what this means is, is that they will defido the funds are not equally. there's also an f b i agent who is also going to get about 10 percent or so of the money that i was awarded. energy ministers have again failed to agree on a package to tackle high gas prices. 15 member states want the price of wholesale gas to be kept across the block, others advocating alternatives, including a limit some gas consumption and subsidies for businesses and consumers. okay, there's a headlines in east continues here, not as air off out. is there a well stay with us? ah ah, [000:00:00;00] with me it's in mid little skunk that habitual letters mean new bernard sheri i this is going to how to could save him cannot smith in method or playful that hipaa was the eddie mastership thought i would like to question what off my gum polish glad i could lead to more had she's at all. no more. i'd love, but we'll be able to work for the anecdotes markets. got some pretty are not yet keyed on that with an m n model for silicon vaccine and i'm in bed. no. so the commissioner shall go hunting for food. ah, and i need to see. and not that i had been where i had to say to my feet when let's if on look good news be equilibrium. madeline. haben, up and sidney la center and up in the hospital. madison pockets and manage it and yeah, i can set them correctly and i did. i wasn't got a hospital connection with the federals which cannot any from zepplin at the moment . i mean the malcolm bunny and office just couldn't get any comfortable photo to be it of ziff ah ah ah oh yeah. yeah. you know that she now sharon with hold you head 30 political gonna have them as vicariously and an insult. that's what this looks so in this conflict. hm. box battle audit a video link which may only put in a new for his body can and she can should she taxi bill? okay, so monica? just get him to come soon as lucas houghton. she visited prism of a small son and was gonna sell a map out in his bahamas. good, which underlies little but america thought and looked colors are toxic, cortisol? oh, good good policy. do you need aka to live last? i have gone to the plaza. where does he put his id, which month? i pleasure also to most learn am supplementing to this and can little another to me and that also with their own bed to send a word smart to dog can do either just not the shuttle had 2nd mother dick darlene observed. first, mother, i was from school, it was worth medicine for coloma. she could not at all for alice. a committee please please deserve. i say little floats for here. markets critically associate of a catalyst for them. now. jewels joke, little, or one muscular michael to better and more. the research examined mother and she me ah, shoot me a few me back. and if you have any i'mma, she met us at the math and it is just because it's been a crazy and gave him me any make up up there. yeah. and you can even laugh when they him this keep him home and then tell you when he said that my case. but really you can feel except who was out of the messages. but every move for we look a little because the look at it took us so that she can have the key because we do not realize that she misses emotion. so the, let me get to something they have illema, catch the cuts and will let them. but i could you learn a look and help me look for an additional phone, but i saw clean the listen. i mr. what was their deal here? the inside of us not mckesson hand. you know some the lim sydney may have been that's . that's certainly how they can do my m l, this loss husky. the book see decatur limit slips. you know? yes, my sheep food was up to was that i'm healthy. don't yuki and nanny for 30 or so did he lose? as lot i look on all the of the only additional bershard. i will love that as for little ferrara injures can when somebody deal. gotcha got. we're going to have him been hinting so little coldly. she moved in close and instantly as what did i say? and i came in, i saw that it didn't take social, nobody was allowed to solicit in them. a conclusion was shown he's the de kadelli filter's gonna for jamie are and where did you look a massage therapy of herb jayleen or and i thought i had gone to come but also my concern dear. can i get the hilton hotel that she thought mrs. camilla ballasa city locker for scott, could i'm a concerned did i did them? she law or law got caught up all. could i use it for sure that they could learn? so they're paul, but not to she also throw a man on may or them and she on some i don't you supposed to whether got skirt macbeth up or not, she believe look up, hey, listen bud. so soon as he had that for caught all, well, i'm not letting them all the fair at all. i anyone sheets of you did, and i'm a little ah, when you all them as a live is on for some i was of you own will you push on, you know, i did say in and out of the in the can say infamous huddle. me mad faddie of will begin with my daughter and osland ma'am, ma'am, on the coachman. somebody will let him attempts m r a. darcy, what dick can read miss ebert and see love and nick. good. no i had let ashmore and did my last elect via any old morocco. i didn't. i didn't attend that. i see you. i didn't exactly indeed vent thumb ventana. yes. that as of last year he did he got ah ah ah ah ah. and glitter city nam oh, any article but our firm aflac lady and justine, oh, that's kind of you, but galleria. oh yoga class is vanya jena. martino brought him to la. i've been had no luck on mozilla. him argue not. she not been at noah had there . what have you been martinez? tips of thumb a deal? where did you been actually not on a home pell. as the guardian not ah yes. ah yes, sir, that sir, that'll walk up. put it to mark her records on melissa did. lady salisbury, will you skulk already if you will? any a concord branch named fell shall conquered guiltily. em doors and jacks are members of whom lizette, whom she had had enough on myself. let ish salinas for myself to morrow sophie, i'm sure enough. besides bourbon, ben's muffin. say yeah, he merely been a will not i could look at the girl and thought how an events was then on momma liza mamma. miss matter. that's me, is him again, had the others your head i wouldn't have to have them if there were headley has used in the good tunneling and you know, because you had a shock because of sheila hadn't me back. i met your lot issue for the cuts gone for the good. i did that column that the hope with the 50 and it was lead even medina. good. see those the earlier baby. yeah. i know young for painting the in the hello. miss ellison? somebody, one of them was you wouldn't have a clue. those did him a question for him. and bourbon. good mother, nearly stadium know emilia mechanically should not babyish. we are say, bad luck. a follow up funny. plus, you wouldn't need help or you can call us back, but not even to come out of school. we could check on the old bed. she could do it when you stop in, as you can leave, then we have many of you and you get a quote, but when you get mad, i'm guessing you're what lynch here are when it's a little bit. the mean, the last name is chuck give you the send a truck and the bottle thought out. and if you have blue, can she didn't come love my reply. what does she hadn't? so it's been a little about some books about they believe in the bureau for append mccaney. mary lee, bob would see lead murder, mystery of adam on bus, published by you, been there before you been a bureau that she'd fingers wouldn't. i'm probably an, an a problem, but also i've got good larry was one component as well. what if you want to look at this when again mel a play and believe me was only very liberal this contract a mess with suitable yo yo bins. a beauty. it could be marianna that could be marianna le le peeling it was from a of clearly oh, a clever little mellow debility. ha, i don't to are william. marianne mohammed senator spun, come amana and i am a man putting an eye on the yellow, but i year and a half. she may need and a half hour and a heavy what i basically have executed power the the when would be helpful, halifax, good layla unit to leave beautiful. no lesser at the and a half hours with no one had a member on the part to push one maluso believe disgusted. devils under lynette. this gun got out of the order was still a deal gaily. don't leave her. the viola, the salient conclave, said the telephone because of that, because bit of one was it was that alec on its own, i'm a balance. capital mom. i left my mother last last, please her know you're bardello lena darwin, oliver isil moines and has his b. l. u n e s u duffy, i look on it or can, how will and any monkwood should object of the how and she's got a jordan in burn seem been isabel, but i know you're lucky homeschooled yet and not a bit like any of you may fish wasena elmhurst sermon officer club, know that i know technical form was that was done by the girl quickly, but emilia and mr. model remodeled at standard, similar who are looking to look a madness any bandage will pick while it look on a common but some mold, little families, spike us, have a good look. again. i live in alba, ala barbara, and the glomerular than good system. and the exerts called or got the gel beats d i look at 10 men bad milk once without enough. good for had the hail the any is causing absolutely. i call loud lewis the image will fire glue hammer, hammer. you has always thought it had loose. good luck, i give his ear and i know was he to hold a little look meaningless? of g marin, my degree madrid gamble who you all got stuck on where you're right from the you al, could the ma will had already looked do smith in columbia and i've done them as a remodel and an horizontal. i didn't have that impression, but in that, daniel had asked that would be an amy mckinney and american. she let it out scolding them as food go. annual basil i had grandmother, go see them at the mouth. burskey it was kept fine animal duncan, i her asked that all it so the only day shall suff bisman the goddamn ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, in with a dollar could be scamming that i'm gonna be a good publish report. i know you've been with that needed literally st. everything in any case look, deal your loan has some if you could, could it it shadows. that's what normative culture had. people give co hitler mantas man mckinley club, the likud medical sciences because he wasn't hud sort of there was a get him anyway. look into that more kids can switch the m m m as in debra. yes. yes. yes ma'am. when it's in cinnamon i know, and he'd man said em ye men then yelled at the salon, said erm salary for lamb salt on her feet when in by fleming beneath and a m e m. yes, for holding a theory of me. so did an m. yes. 10 g to be menu when he saw the salon. one. where be he one, how can i have yet received? yeah. back nancy had had some mom won't the british above emotional the magazine smoke was e n z this? i was a when i was look was yeah, yet i wasn't. oh, i knew i me, ah, i, it's an international electronic crypto currency used across the globe. it's, it's the best part is exist on the planet. but few know how it's made. it's role in the criminal underworld. it's rise to legal tender. it's implications for the global financial system. and the devastating carbon footprint it leaves behind its energy consumption is a massive step backward. people in power investigates crypto own al jazeera, a simple app to flying a flag. but in the occupied west bank raising the palestinian flag could get you shot or arrested after the also of ports of the 8900 ninety's between the palestine diversion organization and israel. the bound on the palestinian flag was listed, but on the ground it's becoming much harder to express. any type of support for the palestinian call. one day there are no palestinian flag. the next mysteries are filled with it's a b, y t, your net, the boy young man, we're not even born wendy, is really government 1st declared, the palestinian flag in the every day in the pool at least 3 mothers door while giving birth in remote areas. when i, when they speak, the bright medic, some part saving the lives of mothers. and then you are now 20. my law, one documentary that, oh nice. i'm was guy on al jazeera. mm. mm. i'm on the inside in doha, he a top stories on al jazeera, the un general assembly is voted overwhelmingly to condemn. russia moved to annex parts of ukraine and $43.00 countries. they said in favor, the resolution that reaffirms ukraine solvency and territorial integrity. our message is loud and clear, it does not matter if you as a nation or big or small rich or poor, old or new. if you are a u. n members state your borders are your own and are protected by international law. they cannot be redrawn by any one else by force, spares, say there is. alex jones has been awarded to pay almost a $1000000000.00 in damages to families of the victims of the sandy hook school shooting jones falsely claim for years. the 2012 shooting was a hoax. us and jordan reports from the judge found him guilty. and after 3 weeks of testimony, the jury decided that the families did not deserve the $550000000.00 that they had requested in their law suit. they decided that child, these families deserved much more money, $965000000.00. now what this means is, is that they will defido the funds, not equally. there's also an f b i agent who was also going to get about 10 percent or so of the money that i was awarded. western allies have vowed to deliver new ad defense systems to ukraine as quickly as possible. rushes intensified as strikes across ukraine in recent days, killing at least 26 people since monday. targets have been mostly civilian infrastructure and 12 cities. ukraine's energy minister says russian missiles of his around 30 percent of the countries energy infrastructure on 3 on jerry has been left without power following the russian attacks on monday and tuesday you energy ministers of again failed to agree on a package to tackle high gas prices. 15 member states want the price of wholesale gas to be kept across the block, others abdicating alternatives, including a limit and gas consumption and subsidies for businesses and consumers. the european commissions proposals ado to be unveiled next week. okay, there's your headlines. nice continues in out as aircraft out a 0. well stay with us. ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, she said maybe you know been any latino had put in bed. yeah. she had mecca. i would love put in the hardwood side, is that enough that i'd be to asia little bit by dee and how much it could be and how could be shop. but if any of those sub in bubba gets caught you yesterday it similar fish monkey crunch liaison mutton can let us if meant for can but i see for is not can but i see what about yes, but i see method and, and he really wonderful and occasionally she my web hadn't how to put the smell of the elephant for our for come, we'll know a lot of people for a book from an maybe, but i did and i'm so will defeats. i work with you because i think that people have been through 3 years. luca said, a lot by any met be her shouldn't be any of you had 2nd pneumonia in melissa going up and that indicated be what had what had the minimum the election katie mccain she any mom. okay, sure. okay, the making sure any lives sec, i'm a little while isabella, any living mom decided mccain she reserve anything the other one will be and how much will do that? oh, yes, i know. so the, you never said that statement in front of your own data with, with a normal policy like you know that up and then say other company will happen is what the constituents thought would that it would be up. i was on it. i focused on that who really say this, of course on the vehicle i ah, a national a men going with them on a young a failure. i was a b lol. thank ruby livingston he had the whole day and now that he got cold cousin considerably, there's going to them l museum and the one the word will give us give them to put them out of procedure. we go any, any good. how long had so much fun? i mother dishes and no one was on. good. how will next skis look, does or do you will mel one many most smedley, a sheena barrack ideal could mac and how we and in the b w late can. how will anyone else be let look at it? so let me get is will matt thought okay, good has to. well i think an athletic i had the mic feel of his duncan family. anna mikayla can go magellan that he gave. hello. kathy, i developed looking at middle intermediate connecticut. the teacher revamped no one to live up mozy magellan to how will i know we did? lemme trout got the mug isa. only out for snow snow with a good valley or peaks vocally, that was the i don't care elders up more than a navy video receive all of our own that we did, you know, usually they want to make clear answer. hudson benefits did the should, the and amendment showed me and i did send a month bash local t into and all or consciously, and i thought no pets, few office, then i went from a b as in howard. my job is home, who was liz judaic, and i own at godaddy on telecom honestly and not heard in 18 sentinel for neither of them. well, what would happen if you could artistically? shoot me those gentlemen. my health is no form she has own. i do not think hedges either for the complete good nikosa will not be in soft of moon liza t. the consensual food from fossil lip. so notice i did. yellow, went on at an a so called shoot boom lily. camille coloma above the castle. i ha yes. yes. hello, i i, e, e, o. well his or her life in cell is social media again young. if them 2 or more, they were little they had us name a picture for marvel by company or with an agenda for to the in the didn't it did even to lower the lower hedlam c m, our home look. and i hadn't be hard clear to publish a because she has our next hall, the know the annual max, unaccompanied city before subtle how that even can make it up. and just image had to know you can all and to ready. i don't can call law, will you the letter i received a little bit of losing a home. another 40 thought wrong way. yes. or no this incident with my think your money beneath it worth it. if it on the in, i'd like to report abuse beyond papa and verizon would be also wolf and ofac problem. hello, carlos in the morning. is my bill hunter? mother huntington falcon. not merely i'll know will you be on my account? can you ever licky looking? i e was, you'd dance, and to day one sees ye let is your mobile in an uncle, libya, ne, are it as a matter of package? we're had the end of our hunters to day one mattie, it saves a hush, distorted bush earn ellerby, i don't want that he did. you want to go? look, we'll do you put us if you need plenty, not mind a sure she had a bris, that out of her grandmother a as these youth benefits us, but i've been sick mom, she said as she had some problems with him to help me out with us and then we come in there because bet, bulk, and she lives in that office and she does more often comp kenji because i'm sure there's not a huge so but i will mother the adult swim man. oh, it's played oh feler. that was his would. can be if you had me cut off, you can be job in older can today will let you. huh. let him keep a mortgage. so be it. guess so be i missed your call. my mother seamless. she, her diploma sub with the i it's, i mean, lydia sherman, you will need, he should have been but i am at the spectrum and they shall, will multicultural police. we ok sobel ok sublet last year. no. oh, well ma'am, i'm actually good as you can and the key because she had it in a older she has a she but city a real amount of mccain shall lupsi really the annex the people i'm sort of so well not to look at it and miss said i'd sent mackenzie woman him. okay, now i asked him enough. didn't get a bad outcome. she got a say that only to o'clock cuz he has of a morning. fishbock has him to h as in our to can i bisman? yes. please let me know. measure the smile shops, and actually not only you book, remember les, oh, let's do. the imaging miss wrinkle stations were had good birth, because he a you will in italy, the road excursion. little casa walsh with a could board of all suits festival diet. yelp. you again had heard of that you were gaining normally. the boiler, hurley would low to sift publicity, one area you can look bit off at the anomaly and a couple can order. what sort of a r e c? not been lossy mckenna should about this and hopefully enough, lisa told me she will. hello, i'm a mom and jamie you earn of a he a new lead, a lead? hadn't heard cars would for dreyer's academia. so she'd me alert on thought all would in theory number the wash kill cleveland and her live her look leudemann and nathan macpherson and as the full math he thought in a little bit, which means she's little effort pseudo can man than nerd added. so shoot me a hand on thought, which after you have her delayed signal, when somebody left over admit, fed a herschel filled with them. cleo had the announcement admiral were hidden and was so intimate and they all about the middle sna, deadlier or a sad yellow haul spinning out on your left as you know, let the booklets the set them the shirt. no ha ha mother oh ah ah ah ah ah ah. limit me hate at no more dorothy, but it muslim and apathy though my man sure had thought it. what does he have any why limit me i then and there sure. absolutely. and bade them investment money that in there may have to see more if people laid away where someone come out in order. why a spot the when a man in a small, you're the aqua yami. lucky. allow my for the home, please have the or bad. mm. hm yeah . any, can i do the engine like a man? has she been lubbers any of your dilemma here to member her? will him he had scheduled a meeting. could she can coordinate any be my all sorts good, cut, snow, hidden us. what sir? we are hiding both would extremely keep at to we had little foot. got them. she had the mr. berman gemini at laden. noah harper? i hey i i you were still a little bit hey, is barely that have been hey danny and mike am spencer now? what have you been? he doesn't you tell a position. oh, and this isn't a patricia would haskins could live in the morning, but those were have been what had lucca? oh oh no. the robin is millions during ah. can i saw them misty, feel animal at him? had that in an even sure. a ne, we'll let him come as a haiti natalie knock. oh. will enough suffer you know he at equal enough to come get so come conklin, heresy. low fellow had was added consequently, elements some set where he admits me that he is biskin, how and half a felon see can how unhappy valencia consider maria. we're going with zillow, with them, a gun new, and then can help just the other lassi can collect softly as of as the problem. and then he bought before b, m. m. and that'll make gains. so he can help bailiff on and can say, look at the mechanical fluffy, demoss, me. what have you done if it's out the up middle back gallery, alden, single megacity, just like an hello. and i and os needs hemmings audio to see of the needs. hammonds, lucas? yep. then let's use daily hellion, we're in a new cannibal done ah, ah, ah, some new terms, a little, a buffer my pony that you will have 400 fish to so it's of some, no ha, we know a kid gets, has them up go philip. there. ah ah, and did have a beautiful little weather, urination, hudson, harrison. how can, how would you say the deposit, the deposit quote so saddler any the any idea? the morgan to wizard with was emily who i knew a breath eddie had of course more and more sure. haven't maggie said, if more as a matter, lithium lay monsieur norman sigh, literally a formidable accidentally lean . hey. what again? muscular again. where do i get the accord on really billable alamo dumpster mother yourself handled lotion is really bad. well again, go cell doses, home apollo, multiply up. all, come probably gonna have to worry about, you told merchant i got a letter when he doesn't feel good. measure of i don't dish of lord law loans before se thing with things ah. with oh no. ah. with a minute a with a bed of with a little has quote on a 2 cushion floor, a little a little bit of a dorian kind of be a minimum can can that he's had sin but leg lunch and i had limited testing. rather, you'd be w. yep. and jeff had medical clement than a m. a key to thought nella. her was he was in the appeal, i'm going to keep sable. lemme attention to. he made trevino excitement and ultra ah ah, she shouldn't fulton that has been sent in yesterday for the next you with me yesterday she told him and you said it would be he no, he couldn't. i ah me, i ah ha, there we've got something of a change going on across central parts, silva, north america, eating outs of central canada or rolling down the prairies for the northern plains, fresh weather tucking in behind. and that will just run its way across the lakes where we will see some very heavy rain for a time. he's inevitable. pennsylvania new york, gazing at the new england, ontario, quebec tunney increasingly wet as we go through the next couple of days as that fresh weather digging in behind. quite a key northerly on north west me when little even half this one was known as a lazy, wendy won't go round j. this has got to be bitterly cold. and as we go through the next couple of days, tempt you struggling to get around 8 or 9 celsius in that bris quinn. still some went to whether i, which was east side of canada, northeast, passive us drying up, brightening up what the u. s. fine. and trying to save it to was west. not too bad at all. here actually 21 celsius. there was a north western corner and we have got some very wet weather. we have a tropical storm called making its way around the i have can patch a so just to the east of mexico city, some very heavy, right? southern parts of mexico seeing big down polls flooding rise, the possibility of much slides, landslides over the next hour. so plenty of showers, they require south central america elsewhere. it's sonny with emergency services across bank home are receiving 60000 a snake related pulls a year. the reason why we found more snacks in house is because the question of expansion of the city, they don't have a choice because their natural habitat isn't there anymore. there's one place in the homes of the city where they're, well, they're coming out now with a king cobra, which is the largest venomous snakes in the world. this is one of the few places where they milk them, that have been this is the red cross snake bomb, a regional hub, the and t been in production living center produces enough and then them to most of southeast asia. there are some parts of the world western desperately shield with comes back from cultural tradition. hollywood thing on here was his presidential election is going to a 2nd round on october 30th. coming toward line president j also not over social is going to be like a c. i'm buying some hopes but which one is to be elected to brazil's highest

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Australia , United States , United Kingdom , West Bank , Elmhurst , Victoria , Valencia , Carabobo , Venezuela , Brazil , Madrid , Spain , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Minnesota , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Russia , Connecticut , Ukraine , Amana , Espíto Santo , Marianna , Estado De Pernambuco , Morocco , Italy , Hollywood , California , Libya , South Korea , Poland , New York , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Canada , Beit , Midlands , Jordan , Sydney , New South Wales , Israel , Ashmore , Dorset , Saudi Arabia , Sandy Hook , Mecca , Makkah , Bahamas , The , Polish , America , Russian , British , Palestinian , American , Bernard Sheri , Vanya Jena , Huntington Falcon , Lucas Houghton , Casa Walsh , Ruby Livingston , Camille Coloma , Feda Herschel , Lena Darwin , Amy Mckinney , Marianne Mohammed , Ala Barbara , Quebec Tunney , Alex Jones , Lydia Sherman ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Women In The Wind 20221013 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Women In The Wind 20221013

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i'm on the inside and don't hear top stories on out zara. the un general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russia's moved annex parts of ukraine. and 43 countries voted in favor with a resolution that reaffirms ukraine, sovereignty and territorial integrity. arm message is loud and clear. it does not matter if you as a nation or big or small rich or poor, old or new. if you are a un member state your borders are your own and are protected by international law . they cannot be redrawn by any one else by force. it grains energy, minnesota says russian missiles of his around 30 percent of the country's energy infrastructure around $300.00 areas were left without power following the russian attacks on monday, on tuesday, in the western city of live power and water supply has been restored, but had a dumb june spoke to people living in live if this is the center of live, this is the cultural capital of ukraine and normally on a weekday, at this time of day, this area would be much more full of their strands of families. although there are still skateboarders that are out here, there are local musicians. it's not nearly as packed as it normally would be. and that's because of what happened earlier in the week. on monday and tuesday, you had 2 consecutive days of russian air strikes on critical infrastructure in live region because of that, you had power disruptions. you had water disruptions and wow, there are local officials that say that water and electricity are now fully back on line here. in the region, the residents that we are speaking to today are showing that they are concerned. i yeah, yeah, sure, sure. the guy got it. you was in an emergency. i plan to go to my grandmother in the village for winter. most of my sister in poland, that's an option, but i'd prefer to stay home then go anywhere i give again, colinza bachelor chuck at the gl itala. but when the attacks happen, we ran inside and stayed until the alarm went off, which was more than 5 hours later, we were to fight for our lives at a bullet. i'm lucky. and despite the worries about what might actually happen next, people are still coming out to restaurants and cafes. and some of the residents that we've been speaking with has said that although they feel prepared about what they will do in the event of further attacks. they think that the city actually needs to be better prepared going forward. it must be created special committee. i don't know to enroll engineers to in the role of people from different profession who are deep in this question to make as soon as possible there. and most safety was father station, a was the water facility is many here and live, say that for months there had been a sense of complacency that residents had felt far removed from the war that was going on. the other big question for everybody here is, what exactly comes? conspiracy theorists alex jones has been ordered to pay almost a $1000000000.00 in damages to families of the victims of the sandy hook school shooting chains falsely claim for years that the 2012 shooting was a hoax. crossing jordan reports, the judge found him guilty, and after 3 weeks of testimony, the jury decided that the families did not deserve the $550000000.00 that they had requested in their law suit. they decided that child these families deserved much more money. $965000000.00. now what this means is, is that they will defido the funds are not equally. there's also an f b i agent who is also going to get about 10 percent or so of the money that i was awarded. energy ministers have again failed to agree on a package to tackle high gas prices. 15 member states want the price of wholesale gas to be kept across the block, others advocating alternatives, including a limit some gas consumption and subsidies for businesses and consumers. okay, there's a headlines in east continues here, not as air off out. is there a well stay with us? ah ah, [000:00:00;00] with me it's in mid little skunk that habitual letters mean new bernard sheri i this is going to how to could save him cannot smith in method or playful that hipaa was the eddie mastership thought i would like to question what off my gum polish glad i could lead to more had she's at all. no more. i'd love, but we'll be able to work for the anecdotes markets. got some pretty are not yet keyed on that with an m n model for silicon vaccine and i'm in bed. no. so the commissioner shall go hunting for food. ah, and i need to see. and not that i had been where i had to say to my feet when let's if on look good news be equilibrium. madeline. haben, up and sidney la center and up in the hospital. madison pockets and manage it and yeah, i can set them correctly and i did. i wasn't got a hospital connection with the federals which cannot any from zepplin at the moment . i mean the malcolm bunny and office just couldn't get any comfortable photo to be it of ziff ah ah ah oh yeah. yeah. you know that she now sharon with hold you head 30 political gonna have them as vicariously and an insult. that's what this looks so in this conflict. hm. box battle audit a video link which may only put in a new for his body can and she can should she taxi bill? okay, so monica? just get him to come soon as lucas houghton. she visited prism of a small son and was gonna sell a map out in his bahamas. good, which underlies little but america thought and looked colors are toxic, cortisol? oh, good good policy. do you need aka to live last? i have gone to the plaza. where does he put his id, which month? i pleasure also to most learn am supplementing to this and can little another to me and that also with their own bed to send a word smart to dog can do either just not the shuttle had 2nd mother dick darlene observed. first, mother, i was from school, it was worth medicine for coloma. she could not at all for alice. a committee please please deserve. i say little floats for here. markets critically associate of a catalyst for them. now. jewels joke, little, or one muscular michael to better and more. the research examined mother and she me ah, shoot me a few me back. and if you have any i'mma, she met us at the math and it is just because it's been a crazy and gave him me any make up up there. yeah. and you can even laugh when they him this keep him home and then tell you when he said that my case. but really you can feel except who was out of the messages. but every move for we look a little because the look at it took us so that she can have the key because we do not realize that she misses emotion. so the, let me get to something they have illema, catch the cuts and will let them. but i could you learn a look and help me look for an additional phone, but i saw clean the listen. i mr. what was their deal here? the inside of us not mckesson hand. you know some the lim sydney may have been that's . that's certainly how they can do my m l, this loss husky. the book see decatur limit slips. you know? yes, my sheep food was up to was that i'm healthy. don't yuki and nanny for 30 or so did he lose? as lot i look on all the of the only additional bershard. i will love that as for little ferrara injures can when somebody deal. gotcha got. we're going to have him been hinting so little coldly. she moved in close and instantly as what did i say? and i came in, i saw that it didn't take social, nobody was allowed to solicit in them. a conclusion was shown he's the de kadelli filter's gonna for jamie are and where did you look a massage therapy of herb jayleen or and i thought i had gone to come but also my concern dear. can i get the hilton hotel that she thought mrs. camilla ballasa city locker for scott, could i'm a concerned did i did them? she law or law got caught up all. could i use it for sure that they could learn? so they're paul, but not to she also throw a man on may or them and she on some i don't you supposed to whether got skirt macbeth up or not, she believe look up, hey, listen bud. so soon as he had that for caught all, well, i'm not letting them all the fair at all. i anyone sheets of you did, and i'm a little ah, when you all them as a live is on for some i was of you own will you push on, you know, i did say in and out of the in the can say infamous huddle. me mad faddie of will begin with my daughter and osland ma'am, ma'am, on the coachman. somebody will let him attempts m r a. darcy, what dick can read miss ebert and see love and nick. good. no i had let ashmore and did my last elect via any old morocco. i didn't. i didn't attend that. i see you. i didn't exactly indeed vent thumb ventana. yes. that as of last year he did he got ah ah ah ah ah. and glitter city nam oh, any article but our firm aflac lady and justine, oh, that's kind of you, but galleria. oh yoga class is vanya jena. martino brought him to la. i've been had no luck on mozilla. him argue not. she not been at noah had there . what have you been martinez? tips of thumb a deal? where did you been actually not on a home pell. as the guardian not ah yes. ah yes, sir, that sir, that'll walk up. put it to mark her records on melissa did. lady salisbury, will you skulk already if you will? any a concord branch named fell shall conquered guiltily. em doors and jacks are members of whom lizette, whom she had had enough on myself. let ish salinas for myself to morrow sophie, i'm sure enough. besides bourbon, ben's muffin. say yeah, he merely been a will not i could look at the girl and thought how an events was then on momma liza mamma. miss matter. that's me, is him again, had the others your head i wouldn't have to have them if there were headley has used in the good tunneling and you know, because you had a shock because of sheila hadn't me back. i met your lot issue for the cuts gone for the good. i did that column that the hope with the 50 and it was lead even medina. good. see those the earlier baby. yeah. i know young for painting the in the hello. miss ellison? somebody, one of them was you wouldn't have a clue. those did him a question for him. and bourbon. good mother, nearly stadium know emilia mechanically should not babyish. we are say, bad luck. a follow up funny. plus, you wouldn't need help or you can call us back, but not even to come out of school. we could check on the old bed. she could do it when you stop in, as you can leave, then we have many of you and you get a quote, but when you get mad, i'm guessing you're what lynch here are when it's a little bit. the mean, the last name is chuck give you the send a truck and the bottle thought out. and if you have blue, can she didn't come love my reply. what does she hadn't? so it's been a little about some books about they believe in the bureau for append mccaney. mary lee, bob would see lead murder, mystery of adam on bus, published by you, been there before you been a bureau that she'd fingers wouldn't. i'm probably an, an a problem, but also i've got good larry was one component as well. what if you want to look at this when again mel a play and believe me was only very liberal this contract a mess with suitable yo yo bins. a beauty. it could be marianna that could be marianna le le peeling it was from a of clearly oh, a clever little mellow debility. ha, i don't to are william. marianne mohammed senator spun, come amana and i am a man putting an eye on the yellow, but i year and a half. she may need and a half hour and a heavy what i basically have executed power the the when would be helpful, halifax, good layla unit to leave beautiful. no lesser at the and a half hours with no one had a member on the part to push one maluso believe disgusted. devils under lynette. this gun got out of the order was still a deal gaily. don't leave her. the viola, the salient conclave, said the telephone because of that, because bit of one was it was that alec on its own, i'm a balance. capital mom. i left my mother last last, please her know you're bardello lena darwin, oliver isil moines and has his b. l. u n e s u duffy, i look on it or can, how will and any monkwood should object of the how and she's got a jordan in burn seem been isabel, but i know you're lucky homeschooled yet and not a bit like any of you may fish wasena elmhurst sermon officer club, know that i know technical form was that was done by the girl quickly, but emilia and mr. model remodeled at standard, similar who are looking to look a madness any bandage will pick while it look on a common but some mold, little families, spike us, have a good look. again. i live in alba, ala barbara, and the glomerular than good system. and the exerts called or got the gel beats d i look at 10 men bad milk once without enough. good for had the hail the any is causing absolutely. i call loud lewis the image will fire glue hammer, hammer. you has always thought it had loose. good luck, i give his ear and i know was he to hold a little look meaningless? of g marin, my degree madrid gamble who you all got stuck on where you're right from the you al, could the ma will had already looked do smith in columbia and i've done them as a remodel and an horizontal. i didn't have that impression, but in that, daniel had asked that would be an amy mckinney and american. she let it out scolding them as food go. annual basil i had grandmother, go see them at the mouth. burskey it was kept fine animal duncan, i her asked that all it so the only day shall suff bisman the goddamn ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, in with a dollar could be scamming that i'm gonna be a good publish report. i know you've been with that needed literally st. everything in any case look, deal your loan has some if you could, could it it shadows. that's what normative culture had. people give co hitler mantas man mckinley club, the likud medical sciences because he wasn't hud sort of there was a get him anyway. look into that more kids can switch the m m m as in debra. yes. yes. yes ma'am. when it's in cinnamon i know, and he'd man said em ye men then yelled at the salon, said erm salary for lamb salt on her feet when in by fleming beneath and a m e m. yes, for holding a theory of me. so did an m. yes. 10 g to be menu when he saw the salon. one. where be he one, how can i have yet received? yeah. back nancy had had some mom won't the british above emotional the magazine smoke was e n z this? i was a when i was look was yeah, yet i wasn't. oh, i knew i me, ah, i, it's an international electronic crypto currency used across the globe. it's, it's the best part is exist on the planet. but few know how it's made. it's role in the criminal underworld. it's rise to legal tender. it's implications for the global financial system. and the devastating carbon footprint it leaves behind its energy consumption is a massive step backward. people in power investigates crypto own al jazeera, a simple app to flying a flag. but in the occupied west bank raising the palestinian flag could get you shot or arrested after the also of ports of the 8900 ninety's between the palestine diversion organization and israel. the bound on the palestinian flag was listed, but on the ground it's becoming much harder to express. any type of support for the palestinian call. one day there are no palestinian flag. the next mysteries are filled with it's a b, y t, your net, the boy young man, we're not even born wendy, is really government 1st declared, the palestinian flag in the every day in the pool at least 3 mothers door while giving birth in remote areas. when i, when they speak, the bright medic, some part saving the lives of mothers. and then you are now 20. my law, one documentary that, oh nice. i'm was guy on al jazeera. mm. mm. i'm on the inside in doha, he a top stories on al jazeera, the un general assembly is voted overwhelmingly to condemn. russia moved to annex parts of ukraine and $43.00 countries. they said in favor, the resolution that reaffirms ukraine solvency and territorial integrity. our message is loud and clear, it does not matter if you as a nation or big or small rich or poor, old or new. if you are a u. n members state your borders are your own and are protected by international law. they cannot be redrawn by any one else by force, spares, say there is. alex jones has been awarded to pay almost a $1000000000.00 in damages to families of the victims of the sandy hook school shooting jones falsely claim for years. the 2012 shooting was a hoax. us and jordan reports from the judge found him guilty. and after 3 weeks of testimony, the jury decided that the families did not deserve the $550000000.00 that they had requested in their law suit. they decided that child, these families deserved much more money, $965000000.00. now what this means is, is that they will defido the funds, not equally. there's also an f b i agent who was also going to get about 10 percent or so of the money that i was awarded. western allies have vowed to deliver new ad defense systems to ukraine as quickly as possible. rushes intensified as strikes across ukraine in recent days, killing at least 26 people since monday. targets have been mostly civilian infrastructure and 12 cities. ukraine's energy minister says russian missiles of his around 30 percent of the countries energy infrastructure on 3 on jerry has been left without power following the russian attacks on monday and tuesday you energy ministers of again failed to agree on a package to tackle high gas prices. 15 member states want the price of wholesale gas to be kept across the block, others abdicating alternatives, including a limit and gas consumption and subsidies for businesses and consumers. the european commissions proposals ado to be unveiled next week. okay, there's your headlines. nice continues in out as aircraft out a 0. well stay with us. ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, she said maybe you know been any latino had put in bed. yeah. she had mecca. i would love put in the hardwood side, is that enough that i'd be to asia little bit by dee and how much it could be and how could be shop. but if any of those sub in bubba gets caught you yesterday it similar fish monkey crunch liaison mutton can let us if meant for can but i see for is not can but i see what about yes, but i see method and, and he really wonderful and occasionally she my web hadn't how to put the smell of the elephant for our for come, we'll know a lot of people for a book from an maybe, but i did and i'm so will defeats. i work with you because i think that people have been through 3 years. luca said, a lot by any met be her shouldn't be any of you had 2nd pneumonia in melissa going up and that indicated be what had what had the minimum the election katie mccain she any mom. okay, sure. okay, the making sure any lives sec, i'm a little while isabella, any living mom decided mccain she reserve anything the other one will be and how much will do that? oh, yes, i know. so the, you never said that statement in front of your own data with, with a normal policy like you know that up and then say other company will happen is what the constituents thought would that it would be up. i was on it. i focused on that who really say this, of course on the vehicle i ah, a national a men going with them on a young a failure. i was a b lol. thank ruby livingston he had the whole day and now that he got cold cousin considerably, there's going to them l museum and the one the word will give us give them to put them out of procedure. we go any, any good. how long had so much fun? i mother dishes and no one was on. good. how will next skis look, does or do you will mel one many most smedley, a sheena barrack ideal could mac and how we and in the b w late can. how will anyone else be let look at it? so let me get is will matt thought okay, good has to. well i think an athletic i had the mic feel of his duncan family. anna mikayla can go magellan that he gave. hello. kathy, i developed looking at middle intermediate connecticut. the teacher revamped no one to live up mozy magellan to how will i know we did? lemme trout got the mug isa. only out for snow snow with a good valley or peaks vocally, that was the i don't care elders up more than a navy video receive all of our own that we did, you know, usually they want to make clear answer. hudson benefits did the should, the and amendment showed me and i did send a month bash local t into and all or consciously, and i thought no pets, few office, then i went from a b as in howard. my job is home, who was liz judaic, and i own at godaddy on telecom honestly and not heard in 18 sentinel for neither of them. well, what would happen if you could artistically? shoot me those gentlemen. my health is no form she has own. i do not think hedges either for the complete good nikosa will not be in soft of moon liza t. the consensual food from fossil lip. so notice i did. yellow, went on at an a so called shoot boom lily. camille coloma above the castle. i ha yes. yes. hello, i i, e, e, o. well his or her life in cell is social media again young. if them 2 or more, they were little they had us name a picture for marvel by company or with an agenda for to the in the didn't it did even to lower the lower hedlam c m, our home look. and i hadn't be hard clear to publish a because she has our next hall, the know the annual max, unaccompanied city before subtle how that even can make it up. and just image had to know you can all and to ready. i don't can call law, will you the letter i received a little bit of losing a home. another 40 thought wrong way. yes. or no this incident with my think your money beneath it worth it. if it on the in, i'd like to report abuse beyond papa and verizon would be also wolf and ofac problem. hello, carlos in the morning. is my bill hunter? mother huntington falcon. not merely i'll know will you be on my account? can you ever licky looking? i e was, you'd dance, and to day one sees ye let is your mobile in an uncle, libya, ne, are it as a matter of package? we're had the end of our hunters to day one mattie, it saves a hush, distorted bush earn ellerby, i don't want that he did. you want to go? look, we'll do you put us if you need plenty, not mind a sure she had a bris, that out of her grandmother a as these youth benefits us, but i've been sick mom, she said as she had some problems with him to help me out with us and then we come in there because bet, bulk, and she lives in that office and she does more often comp kenji because i'm sure there's not a huge so but i will mother the adult swim man. oh, it's played oh feler. that was his would. can be if you had me cut off, you can be job in older can today will let you. huh. let him keep a mortgage. so be it. guess so be i missed your call. my mother seamless. she, her diploma sub with the i it's, i mean, lydia sherman, you will need, he should have been but i am at the spectrum and they shall, will multicultural police. we ok sobel ok sublet last year. no. oh, well ma'am, i'm actually good as you can and the key because she had it in a older she has a she but city a real amount of mccain shall lupsi really the annex the people i'm sort of so well not to look at it and miss said i'd sent mackenzie woman him. okay, now i asked him enough. didn't get a bad outcome. she got a say that only to o'clock cuz he has of a morning. fishbock has him to h as in our to can i bisman? yes. please let me know. measure the smile shops, and actually not only you book, remember les, oh, let's do. the imaging miss wrinkle stations were had good birth, because he a you will in italy, the road excursion. little casa walsh with a could board of all suits festival diet. yelp. you again had heard of that you were gaining normally. the boiler, hurley would low to sift publicity, one area you can look bit off at the anomaly and a couple can order. what sort of a r e c? not been lossy mckenna should about this and hopefully enough, lisa told me she will. hello, i'm a mom and jamie you earn of a he a new lead, a lead? hadn't heard cars would for dreyer's academia. so she'd me alert on thought all would in theory number the wash kill cleveland and her live her look leudemann and nathan macpherson and as the full math he thought in a little bit, which means she's little effort pseudo can man than nerd added. so shoot me a hand on thought, which after you have her delayed signal, when somebody left over admit, fed a herschel filled with them. cleo had the announcement admiral were hidden and was so intimate and they all about the middle sna, deadlier or a sad yellow haul spinning out on your left as you know, let the booklets the set them the shirt. no ha ha mother oh ah ah ah ah ah ah. limit me hate at no more dorothy, but it muslim and apathy though my man sure had thought it. what does he have any why limit me i then and there sure. absolutely. and bade them investment money that in there may have to see more if people laid away where someone come out in order. why a spot the when a man in a small, you're the aqua yami. lucky. allow my for the home, please have the or bad. mm. hm yeah . any, can i do the engine like a man? has she been lubbers any of your dilemma here to member her? will him he had scheduled a meeting. could she can coordinate any be my all sorts good, cut, snow, hidden us. what sir? we are hiding both would extremely keep at to we had little foot. got them. she had the mr. berman gemini at laden. noah harper? i hey i i you were still a little bit hey, is barely that have been hey danny and mike am spencer now? what have you been? he doesn't you tell a position. oh, and this isn't a patricia would haskins could live in the morning, but those were have been what had lucca? oh oh no. the robin is millions during ah. can i saw them misty, feel animal at him? had that in an even sure. a ne, we'll let him come as a haiti natalie knock. oh. will enough suffer you know he at equal enough to come get so come conklin, heresy. low fellow had was added consequently, elements some set where he admits me that he is biskin, how and half a felon see can how unhappy valencia consider maria. we're going with zillow, with them, a gun new, and then can help just the other lassi can collect softly as of as the problem. and then he bought before b, m. m. and that'll make gains. so he can help bailiff on and can say, look at the mechanical fluffy, demoss, me. what have you done if it's out the up middle back gallery, alden, single megacity, just like an hello. and i and os needs hemmings audio to see of the needs. hammonds, lucas? yep. then let's use daily hellion, we're in a new cannibal done ah, ah, ah, some new terms, a little, a buffer my pony that you will have 400 fish to so it's of some, no ha, we know a kid gets, has them up go philip. there. ah ah, and did have a beautiful little weather, urination, hudson, harrison. how can, how would you say the deposit, the deposit quote so saddler any the any idea? the morgan to wizard with was emily who i knew a breath eddie had of course more and more sure. haven't maggie said, if more as a matter, lithium lay monsieur norman sigh, literally a formidable accidentally lean . hey. what again? muscular again. where do i get the accord on really billable alamo dumpster mother yourself handled lotion is really bad. well again, go cell doses, home apollo, multiply up. all, come probably gonna have to worry about, you told merchant i got a letter when he doesn't feel good. measure of i don't dish of lord law loans before se thing with things ah. with oh no. ah. with a minute a with a bed of with a little has quote on a 2 cushion floor, a little a little bit of a dorian kind of be a minimum can can that he's had sin but leg lunch and i had limited testing. rather, you'd be w. yep. and jeff had medical clement than a m. a key to thought nella. her was he was in the appeal, i'm going to keep sable. lemme attention to. he made trevino excitement and ultra ah ah, she shouldn't fulton that has been sent in yesterday for the next you with me yesterday she told him and you said it would be he no, he couldn't. i ah me, i ah ha, there we've got something of a change going on across central parts, silva, north america, eating outs of central canada or rolling down the prairies for the northern plains, fresh weather tucking in behind. and that will just run its way across the lakes where we will see some very heavy rain for a time. he's inevitable. pennsylvania new york, gazing at the new england, ontario, quebec tunney increasingly wet as we go through the next couple of days as that fresh weather digging in behind. quite a key northerly on north west me when little even half this one was known as a lazy, wendy won't go round j. this has got to be bitterly cold. and as we go through the next couple of days, tempt you struggling to get around 8 or 9 celsius in that bris quinn. still some went to whether i, which was east side of canada, northeast, passive us drying up, brightening up what the u. s. fine. and trying to save it to was west. not too bad at all. here actually 21 celsius. there was a north western corner and we have got some very wet weather. we have a tropical storm called making its way around the i have can patch a so just to the east of mexico city, some very heavy, right? southern parts of mexico seeing big down polls flooding rise, the possibility of much slides, landslides over the next hour. so plenty of showers, they require south central america elsewhere. it's sonny with emergency services across bank home are receiving 60000 a snake related pulls a year. the reason why we found more snacks in house is because the question of expansion of the city, they don't have a choice because their natural habitat isn't there anymore. there's one place in the homes of the city where they're, well, they're coming out now with a king cobra, which is the largest venomous snakes in the world. this is one of the few places where they milk them, that have been this is the red cross snake bomb, a regional hub, the and t been in production living center produces enough and then them to most of southeast asia. there are some parts of the world western desperately shield with comes back from cultural tradition. hollywood thing on here was his presidential election is going to a 2nd round on october 30th. coming toward line president j also not over social is going to be like a c. i'm buying some hopes but which one is to be elected to brazil's highest

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Australia , United States , United Kingdom , West Bank , Elmhurst , Victoria , Valencia , Carabobo , Venezuela , Brazil , Madrid , Spain , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Minnesota , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Russia , Connecticut , Ukraine , Amana , Espíto Santo , Marianna , Estado De Pernambuco , Morocco , Italy , Hollywood , California , Libya , South Korea , Poland , New York , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Canada , Beit , Midlands , Jordan , Sydney , New South Wales , Israel , Ashmore , Dorset , Saudi Arabia , Sandy Hook , Mecca , Makkah , Bahamas , The , Polish , America , Russian , British , Palestinian , American , Bernard Sheri , Vanya Jena , Huntington Falcon , Lucas Houghton , Casa Walsh , Ruby Livingston , Camille Coloma , Feda Herschel , Lena Darwin , Amy Mckinney , Marianne Mohammed , Ala Barbara , Quebec Tunney , Alex Jones , Lydia Sherman ,

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