Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Mossad In Istanbul 20230117

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a key target for russia has the military intensifies its assault on the city, ukrainian authority say there's little hope of finding any one else alive in the rubble of a denise pro palmer block hit by russian missiles. at least 40 people that confirms who have been killed in the attack, but dozens more missing. with one girl is in grave condition. she's 19 and now in the emergency ward, not with you when there were 3 people in the world including the girl. boy, they were admitted with wounds after the explosion, to have relatively severe conditions including head trauma. valerie, some russia have begun 2 weeks of joint military exercises. they've held joint drills during the past year since russia invaded ukraine. the bell russian defense ministry says the exercises are defensive and germany's defense minister has resigned as the country faces pressure to increase its military support to ukraine . christina lambert said the media's focus on her was getting in the way of a factual debate about germany's defense preparedness, lizzie, and a vis. in her chair, the federal minister of defense, christie membrane, has asked the chancellor to day to dismiss her. the chance the lever speaks miss lambert's decision and thanks for the good work she has done during this difficult and challenging time as defense minister to the chance to level submit a proposal for replacement to the federal president in a timely manner. search efforts underway in nepal to find the remaining 2 missing passengers from sunday's plane crash. a cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder have been found from ya to limbo has the latest from the airport in pucker of the army, prepares to, ah, transport a 45 bodies air and air, lift them to gut men. do these include the bodies of the 4 crew members are foreign nationals and bodies that the medical facilities here have not been able to identify? i'm so far, 3 bodies have been a handed over china's population is declined for the 1st time in more than 60 years . the threat shing of shrinking numbers could have a major impact on his economy and the world. chinese authorities say labor supply still exceeds demand. katrina, you has more from badging, china is doing all the can to avoid a democratic crisis. it's increase the the child policy to 3 children increase subsidies, increase parental leave. but none of this seems to be working not yet so far. and what we've seen announce to day on tuesday was the 1st population decline for china . since 1961, which is the, which was a year, great famine here in china. now, according to the official data, we have now 850000 few people living in china than before. the preliminary hearing for a class action against in denise is drug regulator, health ministry, and several pharmaceutical companies is about to start in indonesia. nearly $200.00 children died from acute kidney failure last year off to taking tainted coff syrups . now $25.00 of the victims families assuming those who they say manufactured and supplied the medicine. jessica washington has more from the court in jakarta. $25.00 families, a part of this class action a suing 11 parties, including the ministry of health entities, is food and drug agency. it reaches ministry of finance as well as the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies and the the suppliers to those companies as well. they are seeking for each of the children who died after consuming this contaminated cough. syrup around a $130000.00 in compensation. and for each of the children who were injured around $70000.00. the death toll from 3 weeks of severe weather systems in the u. s. state of california has risen to 20 president, joe biden will visit the state on thursday. widespread flooding is affected around 25000000 people. biden's also approved disaster declarations for georgia and alabama. after powerful tornadoes, code 9 people federal funds will be released for the affected areas. those, the headlines, al jazeera world is coming up next. stay with us for that. ah . ah, a whole i in talk before in ah estoppel, the biggest city in tokyo, it's cosmopolitan. often known as where east meets west with a mix of many different cultures and community. it's also a magnet for refugees, asylum seekers and political activists from other countries. these can attract the interest of the world's intelligence agencies that my life. and that makes me wonder, well, how about yourself globally. turkey is foreign relations can sometimes directly affect people from specific countries living in his sample. one example of this is israel. in the 2000 to key a 7, it's relationship with israel because of the repeated killing of palestinians in garza. but in august 2022, the 2 countries agreed to restore full diplomatic relations with a view to working more closely together. but beneath the surface events were unfolding that told a different story. one involving the 2 countries intelligence services, which actually they hide and certified vehicles that are not fucked out. let it go to be designed in apple. 5 apple to alive put on a cash router which they live on michigan. she did go to the kitchen, lead in october 2021. the turkey security services arrested 15 people who they alleged were working for israeli intelligence. the ma, sad inside, took here among the mile on see about sale of shop and turkey their job 5 years ago, set out or miss. usually this more thought center said, tomorrow miss hell of al jazeera, as arabic channels went to his stumble, to investigate these events on office half an hour to summon a steve artist. you are told mother, just look up to larry under. so the article on your left hand washing mother while south not palma took look like a had if al n multiple in home a pull up. hey canada, soon after july 30th year 11. i let us, i just ordered a sonic lemon troll. took you to shawn, earl and investor and have his truck basha load angela truck. marcello, i got a to move it to maryland. i stayed on the market. dana, chore banter director care, your ex, if it is. and i talked to d got a little a looking some notice of divorce printing it almost a year ago. give me a job anymore temporarily at alcott turkey it is for leah eula had the knocker the car up. see i see turkey is really we're lacking. he of doing the hanukkah market. saffir vain and will said this lady, what is this borrowed turkey one effie turkey. i let that an awkward a murder lost and the british could be they are be cautious to be sure. none of the traditions as a mom is really designed to talk fast leg is a service that there was most of them, most of them that, that are going to i think just as a mental positive you know, and it can be really good. but it let it be recovered. what hip hop some shaken ended august. maybe to me, look something a little bit to look to to ship or if you see us from the each year all to each other. or if you did not wish to order and cock to the bush in order not receive the most of the meters in the shipping it to you need about how confident and i'm looking a bunch of fish to you. so you do, you need to mutual tend to kind of able to finish the program, feed on that last the fuel or the whole country, then it took. so as you get all this, i don't, the teacher didn't use it. you know, i don't care. i'm not shocked me. shocking shop that was the key when it's been a little while suddenly just to be really one of my law. mr. o t a. a lot about it is you mean there was a motion to be it was yeah. well, let me know what the hell a must not a she the minute generally favorable how we can fit to less chart mean rosella will talk here while i had to kind of tell her while a had to bear off. sure. can i still for sale a lakia denise bailey had them. oh do while. oh, what had been off? is a rosemary. no thought, while she's there. oh, cool. she saw to the elders era team established the turkish security authorities had been monitoring different suspects for several months. before the arrests, this video allegedly shows one suspect, receiving money from a local taxi driver. the surveillance operation enabled turkey security to identify what they believed to be a wider network of alleged mos at operatives. she must of been liber, how will that one longer smiley labarte, blacken the wheel and the color, the wind knocked. i come in for hi hick. how do you know how lucky i've been it? and again, then for the last one must come with as we'd have been. well, come here, lola, come faster than us. i like him who i let her talk leave and it's been lost. helena alice hoss a levine, according to the de la coming home, and am woman the ultimate. he to has gone to that a home. shes leon now and i am softly, i'm with her. the me a flail home. man, as you heard him, maria fair. edmond la la la valley went to mel cockle danny. then al jazeera, obtain documents and audio recordings of alleged ma side offices, trying to build a network of agents in several turkey cities. these offices made contact with their targets by phone or via social media, but never met them in person in tortilla. actually him and the laza, giovanni in the city of montana, missouri. well, hi, miss yolanda would've been a, with the documents and recordings included the names of dozens of people targeted by the alleged moss at offices. some of them agreed to speak to al jazeera, as long as their identities were concealed, and their voices disguised. i looked and answered, tamar el miss howl met anis. a young man targeted for recruitment by the ma said. he explained how potential agents were found and contacted. doug thorsten real bring home those refusal course book, reuben brussel, dental and believe in crucible newsome smyrna booth. john hon presumably hopefully tomorrow for talk to you. mr. lawson. lac into the nina torso marlyn law on a lawsuit to food was due to laura de leon walton, of good orland, to put the rug here beside dolphins. a man in law is legible, fullest in the law. i law cut well jude victoria mcclellan. i am with the of the cologne shadeen avelaire vin ashlynn cannot the stuff in at mama muslin, almost walton, with attorney for the fia love. i. luckily one and mostly mean while a general follow, stephanie will almost want fullest linea minimal. how ya moment mascara is slammy. eli alaska law in the shot a while off ali at fiancee, which was fuzzy fil codes will come on fe. wooden mcnally fall feed the fabia this palestinian presence in tokyo rang alarm bells for the ma said. they identified that the numbers of arab palestinian students and political activists that were increasing it's not unusual for intelligence services to put eyes and ears in places of interest to them. according to the documents and testament is obtained by al jazeera arabic, the ma said we're primarily interested in activists, and those close to palestinian leaders living in tokyo. they also focused on student studying science and engineering. mm. in most cases, communication with their target started by social media. mm hm. tamar al miss hell met hussain a university student who suffers from a chronic disease for which he's been searching for treatment for some time. he believes that his illness was the reason ma said, identified him for recruitment. they were sent air helena carrabas by the side home, or by physical for throw on the ledge. a good one which omar to urban powerful, more modern duty draw little cleared muscle called to lowe's. you knew how gl warden for? awfully myer be circle models. no one was the 2nd the world with matter matter of what kind of woman but also my philosophers will feel a little model that i have had a few minutes of has a fee of it's more but with the fun of. so i'll says no or i'm going to sort of get patrol so dear. and you feel like apollo bob. but on the other side of the blood trickle. hum. it's extra mother. i'm in kill. i had them out. yeah. and this will set up without a tech news fee and went back and show us why in my flaws. and i finally got followed by the human side of the people as well as an s and her sane. adnan was another tokyo resident who says he was targeted for more side recruitment and k for the model. so rick, i'm for with up analysis k, and this has kicked it out a year when no one never understood your model. and now we're done with the shuttle now. the thought of missile shook there are subtler something of chemical him the home a little community that the not all of the experiment full of the new spin minnesota enough for code on a well the shadow. oh, i don't know, not i can't say ludlow maryan, they may have an effort to identify personalities off the palestinians in terms of the strength weaknesses, will not abilities and try to exploit it. they run a lot of different market mechanisms, a lot of different assess, just off in a single piece of information with conformational verification process. any fault that any of the agents do, you know, it may, is just mobilize the efforts or to other intelligence assets on the ground. al jazeera, learned that the messiah recruiting officers sometimes made mistakes in contacting their targets. and this helped the turkish investigation. some more sad targets became suspicious if those approaching them on social media suddenly changed their job titles or posted content from unusual locations. and i noticed that someone who contacted him had previously claim to work at a study center, but then changed the type of requests they made of him at 9 grew suspicious and reported this to the turkish authorities. not bad to follow the fallen. and now out of and had a latin of all in the nettle or with other to nato antoinette will her husband, latin. oh and when, after sir leicester i've been misplaced, my lash household, he has also remark my hill. asthma can see on the lot lay seen peter and moored best caraway or fi. andrea's we academy lucas, sir. oh, fis army callaway him or cut them off some of the but now in the, in english, only let any more of them $100.00 the button. it on the record, the money listening on him lily to handle welfare was important. oh, lou. lou, lou, lou, lou, lou, lou, i come in. oh, do i not go a home madison at in the home? it's about one. this is in the said, i what he said in a ticket he hung less bad, tucked lemon, bad, such a hot pocket. then when paulson sorry little boy had to do an under that. but now it's clear that for the senior and get out of some sort of recruiting, smell, her asthma of her faithfully a thomas fella. woman with danny, doesn't it didn't understand that and under, under carlock got my home just clear, but no, i hadn't flat it been of content fun out with nick as of now, what's happening here, michael marcus. her centers at now. and i had just telling them was helping anyone with contacts with the palestinian group. hammers was of interest to the ma said jonathan at the some if you get mad at me into sharefile a year 3, and that is i'm not megabit in north america hallmark on thursday. dunlab no, yeah. there, maria, other than the year than north economic nashua. that i'm in a lot. good. it under my bomb. oh, baby, her for laughing, but no, we're hot. blue or c. s. c o. r. law basil, wian. wendell malemad debarber mckenna in the winter or quarter up, la jermarta, whitner, connecticut, hamas, it to peon while mom does watch any kind of put jonah lola chevrolet. you know. yeah. i love my with the man and about your boy. just love hard. my son's one another year among them in both of the follow up the some the 4th of march hutton money from the source of all the bad. i want to follow the fun. well, boss, if you had too many on the let me see has a hold of me if a man or what, how much? ok, either come us. if we don't care how much to move to the holding fee come on, we'll see what ammonia lea a tell you what the heck and then the command. lemme see in massage. welcome. on the human lead terrier had the what they what come on like funny while me, while you speak about the buying together, come on. it was all about enough. it was whether mobile and april and for facebook. and that is also not right. when i looked this will mold fee, i quoted, you quarter, let me not working. it hasn't matter who movie. so do you. and then i got your product, 990. i learned the whole movie. so why don't you tell me will be alice's will when the follow up with one and the whole behind on multi you behold, for how they can line dish was, wasn't that people had good actor, you had a little girl, i'd love them on watch. other than the one that we knew you're shabby with you limit your opposed value here, woman of the young alley will be here. my good him. unbeknownst to the most said, some of their recruits began to turn and offended them, but they had nice be how i can lay it and know well it probably be read and understood key modified w bush and went to school and i'm sort of home by the ways who i later have washer on the ballistic getting money. well, listen over to the scenario where it's no more detail. recall among the or if you follow been under louis and i like let it matters. read. i had a bonus chemical done in lancaster with town and i just wanna have them move our shot. multiply, utilize him in the show. can him in mclaren in douglas county duck kind of give me any more turbine with the cook home. look, let me know who i am with ally and how we're going to need to bill. banana. me would bobbitt among the next look it a shot or hurrying? oh, hello mr. hat. any odo, maria musk. i'm sure your 2nd las good. michael. lisa sally bill goes, need about almost the minute had a little bit look all modal to just was school law. will moodle surely? well, morales min dollar dollar min futrell a fatter mina la mu. him milam who he may ashanna magna manascale. allah necessarily z. i saw oh, nuts who slew built as need? double massage, myra, vision, door philistine in morrow vision though. it has not been my hobby. my ha, elma subdivision that go into the ira. fish in almost had to. well, jenna, i believe that this incidence identification of 5 sales just delivered a warning signal to foreign students in turkey. that the individuals they are dealing with, maybe an agent of israel. and i think they're much more know we're of the threat and acting as such. acting in accordance with this when the turkish security services receive these reports from the mossad student targets, they launched their covert operation to monitor the marcel activities. it took several months to gather the evidence and the metal was held manager to the many with his l. m. the yona buckle at the saw would have a mac. he had it for one day or took him to log in, you know, behavior. now that's a little bit outside because will be will be fun. home my phone will be don't hear about it will be have you found women? there is a ton of la, la mitchell, kayla murphy look be sucked. well now i live. busy in the world, mother, mother bomb will be a 3rd here. also new numbers, coffee money. how can you help me had to be i had to deemed as mom had to deal with. so because the love the dem, i was sick. i left bottom the my little flow sidney. hello kenneth, i want to love more. had that in for the hustle, sought me handed to the village and will look love people. so let me, let me ask you the coming up in part to the turkey security services investigation gathers faith as mo, most our target turn information, leading to the october 2021, a, rec, african stories from african perspectives, a short documentary from african fill me from mommy and seneca a mushroom, the benches of a car and led to africa di right on al jazeera, 15 year old janet academy used to play on this rooftop ward had a brother, had to have a pallet. and her cat at home was the one who found his sister's body late on sunday. after the israeli forces withdrew, i came back home. my uncle told me to called jana. i found her date and the cat was next to her. i couldn't believe my eyes friends say john, i like to paint job and watch soap operas. the family says she used to help her sick mother. now they're all facing life without her. john, i would have turned 16 for this month. instead of her birthday party, family and friends gathered for her burial rights organization defense for children international it says more than 25 percent of palestinians killed by israeli forces in the occupied with bank this year with children. many like at home, see their friends and family members being killed and fear. they'll be next. wow. only parker window. the top stories allow jazeera, the battle for black boots in ukraine's east rages on. nearly all 70000 residents have left, but it remains a key target for russia. as the military intensive eyes its assault on the city. ukraine in authority say there's little hope of finding any one else alive in the rubble of denise pro apartment block hit by russian missiles. at least 40 people are confirmed to have been killed in the attack. but dozens, more and missing. fellow roost and russia have begun 2 weeks of joint military exercises. they've held drills during the past year since russia invaded ukraine. this time, the bellagio defense ministry says the exercises are defensive. china's population has declined for the 1st time a more than 60 years. the shrinking numbers could have a major impact on its economy and the world, chinese authority say labor supply still exceeds demand. katrina, you has more from beijing. china is doing all that. can to avoid a demographic crisis. it's increased the, the child policy to 3 children increase subsidies, increase parental leave, that none of this seems to be working not yet so far. and what the scene announce to day on tuesday was the 1st population decline for china. since 1961, which is the, which was the year great famine here in china. now, according to the official dasa, we have now 850000 few people living in china than before. recovery efforts underway in nepal to find the remaining 2 missing passengers. some sundays plane crash. rescuers who found the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, which could help determine the cause of the accident. a preliminary hearing for a class action against in denise his drug regulator, health ministry, and several pharmaceutical companies is about to start in indonesia. nearly $200.00 children died from acute kidney failure last year of to taking tainted coff syrups . now, $25.00 of the victims families is seeking about $130000.00 in compensation protests against president dina bella. to continue to spread across peru, demonstrators in the capital, lima, a calling for her resignation and new elections. weeks of violent protests broke out last month, off to former president pedro castillo was arrested for attempting to dissolve congress. you're up to date. those are the headlines. the news continues on al jazeera after i'll just say we're world stay with us for that. the number of arab and palestinian students and political activists into kia has increased in recent years. israel's intelligent service the most at noticed this and began identifying vulnerable arabs often students with a view to recruiting them as agents. however, some then turned to become informants for the turkish security services. tom or al mishandled about just their arabic investigators. my new model is think about here . so what camilla were in the company had the saw because she had a hard time in the i learned, marlo monthly between coach mccoy was a command between a b i a, we'll see command. she had a phone call. she has a, a, a, a sarah has a full truck with a gun at las, how weatherly, if at how for the hope my, how allow for boatley. i forgot the actual good stuff out. omen as i'm on the phone . look, i'm one more question on the fact that i have the back mcglochan molly out on behalf of highland, if you could give will mother bartley, the hyphen committees. i think viva la model by lee in the new fun. yeah. let them out of pallet the i love will be a model feed on you. well, come of the i'm a visa and how they learned was myself my how to be at lamar, the not a year while, but he didn't know danny thought you would do. i know that many visa get me liking that much on my name for you i i but i didn't want you about as elac and emma someone will have to always have the ability to show up telephone in many that an email to her to finish it or have done that kind of similar to the motion and the maybe have subtle if i thought i thought it was he or louis study, you know, but then i'll just get it up by then and then the father. and now a lot by then we'll get out of the holo. secondly, about easy up and fill it up a little bit about medicaid. yeah, i mean what, the, the annual income about the shot in to that bond about that i'm they know, they took a lot of like a month in the hold them at the liquor. i'm one more problem a come to be. so if good, if they bought on the wood, the molly old, we got the stream. so here in that of doing a little be me to the num, so you the bullet to kill alcala, cannot align, and you had employ your so good to work a little. oh, look to the look. what would work would have been looking for some bushel fraud commoner blood through the suits from memory to good luck and when my blood will merc own will connect with w. morgan. earth for the check is security service is being able to track the money wired by the alleged ma, sad recruiting officers was a major breakthrough. they learned that it was sent from different european countries. i monitoring these transfers. they were able to identify and arrest a number of the agents recruited. these agents would lay to reveal the identities of others in the network. oh my god, what the chicky she'll storage is then develop their strategy to the next stage. they now had several more sad recruits, collaborating with them as informants. the plan was to use them to help create fake targets to attract more sad attention. they hoped that this would lead to entrapment and to rest. so on social media, they promoted a new bogus group called the creative student society, led by a fake character who they called a bu walkman. i'll methodical from a fellow shall come down tomorrow. miss hell met a block made to find out more about the new decoy. about much a fleet of canada. why me? yeah. mom. oh i them and jim yoletta had them to while home either. no, i me, mom saw her of civil war. hm. we'll overly available here at the half my summer of every other full available during no home to me. no heavy gym yet i will feel the love seat has abels. who are the people here? what i'm looking for here. let's move the system of the muscle case. definitely the f 100 jimmy gung. how also cause the home. i don't see that i'm going to the show you how we're going to pull off a long while yet who are money? people lead other had the gym or you little mahogany in region one who had to pull the people to your home or fluent mom, sorry for the number of them are severe. the levels of an 8th, also with a mis menu, political female book. i'm a delivery of a yes, and we have a little bit of what the alleged more side officers took this bait and started to investigate the fake allotment. they asked their agents who lived in the same area as i bought and had to provide information on him. they even assigned someone else from another area to double check the information they received about walkman. not realizing that he was a setup, working with the turkey security services a little often, and i don't know one second, let me pull it up and have them sled on monday. he has had to say, how can i be done our lives and, or yet a lot of them are both off and i'm among whom with one most of them are bad of warfare for the very well look for the army a lot. and in turn, the most, i'd created their own bogus outfit cold. i'll so what charity organization to try and attract potential recruits, it only existed on line when this is at the law. and one live is that the more the apostle polymer has your, me, i want you to feel you care for brooklyn. nancy brooks. hello ultima. had leta could and had a jimmy happy. tolliver, the hub. i had my both. the ability to get the books in the long run of school i'm . your luggage isn't really. and one of them took emotionally, they said move out of work for them to look for them over the phone with a few or mozilla. and then we'll start out and play the flute on you, but the here can walker. how come she mentioned katrina. so i'm a little smooth muslim. this bella had animal co helmerson. what are the more looking with her on hold for the more the can the phone with her can body bug of the photo to frankly able to sort of these requirements for the turkish security services managed to hack this website before it was taken down that provided information that enabled them to identify further potential northside recruits the website hacking, also proved the organisation wasn't in fact, based in belgium. checking its ip addresses showed that it was run from 4 different locations in israel, including one intel a v ah, long distance of the other one above the world, thought of the what the mother will subject them further. i'm around to feed the money as well. so the noise was again, with a 2nd came to check you, show storage is discovered that the most had had the mobile phones of all their potential recruits looking at them. but if they can just computer select cut all the way to the hello. robert was in wales my in mishap william will affect them when that is how the thought don't make a list. and then the computer computer going forward a computer needs a whole mag gwilym bus up another la sean lyman all lane. and i shall much broader picture more clear say the me like and marshal are going to taylor more bethaly doesn't look like a l l m p. the more sad run out. so what charity organization asked was meant to nominate 5 students pretending that he wanted to help them. but in a new move, they did this without involving a block mid level consist of about, well, if you're not in home or for for him because he has a school will be home. but i've been home homework or the fella. and i thought of even when he had them at the b and then i had the assistant had the or the fall is the thing i was caught up and had the most i knew the most refugees from middle east in countries want ultimately to travel to europe the strategy was to persuade potential recruits to co operate with them in return for facilitating their own would travel mentally. not much that my less needs me in the end of them say get them. i don't say that may have left the job, but he didn't kill little one of the jump. but what i'm just that a man. what the hell out of alec a look up. what was on the colonel? selina, no worker, no. any viewer at all. and then call her the above the now the heck gave him the name, etc. excess. a sheep, but she visa o germany, a tonia, italy own area on spain. do you have anything you prefer? a guy with us? a ha, ha, yeah. theresa. okay, no problem. but the law a bit too, i didn't work on the alleged masa offices, told adnan his visa to europe was ready to be collected from the swiss consulate in his damn bowl, municipal, the lead fidelis for sylvia had come in. hopefully, if this was 3 of us on may, i don't, i more it was love mom, and it's easy. when edward clinton dawn, a from say, come in jaffe. nathan, messed up some pull up a little, plus a mob for who were sending illinois. sammy o and very us and that he has them in the home. it's all in a sunny and friendly as hawaii, nevada on soc is off in my canada or found online facebook. oh, laugh at the indiana county can a t look, they have me to hear a tomato. okay. i found a fellow here that i had forgot to be there was a sofa, one from us, legal and fall asleep when i felt the law allows consillio stuff. will matthews ha ha ha. ah, is ella mitchell is american marquilla kilometer is absolute. bishop lamp, mitchell m is solewala sewell, elmore him? yes. and no. ruth bus la slowly bizarre luke jani, mapped out the home mamma, bullish docusys. so i look a pulled muscle. i look in the army, mar, mucky halleck, good circuit and marmalade. elizabeth corley, j. as in idaho control miss dollar reserve. she alana jim cavalier were celia rochelle. is it like in the home or someone from florida along with our other sister? her visits is allen. sheila collins of south florida santa lisa on the public health condemn tellez. he's a little bit lower than i thought any utterly nasty, not abi hunter and fish are latin. allow fun with him to give us some bill into thought. a phone with us from, from up in our book and immediately after ad. none collected his visa from the swiss consulate. the turkish security services intercepted an audio message sent by the same alleged masa officer who had been in contact with edna in hebrew, the officer reported that ad nan had been successfully recruited o'quinn with a dollar look the shuttle at the bellows on this little galvan william bush morning, available they may corporate with the government of the other site or maybe embassy . but it's, it's a low probability for me. but they may have a type of link with the consulate may be a member of it and they can fast into process. on the other hand, if there is a type of deficiency as such, the relevant government which is identified as delivering rizza should to start an investigation. if the one who's delivering this visa is reliable or not. if they do not announce everything, and they say everything was normal, that means the government is corporate. al jazeera, contacted the swiss consulate in his down boom, and asked them to respond to the claim that they had somehow granted a visa outside the recognized procedure with mos at involvement. the reply came saying, quote, the consulate general does not comment on the issue and it's a visa or view catch it with our counselors to pla. most of that us in that hold on will not resist. none must be the inability to school move to mind coming to rush. i'm almost up to tier the dominant because remember tricky. the bushels la la, goodish makes them your most of the no, pedestrian, it's as you should, the garage may still isn't it? the talking to most of them i have, i'm sure master if the mind died in the me, i haven't gone with her me. oh yeah. i didn't love unit because if you go to your i will shoot a hot spot you a la carte in missouri. the bind the little bind for 15, the big come on. i will show a little bit to the fee by the time the money a little slow, but who now live mean not sure what the hell to keep you know, fi shawn fee, metallic mortality fall, dollar 10 fee, metallic mortality fall beneath by la ala carte. the key will come on for you see at walmart duda la as to why slay ah, the check you security services asked not to travel to switzerland and he complied . i'd have to get a hold of one of them. let me know how you guys can actually go on. you can leave them. and then you name me mom. and she had tell you that i had another bottle. was had yet to do a nickelodeon middle of a mess. and i do go to look at this woman vertical him. let me, let me run idea of how and that's miss hugh mckenna, who deals in the mood on the you know, like shaving, they don't even have it for them. i appreciate maybe him and his us and also the guy with low guide books of saudi who journey earth will to hood walker cal dillema love. you look a hollow guard hold on to by allowing the masa to think that they'd successfully recruited her, saying adnan and anna's as agents. the turkish authorities were able to prevent further similar massage recruitment, blue. they were also able to carry out their nationwide alteration and arrest others for collaborating with the most, and they are still in custody. awaiting sentencing al jazeera contacted both the israeli foreign ministry and the prime minister's office to asked them to respond to the allegations made in this program about the messiah. and to asked the masa to comment. the foreign minister replied by saying, quote, but we have no comment on this. the prime minister's office did not reply, saith, ha, ha, pick the chef i, the sheva, and my left look a modicum. similar, dana g has it was had what? and how about the turkey, john, didn't you just and do is to paul, that's on his demean, guided his mule, la, won't, you didn't miss. ready no blossom last those mother you was of interest to the fight of. yup. mere choices among it was the meeting good of the end of the much is when you most of the law ma for him in law who he marked ill marseilles, l o. c. i saw elijah davila, mel, judge la mal double mossad, my eli lakila m. so r e c a c i. e lamb may eli montoya by me said we'll talk here. almost said damon charl to the dollar here shall come. and doctor toller, shackles ceiling. i don't eat that day, we'll leave touchy, at least not that much attendant that i think they will try to attempt to infiltrate up the skill is to prevent it. i don't know if it's just like a race. and what miranda slam calls a race between the ma said on the turkish security services is ongoing. in december 20 2244 more people were detained into keir accused of leaking information to the ma said. so despite the new rapprochement between turkey and israel, espionage continues beneath the surface ah, state imposed musical ban, but made firm social resistance. all just new worlds tells the story. oklahoma sean, of music, you couldn't escape erebus. herb was everywhere that was outlined in the early years of the turkish republic, with which the people loved to kiss arrow best losing all new jersey. hello there. heavy rain across parts of the middle east is flooding to central saudi arabia. now the good news is we are going to see that weather system that brought that heavy rain start to push its way further ease taking the worst of that, whether to queue weight and western parts of iran, we are likely to see some flooding here. and some snow in the mountains, but the good news is it starts to clear up after some gloomy weeks across the gulf, places like a guitar. finally, things and sunshine come through, but the shamar wind is set to pick up on wednesday and that will drop the temperature down in places like a dough her. but clearer further south of this, it does clear up for coastal areas of egypt instead is going to be the north west. the best, the brunt of the wet and windy weather. we have a look at algiers. in particular, we are going to see possible hail come into play by the time we get into wednesday, that rain lasting through to thursday. and it does get significantly colder. for the south of this though, seasonal rains, falling heavy from the con, goes all the way through to madagascar. we've got something of a swirling system, bringing some heavier rain to northern areas here for south africa. cape town in particular, still lots of sunshine coming through. but it is going to get steadily cooler with some foggy starts to the mornings. ah, the, from the al jazeera london, bro call center to people in thoughtful conversation. generally whenever you talk about race races, then people like to play with no host and no limitations. our society, i structural racism built into it. part one of 5 shaheen and adam rather fed to low pay. people tend to be migrant. labor, disproportionately women and tear. what ultimately comes down to prejudice. hudy b unscripted on out his era and you who rides in for visually impaired to iraqis, they finally have their own football team. training course, launching in october in the city of karbala. this specially designed to both was donated by a japanese trailer, it created cracking sound to allow players to locate it. these players hope to join football clubs and represent their country in competition. but other iraqi provinces don't have their own teams because there are only 5. elise specially designed the bowls ah the battle. so above marius, russia pounds, the front line and.

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