Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Mossad In Istanbul 20230115

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to pull the year lines aircraft went down the apple car airport, around 200 kilometers from the capitol cap. man to an airport official says 68 bodies have been recovered from yasser limber, has more from the capital, kept man to the gorge where the ha plane crashed. apparently the fires have been doused ah and are out and local on onlookers or people living in the settlements through where the flights basically fly over did report on that. they did see on some instability in the movement of the flight before they heard a loud crash. and a few moments later, russian missile attacks have struck multiple ukrainian cities for the 1st time and 2 weeks. at least 21 people have been killed in the city of denise pro, after a missile hit an apartment building more energy facilities were hurts, leading to blackouts across several regions. natasha butler has more from keith rescue efforts are ongoing in denise pro. in fact we, we did hear there's some rescue team say that they are still in contact with some people underneath the rubble because they are receiving a message from them. so there is always hope, but of course they have been working 3 the night very difficult conditions. it is very cold, it's dark. they've not had always electricity because there are power outages, but they say they'll do everything they can to try and pull people out. holly hush him is in moscow and has more on the russian response to what happened, antony pro. it was significant that on his telegram channel, the founder of the wagner group was becoming very outspoken in the past few weeks and used one of the ukrainian analysts to a give pretext to what to what happened to, to give another context to what happened. and he said that this is a ukrainian anti missile that fall on this that fell on this building and caused this massacre. the strikes were also reported and keyed in the western city of laverne. one rocket left, a huge crater in a village near the capital. the missiles had power, facilities resulting and blackouts across the country. the head of the world health organization has welcomed china's public release of dance on cove at 19 related deaths facing sicily. 60000 people have died in hospital since it lifted severe corona virus restrictions an early december. you sure you lot yet. and later, severely ill patients, i mean the elderly people with the oldest being 105, the average age 75 and a half. and those each 60 and above accounting for 89.6 percent of the cases. it's also common for them to have a variety of underlying diseases. you as president joe biden has declared an emergency in california, the storms continue to better the state. and you where the system brought heavy rain, snow, and strong winds to the region of the weekend. tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes. and ex nato general and a billionaire form a prime minister are leading after the 1st round of the chick republics, presidential election, former premier entre bush and retired general peta pebble. each took around 35 percent of the vote and will face off. at the end of the month, peru has declared a 30 day state of emergency and several regions as protests against the government continue. it allows the army to intervene to maintain order, and suspends the freedom of assembly. demonstrators have been demanding the release of jailed form of president pedro castillo, and the resignation of president dinner below our top. tens of thousands of people and television have demonstrated against the new israeli government planned of the whole of the judicial system. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is far right administration has unveiled sweeping changes, which critics say could weaken the supreme court's power. but those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera after al jazeera world up next. ah ah, i am with walk home before in ah, it's double the biggest city in tokyo. it's cosmopolitan, often known as where east meets west, with a mix of many different cultures and communities. it's also a magnet for refugees, asylum seekers and political activists from other countries. these can attract the interest of the world's intelligence agencies that my last name and the me a with turkey is foreign relations can sometimes directly affect people from specific countries living in his sample. one example of this is israel in the 2000 to key a 7. it's relationship with israel because of the repeated killing of palestinians in garza. but in august 2022, the 2 countries agreed to restore full diplomatic relations with a view to working more closely together. but beneath the surface events were unfolding there told a different story. one involving the 2 countries intelligent services, which actually they hide and for the vehicles that are most are calculated door to design an apple 5 apple to allow for the customer chose to live on messages she difficult to kick kitchen letter in october 2021. the turkey security services arrested 15 people whom they alleged were working for his railey intelligence. the ma, sad inside, took here among the mile on see about jcl, the shop advocate their job 5 years ago said on or mission usually this more thought, i better say tom are, i'll miss hell of al jazeera as arabic channels went to his stumble, to investigate these events on, on passing on to summer to try it. steve artistry, i told him mother just kept larry under sewing the article on your lot from wash mother while south not home to took look like a had if al anon multiple in home a pull up. hey canada. so nathan, latter key, if you're a live m, i let us, i don't, a sonic living troll. took you to shawn earle, and invest holdings of his truck, busher load angela truck marcella. that he to move it to maryland. i stayed on the market. dana chalk banter, director care your ex, if it is. and i talked to d, caught a little looking some notice i printed in here, that it almost gonna be giving me a job and whatever early at alec got a turkey at a smiley year eula had done the hanukkah, the car up. see, i see turkey, it's really were lacking. he of doing the honor. camara kaffir, vain. and will said this lady was there, bought out turkey one every turkey. i led us an awkward, a murder lost in the church. could they be cautious to leave for lunch? traditions anonymously designed to talk fast luggage to service that there was more such as most wood and i'm not going to i to just as i'm positive, you know, and it can be good. but it that it be recovered. what hip hop some shaken ended august, maybe the me something to look to to ship or if you see, but i listen that you get all things all that you're in or not british good order and cock to the bush. auto cock receive a be the most of the meters in the shipping. it did. you need about how confident and a come with a bunch of fish. the giant truck you do, you need to mutual tend to kind of the month. they will finish the program feed on that last the queue of the whole country, then it took you to take all the work to do that. you know, the key on the shelf to be shut. shut the michelle was the key when it's been a little while suddenly just to be thoroughly. well m r a mister o t a a lot about it is human. there was a motion to be it was yeah. well let me know what the hell must amanda? she the mental generally favorable high offices in the country to the coolest chart in mineral. sally, i love to hear while i had back off to kind of they had while i had the bare half sure. can i tell the foreseen lakia beneath barely had the mo walla had bare half. is a rosemary nor thought. while she thought, oh, cool, she saw to the l g 0 team established the turkish security authorities, had been monitoring different suspects for several months before the arrests. this video allegedly shows one suspect to receiving money from a local taxi driver. the surveillance operation enabled turkey security to identify what they believed to be a wider network of alleged mos at operatives. she must alexa the been live the how will that one long bus marley labarte blacken? live with the color? the when not, i come in for ha, ha, ha ha, we're lucky, i did it again for them for the last one was come with as with have been will it come while i'm thought of that us? i like him who i letter to cleveland. man. last helena alice house aladdin. according to the de la coming home, and while in the hotel made it has gone to the wrong, shall see him now. and i am softly under her thumb. a flail home. when she heard him magneer fair. i'm in missouri, where i live at the middle of clinical danny. then i'll jazeera obtain documents and audio recordings of alleged ma side offices, trying to build a network of agents in several turkey cities. these officers made contact with their targets by phone or via social media, but never met them in person in tortilla. actually him and molasses, giovanna, mitchell, montana, missouri were hi, miss yolanda with the documents and recordings included the names of dozens of people targeted by the alleged moss at offices. some of them agreed to speak to al jazeera, as long as their identities were concealed, and their voices disguised. i look upon. tom morale miss howl met. anise, a young man targeted for recruitment by the ma said. he explained how potential agents were found and contacted. you know, that also couldn't build in homes. those for those of the 3 been boss of going on in fisma recently made live going home. so do the whole for the domestic here. mr. lack into trina was a my, lenore on a sheet to fee does love to be model of that often is a man, you know, is legible, philistine me the law alex, well jude tokyo muslin. and the killer shade in the land cannot mama, almost walton, with attorney. far in the fia you live, i like a lake one and mostly men, while a general follow, stay me while i was in want fullest linea minimal high yamuna mascara, l e slammy l m, alaska law in a shot, a while of ali accuracy, which was feel as a fill quotes will come on fe, modem qualified for the fabia. this palestinian presence in tokyo rang alarm bells for the ma said. they identified that the numbers of arab palestinian students and political activists that were increasing it's not unusual for intelligent services to put eyes and ears in places of interest to them. according to the documents and testament is obtained by al jazeera arabic, the ma said we're primarily interested in activists. and those close to palestinian leaders living in turkey are. they also focused on student studying science and engineering. in most cases, communication with their target started by social media, m, tom or al miss hell met hussain a university student who suffers from a chronic disease for which he's been searching for treatment for some time. he believes that his illness was the reason mazda identified him for recruitment labor center, helena carrabas, by at the side home, about a physical for throw on a ledge. a kid on waco, martine above powerful, warmer martin, due to draw little cleared muscle called to lowe's room. how gl warden for the awful liar be circular? mcgraw's new one will be secondly, walled with matter, but i fell off looking for that woman. but also my philosophers will feel a little madell mad. i have had a few minutes of has a fee of it's more but with that if i'm enough, so i'll know if you sort of get patrol so dear and you feel like apollo bob. but on the other side of the love to go home, it's extra mother, i mean, kill, i had them out, you know, and this also bubbles out at the news fee and went back and asked why in mon flawed by the fall of allah, you saw that in the people as well as anna and hussein abner was another tokyo resident who says he was targeted for more side recruitment a bit. and then k for the model for lake and for the with up analysis k. and this has kicked it out a year when one of the models over done was to show some thoughts a lot of took it. there are subtler something of chemical him the home of a little community that the model of the experiment full of the new spin and the silver nestle code on a well, the shadow key. oh, i don't think i could say ludlow morien, they may have an effort to identify personalities of the palestinians in terms of the strength weaknesses, will not abilities and try to exploit it. they run a lot of different mac mechanisms. a lot of different assets just opt in a single piece of information with a conformational verification process. any fault that any of the agents do know it, me a just mobilize the efforts or to other intelligence assets on the ground. al jazeera learned that the messiah recruiting officers sometimes made mistakes in contacting their targets, and this helped the turkish investigation. some more sad targets became suspicious . if those approaching them on social media suddenly changed their job titles or posted content from unusual locations. and i noticed that someone who contacted him had previously claimed to work or to study center, but then changed the type of requests they made of him at 9 grew suspicious and reported this to the turkish authorities. not bad to follow the fallen above and had a latin of all in the nettle o a daughter to nato. antoinette will hasten, nathan, an all in one of his. her. mcallister been this but it's my lash household, yet also mark my hill. asthma can see a lot, lot way seen better and more best caraway or fi in the us. we academy in casa o, 5th army caraway him or cut them off. some of the but none in the her name is only let her need more of them. 100, the button it on the record, the money we send in on a minute had little welfare was important. oh good. good. i i mean i don't do, i don't know what no, no, i oh, madison at in. hm. it only has in the said, i would, he said in a ticket he hung bestbuy toughly. bombard such a hot pocket. then when paulson sorry little boy had to do in a minute. but now it cleared out for the linear and tapped out from florida. insecurity with a smile. her asthma of her faithfully monica thomas. telephone with danny doesn't get a hand in an announcement under under karla kaufman. just clear. but noah hadn't been of content if went out with nick as of now when 15. hey michael matthews, her centers at now. and i handle telling them more so than anyone with contacts with the palestinian group. hammers was of interest to the ma said jonathan at the some if you get mad at me into sharefile a year 3 and that is unlike megabit in normal corollary hallmark on thursday, dunlab and with the yeah. the maria of the yeah. the north economic nashua that ami la la. did it under my bomb. oh barbara for laughing, but no, we're hot. blue. what? they're c s. c o r la basil, wian. wendell malemad about mckenna in the winter. what rob la marcus would know manhattan hamas, it to peon while mom does watch any kind of put jonah lola chevrolet. you know. yeah, i love my with the man and about your boy just all the love hard my son's one of the year among them in birth to follow up the 4th of march hutton money on the southern civil then by the way to fall the funds you have the money and if it don't let me know the me, if a man or what, how much? ok. the time us if we don't care how much see of the mosher, the la tolling a late fee. come on. how a lot what ammonia lee. you had the what the sean heck and then the command. lemme see in massage. what command will he month? lead terrier? how do what do? what come on l. i like funnier. while mia, while you speak about the buying together, how much it was for the doctor was shocked. mobile and an implant for facebook. and it's also i'm not sure when will i like this? we'll we'll, we'll fee. i'll go to the quarter. let me know what can it hasn't matter who are movie. so do you and am i going to my appendix, murray island, the whole softening. if you decide you want them, i'll tell them and will be alice's will follow up with the whole more if you before you can line dish was, wasn't that people had the actor. if you have a mobile on mobile, other than the one that we knew, you're shabby, what you limit your opponent valley if here women of the young alley will be here, my god, him unbeknownst to the most said some of their recruits begun to turn and offend them, but if we have your most elephant layer and no while it probably be read and understood, k modified w bush and the mythology group. and i'm sort of home by the ways who i later have washer on the list. and yet in money, we're listening to the scenario. we're no more bitter recall among the or can you follow been under me when i let it matters. read i level dumbest, cannot move long with that one. and i just wanna have them move bush auto probably multiply, utilize them in other shas journeymen mclaren him out of kenny duck, kind of give me any more turbine will look home, look, let me know who i am with ally and how we're going to need to bill, banana, me, will double among the nurse. look, it shows her in a while. you must have had any odom or you must control your 2nd less good, michael. if you don't tallies or see a silly bill, those need about almost the minute had been the whole modal to just with school law. will model surely will tell if mean the lyla don't mean futrell of fact mean a little more. he may learn more. he may or may not necessarily see us enough to need about my vision to follow them in my vision. do not be in my my, my son and our office in almost janna. i believe that this incidence identification of fight sales just delivered a warning signal to orange to them in turkey, that the individuals they are dealing with, maybe an agent of israel. and they're much more, you know, we're off the threat and acting as such, acting in accordance with this when the turkish security services received these reports from the masa student targets, they launched their covert operation to monitor the most activities. it took several months to gather the evidence and the metal was held manager to many with his yona buckle at the thought. one would have, i'm headed for one day. i took him to live between your behaviors. another little going to be outside because i will be home my phone will be don't hear about him. i would bill had if i'm the woman that is part of for la la mitchell, kayla murphy. the look on the suck. well, i've found it while mother appealed mother. tom will be here by the also noon on monday. if you had it can be a you haven't had to be i had to deem that number 100 even after you saw it because the globe, the dem. i was sick, i live at the bottom, the, my little flow, sidney. hello kenneth, i want to love where had the dean feet hussle saw tell me 100 village and will look love people. sortland means in the me, the coming up in part to the turkey security services investigation gathers page. as more most target turn information, leading to the october 2021. a. rec. how do you state controlled information? moscow is one of the most travail tickets in the world. it has an incredible facial recognition technology. how does the narrative improve public opinion better? no walker asked, how is citizen jim listen? leaf framing. the video spread like wildfire. they do not work in your grade. the listening post dissects the media. we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is cover. the latest news as it breaks. also, not all supporters across the country. they don't take to the street until they talk all the government with detailed coverage since lab report, when commercial bombs with these from whites and given to plaid some bobby, and some of that land is not being fully utilized from around the world. the newly formed orthodox church, great holes, christmas prize here for the 1st time. now the answer was an arabic. my name is holly i was abducted by the cia in 2004. a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the cia. and he came up with him because led me into interpretation, a powerful documentary told her story of how the geo politics of the post 911 world blue in the life of an innocent bill mastery case on al jazeera lou until mccray and dough are these are the top stories on al jazeera, a plane carrying 72 people has crashed in nepal. the yeti airlines aircraft went down nipple car airport, around 200 kilometers from the capitol cap man to an airport. official says 68 bodies have been recovered from jato limbo has more from the capitol cap man to the gorge where the ah plane crashed. apparently the fires have been doused ah and are out. and i local earth on the onlookers or people living in the settlements through where the flights basically fly over did report. ah, that they did see on some instability. and in the movement of the flight before they heard a loud crash on a few moments later, russian missile attacks have struck multiple ukrainian cities for the 1st time and 2 weeks. at least 21 people have been killed in the city of de ne pro, after a missile hit, an apartment building or energy facilities were hips leading to blackouts across several regions. the head of the world health organization has welcomed china's public release of data on covert 19 related deaths. beijing says nearly 60000 people have died in hospital since it lifted severe corona virus restrictions. an early december, peru has declared a susie, dies site of emergency, and several regions as protests against the government continue. it allows the army to intervene to maintain order, and suspends the freedom of assembly demonstrate as have been demanding the release of jailed. former president pedro castillo and the resignation of president. dubois tay. tens of thousands of people and television have demonstrated against the new israeli governments. planned over whole of the judicial system protest as say, the proposals threatened democracy and the independence of the judiciary. at least 5 people had been killed in a church attack, an eastern democratic republic of congo. now the 15 are wounded, including women and children. it happened in the city of cas, cindy and north keeping province during a baptism ceremony. with those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera. after al jazeera welled up next the number of arab and palestinian students and political activists into care has increased in recent years. israel's intelligent service the most at noticed this and began identifying vulnerable arabs often students with a view to recruiting them as agents. however, some then turned to become informants for the turkish security services. tom or al mishandled about just their arabic investigative. my belief about here. so what camilla, what inter company had the saw because you were having a hard time at the moment. eli between we'll start with a command between a, a, we'll see command g, a z a z a and the phone call. she has a, a, a, a sarah has, if i thought i was gonna listen to how weatherly and if at how for the whole more, how allow for both. forgot the actual kid. you know your stuff out. omen. look, i'm on the phone. look, i'm one more question. hello. the fact that i have the bartlett, again molly out was, behave in the highly futile will model, felt vastly hyphen communities can view the lamazzo, barley in those new fun. yeah. let them out of palate or be a model food group on you. well, come of the, i'm a visa and how they learned was loss of how to be lamar are not a year long, but he didn't know johnny thought you knew. i know that many cups for the visa garden i need more. ready like a match on my name for you i i i didn't, while my name is eric and emma some of the office i was unable to show up telephone in many that an e mail to her to felicia rita had kind of similar to the motion and the, like, i maybe have subtle, if i want to have thought, i thought it was, you know, a study, you know, but then i'll just get her by then and then methodical and let it drop by then we'll get out of the holo. secondly, about to lisa, easy up and fill it up. a little bit about medicaid. yeah. i mean, what's the annual income about shot in that bond about that. i'm sure that they took the last decade out of let them in them at the who look up one more problem a come to be. so if good at the bought on the wood, the money, we got this to him. so here men will sort of do a little be with the num, so all you the budget kill alcala, cannot align, and you had employ your so good to work for all of the hello. hello. what we'll do . we're gonna be looking for some bushel, broadcom. lemme look through the so to learn, learn to good luck camera. look, look own woken up to a brief memorial calendar for the check is security services being able to track the money wired by the alleged messiah. recruiting officers was a major breakthrough. they learned that it was sent from different european countries by monitoring these transfers, they were able to identify and arrest a number of the agents recruited. these agents would lay to reveal the identities of others in the network. oh my god, what the chick shall storage is then develop their strategy to the next stage. they now had several more sad recruits, collaborating with them as informants. the plan was to use them to help create fake targets to attract more sad attention. they hoped that this would lead to entrapment and to rest. so on social media, they promoted a new bogus group called the creative student society, led by a fake character who they called abby walkman. along with the article from a financial tomor tomorrow miss hel, met a block made to find out more about the new decoy of much of the connector. why me? yeah. oh i them in gym yell at the a could them to while home either know me mom so her. so what? what he'll overlay available here are the half my summer of every other full of edible green. no home to me, no heavy gemma yet i will feel the love seat hasn't able's order here. what i'm looking for here. lisa's move system and also case of a deputy f $100.00 gym gung. how thoughtful schools lahoma see and i wanted to know if you let me show you how you were going to pull off a lot of people who are money fit the lead. other had the jimmy year, a little know how and easy they sell the fluid problem. this one had to pull a futile homer's full. and now i'm sorry for the murder of them are severe. the police movement in the 8th also with the local. i'm a long to menu political female book. i'm of the levy levy and we will some of the alleged more side officers took this bait and started to investigate the fake allotment. they asked their agents who lived in the same area as i bought ned to provide information on him. they even assigned someone else from another area to double check the information they received about walkman . not realizing that he was a setup, working with the turkish security services, the little this is getting awful and i don't. okay. one second, let me pull it up and then he has he had to help him to our lives and or yet a lot of them are both off and linen lung. who's on the man to come here for one moment. one of them, bob worchol, ala very well look for them. and in turn, the moss had created their own bogus outfit, cold. i'll so whack charity organization to try and attract potential recruits. it only existed on lines then this, that the inner and one live is that the more the at the waffle polymer had m. e m. o 2, the feeble ye care for brooklyn? nancy wilson. hello, ultima had little i could and had a jimmy. happy tolliver, the hub. i hadn't bought a buffet the books in were in the long run of school. i'm looking luggage every one of them took emotionally. they said move oliver wilker with and i just missed a few weeks. i don't have anybody here to help them. she mentioned casino for some of them this month. i've had the most for booking with her for the multi condition with like invited but frankly able to sort of wine and sort of the turkish security services managed to hack this website before it was taken down that provided information that enabled them to identify further potential ma said recruits the website hacking, also prove the organisation wasn't in fact based in belgium. checking its ip addresses showed that it was run from 4 different locations in israel, including one in televi, ah, on the status of the, of the world. the world thought of the what the mother who will subject them further. i'm around to feed her the money or well, those are worth again with a lot of content and stuff to check your show thorough, which is discovered that the most had attacked the mobile phones of all the potential recruits looking into. but if they're not going to system router tele cut all the way to the hello, robert mobil shot or in wales. my in the sub will affect the movie that other thought don't make will list. and then we can move the computer going for the computer is eat a whole man gwilym bus lashawn lyn lyman lane. and i said much broader picture more say the me like. and i was looking to tailor more faculty and doesn't look like a lot of the more sad run i'll select charity organization. us double was meant to nominate 5 students pretending that he wanted to help them. but in a new move, they did this without involving a block mid level consist of about, well, if you're not in home for the school will be home. but i've been home. i'm home will be leaving or heard them at the be and then i will have an assistant had it the are the only thing i was caught up and had the most i knew that most refugees from middle east in countries want ultimately to travel to europe. the strategy was to persuade potential recruits to co operate with them in return for facilitating their own would travel mentally my less need for me and what else? none of them say get them without them. saying that john, buddy didn't kill little one of the jump, but it was just that he bought for what i would hello arnold ali can look up what genuine block in the can with lean or can yanine here with a blood and you know the heck in excel except a sheep, but she lisa o, germany, a tonia equally a spain. do you have anything you prefer a guy with a so ha dot took me up. okay. okay. no problem. but the law will issue was about the ha ha. but do have you get a hold of them? okay. the alleged messiah offices told adnan his visa to europe was ready to be collected from the swiss consulate in his damn bowl. when this, with the lead, fidelis for sylvia had coming. hopefully if this was 3 of us on the mountain, don't i more it was love mom and it's ha, wanted her to please tell him don, a from say come lindsay. hassey. nathan messed up some pull up a little plus a mom who were standing in the hallway, sunny oh, and very us. and that he has a thin, enormous, all in a sunny and friendliest who i li, not off on soc, is often mechanical or found. ahmad bismark o left, lana county can a t look, they have winter here, a tomato. okay. have fun with the piano here, fella he thought i had forgot to be there was a suffer. one fell asleep and fell asleep. when i saw pillar alone, consillio stuff. well matthew ha ha ha. ah, is ella may michelin makin marquilla kilometer is absolute michigan? i'm michelin missile? willa sewell, elmore? him? yes. and no. ruth bus la slowly beside luke. annie mapped out the home mamma, bullish docusys. so i look pulled muscle luc, myanmar mucky ha, circuit and marmalade. elizabeth connie, early jazz in idaho. go to where miss dollar be, sir. she alana, jim cabella, celia will charlotte to look in and the horn. oh them. so donna lisa, alice whistler, her visits visual online. sheila collins of south florida. so has a felony lisa on to public health and them television. it'll be la danny. up on in austin or abbey hunter, an unofficial latin allow fun of him to give us some bill inter thought a phone with us and from up in our balcony. immediately after adnan collected his visa from the swiss consulate, the turkish security services intercepted an audio message sent by the same alleged moss, an officer who had been in contact with abner. in hebrew, the officer reported that ad nan had been successfully recruited o'quinn with the dollar. look the short letter caballo shouldn't go on my own bush morning. good. they may corporate with the government or the other site or maybe embassy. but it's, it's a low probability for me, but they may have a type of link with the consulate may be a member of it, and they can fast and the process. or on the other hand, if there is a type of deficiency as such, the relevant government which is identified as delivering rizza should start an investigation. if the one who's delivering this visa is reliable or not. if they do not announce every tink, and they say everything was normal, that means the government is corporate. al jazeera contacted the swiss consulate in his dam boom, and asked them to respond to the claim that they had somehow granted a visa. outside the recognized procedure with mazda involvement, the reply came saying, quote, the consulate general does not comment on the issue. and so fees are bureaucratic without consoles to pla, most of that, isn't that? hold on, i'm not a musician. the must be the going to be the new school moved to mind coming to rush . i'm almost up to tier that the of and i'm because wish revenge a tricky the bush alice ledler goodish makes them you most of the know pedestrian. it's as you should the good information you visit at the time you can most of them i have i'm sure master if the mind died and i haven't gone with her before me. oh yeah. i don't need to go to the doctor. i will shoot up a hot spot. you a la cut in missouri, the bind the sleeve or bind for 15 years because come on i will surely do it by the time the money a little slow but who now live mean not sure what the hell to keep you know? fi, shawn, fee, metallic mortality fall, $1.10 fee, metallic mortality fall beneath by le ala carte. the soil model will come on for you. see, at natalie far. well, my daughter is to wisely. ah, the turkey security services asked edna not to travel to switzerland and he complied or have dentist and he had to learn a whole lot about the one you're looking for. let me how you guys can actually, i'm going you can leave them and then you name me mom and jacqueline, i had tell you that i had another bottle, was had yet to do a nickelodeon today. and i do like to look at this on, on the vehicle here. let me run idea of just a small miscue. look at it. who didn't icon in the who are you likely shaving they behave or follow a modification, moby, him and his sauce. let us and we'll send the guide, but a little guy before 430 go near the hood. walker dillema lucky, lucky, hollow guard. hold on to by allowing the masa to think that they'd successfully recruited her, saying adam helen and us as agents. the turkish authorities were able to prevent further similar massage recruitment, blue. they were also able to carry out their nationwide alteration and arrest others for collaborating with the most and who they are still in custody. awaiting sentencing al jazeera contacted both the israeli foreign ministry and the prime minister's office to asked them to respond to the allegations made in this program about the messiah . and to ask the messiah to comment. the foreign minister replied, i saying quote, we have no comment on this. the prime minister's office did not reply, saith, ha, ha, pick the chef. i, the sheva, and my left look a modicum. similar, dana g has it was had what? and how about the turkey church on that you're just in do is to paula august admin guided his me will not want you to 1000000 obasi. i lost those him out of you was of interest. other to the fight. yup. more choices among it must meeting. good, everyone in the limit with when you most of the law for him, law smart, it'll my side see us. well, i'm just all, i'm a massage my locker room, so allow me really mature up by me. so i will talk where most diamond cheryl, dr. thomas will come on the phone, let me check and see like i don't see that they will leave at least not that much attendant that i think they will fight to attempt to infiltrate up the skill is to prevent i don't know if it's just like a race and what miranda flan called the race between the mustard and the turkey security services is ongoing. in december 20, 2244 more people were detained in turkey, are accused of leaking information to the most that. so despite the new reproach mall between turkey and israel, espionage continues beneath the surface ah, stay to impose musical admit social resistance. i'll do was the story own need. you couldn't escape aramis herb, as everywhere that was a use of the wood, which the people love to see is our best moves only josie ah ah ah, while the parade of storms continues to march into the us state of california. hey there, thanks for joining in. so los angeles picked up half a month's worth of rain with this. bout this latest spout of what weather but of a breather on sunday before that next round of more intense rain moves in on monday . so for now, rain is swirling around the coast of oregon and washington state, but i want to get it to the east coast. we had some driving rain and halifax. that's pushed away. we're drying down colder air. freezing, rain alert in place. we have precipitation falling and temperatures lowering could also see some freezing rain in boston as walk much commer conditions as we look toward mississippi, alabama and georgia for that outbreak of tornadoes. so this is helping with the clean up effort. their cold air is rushing out of the u. s. so temperature is below average nasa havana and can coon in fact we have some weather alerts and play for just hello. these temperatures are and up to the top end of south america, we go. storms extend from the southwest of columbia right to the southeast of brazil, some weather alerts in play here for the intensity of this rain. rain starts to move away from ports a light gray. you've got a hive $26.00 degrees, and that on and off. heat for central argentina, while it continues the heat's off again, what's just a high of $25.00 degrees, and by jablonka on sunday, ah, on counting the cost of china, strict cobit policy is a but will that help johnson the economy? europe's energy crisis eased, but the continents might not be out of the woods yet, plus weeks for why young educated cimbawe winds attending to farming count you the cost on al jazeera. i've worked it out as their english since it's launch it as a principal present. and as a correspondence with any breaking news story, we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voice is heard on an international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the depaula quake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster on the story that needs to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important of the time ah, this is al jazzy.

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