Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Med Hondo Rebel Afri

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Med Hondo Rebel African Filmmaker 20240707

voted against him of damaging revelations about locked down breaking government parties, deleted the opposition, says johnson remains unfit. office, john has more from london on what lies ahead. while convincing decisive the words used by boris johnson but make no mistake, this was no comfortable wind for the prime minister. he's lost an enormous chunk of his own party. in fact, a larger chunk than teresa made his previous s a last in 2018 in similar circumstances. and within 8 months, she was gone. opposition party leaders, of course, circling, talking about his reputation in tatters. he's or 30 shots, but the real question is, what will those rebels do next to 148 of them? do they simply fall in behind the prime minister now or will they continue to look for other ways to frustrate his premiership? perhaps standing of the way of government policy or coalescing around a favored candidate to replace him in order to pressure him to quit. the problem is there is no stand out favored candidate. and so the prospect looms of a government in dysfunction of a number, 10 downing street machine dedicated less to the welfare and benefit of the country . and to simply keeping boris johnson in power. united nations says a human trafficking crisis is unfolding in ukraine and perpetrators are taking advantage of the war. it says conflict related, sexual violence also remains prevalent, but many cases going on, reported christian salumi reporting from the un says it's nearly impossible to determine how bad things off. they're worried that the actual number of women and children who've been sexually assaulted is much higher than the 124 cases that they have documented so far. given that 90 percent of refugees leaving ukraine are women and children. there's also grave concern that they're subject to human trafficking and sexual predators. course the outpouring of support for these refugees from european countries has been greatly appreciated. but the special representative, worried that predators were taking advantage of the situation and shared some disturbing stories of questionable people who had been circulating around these camps, offering rides to women and girls, and so on that could easily be preyed on in that situation. they say there's not a lot of vetting of the people who are coming to help in some of these instances. and they called for more vetting to ensure that trafficking is, is kept to a minimum, a team from the you and nuclear watchdog is trying to reach the rational control zachary's power plant and ukraine. they're worried about warning, some ukraine's atomic regulator. they've lost control of nuclear material. applaud . mexico's president has confirmed his boycotting the u. s. hosted summit of the americas this week under the manual lopez or bordeaux objected to the exclusion of cuba, venezuela. nicaragua, countries at washington deems undemocratic u. s. deputy secretary of state has warned of a forceful and swift response. if north korea fussy was a nuclear test, wendy sherman's. cummins come a day off to south korea. i'm the u. s. 58 ballistic missiles in response to a similar launch. but young young on sunday, 2 brothers facing crops and charges in south africa, i've been arrested into by business men rogers and actual gupta were originally from india, fled south africa in 2018. their friends, a former president, jacob zoom up under accused of using their relationship with him to profit financially and influence government appointments and policy both denied wrong. doing brazil may be searching for a british journalist and a local researcher. we've got missing and there remote part of the amazon dom phillips was on a reporting trip with bruno pereira, a bazillion specialist on isolated tribes. they were in a part of the rain forest, were indigenous groups are under threat from illegal miners. and cocaine producers activist, say the men received threats while in the field last week. so those were the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, opt out of your world station. thanks for watching bye for now. ah, ah. i would like to be sure at him or you think she may return? no, let see. all that all says out on the day said to settle, see cities, follies, please city, samantha, he's also going to come on when albert why was he as he best of la massey, i see to my yeah, any into me, larger than what i and i thought he heard how about the and defensive or the accept and regina kind of lab dependent on when i was a hub, who am i going to, to my doctor about? i kind of determine caliah and marcus and son and son, county him or harvey. he just seen him of at a 10200. the animal can go and tell you what you need cinema. just to help him or mom can she failed to sub her last have hot the seen him a allow to be will every year in a cinema it all in you nom in technique of regular kennel? profess holder. she knew marvel movie room. ok. do mod, who felt if you could make, we felt they feed him, go stale of where you would you some way do songy shall do song. they did, he could for they could or to do all of your last love. you're also seen emma, who at all, and she them a tunnel producer. kimberly, as she marquee said, the residence it is yours is omitted from heart. if not, who talk even by the end to fear by the un in tucker. the problem in the, in the hottest were, but the guy who was say, the alarm i've had wheat and he will win the shift. now had lot of actual were the chef navy and colonel dana last. look, ola kens level goodness off. and will the premise when xena genetic failed, often have just been super baskin for promoted in while he's at 200 millington, yet about issues going through 50. those to jake, no, it's not there. she does have a pe condo kind of under for atmosphere, which to my yeah, yeah. and if i don't have your autoplay kind of thought the fiesta with every month me any time will she kill iep? and in my little seen him and emily, dia was intimate, or to be with your body. and moreover, except of how i just to clear a fit almond. i'm a guy that i have the dominant moment the but i had him look allowed to do some cooling, how i just i do look good old one where you know the deserves of miss ho had this club i don't in the video is cleverly built a more know year duty building, so it's have a year swash. they should they should be that long. if it was a boy up swash of the faucet, my cover you should have hussey and o'clock every we foresee could also assembly margie resale. there will be a couple more north of a o. c should a should is okay. hospital year as city mars bhaskar city the the outside bhaskar city got more javin lucky day. basketball got up or down that but again, you savvy. he landed on the molla, was the live tv last ever gone comp. oh boy, got a how content is swati did issues to disconnect belanger, yoko conte be sharpoda, zoo and upper zip. i live in piss hiccups. i could get the 7 till actually did she meet out with the up there. so can you call me back at the probably the only show him on the bus him at in mcclare, beth, i'm not going to to journey to called lucy the k u. so caesar le came out pretty go home path, emerging a by the lonely initial nearly via your own will. i told the whole point was the initial in the met met please the heart to p given the shark with it in it. pony le dafter. compare to is the manila shown to call the gone pat? have you didn't? why my dad. i mean i'm here cook with, i know you had a sofa and your corn fi. i love that a one level so that must see the n i k o. i'm the mom. i'm a, a few mom was kind of tianna and how you mimic only yourself under photo seems a walker. you have a kid for continuity. the have to head him the best. but i'd like to shop at cinema, chef a cinema, et cetera. et cetera. missouri, how could the really any but i couldn't watch, so i'm could i mark up on couldn't a dialogue, mahogany but, and sounded as 3 up are you allowed to be elaine? north of e commerce, you not talk to you? she was yes. may i ask her son a valuable alex home to walk with bed many fi cuz that hosted with training in a pretty cool i can conduct peaceful faced up and forth with the matter you can call me don't send forsake supplies for their littler. so you called the committee kinetic by bush, welcome. while she's double sure. they don't sell any book a full size. it was a inflated monday. made the cook come on to think it's good to sell us welcome to folk who permitted to buy you every day. better coverage on it and you know, send me off. it is so i can keep our ball who make it. they put all the money into the bam at a patio to my function, but they don't keep continue. yeah, i feel the coolie is a come sex. i kinda, you know, dr. echo mossey with the up kitchen, particularly. they should salted lemon man. yeah. they may now new jersey that was on the home on quite a mon de la. like maybe she didn't bother y'all to dam on magic in on him or maggie. the other maggi ellen upshaw's, the dos shadid in upshaw's. the houses the the fair off on display was shush wash lau, sheffield issues all. montgomery is also also cautious. i am in the i live in missouri and abuse. who made this movement when i was the 2nd re may shed. so i kind of on home, out of them lead to would turn on the one with a clear yes ma'am. how about him? again, the have a, her was a, i do because i have, you know, i mean i will have a candidate i will assist you to do in with them at the island on sunday and as if, well, one, the cyclical candidate. when asked me if you are not on the new dot to be here for about another 2 hours and, and the i'm at the 2nd message i left it with miss adam. when you thought about new deck, i mean you to miss i, you know sir, what is this shoot i have from him if i can do an the many holidays should have an event. but he said that the, what it did, they might have to issue the nova just say the police had you for me to prove uncle cruel, then asked to turn the key of video to leesville mean, norma was just for today's or the actual movie a had your false e lachelle halsey back to ms. ne. comedian, why the school knowledge is great, foolish, great dolton. e. i think divisions will till after he can pull. an appalonia florez says, old he said, o one model i misha fillum seen him a few bodies. if i had the alamo, i've got the any candidate been this very life at the a anesthesia a he hey, aka sir. tar body. i an loi i. but i'm couldn't mazda him, a lot all her own of sita mccullough. omen. how odd years omen woman hall from then was stuck, but i knew couldn't really understand. i want to sit deal with sabean the anaconda troy saw by omar. but there been this very little margery, you can't see. last said you cindy mccarthy, they're volusia. you cinema, cuts, eat, i fill actor, sit a poor volleyball, so book seizures. your passcode it says sac hillary, i don't need all the child. you cinema city, the i county kiss go sackler levied. you purple africa kiss, gressick levy, the new i or false. we don't to don't to look see, don't on totally lippy oxy auto see secular. julio, i can take is knox truly feel makes pre made to the shem killer fe? explain mean south in the ivr insulting the falls, the the, the was the this africa. oh ha. ah, middleton k, lead will go in essence with a nurse shift shadow. can i turn it available on? did the valet to assume this on the 2nd is she only like when he's shown these africa, like would assume the zimmer, great aid ever this? he did fear, i feed him apa he kya, i can play it don't came couldn't they said per da da jackie privately they he said on senior, he said more, there was something as soon as you cinema or you have a, a power power the can call the ship constant them that means city around the out. he vs encore play was a home called play. be assume see book improve my book, improve my email to yes. me exception that you did a don't city some palm. you feel more don't quit fish. never jamie tower. you proficient then moto events that cause it, they don't cause was not enough to set it up on your fax, talaya profession, and mom's a poster fell safin was its young sank. how many attempts are many of them caught avi ver, midland, blue eyed evil and that in texas anymore? yet the little i'm why didn't i read it? i said every, with a way to dina learned, i'm the david shahan messer that i had your me, you alam exactly when that procedure. cool. no, get his a login actually to on that show. say sure, sure. he on have it typewritten way. now to on their own says me make really cute of a c. y belongs it at the i won't do x i mo, february po, and kelly did a whole due february when the tim at narby clam, when the d carmina asap. josean. come all sure. look, beautiful. i li, sector sicily. the 2nd to ask you to have your own co pay. surely, if him we that will cover year with his act bill the do glad. key key. when they say dibiase often it was got more market, harder for them to a soft mock earn. that does to jody what the i mean follow up with them in a different and italian who they alone. neal with the a little what that it has us and michelle had little to help him to get to a sions. where did you go about it? you talked to one of y'all had the michelle and i said gender, what was the other trade in there? no. faded would be a fit and the mom would the she said he would, i can pay my other for them and know for the motto, k for you several be had a buddy for while you're in. what's going on with that kind of how i can fit him. yeah. and the i need her by the show 1 o'clock. if we for applica. so you, i, they, felix, you in the, i can don't i 6 your de la some in that critique. it's been 6, joy champ off. don't. can you repeat on 6, your festival do? can me kitchen 6, you could keep your to hook, exist to room at nike, kitchen 6, your the book who the fume renewable. it made it is 6. you and they, i meant that i could kill street today. they were 50 by look out on the kitchen, go 50 vile. i see 2 navy on the scene in my media dawn to lay like a you know, probably a pretty little patio don't don't play or they can seem fat. i vick your hands, you to lie on say merely low child color lam. i'm a flam, letty added by the shunt swell, i didn't know joe either today or i can do a sort of a thought that i are on the wall model, the solid them to them, and actually they couldn't say 3 or and as well, how can i let me and i use to set up properly can be in touch in my field if if i can just seen him it see if he'd like to drop it that would end of the honda lab would do until her death had help. oh sure. i did, i'm in room minor room. how's telling me a dead on arrival? and you had seen him what his young ne him and who am candy and my dear father should that a florida good. that meant alarm. and so i know what to study, not minima. 1000 feel much she had on a lot of i should see. haven't come at all. not if you thought what but half of the b. b for the food here is the mileage on the bus. you had the more common one. yeah. wow. shot with show him do that. ah, yeah, a bundle silman. fear of me it will be that for the and had he born was that feel moms you almost that he should done have been at the court on lisa fina. but now you must feel fee. he was you and i'm and yet why she ended up going to be feeling be michelle must here be her. so what i was told i will volume the hill emily yet. and that he can talk the alto pamela soon. ah ah, ah, a min ground. so when you said to him, he, i bet you gaunt on me or said, will you? shan word. e jenny bill on purpose. when i knew i now live on song, travis appointed? not come of crap. yeah. so none of the yeah, yeah, he's actually doc on his ear coffee till he's actually looking at. ha, i'm wanting to teach. he called me tedney. my electric on the rocky enough. i saw you that because it the apollo chevrolet that really poked dubuque enough i so he said play some cat go my some guy get the i know mix time while they go see books up. probably more or less actually he don't. cabbage made faucet moisture. he says, shot are they explained morbidity god, that the tooth could murder new, put into kamali, men on the archers called de la z jones. so, you know, i think, i think 20, the don't see that on they saw how jacket they were sealing coffin. a mil taylor at the helium feminine had the film that you haven't seen a william men have them in a what and what would you like to do? i know how much one moment. yeah yeah. sure the husband was mad and was that are those who use the hot button will calmer yet total filament. the little what he was son lynn had cut dry meal. michelle had been how to the fleet ia leon de bahati, my friend, nia, a. we'll be tomorrow. june would out in foreign sienna one decide if the saddle, when i do behind that be not football, what was she and cathy on top it to be and, and had, could draw me what's up with the moth daddy unhappy at the at the 2nd film issue lead me to seen in other than other, couldn't you know about her mother if i don't care what will you be in k for my last what we had is but if i had trouble with alina, it is kind of michelle, it on, by via phone and see, kinda what kind of bill island which i really look for on this. i mean nobody within the next couple of kind of more jazz ended up on so he's on the day he's on. he didn't want to have it. yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i 2nd with him in that a, a sammy that a and it moves to them yet a lot better. and jessica won't use us either way. well i'm and if you have been, any, had been doing media been, can you not to move it into a cinema lock without having a where do i think i had a bit of it, a map more to be here with the audi? i need help with the young or having the santa maria with what i do not the are a little feet a with one little filipino workers, a big explosion by landlord to make them, hey, exorbitant prices to leave over crowded one or 18 and made the it exposes the business on al jazeera, ju, on al jazeera, as russia's invasion cream approaches, the 100 day mark. we bring you the latest on the grant and the wars global impact. a new 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, funded by colonialism and still housed in europe in museums today. the g 7 m nato hold key summits with the walden ukraine on the growing global food and the cost of living crises. this much to discuss is the influence of far right. politics grows. the big picture examines francis struggle to live up to the self proclaimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualifies. i'm male blazing opportunity for countries to secure their spot. for katara 2022 june on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] with lou hello, i'm darren jordan doe. the quicker mind of the top stories here on al jazeera, british prime minister, boris johnson has survived a confidence vote within his own party, aiding the result as decisive. but more than 40 percent of conservative empties voted against him. damaging revelations about lockdown, breaking government parties in need of the opposition? says johnson remains unfit for office. joe hall has moved from london on what lies ahead. the real question is, what will those rebels do next? a 148 of them too. they simply falling behind the prime minister now or will they continue to look for other ways to frustrate his premiership. perhaps standing in the way of government policy or coalescing around a favored candidate to replace him in order to pressure him to quit. the problem is there is no standout favored candidate. and so the prospect looms of a government in dysfunction of a number, 10 downing street machine dedicated less to the welfare and benefit of the country . and to simply keeping boris johnson in power. the united nations, as a human trafficking crisis, is unfolding in ukraine and perpetrators are taking advantage of the war. it says conflict related, sexual violence also remains prevalent. with many cases going on, reported. a team from the human nuclear watchdog is trying to reach the russian controls operation power plant in ukraine due to safety concerns. they're worried about warnings from ukraine's atomic regulator. they've lost control of nuclear material. plant next cause president has confirmed, he's boycotting the u. s. hosted summit of the americas this week and that his money, lopez, optical objected to the exclusion of cuba, venezuela. nicaragua, countries at washington deems undemocratic. the u. s. deputy secretary of state has warned by force philip swift response. if north korea pursues a nuclear test, when the sherman's comments come a day off, the south korea and the u. s. 58 ballistic missiles. in response to a similar lawrence by the north on sunday, 2 brothers facing corruption charges in south africa had been arrested in dubai. business men, rogers, i'm at all grouped at who are originally from india, fled south africa in 2018. their friends, a former president, jacob summa, under accused of using their relationship with him to profit financially and influence government appointments and policy both deny wrong j. those are the headlines, and he's continues here on al jazeera after al jazeera. well, thank you. thanks for watching. i thought i changed with rob, don't just throw escaped. i couldn't it's harmful. sure. there is one that bit knowledgeable . shoot molly book we moorish whizzy. boy the v. c. o. ca yet through cit. boy joyce a a but both for moderate bally. he may be better eat fuller, proceed you mo, medi he or maria tedney mess. if you mess it's in the created, do, did you turn? it seemed to did tumble credit in the next book? cindy's 12 hello. c. a mid law says she killed l'oreal. is that some man? yeah, lola. so did no one possible. you see a doctor? i'm back here. tamayla. best island mobile though a vehicle. it will more high job without a b. m. o joy to be we actually somebody at the to, i'm a little that in sunny would not look good. you're so look a lot who it is god local of. so if i'm up and what i love my habit. oh, as rob. all i marked him political. how cool my will body is so far and see what the pearl but did. and sonia will that bill and san secret job or song of hidden sacker, e c r t, blah blah keanda. herb by u. e. g h t. post t. maza, mom kim? no greer. boss? arnold sedan, clawford, leaded the dentist most fumey danielson. l for plu. didn't pappa, and i says he know beyond beyond pep rally. it could. she could compress all new td's that could i please hosses martinez, command him all for or metal assess or the dubious children to better than weldon the hobbit or fit a lead pencil in need. excellent seal. luscious teeth. seal the facile food on saturday july silver jeans. an old over face. yes. as could said that he had a beautiful says he said that keeler as usual says like why shouldn't like produce net city amanda. equally busted town. gone to conceiving majesties and sit down have what is shown here as a facile mentor. sit in still, every shenanigan you have it, but builder daneen or city shows is it it issues of race? it is the panel songs pretty look a nursery letter will presume i'll i brought on your letter papa sound regard. pascal, i sense basil alba, cascade fe, elemy. imagine la la decor, belabor boy, lafitte. ah, political guy, ill. i feel about donors. me lucky shopper like a broad shoulder girl. the sense you love to feed me. commonly portion of the world in question and not filler political remarks. how sometimes people look over. i'm an endo levy layer of the shop. i see a black man who, who don't alarm and then know it and they can monitor for a few months to come to my shop by frontier. ok if i kind of thought of the larger i led them a fee when the late they held on the would you tell me that tell linda bassett, them the back flips in the baffle. sweat actor, the fest fully de uneasy. the boise got me on the firm, she twist, she will see you called her back. i'm only left by deep loose every pound of halting leak record hopper glen hawkish. aff facade walk sta, him can bother motley jennifer of the merger. we may had to be who are actually one avenue and demo of what we just had to be copying or fail. or, you know, last id be. get this vague. gets us v g a lot. i've done the bill. no more me the i is jeff. we can do that, ignited him kind of so. so i was just calling july and i looked at the jedi and whenever i say how much i knew it, which i ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, clem will do. who were fatima advisory as a backup? other kind of masada hi. i mean i just moved here. the article in mr. can be home out of my be or bringing the can. i could be hard at the common with them all. be in order to leave then the whole diamond under what fee is luba but i'm a senior bag. and a month to month i am at the jury. was counter now will animal and i would have to marry. oh, which i now would why i was in the vehicle slow. how does a severe ludowici good show you? how does it work? because you know, somebody, you love your li in the firm azalea working love, you only ship it to my will. the will, the, if you said a much more smart it's what i need to find out. yeah, exactly. i mean, as with jewish narrator, dominion we can to, with how pack will pack and allocation mark jacket, mikaela by how get lab and t. i did them. she had an antique to seal her, and steve mckesson, margaret, it mckinney, hannah set up. i thought you guys would have done this with her a. there was a big switch. believe, you know, get a little more blue loot. now the cindy guy, the key of your leg, boston museum law law school, entire kick with diana miles samar philosophy with a malia a little bit. how can i get a little, how could get a little that the blue shield joseph, would you, susan? who will the job home for the job? the job will go to ask if you the current this will help a lot darker in a particular, i mean the fact him inches good to, to compound with, you know, the put the keen ms armoire infinity relate for ticket elective. if you talk to me 30 minute on this, which i miss even saw him. finnegan went to new jersey as michigan says it was michigan method in the area. oh, well get a tour of the field. ho. you need to move her from ok. we had to had another student gall marceau by the mac. bremo show she to just the last one was the one it's but she's too much about us. use all susie number, the elated to real to new jersey and the how many times you had been a getting to the many here. well, how will that mean? how much will do lead they seed with 50 a day to be in that it allowed me yourself the i'm yes, with an apple but duck video with sarah and the food dirty, the shaft, the why they added another of the in who it in the were hammered into the hazard of let me know that i can hold do well, i'm not sure. oh bob, bob, you bob with the i should have you said now with connie. ready send you that the yeah i was going to joe is will dan? yeah. was due to the top of us and make sure that if you had tonight and rick. yeah. lisa show. so yeah, i'll tell you got aiden. ah, then do. and then any thought on legit, dempsey here with that. i think i will if you miles the can with you. my mom about my mr. lee, he kind of been out to the annual intimate hon. i'm a big fan with cinema was i hadn't missed her love. and yet i'm in mr. i think of you the he unless he and if the to in a w a. c, as in lima, a mechanic, is it m as in? yeah. wow, ha, ha ha ha ha! at the itala sin shall see at the mohammed door to let the account or mozilla can im she minute, minute minute just an hector hector, hector philistine. we can see you a copy of her from care. how will she her up she is, was going to piss on us. can you add this on us from us? a yard schedule had come, superstars were bershard duty g 30. you get had. mm. wow. a your me up no buses. you put the within the leak or a fucking so here i just it's like a year bookkeeper, dealer and had moved her from missouri. yeah. give me a lesson or give you could be observed give her dinner and so forth. i mean, morale, do you know? yeah. now, are synagogue algebra them we can afford it. you know, if roswell, have you been a feather? me then had our city nemo, sensitive to our geography, leap as a ne consent cafe vance. i met the large pamius we made the apostle do. santi, super carry, sanity going sit our parade, him, he's on sex, time more complex. he korea thief, her properly said to set a sparse, no co pay cut on fein cut or faint. you can call me, i'll send you peers at their talk. second carmel, of all your bed come their be to do on their own. for doing they will not she more key love a fe santa, the shy of our flag, that mr. hey, a curtain burns out will not. senate the coffee? if he, if the bed is to be seen him, the good, how come referred to as a maid who could be easier for all of us to come on the sand? he didn't know did. is it my bus the for, hey manuel, can you can get him from your interest at the other sort of threw him skin, getting the head move, move the yet so he can move up. doc, if you call leslie williams with mr. young near me. i can be or when i can look at him candy for thought up and talk and tell you that if you need a blood in touch without that kind of diamond, he will, you will slip that woman with the swim of lama fee. if an answer was he a desire with a minimum that does we, you know, atlanta to, to me lack of the demila most of insomnia, didn't to me a couple of laws on may, every part of this will be on this abuse. if the for question is, if you may book a poster pay, you will give us the software for the fact poorly sati. the po made this to be a do monday of this year to the end of the people to don't this is doing here. when can cool sound, harko will not only fist. when do, how can adjust the manager not to be a money? and them say, yolanda i'll answer it was done and ought to be all of the matter met by the rich village where he did let him be at home. and john were hated the whole, not his uncle budget to his feet on his when he was suck either. if demand bigger is chavira, it an equally high the mortgage of give you to joe ability to be lifted off. i would have seen a man willing why. yeah, and you 100 b as a model, if it isn't 0, isn't with this with a kneeled incentive dawn as john is shown in. is it less sense if they could do the whole? obviously the numbers wrong. the con, the doctor, keep the broan law court all can do at a con, blown sit down for several weeks. it said killer, we've really fail made it literally shows the, the initial meal kamani founder, don't, you know? i said, you will see many of the show in that actually, you know, there's a trailer along the on to the call me now. yes. you told me i was on the green mass pulling those in. i said i was happy to tell you the bible howard scenario of let me box up the cinema and why you tell me should get my in either be sure well, but who tells you sort of day and you almost i day it may be an issue of a 1000000 napa can be alive, you know, who do she to get into were being seen him and one of the one hand one to be hammered into can in to me either a cinnamon will not, didn't be teddy was you're probably down with my computer me should get and he should get to the menu the motion detector, 100 into can you lose any of the militia nowadays? chassis, we're not even at the she's, i mean, really felt you've seen him pulled. you shoot him out. oh my, the cinema said that naughty and naughty the expression is your spare, madras it but the more baskets julia them than be that call to know who cut proven depot. so dish or so i don't, i bet come d on put you may have the exact value a korea in, nor could upon louis this'll, i, it is a, a, a by made see see, let, we let be done it rescued over the year. so could theo could meek door supper him or is it prima? you had to do need no, but good to skew their fate. see measure confusing. what all do blast ripples. chris is the local nebraska city for me chip, dr. neil chris, he said a tread yoko uniquely of his tiana, see cache law mental when i say pushy castaneda, if you there mostly do breski, we got met. they do this be away show eva us on the feeder. yes. yeah. megan you are also the feed him yet draw the posse shall renewed cliffy it will bless you jim it does show even by the viva should the beyond is shurivo sit there dio b is when we're ye are you that marie always will be emitted to don't add, use the see the metal graphic we did the extra moist picked. yeah, you know me more liberal at. wow. it is she your key vizier, on chunk of your saddle, her men into the a, the mfc and the little v. america minute with vertica, sued with emitted in suits whatever they were in the middle. she said i'm, i'm and then do we shall see if even when we use a couple of our we had a bit in the middle fi. we and you mentioned to me a tell 20 more. you don't to do blood. she made it takes a breaks group. come to be treated it the sound palsy show a love. if you have a lovely, placid accountability, liz, i mean i can, we can made the how come also fail. i fail. milfey is. busy capacity not good for a was c o l f a i cause the weather, the more feeler feel of where the learned dollars seems like kathy, the living with a plan is also going to offer an exit a new usual on this dyslexic company. that you guys, why do you manage people searcy? did it get sudden you're on press r, the d murphy, she made on to me said well yeah it email feet me paul. live on who let she don't ever middle. no need no fee. oh, i do telephone, so monday. now what was it? what if i been wanting him wanting to do a commercial as to she while she job? rheumatoid russia? probably a some she's very poor there, isn't it? it is about going to potter got caught on with you or not some of the american about that to be a little bit. busy difficult unless you have an award and then my how i look at jason, i let the show who the yellow movie and what it means. yeah. what kind of under any he i love our answer be shipping. ready if you let novelty, hayden will have to fill out another t hate and motivated when they fill another lab, not doing that. hadn't necessity mohammed into come at that. how do we bobby, and i it yeah. and live in it and assets them as soon the yet in our facility, yet in oh, are they medium embryo? yes. in debt has been one coming into commodity. it had over to 1100. and in a little while i had heard a year where you had or you and i sat about olivia conrad. it's limited to the cods . imagine wouldn't any a to ever than i would lundy of him. no damage and cannon with italian, with a couple of clear. yes ma'am. i'm with him to come up with him. we think that can that a shobit that to be at the shower at our holland? me that we have this al jazeera world meets 2 arabs, both built successful lives. lot pirates scholars have made enormous contributions to science such as mathematics, astronomy, on medicine, a cutting edge, dr. formulated new h, i, b drug treatments in south africa. and his specialist in engineering science is changing lives in malays, little villages or purify pollutant water and turn them to drinking water arabs abroad. the pharmacologist and the scientists and al jazeera, used from al jazeera on the go with me tonight, i'll just, there is only a mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissects and one thing and i guess from algae, there is mobile app available in your favorite app store, you said and tapped on a new app from audi 0. me you think of it with hello weather's all quiet across the good part of the middle east. we got a few showers just around turkey, but when i say quiet and with light when sit means the heat really picking up so 50 celsius a possibility for baghdad on shoes day. not a whole lot better as we go one into well wednesday, rather more pleasant just to remedy the side of the mediterranean element, st. temperature's getting up into the mid to high twenty's far more agreeable. we're into the forty's across the arriving peninsula here in our temperatures touching 43 degrees celsius or has the sunshine coming through. also hazy sunshine across northern parts of africa. the cloud that we have around the north west may become thick enough at times to squeeze out a few spots of brian to clear the high ground of the atlas mountains, just into northern passa morocco, and also into algeria. the main share was a course across the gulf of guinea, pushing out quite nicely. now synagogue seeing some of those, she has more, didn't get a share or 2, pushing into the gambia, going up in the showers across central africa, raw the more shelves on the other side of the rift valley and place the space eastern parts of central africa. now starting to see some southeastern areas of kenya last seeing the ransom larvae shows that to, into a good part of mo sam big for south africa. it stays dry. i'm pretty warm in this couple days. ah. across the world, young activists and organize is, are on the moon. i heard in the 1st of a new series to people in new york city, different to me, to fight institutional racism and police brutality. this is indeed a nationwide problem that wires, a systemic solution. generally he change on out with the latest news as it breaks. we've all the town square features, $21.00 white forces, one for each of the victims of today's massacres, with detailed coverage. they're already up there with, from around the world with gathered here. they will read, you know, the market go to go home, remain unchanged. ah, what we're going to do now is to take the opportunity to unite and deliver

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Med Hondo Rebel African Filmmaker 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Med Hondo Rebel African Filmmaker 20240707

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voted against him of damaging revelations about locked down breaking government parties, deleted the opposition, says johnson remains unfit. office, john has more from london on what lies ahead. while convincing decisive the words used by boris johnson but make no mistake, this was no comfortable wind for the prime minister. he's lost an enormous chunk of his own party. in fact, a larger chunk than teresa made his previous s a last in 2018 in similar circumstances. and within 8 months, she was gone. opposition party leaders, of course, circling, talking about his reputation in tatters. he's or 30 shots, but the real question is, what will those rebels do next to 148 of them? do they simply fall in behind the prime minister now or will they continue to look for other ways to frustrate his premiership? perhaps standing of the way of government policy or coalescing around a favored candidate to replace him in order to pressure him to quit. the problem is there is no stand out favored candidate. and so the prospect looms of a government in dysfunction of a number, 10 downing street machine dedicated less to the welfare and benefit of the country . and to simply keeping boris johnson in power. united nations says a human trafficking crisis is unfolding in ukraine and perpetrators are taking advantage of the war. it says conflict related, sexual violence also remains prevalent, but many cases going on, reported christian salumi reporting from the un says it's nearly impossible to determine how bad things off. they're worried that the actual number of women and children who've been sexually assaulted is much higher than the 124 cases that they have documented so far. given that 90 percent of refugees leaving ukraine are women and children. there's also grave concern that they're subject to human trafficking and sexual predators. course the outpouring of support for these refugees from european countries has been greatly appreciated. but the special representative, worried that predators were taking advantage of the situation and shared some disturbing stories of questionable people who had been circulating around these camps, offering rides to women and girls, and so on that could easily be preyed on in that situation. they say there's not a lot of vetting of the people who are coming to help in some of these instances. and they called for more vetting to ensure that trafficking is, is kept to a minimum, a team from the you and nuclear watchdog is trying to reach the rational control zachary's power plant and ukraine. they're worried about warning, some ukraine's atomic regulator. they've lost control of nuclear material. applaud . mexico's president has confirmed his boycotting the u. s. hosted summit of the americas this week under the manual lopez or bordeaux objected to the exclusion of cuba, venezuela. nicaragua, countries at washington deems undemocratic u. s. deputy secretary of state has warned of a forceful and swift response. if north korea fussy was a nuclear test, wendy sherman's. cummins come a day off to south korea. i'm the u. s. 58 ballistic missiles in response to a similar launch. but young young on sunday, 2 brothers facing crops and charges in south africa, i've been arrested into by business men rogers and actual gupta were originally from india, fled south africa in 2018. their friends, a former president, jacob zoom up under accused of using their relationship with him to profit financially and influence government appointments and policy both denied wrong. doing brazil may be searching for a british journalist and a local researcher. we've got missing and there remote part of the amazon dom phillips was on a reporting trip with bruno pereira, a bazillion specialist on isolated tribes. they were in a part of the rain forest, were indigenous groups are under threat from illegal miners. and cocaine producers activist, say the men received threats while in the field last week. so those were the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, opt out of your world station. thanks for watching bye for now. ah, ah. i would like to be sure at him or you think she may return? no, let see. all that all says out on the day said to settle, see cities, follies, please city, samantha, he's also going to come on when albert why was he as he best of la massey, i see to my yeah, any into me, larger than what i and i thought he heard how about the and defensive or the accept and regina kind of lab dependent on when i was a hub, who am i going to, to my doctor about? i kind of determine caliah and marcus and son and son, county him or harvey. he just seen him of at a 10200. the animal can go and tell you what you need cinema. just to help him or mom can she failed to sub her last have hot the seen him a allow to be will every year in a cinema it all in you nom in technique of regular kennel? profess holder. she knew marvel movie room. ok. do mod, who felt if you could make, we felt they feed him, go stale of where you would you some way do songy shall do song. they did, he could for they could or to do all of your last love. you're also seen emma, who at all, and she them a tunnel producer. kimberly, as she marquee said, the residence it is yours is omitted from heart. if not, who talk even by the end to fear by the un in tucker. the problem in the, in the hottest were, but the guy who was say, the alarm i've had wheat and he will win the shift. now had lot of actual were the chef navy and colonel dana last. look, ola kens level goodness off. and will the premise when xena genetic failed, often have just been super baskin for promoted in while he's at 200 millington, yet about issues going through 50. those to jake, no, it's not there. she does have a pe condo kind of under for atmosphere, which to my yeah, yeah. and if i don't have your autoplay kind of thought the fiesta with every month me any time will she kill iep? and in my little seen him and emily, dia was intimate, or to be with your body. and moreover, except of how i just to clear a fit almond. i'm a guy that i have the dominant moment the but i had him look allowed to do some cooling, how i just i do look good old one where you know the deserves of miss ho had this club i don't in the video is cleverly built a more know year duty building, so it's have a year swash. they should they should be that long. if it was a boy up swash of the faucet, my cover you should have hussey and o'clock every we foresee could also assembly margie resale. there will be a couple more north of a o. c should a should is okay. hospital year as city mars bhaskar city the the outside bhaskar city got more javin lucky day. basketball got up or down that but again, you savvy. he landed on the molla, was the live tv last ever gone comp. oh boy, got a how content is swati did issues to disconnect belanger, yoko conte be sharpoda, zoo and upper zip. i live in piss hiccups. i could get the 7 till actually did she meet out with the up there. so can you call me back at the probably the only show him on the bus him at in mcclare, beth, i'm not going to to journey to called lucy the k u. so caesar le came out pretty go home path, emerging a by the lonely initial nearly via your own will. i told the whole point was the initial in the met met please the heart to p given the shark with it in it. pony le dafter. compare to is the manila shown to call the gone pat? have you didn't? why my dad. i mean i'm here cook with, i know you had a sofa and your corn fi. i love that a one level so that must see the n i k o. i'm the mom. i'm a, a few mom was kind of tianna and how you mimic only yourself under photo seems a walker. you have a kid for continuity. the have to head him the best. but i'd like to shop at cinema, chef a cinema, et cetera. et cetera. missouri, how could the really any but i couldn't watch, so i'm could i mark up on couldn't a dialogue, mahogany but, and sounded as 3 up are you allowed to be elaine? north of e commerce, you not talk to you? she was yes. may i ask her son a valuable alex home to walk with bed many fi cuz that hosted with training in a pretty cool i can conduct peaceful faced up and forth with the matter you can call me don't send forsake supplies for their littler. so you called the committee kinetic by bush, welcome. while she's double sure. they don't sell any book a full size. it was a inflated monday. made the cook come on to think it's good to sell us welcome to folk who permitted to buy you every day. better coverage on it and you know, send me off. it is so i can keep our ball who make it. they put all the money into the bam at a patio to my function, but they don't keep continue. yeah, i feel the coolie is a come sex. i kinda, you know, dr. echo mossey with the up kitchen, particularly. they should salted lemon man. yeah. they may now new jersey that was on the home on quite a mon de la. like maybe she didn't bother y'all to dam on magic in on him or maggie. the other maggi ellen upshaw's, the dos shadid in upshaw's. the houses the the fair off on display was shush wash lau, sheffield issues all. montgomery is also also cautious. i am in the i live in missouri and abuse. who made this movement when i was the 2nd re may shed. so i kind of on home, out of them lead to would turn on the one with a clear yes ma'am. how about him? again, the have a, her was a, i do because i have, you know, i mean i will have a candidate i will assist you to do in with them at the island on sunday and as if, well, one, the cyclical candidate. when asked me if you are not on the new dot to be here for about another 2 hours and, and the i'm at the 2nd message i left it with miss adam. when you thought about new deck, i mean you to miss i, you know sir, what is this shoot i have from him if i can do an the many holidays should have an event. but he said that the, what it did, they might have to issue the nova just say the police had you for me to prove uncle cruel, then asked to turn the key of video to leesville mean, norma was just for today's or the actual movie a had your false e lachelle halsey back to ms. ne. comedian, why the school knowledge is great, foolish, great dolton. e. i think divisions will till after he can pull. an appalonia florez says, old he said, o one model i misha fillum seen him a few bodies. if i had the alamo, i've got the any candidate been this very life at the a anesthesia a he hey, aka sir. tar body. i an loi i. but i'm couldn't mazda him, a lot all her own of sita mccullough. omen. how odd years omen woman hall from then was stuck, but i knew couldn't really understand. i want to sit deal with sabean the anaconda troy saw by omar. but there been this very little margery, you can't see. last said you cindy mccarthy, they're volusia. you cinema, cuts, eat, i fill actor, sit a poor volleyball, so book seizures. your passcode it says sac hillary, i don't need all the child. you cinema city, the i county kiss go sackler levied. you purple africa kiss, gressick levy, the new i or false. we don't to don't to look see, don't on totally lippy oxy auto see secular. julio, i can take is knox truly feel makes pre made to the shem killer fe? explain mean south in the ivr insulting the falls, the the, the was the this africa. oh ha. ah, middleton k, lead will go in essence with a nurse shift shadow. can i turn it available on? did the valet to assume this on the 2nd is she only like when he's shown these africa, like would assume the zimmer, great aid ever this? he did fear, i feed him apa he kya, i can play it don't came couldn't they said per da da jackie privately they he said on senior, he said more, there was something as soon as you cinema or you have a, a power power the can call the ship constant them that means city around the out. he vs encore play was a home called play. be assume see book improve my book, improve my email to yes. me exception that you did a don't city some palm. you feel more don't quit fish. never jamie tower. you proficient then moto events that cause it, they don't cause was not enough to set it up on your fax, talaya profession, and mom's a poster fell safin was its young sank. how many attempts are many of them caught avi ver, midland, blue eyed evil and that in texas anymore? yet the little i'm why didn't i read it? i said every, with a way to dina learned, i'm the david shahan messer that i had your me, you alam exactly when that procedure. cool. no, get his a login actually to on that show. say sure, sure. he on have it typewritten way. now to on their own says me make really cute of a c. y belongs it at the i won't do x i mo, february po, and kelly did a whole due february when the tim at narby clam, when the d carmina asap. josean. come all sure. look, beautiful. i li, sector sicily. the 2nd to ask you to have your own co pay. surely, if him we that will cover year with his act bill the do glad. key key. when they say dibiase often it was got more market, harder for them to a soft mock earn. that does to jody what the i mean follow up with them in a different and italian who they alone. neal with the a little what that it has us and michelle had little to help him to get to a sions. where did you go about it? you talked to one of y'all had the michelle and i said gender, what was the other trade in there? no. faded would be a fit and the mom would the she said he would, i can pay my other for them and know for the motto, k for you several be had a buddy for while you're in. what's going on with that kind of how i can fit him. yeah. and the i need her by the show 1 o'clock. if we for applica. so you, i, they, felix, you in the, i can don't i 6 your de la some in that critique. it's been 6, joy champ off. don't. can you repeat on 6, your festival do? can me kitchen 6, you could keep your to hook, exist to room at nike, kitchen 6, your the book who the fume renewable. it made it is 6. you and they, i meant that i could kill street today. they were 50 by look out on the kitchen, go 50 vile. i see 2 navy on the scene in my media dawn to lay like a you know, probably a pretty little patio don't don't play or they can seem fat. i vick your hands, you to lie on say merely low child color lam. i'm a flam, letty added by the shunt swell, i didn't know joe either today or i can do a sort of a thought that i are on the wall model, the solid them to them, and actually they couldn't say 3 or and as well, how can i let me and i use to set up properly can be in touch in my field if if i can just seen him it see if he'd like to drop it that would end of the honda lab would do until her death had help. oh sure. i did, i'm in room minor room. how's telling me a dead on arrival? and you had seen him what his young ne him and who am candy and my dear father should that a florida good. that meant alarm. and so i know what to study, not minima. 1000 feel much she had on a lot of i should see. haven't come at all. not if you thought what but half of the b. b for the food here is the mileage on the bus. you had the more common one. yeah. wow. shot with show him do that. ah, yeah, a bundle silman. fear of me it will be that for the and had he born was that feel moms you almost that he should done have been at the court on lisa fina. but now you must feel fee. he was you and i'm and yet why she ended up going to be feeling be michelle must here be her. so what i was told i will volume the hill emily yet. and that he can talk the alto pamela soon. ah ah, ah, a min ground. so when you said to him, he, i bet you gaunt on me or said, will you? shan word. e jenny bill on purpose. when i knew i now live on song, travis appointed? not come of crap. yeah. so none of the yeah, yeah, he's actually doc on his ear coffee till he's actually looking at. ha, i'm wanting to teach. he called me tedney. my electric on the rocky enough. i saw you that because it the apollo chevrolet that really poked dubuque enough i so he said play some cat go my some guy get the i know mix time while they go see books up. probably more or less actually he don't. cabbage made faucet moisture. he says, shot are they explained morbidity god, that the tooth could murder new, put into kamali, men on the archers called de la z jones. so, you know, i think, i think 20, the don't see that on they saw how jacket they were sealing coffin. a mil taylor at the helium feminine had the film that you haven't seen a william men have them in a what and what would you like to do? i know how much one moment. yeah yeah. sure the husband was mad and was that are those who use the hot button will calmer yet total filament. the little what he was son lynn had cut dry meal. michelle had been how to the fleet ia leon de bahati, my friend, nia, a. we'll be tomorrow. june would out in foreign sienna one decide if the saddle, when i do behind that be not football, what was she and cathy on top it to be and, and had, could draw me what's up with the moth daddy unhappy at the at the 2nd film issue lead me to seen in other than other, couldn't you know about her mother if i don't care what will you be in k for my last what we had is but if i had trouble with alina, it is kind of michelle, it on, by via phone and see, kinda what kind of bill island which i really look for on this. i mean nobody within the next couple of kind of more jazz ended up on so he's on the day he's on. he didn't want to have it. yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i 2nd with him in that a, a sammy that a and it moves to them yet a lot better. and jessica won't use us either way. well i'm and if you have been, any, had been doing media been, can you not to move it into a cinema lock without having a where do i think i had a bit of it, a map more to be here with the audi? i need help with the young or having the santa maria with what i do not the are a little feet a with one little filipino workers, a big explosion by landlord to make them, hey, exorbitant prices to leave over crowded one or 18 and made the it exposes the business on al jazeera, ju, on al jazeera, as russia's invasion cream approaches, the 100 day mark. we bring you the latest on the grant and the wars global impact. a new 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, funded by colonialism and still housed in europe in museums today. the g 7 m nato hold key summits with the walden ukraine on the growing global food and the cost of living crises. this much to discuss is the influence of far right. politics grows. the big picture examines francis struggle to live up to the self proclaimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualifies. i'm male blazing opportunity for countries to secure their spot. for katara 2022 june on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] with lou hello, i'm darren jordan doe. the quicker mind of the top stories here on al jazeera, british prime minister, boris johnson has survived a confidence vote within his own party, aiding the result as decisive. but more than 40 percent of conservative empties voted against him. damaging revelations about lockdown, breaking government parties in need of the opposition? says johnson remains unfit for office. joe hall has moved from london on what lies ahead. the real question is, what will those rebels do next? a 148 of them too. they simply falling behind the prime minister now or will they continue to look for other ways to frustrate his premiership. perhaps standing in the way of government policy or coalescing around a favored candidate to replace him in order to pressure him to quit. the problem is there is no standout favored candidate. and so the prospect looms of a government in dysfunction of a number, 10 downing street machine dedicated less to the welfare and benefit of the country . and to simply keeping boris johnson in power. the united nations, as a human trafficking crisis, is unfolding in ukraine and perpetrators are taking advantage of the war. it says conflict related, sexual violence also remains prevalent. with many cases going on, reported. a team from the human nuclear watchdog is trying to reach the russian controls operation power plant in ukraine due to safety concerns. they're worried about warnings from ukraine's atomic regulator. they've lost control of nuclear material. plant next cause president has confirmed, he's boycotting the u. s. hosted summit of the americas this week and that his money, lopez, optical objected to the exclusion of cuba, venezuela. nicaragua, countries at washington deems undemocratic. the u. s. deputy secretary of state has warned by force philip swift response. if north korea pursues a nuclear test, when the sherman's comments come a day off, the south korea and the u. s. 58 ballistic missiles. in response to a similar lawrence by the north on sunday, 2 brothers facing corruption charges in south africa had been arrested in dubai. business men, rogers, i'm at all grouped at who are originally from india, fled south africa in 2018. their friends, a former president, jacob summa, under accused of using their relationship with him to profit financially and influence government appointments and policy both deny wrong j. those are the headlines, and he's continues here on al jazeera after al jazeera. well, thank you. thanks for watching. i thought i changed with rob, don't just throw escaped. i couldn't it's harmful. sure. there is one that bit knowledgeable . shoot molly book we moorish whizzy. boy the v. c. o. ca yet through cit. boy joyce a a but both for moderate bally. he may be better eat fuller, proceed you mo, medi he or maria tedney mess. if you mess it's in the created, do, did you turn? it seemed to did tumble credit in the next book? cindy's 12 hello. c. a mid law says she killed l'oreal. is that some man? yeah, lola. so did no one possible. you see a doctor? i'm back here. tamayla. best island mobile though a vehicle. it will more high job without a b. m. o joy to be we actually somebody at the to, i'm a little that in sunny would not look good. you're so look a lot who it is god local of. so if i'm up and what i love my habit. oh, as rob. all i marked him political. how cool my will body is so far and see what the pearl but did. and sonia will that bill and san secret job or song of hidden sacker, e c r t, blah blah keanda. herb by u. e. g h t. post t. maza, mom kim? no greer. boss? arnold sedan, clawford, leaded the dentist most fumey danielson. l for plu. didn't pappa, and i says he know beyond beyond pep rally. it could. she could compress all new td's that could i please hosses martinez, command him all for or metal assess or the dubious children to better than weldon the hobbit or fit a lead pencil in need. excellent seal. luscious teeth. seal the facile food on saturday july silver jeans. an old over face. yes. as could said that he had a beautiful says he said that keeler as usual says like why shouldn't like produce net city amanda. equally busted town. gone to conceiving majesties and sit down have what is shown here as a facile mentor. sit in still, every shenanigan you have it, but builder daneen or city shows is it it issues of race? it is the panel songs pretty look a nursery letter will presume i'll i brought on your letter papa sound regard. pascal, i sense basil alba, cascade fe, elemy. imagine la la decor, belabor boy, lafitte. ah, political guy, ill. i feel about donors. me lucky shopper like a broad shoulder girl. the sense you love to feed me. commonly portion of the world in question and not filler political remarks. how sometimes people look over. i'm an endo levy layer of the shop. i see a black man who, who don't alarm and then know it and they can monitor for a few months to come to my shop by frontier. ok if i kind of thought of the larger i led them a fee when the late they held on the would you tell me that tell linda bassett, them the back flips in the baffle. sweat actor, the fest fully de uneasy. the boise got me on the firm, she twist, she will see you called her back. i'm only left by deep loose every pound of halting leak record hopper glen hawkish. aff facade walk sta, him can bother motley jennifer of the merger. we may had to be who are actually one avenue and demo of what we just had to be copying or fail. or, you know, last id be. get this vague. gets us v g a lot. i've done the bill. no more me the i is jeff. we can do that, ignited him kind of so. so i was just calling july and i looked at the jedi and whenever i say how much i knew it, which i ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, clem will do. who were fatima advisory as a backup? other kind of masada hi. i mean i just moved here. the article in mr. can be home out of my be or bringing the can. i could be hard at the common with them all. be in order to leave then the whole diamond under what fee is luba but i'm a senior bag. and a month to month i am at the jury. was counter now will animal and i would have to marry. oh, which i now would why i was in the vehicle slow. how does a severe ludowici good show you? how does it work? because you know, somebody, you love your li in the firm azalea working love, you only ship it to my will. the will, the, if you said a much more smart it's what i need to find out. yeah, exactly. i mean, as with jewish narrator, dominion we can to, with how pack will pack and allocation mark jacket, mikaela by how get lab and t. i did them. she had an antique to seal her, and steve mckesson, margaret, it mckinney, hannah set up. i thought you guys would have done this with her a. there was a big switch. believe, you know, get a little more blue loot. now the cindy guy, the key of your leg, boston museum law law school, entire kick with diana miles samar philosophy with a malia a little bit. how can i get a little, how could get a little that the blue shield joseph, would you, susan? who will the job home for the job? the job will go to ask if you the current this will help a lot darker in a particular, i mean the fact him inches good to, to compound with, you know, the put the keen ms armoire infinity relate for ticket elective. if you talk to me 30 minute on this, which i miss even saw him. finnegan went to new jersey as michigan says it was michigan method in the area. oh, well get a tour of the field. ho. you need to move her from ok. we had to had another student gall marceau by the mac. bremo show she to just the last one was the one it's but she's too much about us. use all susie number, the elated to real to new jersey and the how many times you had been a getting to the many here. well, how will that mean? how much will do lead they seed with 50 a day to be in that it allowed me yourself the i'm yes, with an apple but duck video with sarah and the food dirty, the shaft, the why they added another of the in who it in the were hammered into the hazard of let me know that i can hold do well, i'm not sure. oh bob, bob, you bob with the i should have you said now with connie. ready send you that the yeah i was going to joe is will dan? yeah. was due to the top of us and make sure that if you had tonight and rick. yeah. lisa show. so yeah, i'll tell you got aiden. ah, then do. and then any thought on legit, dempsey here with that. i think i will if you miles the can with you. my mom about my mr. lee, he kind of been out to the annual intimate hon. i'm a big fan with cinema was i hadn't missed her love. and yet i'm in mr. i think of you the he unless he and if the to in a w a. c, as in lima, a mechanic, is it m as in? yeah. wow, ha, ha ha ha ha! at the itala sin shall see at the mohammed door to let the account or mozilla can im she minute, minute minute just an hector hector, hector philistine. we can see you a copy of her from care. how will she her up she is, was going to piss on us. can you add this on us from us? a yard schedule had come, superstars were bershard duty g 30. you get had. mm. wow. a your me up no buses. you put the within the leak or a fucking so here i just it's like a year bookkeeper, dealer and had moved her from missouri. yeah. give me a lesson or give you could be observed give her dinner and so forth. i mean, morale, do you know? yeah. now, are synagogue algebra them we can afford it. you know, if roswell, have you been a feather? me then had our city nemo, sensitive to our geography, leap as a ne consent cafe vance. i met the large pamius we made the apostle do. santi, super carry, sanity going sit our parade, him, he's on sex, time more complex. he korea thief, her properly said to set a sparse, no co pay cut on fein cut or faint. you can call me, i'll send you peers at their talk. second carmel, of all your bed come their be to do on their own. for doing they will not she more key love a fe santa, the shy of our flag, that mr. hey, a curtain burns out will not. senate the coffee? if he, if the bed is to be seen him, the good, how come referred to as a maid who could be easier for all of us to come on the sand? he didn't know did. is it my bus the for, hey manuel, can you can get him from your interest at the other sort of threw him skin, getting the head move, move the yet so he can move up. doc, if you call leslie williams with mr. young near me. i can be or when i can look at him candy for thought up and talk and tell you that if you need a blood in touch without that kind of diamond, he will, you will slip that woman with the swim of lama fee. if an answer was he a desire with a minimum that does we, you know, atlanta to, to me lack of the demila most of insomnia, didn't to me a couple of laws on may, every part of this will be on this abuse. if the for question is, if you may book a poster pay, you will give us the software for the fact poorly sati. the po made this to be a do monday of this year to the end of the people to don't this is doing here. when can cool sound, harko will not only fist. when do, how can adjust the manager not to be a money? and them say, yolanda i'll answer it was done and ought to be all of the matter met by the rich village where he did let him be at home. and john were hated the whole, not his uncle budget to his feet on his when he was suck either. if demand bigger is chavira, it an equally high the mortgage of give you to joe ability to be lifted off. i would have seen a man willing why. yeah, and you 100 b as a model, if it isn't 0, isn't with this with a kneeled incentive dawn as john is shown in. is it less sense if they could do the whole? obviously the numbers wrong. the con, the doctor, keep the broan law court all can do at a con, blown sit down for several weeks. it said killer, we've really fail made it literally shows the, the initial meal kamani founder, don't, you know? i said, you will see many of the show in that actually, you know, there's a trailer along the on to the call me now. yes. you told me i was on the green mass pulling those in. i said i was happy to tell you the bible howard scenario of let me box up the cinema and why you tell me should get my in either be sure well, but who tells you sort of day and you almost i day it may be an issue of a 1000000 napa can be alive, you know, who do she to get into were being seen him and one of the one hand one to be hammered into can in to me either a cinnamon will not, didn't be teddy was you're probably down with my computer me should get and he should get to the menu the motion detector, 100 into can you lose any of the militia nowadays? chassis, we're not even at the she's, i mean, really felt you've seen him pulled. you shoot him out. oh my, the cinema said that naughty and naughty the expression is your spare, madras it but the more baskets julia them than be that call to know who cut proven depot. so dish or so i don't, i bet come d on put you may have the exact value a korea in, nor could upon louis this'll, i, it is a, a, a by made see see, let, we let be done it rescued over the year. so could theo could meek door supper him or is it prima? you had to do need no, but good to skew their fate. see measure confusing. what all do blast ripples. chris is the local nebraska city for me chip, dr. neil chris, he said a tread yoko uniquely of his tiana, see cache law mental when i say pushy castaneda, if you there mostly do breski, we got met. they do this be away show eva us on the feeder. yes. yeah. megan you are also the feed him yet draw the posse shall renewed cliffy it will bless you jim it does show even by the viva should the beyond is shurivo sit there dio b is when we're ye are you that marie always will be emitted to don't add, use the see the metal graphic we did the extra moist picked. yeah, you know me more liberal at. wow. it is she your key vizier, on chunk of your saddle, her men into the a, the mfc and the little v. america minute with vertica, sued with emitted in suits whatever they were in the middle. she said i'm, i'm and then do we shall see if even when we use a couple of our we had a bit in the middle fi. we and you mentioned to me a tell 20 more. you don't to do blood. she made it takes a breaks group. come to be treated it the sound palsy show a love. if you have a lovely, placid accountability, liz, i mean i can, we can made the how come also fail. i fail. milfey is. busy capacity not good for a was c o l f a i cause the weather, the more feeler feel of where the learned dollars seems like kathy, the living with a plan is also going to offer an exit a new usual on this dyslexic company. that you guys, why do you manage people searcy? did it get sudden you're on press r, the d murphy, she made on to me said well yeah it email feet me paul. live on who let she don't ever middle. no need no fee. oh, i do telephone, so monday. now what was it? what if i been wanting him wanting to do a commercial as to she while she job? rheumatoid russia? probably a some she's very poor there, isn't it? it is about going to potter got caught on with you or not some of the american about that to be a little bit. busy difficult unless you have an award and then my how i look at jason, i let the show who the yellow movie and what it means. yeah. what kind of under any he i love our answer be shipping. ready if you let novelty, hayden will have to fill out another t hate and motivated when they fill another lab, not doing that. hadn't necessity mohammed into come at that. how do we bobby, and i it yeah. and live in it and assets them as soon the yet in our facility, yet in oh, are they medium embryo? yes. in debt has been one coming into commodity. it had over to 1100. and in a little while i had heard a year where you had or you and i sat about olivia conrad. it's limited to the cods . imagine wouldn't any a to ever than i would lundy of him. no damage and cannon with italian, with a couple of clear. yes ma'am. i'm with him to come up with him. we think that can that a shobit that to be at the shower at our holland? me that we have this al jazeera world meets 2 arabs, both built successful lives. lot pirates scholars have made enormous contributions to science such as mathematics, astronomy, on medicine, a cutting edge, dr. formulated new h, i, b drug treatments in south africa. and his specialist in engineering science is changing lives in malays, little villages or purify pollutant water and turn them to drinking water arabs abroad. the pharmacologist and the scientists and al jazeera, used from al jazeera on the go with me tonight, i'll just, there is only a mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissects and one thing and i guess from algae, there is mobile app available in your favorite app store, you said and tapped on a new app from audi 0. me you think of it with hello weather's all quiet across the good part of the middle east. we got a few showers just around turkey, but when i say quiet and with light when sit means the heat really picking up so 50 celsius a possibility for baghdad on shoes day. not a whole lot better as we go one into well wednesday, rather more pleasant just to remedy the side of the mediterranean element, st. temperature's getting up into the mid to high twenty's far more agreeable. we're into the forty's across the arriving peninsula here in our temperatures touching 43 degrees celsius or has the sunshine coming through. also hazy sunshine across northern parts of africa. the cloud that we have around the north west may become thick enough at times to squeeze out a few spots of brian to clear the high ground of the atlas mountains, just into northern passa morocco, and also into algeria. the main share was a course across the gulf of guinea, pushing out quite nicely. now synagogue seeing some of those, she has more, didn't get a share or 2, pushing into the gambia, going up in the showers across central africa, raw the more shelves on the other side of the rift valley and place the space eastern parts of central africa. now starting to see some southeastern areas of kenya last seeing the ransom larvae shows that to, into a good part of mo sam big for south africa. it stays dry. i'm pretty warm in this couple days. ah. across the world, young activists and organize is, are on the moon. i heard in the 1st of a new series to people in new york city, different to me, to fight institutional racism and police brutality. this is indeed a nationwide problem that wires, a systemic solution. generally he change on out with the latest news as it breaks. we've all the town square features, $21.00 white forces, one for each of the victims of today's massacres, with detailed coverage. they're already up there with, from around the world with gathered here. they will read, you know, the market go to go home, remain unchanged. ah, what we're going to do now is to take the opportunity to unite and deliver

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