Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Chads Football Dream

Transcripts For ALJAZ Al Jazeera World Chads Football Dream 20221108

i mean, fall could london the top stories allow jazeera americans of voting and crucial mid term elections, which could see the democrats lose control of congress. a pending the rest of jo biden's presidency at stake are all 435 seats in the house of representatives and 35 seats in the senate. 36 states are electing governors and 27 are electing mass secretary of state. who in most places is the official in charge of elections. our white house correspondent, kimberly how could house more on what's on voters minds? economy seems to be the big issue that is galvanizing people getting them out to vote. i. in fact, in most pools it seems that more than 80 percent of voters identified the rising cost of living inflation. when did their, it's the cost of food, housing, fuel costs, as the motivator for getting out to vote. and what this really is turning out to be this election day is more of a referendum on past 2 years of jo biden's policies he brought about sweeping change when it comes to climate change. expanding the social safety net that he believes are really impacted the ordinary americans lives. but many americans argue that is not the direction they want this country to go. and the polls seem to indicate that there may be a shift in the way the congressional makeup looks going forward, or suggest republicans will take the house, put the race to control the senate. busy looks tighter, coming down to close elections in pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, and nevada. according to the brookings institution, 345 candidates on the congressional ballot back, donald trump's false claim that the 2020 president presidential election was flawed . which means people who reject the last presidential election could end up in charge of running the next one. she every time see is on capitol hill with more than what the midterms mean for joy by this presidency from a true biden, who was just wants to be love his uncle, joe. i remember what he ran on in 2020. i'm gonna bring back normality to america reconciliation. just the mere fact that his lane closing argument was america was what the crossroads democracy is at stake to shows how he's failed on his, on what he was pledging in 2020, which was bring back normality. i'm not necessarily address the root causes of that sense of alienation which makes so many people go towards trump, for example, makes people think the entire system is rig both on the left and the right. and in other news, a rescue ship with 244 terms of 34 other migrants on board is hoping to let people off in france after being refused entry by italy's new far right government. but the italian government is allowed migrants form another charity boat disembark after a week at sea, all 89 people on board, the german run rise above we'll let assure in ratio calabria of the being rescued in the mediterranean. hundreds of passengers, the italian government deemed not vulnerable, have also been stuck on to other ships allowed to dock in italy. a russian appointed official in ukraine's her son region says the mass evacuation of civilians has ended. but the ukrainian government is described the move as a force deportation is force is a continuing their advance to re take control of the region. her song was the 1st big city russia captured after its invasion back in february. more of your film upwards as you were now for fe, new people who left to right band part of caution region for the left bank are in a safer condition. the evacuation is over, where people may now leave individually if they play via the hotline. but i repeat, they must do it individually as of today. for wonder is accusing the democratic republic of congo of provocation. after a congolese fighter jet entered rwandan ass base, the d. r. c says it was a mistake. congolese planes have been targeting m 23 rebels in the east of the country. all in 3000 new army recruits of also started training in the city of goma . but he are, sees government accuses were wanda of backing the m 23 fighters, which could garley has denied you need conflict as force hundreds of thousands of people from their homes in recent months. all right. you're up to date. those are the headlines. stay with us because al jazeera world is next, looking at one of african nations biggest dreams to make it rather big in international football. stay with us for that lou 2. ready ah ah ah, yes, yes. hey, i got this is also a clip with what i did my best lead in about my interview with hi janine own a a, a, a she'll be on a bus in the food industry, not ga. gov terry's or me or j. p. a new new separated have called appellate called on the bill, but was he up? would you flick or no? fair unfair. i mean, it was, you know, to does he but up it doesn't, but is it there? but in but over in bunkerville says, initial sick, don't say good. see you saturday. no, he's appointment, you're not will bundle up. i'm so happy to see. well, i do wish i'd rather put it but to die and i bite. and it was jason mug. received that and then on to re city from subject to thinking, ah, with oh you, i want to play with philadelphia a lot more, some, especially mila, or new york. that was west lock. each of them opened when you opened you. so seen all this, like i think with the new something new and would love a new suit. you know mom will do it on to the new year for you to me. some of them on you believe that or so. so cheer tony. what do you feel? lucille was switched over to the turkey. i 2nd saw they didn't come some question in the civil is he was students or to do to look at it? didn't it? can we got the kids are shocking, but don't in america human just to start if you look at about you sooner to proposing for lesser well for saxophone, for well, for that while it's in me. so dumb question one could use, we don't want to live in without giving it a bit sooner for is a noun blueprint to approve you image clip out of the student physical victoria nuclear image group are sunk with oh boy, that is if me the model is for the same weight settled up, it did, i should take, i've yet afraid you read was going been you had the way she all the little for to read through georgia on those can until 14, if you could help me with that easy on to love to look good the see phone with a girl about it was a while ago over do before thanksgiving. live up to the multiple. it feel, but it was the la added lucy, put finicky buys to new to wood up the last. the beauty does that very villas you is acheed people, gobber hija. dia, if up you know, now go back opinion on it. go by, take a deeper room. and then i should look, i think that the note on portillo 2 feet don't go to t. tribble. we should get a fad. the monday i noticed it does it is you can tell up. did you got any football in the fevans and i'm in a bus here either dribbling blazer than the completion of don't go on it in. yeah, because more doggy and they couldn't let you know that they preceded seal cuts have been sync up is it is that of is a yellow and as i my badge economy say is chief of brandon sanchez, j a r m a z. as in sicily, sanchez, i wanna discuss that with the commissioner, they, they cut in the morning center. she turned them in as she is in your turn, the of the free. and as you can give me a 0, like marcus, you go for it because they remembered on bonnie lose the buck over there for they were derek. elephant there is a boy, you know, the inside pick on because of his a weight on it is really much much were larger, said he will much. i will lose a more money is the i grew up in a football a so many people city, google bad basically stuff already made a force they go a lot of what honda? apparently, what if you on presentation on the 3rd expected? no. what i mean is me them to do a video being gary. they give me a graph where it is a mock up it and then i can i send up a not believe maurice modular best job. one is what? any cosmetic a bit, patricia, myself against one, please let him know to come up with an animal. you see there is here to do a saw the modem for no member since i've been married them. it's all sorted. a new part by the collar food here it, i'm in any a kid or if it's embarrassingly, john portugal, unless the portal in the, in the music channel, booklet personnel know the condition. and then you hopefully like you get a state about, you know, with known an idea who seek it. kelly, dig up, a new facility that was considered probably knew no need for to proceed on that. he rode the new bell, all abate competition by to chat a bit of a so called twice. i don't, you know, of course the june off as opposed to such a good a i just so much i live with even with the blue it just because it was a a some in when you did on sunday afternoon due to the linda done it up to punishment for or no way. i must say it wasn't it brig said now friend that he does a percent boost set up a friend and they gave it to him on coupon. done it on above the blue bullet. it was just us a sub for us, it does with on demand bus wall that says it out on you to do in may condense, you know, may i? yes, i think center that in a large but is with . mm hm. ah, ah ha. i love that by me. well, so mail to renew it up when you go a. yep. yep, i do it if they both. so we pick it up. oh sure. oh which i did, but she woke up. she was a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, the, a, a, a bed bug. i think it will get up. well, they said i needed to get the money from a, a loan to follow up with you there, but got a thought. i was, you might have, would have been a oh, i'm good. i good. and i got better than what got a month of the, what are there, what is the, what are they getting on to the processor that i better get up? what about them? if i get to know on that, i will, a minutes will be sitting on up on downtown label. i'm seeing wave lap will their vision, which i did. it was good. now do me feel accumulation will out while people football subway in atlanta, dr. medford and much at abilene, keep com. normally. it dennis bla is diane course. the driver and graham knew where my grandma met some come in more check which i do wrong or some allergies with the fund. a little bit of it. got it, jen. it's your dollar more, take it to, to remove, but all make all of our under sevilla. biogen with this as a new character. demonte of want to me. she also and if it a wanted i wanted it out for the psycho analysis of empowerment to come on. this was the a qualifying event and ah ok. well me my cellular theda. this is, coincides with my jet as they will do my new cell or the testing rose, you will. so up at the up with the will you people as good love of you, beautiful. wow. he no secret approval of little solo want a sealant to live by this way. do cool. but upon to push this out there to refresh and out of hand out of that quite a well, not on order for one on that or since it continues to think, he said puzzle math and what's your 2nd one there to know? my city chatter. gimme one. ok. i sort of didn't have much to pass on the municipal court. we are a sort of donor norman villas on san jose. america said, you know, shorter joe said, oh yeah, no, the colonel. i do not want that across it in front of me down on i've every book or book with it. but as is with jessica was every and you tool that was available on campus. and if we book i will try to catch up with you and you can bye, let me know cuz hes saying bunch of both but could have put us on. let's see. let's see if see ah a this from my district. if you go from here from the, from the question for you, so reserve it for whatever her bill is considered. i know that in your so she, she turned you to the one in put it over for today because she didn't, she would love it that way. we'll sure for sure. what do you like me to do a lot before there was a a good a good. okay. and i got, you know what it well oh, i got a book with a fair preschool is young. didn't disconnect the bestselling pickup it in a look. i am pretty sure that it should continue. presently charlottesville could be full of good. my better bureau, the my name, one of his yourself. m boy a r m a g o r bill dyke nationally. there go off, you know, any commercial vehicle in japan over it was the, the mentor or this was all they want to keep them to for the georgia b. they've been done tomorrow before. joe, for the dishwasher or i'm is, i me don't you preserve that? i keep coming to pick up, then you should join the one that i sent on. they get it, but i'm to see did it. mm hm. ah. ready unless you're sunk a post. does this yourselves as your sunk a toes appraisal jacket is sunk out? those proven nick a some cans on says to the near de la. ja moody. phillip made me feel of it through the set. do do them of it or did you do present the exit tinlar? this yolanda ya. ag glinetta, casey lucy, to come sandy jostled with miss yoshi, you see unintelligible. a typical so this he says it will to is yeah. with lucy. most of the other good marker, yes, you know, control over because you get that locally suitable for the issue as it is. it's in the do the movie feel over the exit to get in monday. the jungle exclusive. come little museum in another middle. first. corny on to the fit, i will. i'll flip lyrical, 3rd generation football hosts all the french captain. patrice deborah, you never content? because you keep chasing, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating, open conversation. there are very few orders that they can about the child abuse. if you have that, i am a human being and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the football. those who fled afghanistan to escape. the tele generation football episode won on al jazeera, a new series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. in columbia, the arrow lack of people seem appeal scientists to understand why species of towed one sporting thing is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada . thus nations frontline, the starry night towed on al jazeera. it is the professional duty of journalists to report the truth accurately and impartially. but to do so in mexico, they must 1st be successful at staying alive. as fatal attacks on journalists continue to rise full plans, reports on the risks they confront. and one of the deadliest countries in the world for those. bringing the troops to light silenced the killing of journalists and mexico on a jersey. it's time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. it's time for turkey. set sail for new discoveries. enjoy. have new experiences. hit the shops, make wonderful memories. travel to turkey with pegasus and with direct flights to est handle and tribes own book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. c y p g s. for our best prices. lou anita from london. the top stories on al jazeera americans are voting in crucial mid term elections, which could see the democrats lose control of congress appending the rest of jo biden's presidency at stake, all 435 seats in the house of representatives and 35 seats in the senate poll suggests republicans will take the house, but the race to control the senate looks tighter. coming down to close elections in pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, and nevada or white house correspondent, kimberly how can house more? what's on vote, his mind economy seems to be the big issue that is galvanizing people getting them out to vote. i. in fact, in most pools, it seems that more than 80 percent of voters identified the rising cost of living inflation when they're, it's the cost of food, housing, fuel costs, as the motivator for getting out to vote. and what this really is turning out to be this election day is more of a referendum on the past 2 years of jo biden's policies he brought about sweeping change when it comes to climate change. expanding the social safety net that he believes are really impacted their ordinary americans lives. but many americans argue that is not the direction they want this country to go. and the polls seem to indicate that there may be a shift in the way the congressional makeup looks going forward. a rescue ship with 234 migrants on board is hoping to let people off in france after being refused entry by italy's new far right government. but italy has allowed migrants from another charity boat to disembark after a we could see or 89 people on board. the german run rise above, we'll let a short read show calabria of to being rescued in the mediterranean. hundreds of passengers, the italian government had deemed not vulnerable have also been stuck on to other ships allowed to talk in italy. for one under is accusing the democratic republic of congo of provocation after a congolese fighter jet. and did brandon ass space. the d. r. c. so it was a mistake congolese planes who have been targeting m to a d. p. rebels in the east of the country will than 3000 new army recruits have also started training in the city of goma. the d r. c. s. government accuses reminder of backing the m 23 fighters, which could gully has denied you're up to date. those are the headlines. stay with us though. al jazeera world continues next. watching the world cup in 1982 glorious technicolor from spain. i've never seen anything like these plays a lot of come from a different planet. and after that, i was all in on the low come. i think we're forcing from doha, which is now my home on the very 1st woke up is going to take place in the middle east. it's going to be a night. it is a hugely complex and often controversial events cover. but once a ball is kicked, the passion and the excitement of football takes out ah, ah, you under a dog. and i didn't, nothing. could i do that if you married or not a gunshot? i say. no, no my last but i was on the web browser. i've been miserable doing give as, as how did the fit. i mean, at that point, you know, the point is maybe no problem. now a little boy. we'll have you right in wayne trot again, lola, lot of it's the weekend that i will deal with you on tomorrow. if you could have that under the good madina. i know the give you the ever do. i am of the federal official apartments a pump or top of the more jennifer. and i know you've been there by monday because i'm off to probably be the you said she won't if we something come with their mothers. uncles that come from italy pretty far believe so. yeah. my them are good . they are my the rocker up. we'll be looking at the $700.00 on them. they wanted only thing me but under no duty but underneath the water bottle gloves. a book notable, they will not do this already given us. no, it won't get there. i forgot. oh god, i didn't understand. didn't going to that that comes up normally. people, guy not even us. you know, they don't last book. don't you really don't. it was a drug, doesn't earth with atlanta to georgia village you report it will. schaeffer in which we're north of doublet, if you on a video said 50 cookies disclosure lucy poppy with suffolk capitol. amenities tele williams info, locally, supplant, agree? jennifer seller, long seller for for pearson mccormick will, as enemies of white villa both fidgeted. select the local sotheby's, lucille biddable samples the other good? well as the lesser may certainly i will. she figured to kill from you. oh, you but you gibbons, annette. the caller was if we would on to finish alvin job, it was all got awesome. so we'll shoot over a proposal normally soon as you guys are getting them to be, if you're legible. now she's you for 3 months aggressive for to look into yourself in a minute or 2 for sure. mostly do ship with that. wanted, you know, was, you know, someone when you put on the the, the planning and then for sunday. yeah. she, oh, sunday. no. my with hulu. yoga y c a is getting so to daddy, daddy with the yellow. yeah. how to ship hoping to get it done. like it didn't party the a did what you bought. ok. let's take a look. i can. yeah. love us. how we ship them listed in my room. there might go and buy new gilmore, my right. i get home to lead a lab. leave it on there. that our little, my, my, it's about how to find it in my do what am i 100, i forgot my charlie. i don't mean better than double don't matter what going to go with improve your way. it will be with with socio bungie. other for said that was you juice for true for a probably sushi from tomorrow to were jamal underneath the on to toys, to welcome to, to local, to a gentleman who lives in front of missouri gallery. ah ah i thought of thea g lula genre or said did up to with one of press convincing. whence is going to do the called the is need to far so it is to should only be a jewel assembly guy bill elite for school. laser international, usually local move hoskins while did was the bug you i was like the question when i'm going to bill a barrel is subaru alumni, kindful bill to ashley lamazzo will mark the suspects. i moved, it has really been the i thought i didn't the 40 i don't know that yet. you're going up. yeah, yeah, boy, wonder nobody ever bolona drop. i don't know why it it out. new berlin, a drop out on the all your local, i'm business, your life vehicles fed up with much on to study money just suitably legalise it did of demarc. zacky did della mizaku ali, the stub, got little mother, very plaza, the chalet, mims, i will bring the owners away, says arcus, with him over my pleasures pitching bulging bit. yep. alex, a duncan seizure policy that he had them, i see a book of business, digital erase. yup, with the big dog, the boxes and 3 or their weights. and we said, mom, it's me chris, i'm gonna husband as to what yet you did the noise actually got a did it. did it is on the deluxe is tab pull in the me. sorry. says it says soccer is in the crashing with a warranty. leisure eligible as you love, it won't cause you said her glasses delicate. no sooner. you've been given as you now see until late last but all 0 doozy. pastry move on at 1st and then you get the keyboard. we're our london lykins. i don't said dawn hill. this image will not to pay with one has only a gun. and again, i'm local. the similar do me got told, i'm seeing good storage unit for knows that is the one that quoted you on m. c. samples of a policy. it could, you won't call me a value the for face down. so the tip, so i wanted to conduct represent that have been then t on a do not on a did you know of degree, but resiliency be your gum iran yet garbo? yeah, i like unique. what doria that center of rich lucan warbler. the v in richard a bonus is, is he b 2 m one other i got on cartoon, forgot me to fit a bundle. a person name is issue room. that phenomena. there is a job, but the loaner on sonya butter and our young when there was a mini off is a place to do the current thing. mean, do they want to renew it or what their ended on the, on the was in the little it is merisa due to the board. come today of the there were the consent paid pin on it, but it is over you on a tree level or on a journey keep i think this is to the, to them on the phone. they put them on a ticket. now commonly left here. there was a job either on the recession place in a comparative inquiry issue, national got on demand cutters. ready on any zoning, a marquee david exam, okay. um and it was 0 with a really small i did try to do a brake issue. never abroad. omitted opinion is on the opinion. can delay a similar a place on the narrow b out of order. yeah. they okay. what decision upon out of your control monitor, mr. tom, available for the example that leisure additional business? like not having a little fear, but on the bar let up with on time to play me nice. but ship duodenum leisure at the mosque lamp. just a thought, dan said that he is for peter. the defendant is our point. feel myself, somebody like andrea billy. keep nice one and let it bid yearly dearly. i will be chat with you in the middle. got both or reveal at phoebe and that's you and i listed it yet. said the victor to no repass was as good as to what the people of q and bonded belong. ah ah ah frazzled when i was in class is whenever you are an enter name. i believe we're yeah. yeah. when you buy cab is endangered. much jeopardy for i think i'm hearing the process in man. or he had the what the don't want to my pinky on signal. if the webpage is interested in baton bt. there we're having that mindset almost a day. miss m belinda cellphone is, is the, did you study? this is all apaloosa not that you are. you did, if you could be under the sun under them, did you put up what are not for so i'm not a standard or cut of the foster formula that follows us dish or la quinta. yeah, they're all on the 4th, it was your contract. never sure. so we'll castro from the will, is there a way i can tell when st. jude and he says the seat at the upgrade? so c, b minutes of a recipe says up sooner i was in, wanted on to let you to revenue of design launcher to they're going to give us what to check. the appraisal is you, could you, fuller? this is a message and he says bit, you pay it to the us. so to, to come see you on the name or collect body food or to live teacher led him. we shall necessary. i live at all from about it. i want how much this month bundle, jessica. miriam, is until you see brother fit. so it's an employee. shouldn't you fulfill? so it will fizzle, misery vocal fund said, think on premier it and of booking for someone to do to get me in advance of general. yet if the editor made us republicans, he is a consultant. well, so that appears on to my to look at this a different now new to plus to paducah. moisten, where did normal group, those guys who knew the window bundle. vito nevada mid between them or blue. nearby taylor shelly by coming up on the capital. men and no one at the football is on full a dom able neuron, plessy, may see or continuum. so over here fit to work for the jump in to what you've been a bit more so you know, they eventually they are not that fast to political unlimited talk, suff, sudak, i will hopefully will, that we will on itself on daily goblin, ill, daily guinea, all day until fecal boucher in mid mid know see if i look up some clarification, let me with kelly cooper when agree of missouri also the mother m l m a or going to live there with the little one with a with a to blah blah blah blah blah, blah, blue with oregon. i don't. well, it wouldn't work with got i got i got a well, there was no other that the guy with it didn't do it. okay. tell me what was the oh there i thought george at ron me things up. it was, i want the same you same. you don't. i mean that my mom was, was from karen middle, a soccer on me too. and i been, if he's all over this on, i was in the was all the way across. there's if you don't have, you don't have your money. mm hm. mm. oh. don't you know that i'm going on? the other one can avoid using for a new little guy go up there under on a downtown on the go because it doesn't when i think that the other a none of the other a of the plans who will go to the printer to lower the groups who, you know much, the nozzle on a visible but the, but still uneasy. in a month, i was a good america run for sale, is for the rest of the live and go to champion underneath a mazda 2. there was a for sale, yandy it today, sir. casey is the premier buddy much mc, but not the same thing. i thought. go on and i won't be metal. i think a above us human either music. i love you so much better the way you're going to be a singer. see, but on the for venture this as we go i won't grow suddenly says is a prophecy. i will agree. economy to it too. you can now go g, alistair, suzie. moreover, before they get there and they become be gaming, they're up to the g. i left in the 1st available cuz i them because it kinda burgers for me. so i will tell them one question. i said when they go, do you see a blue or a jordan grow? grow some to bury. see, you are a med list, but to the melissa from a come to civilian people, his business. mother, i never got ha, ha, ha, ha. mm. mm. you said with she was approved. that is your escape says of ownership. chivalry super for us, a corner fair was the duncan lumen was to pull her cash on cash for shut directly up, allegedly turning. we'll see you for your love. he'll put up for me to play a ripple of you. no. as you mute. oh oh well you're on bad running under the weather. oh. like a one with with a with a a a with, with with ah, i think it does go i'm i didn't give somebody that is a buddy of mine. but it's just, you know, i feel like local hot elena and all the kids will be here when you are going to go. oh, so normally they're shampoo no ma'am ma'am boom, boom in away, not too bad. ralph says a lot of fun. oh boy. k, i a good money for the month. it was with low to the guy i met with a oh mm ah ah ah, ah, indonesia your investment destination, the world's 10 largest economy is busy transforming, ready to be your business partner with a robust talent pool. politically and economically stable and strong policies being the power house, indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. bringing opportunities for you invest indonesia now with the riverside, new south wales and victoria have been very highly lackley and particularly but in flood. so to see dry is fine and see temperatures up to 29. 30 thing or not curly summer, 7 degrees above average, but do not be complacent because this line here is developing rain wrapped around a low. it's sitting here in the bottom behind it. it's nice and quiet view shower, maybe in perth, western australia, but is that thing develops to bring significant shirey rain into the same area that contains a flux. so new south wales and victoria once more and the temperatures will come down, as you might expect, as that happens in new zealand, that looks a bit disappointing. 15 in christ church, a few degrees below where it should be. it's been up and down a lot. recently, i'm sure you're away and there's the rain risk in the far north and all now think otherwise, things will improve. i think in the days to come, it's looking fairly dry now throughout most of vietnam except the coast line, a significant rain which is commensurate with the incoming northeast mom. so it gives you heavy potential rain in may be loose on the north philippines, a set dancer towards singapore and sumatra. we still got rain in the science of india, but occasional showers in the northwest. allen nolan pakistan ah . a new series. exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. in columbia, the our local people, team of scientists, to understand why a species of toad, once thought extinct. it still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. first nations frontline, the starry night towed on al jazeera ah.

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