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ah, i'm carry johnston, endo all the talk stories here in al jazeera european union. leaders have agreed to impose a partial bond on russian oil is part of a new package of sanctions in response to the invasion of ukraine. the breakthrough follows monson negotiations. that struggle to address objections from hungary, on 2 thirds of russian or them ports were blocked by the end of the year. entrepreneurs editor james bass has more from brussels, is not what was originally proposed by us live on the line. when she 1st proposed this, nearly a month ago, it was supposed to be a full ban on russian oil. and they have managed to get that through that managed to get that through because some countries are uncomfortable with it. and one country in particular, has put his foot down and said it wouldn't accept that, that country is hungry. so what they've decided the watered down version is that they're going to stop oil. that comes from russia to the you buy ship, that's all going to be stopped. but the oil that comes pumped in on a pipeline, 2 countries rational, it comes in on a pipeline. that is not at this stage going to be stopped. you estimating that, that 2 thirds of russian oil be stopped, but one 3rd won't. and that one 3rd coming on the pipeline. clearly that is a concession to a country like hungry, which would be putting its foot down even at the start of this meeting. because there are a lot country and they get that oil from russia by a pipeline. this is worth telling you the sic sanctions package by the european union. they managed to get the other ones through relatively easily. this one was stalled as a say for almost a month because of the objection by hungary showing, i think that we have some difficulty now in the game much further than it has before. and they believe that this will have an important effect on, on russia, and on glad to be putin's government. but i think he will also have seen the 1st cracks, perhaps in the e. you hear the, the difficulty it's taken to agree this latest step. corona virus restrictions in china's to biggest city is finally ending for millions, who've been stuck in doors showing eyes this thing. it's 2 month long locked down from midnight on wednesday. in beijing, james museums and fits is reopening, but with limits on visitors. merchant see cruise in northeast and that brazil are looking for dozens of people still missing off to severe floods and landslides. last weekend 91 people are known to have died. many in the city of seaford canada is considering a national freeze on hand guns, sales. the proposed law would also cancel the gun licenses of people involved in domestic violence or harassment. those are the headlines have been used, continues here on al jazeera after al jazeera world. before that, there we leave you with memories of sri and acclaim. the voice of palestine al jazeera meeting at work continues to demand a rapid, independent, and transparent investigation into the killing of its journalist and the occupied west bank. sharina was shot in the head, buys, ready forces while she was on assignment in jenny. ah, no, not a view to what we said or to what the hell that the put up with a shooting abuto to live. ah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha. so hard, i can't say the cur or the, i mean, ah, i am originally from colorado and the u. s. and i went to university in new york. i had the chance to study abroad for a semester and ended up choosing morocco because i already spoke french and want to learn arabic. was really excited to come to morocco. i didn't actually want to go to marco because i was studying the middle east. consumer goes part of the middle east luggage and that's the way with i did a survey, it was like, do you want a family with small children? i said no because i don't like small children. ah, you don't choose which family you get and i love kids. i love pets, i eat anything. so they just put me with a family. i don't really know how they made the decision. i had a house mom and then a 2 year old sister named a. ringback ah what is it all there just me? one i thought we may ask so how what do you do so if you'd be able to see who's the was it oh hey nancy xena. oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah. you know, i did the ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, young on z b, z. i was to indeed me, me, my parents were really cute. i have no complaints about them is big. at the beginning yet. there is we i was expecting them to speak english because i got a piece of paper that says that they speak english, which was fine because i had studied arabic for my 1st 2 years of college. i could read it and i knew some vocab speaking wasn't good, wanted to be a levy . and if you one, i'm not one of the day that we thought we weren't, you know yet often i'm really bad cook no matter what gastronomy it is. i'm not good at it. i don't want to. i want to poison anyone. my mom was relieved because she, she likes that saying that morocco is a good house and a bad neighborhood, so she was all for it. but back at my college, i had a study abroad advisor who basically told us morocco's very conservative. you can't show your collar bones like you have to be covered from here up or else you're going to get like publicly groped and you can't walk with any one of the opposite sex in the street. even if you're just friends. because people will think you're a prostitute, all this, this stuff that may be applies to other places. but when i got to morocco i immediately realize that that was all she wasn't. she didn't actually know what she was talking about. she was this for coming to morocco. my entire knowledge of morocco was from academic project. so i knew some about moroccan literature or mark in history or american food. but nothing about day to day life in morocco or family life and morocco. my family was completely supportive of my choice when they were really excited for me. they have always instilled in me a love of travel and learning about other cultures ever since i was little. so they're really excited for me to be able to go abroad and ever since i was little when we could, we would go on trips and trying to something i knew i always wanted to ill and i was traveled when i had a chance. so they're really excited for me not a lot of americans get to study abroad, and those who do choose big cities in europe. i think i was definitely one of the few. but there were a few other girls from a university who also chose to come to morocco, but we are in different programs for the program i did in morocco, you had to do an application talking about why you want to come to morocco. what you think you'll gain from the experience once we got to morocco, they did a language test so that you could speak a little french or arabic. but if you didn't speak any that you would just start in a beginner course. so it wasn't, it wasn't like you couldn't come if you don't speak any language. you just started language classes with 0, one last night with more money. and he said, and you take and it was weird to me that we're all eating out of the same place, the same to gene. and also when we had crews goes for the 1st time, they gave me that milk stuff. i wanted to say, oh dairy is bad for my skin, pushed away from me and my sugar on the 1st time i saw my was from even coast who's with their hands just the 1st time. i know about that one. when we're going to do that. i wouldn't had to come up had committed lexical. this is a man. hey, it's nana good. what can you collect? some how love live to head to out fund and see need help often and see mean you come on a good a woman was eating in dug out of yeah, got busy did continue. ziann, remember there and no. okay. then you got separate jack, mark eisen and then at yahoo manuel. it's a yeah. as you bed head depend on, if not, can i for him? see need some mom i could pull. indeed. how glad you could pull her to call me and then you have any leisure 10th calabi yau will not that he can just get judy jim and the other was mitchell phillips name a global he and a g can make i'm therapy, mac and tell them got to walk, to make it no visual mechanism, idea the abs. zip. zip is the measure by law glasgow. see about handling which z, z, z. the as either or her is week is with flat lindsay, the pleasures winds up. i send him a p. m another one, the smith was let's walk nice. what kind of when a yeah, no, no head. okay. to be in a complaint and he gets his b as from how long does quality medical hi can. how was it him and b, legible against the helicopter. it gets has to be a bilingual honey. she has under the microscope see the big out, but he hadn't been anyone who's been knocking de la quinta, inn day in the video knowing this indian i a. 6 2 1 the with with with sad yan yan yan whoa, cindy, this glow hay and she's a william c o b, b o b, it vinegar vishna, c o 4. and again, it's miss newton. it language barrier is tricky because i speak english and french and very little arabic, even though i'm learning um, but my house does speak so french, my whole family journal speak some french ah. so it's a mix of my little arabic, french charades, a combination. but in general, i think you can communicate everything, let's lesser oh yeah, you can me in it. but the only thing that for me to sort of her beauty, one of her confess hosting the damn when i'm out of sheer lucas for thought in glad that we took our lead wilkinson and opt us melanie mac. and she is sentilia. how let's mazin tamela. she was do you could get home live, joe, daniel? many blacks. lot ross. how should emma let you know? oh, hello. oh oh no. oh. instead i'm in a danny mcdonald, also leo le. hello kinney, black scotsman. and then he got school business simply. ah. with whom i, when i was in morocco for ramadan, it was in 2017. i was in robot and i was living alone actually. it was just after my program, but i was still going to the organization every day. so i fasted like every one else, and even though i wasn't with a family at that point, so many american families invited me to break the fast with them, which was really nice. and it's really cool to be a part of that. i was like people in my neighborhood never really got used to seeing me for some reason because every time i walk to school and see the same people giving me weird looks because i was in the middle of this market. i'm harass my like being by myself. so i always did whatever my friends were doing and ever went anywhere with sometimes people medina would be rude to us and say like we don't need you here. get out. ah, show me. does have a reason why we're all here. 0, $1.00 of my favorite parts is playing with the 2 year old mona. she has had so much energy and it doesn't matter if we don't speak the same language because she's too, she speaks better arabic, english, and french than i do. honestly. i can teach her some english words and she can teach me some arabic words. she has so much energy that there's always something to do with her, whether it's running around the house singing songs. i brought a little stickers with food. so she, i say the food word in english and she says it in arabic, sometimes. oh it lovely me. ah louise okay. so i just sent him some hearts. i didn't think he was gonna respond. i just wanted him to know that i thought he was cute. i didn't answer when he responded because i knew that if, if we met he's gonna be disappointed. maybe i don't look back in person, so i, i didn't want to answer him. ah with with really amazing how much you can get in one place and all out in the open air. the difference between moroccan, soups and stores in the us. i guess the main difference would be in the us. everything has a fixed price. we're in morocco. yes. ask and sometimes i go with . yeah, i think one of the biggest challenges is when i'm at the suca and asked for a price. it's way higher than the price they would give a moroccan, even if i haggle it down. and even if i speak an airbag with my host or they help, and they tell me like, no, this is a reasonable price. don't accept anything higher than this. i'm getting, i'm getting better at haggling in shopping and morocco in general with join the debate. wonderful as it is this that upon matic language, it really means nothing on the ground. on an online ad, your voice, the queen is be removed as head of state because she's done absolutely nothing. what these country white man, where is the progress? i haven't seen enough racial as do you see sports journalist? i look like me. you need to listen to those voice perspectives, even when it's hard it when it challenges some of our foundational thinking. this green on al jazeera, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to our planet on al jazeera. how do states control information in china? there's no can go if you tried to search the war tenement, we find it is trying to make the whole country forget how did the narrative improve public opinion. they have live died and that allowed the children to continue to die to how is status in journalism we framing the story. i am here to document the war crimes committed by winter and his resume. the listening post dissects the media on the al jazeera when the news break, i move it guy wrote with those of the family is receiving mourners inside of the body. that's what i've seen when people need to be heard. and the story told with social media, we have no idea what's written in that algorithm. with exclusive interviews and in depth reports or the 22100 women, al jazeera, has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries, and live news. lou i'm carry johnston indo the top stories here on al jazeera european union. leaders have agreed to impose a partial ban on russian oil. is part of the new package of sanctions in response to the invasion of ukraine. the breakthrough follows months of negotiations that struggle to address objections from hungry or 2 thirds of russian oil imports will be blocked by the end of the year. corona virus restrictions in china's to biggest cities are finally ending for millions who been stuck in doors. shanghai is lifting its 2 month long, locked down from midnight on wednesday. in beijing, gyms, museums and theaters are reopening, but with limits on visitors. emergency crews in north eastern brazil are looking for dozens of people still missing after severe floods and landslides last weekend . 91 people are known to have died many in the city of receiving those are the headlights and he's continues here on al jazeera after al jazeera world. before that though, we leave you with memories of sri and i play the voice of palestine is here and media network continues to demand a rapid, independent, and transparent investigation into the killing of its journalist and occupied westbank. sharina was shot in the head by israeli forces while she was on assignment ginny. the problem was we need to know that on this we don't need to be active in the book and i'm just going to put them on the disconnect and the should've been you open at the home and ya today. and i'm going to give you what we said, that's what they sent a couple of them . a lot of them at the me yes, you're the one i know. i mean, i mean i shooting them off. and just in just under a year's time, cuts off al date stadium will house the opening match of the 2022 world cup. the official opening of the stadium came on day one of the arab cup. the money funds were already counting down to the big kick off next november, a tournament unfolds over the coming days will play a key role. organize is getting ready to house the middle east. biggest ever school thing event next year. and for the council, national seems like it used to play in front of expected home crowds that we hope to convince by the fans and themselves. they really are ready to take on the well do who knows what morgan oh yeah. cool. cool, cool. okay. so i wonder if she was doing a good way to kick off? yeah, no no. okay. okay. i am so i was wondering hm. meal times or really weird to me. when i 1st got home from my classes they had tea time and i was like, this is cool. i like cake and bread and nights just stuffed my face. i was i, it's so much because i thought that was my dinner. and then at 11 p. m, i was like, ready for bed, and then they were like, morgan's time for dinner. but i'm ready for bed. and then i had to get you. so staying up late to eat dinner and then waking up early to eat breakfast. but now i, i really liked tea time, so i don't complain. she missed him dinner. when he gets up in the business, if you can get a hold of her lover, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, blah. yeah, yeah. then, then, then the, remember you, mr. he older more. he'll be a dude where new some sort of help you with loppy that you had called whiskey and whatnot. accommodate and the ships will be mchugh, alicia, i dont shifts not connections local thought, ask someone across the muscle. tell me what a cnn mechanistic gabby has a d r magnet. and if you could idea that may yet if my mother was in the middle of nino led them or moses, i didn't have been. 6 into a she in mecca, gina, she went in and figure out the mic, a genus loveless. my continued that as a becky shirt. now learn when her walk kinetic i do. yes. animal out of the young. come jim, i know you get value along, leanna and she could she that mission? whisky to me we communicate america with hey, i mean show me on instagram because i had the instagram linked to my dating app profile. then he sent me a message on instagram. oh okay, he's actually interested in the moment i realized that i actually liked him. he wasn't just someone i was talking to was when he sent me a video of himself coming out of his apartment. and all the cats in his neighborhood came running up to him because he feeds them. so when i saw that video, i thought like this, this guy's really, really cute. and he loves cats. and he used to model. so maybe i should go on a date with him. with a with c o b, it could be a little bit point. there are so many words in derision, american arabic, that are impossible to say. there's no vowels. there's so many letters that don't exist in english. but of course we, we've been looking comedian up to one. 03 . ah ah. we ah with 30 it's beautiful here. so he did a lot of hiking walking around with kind of a nice change of pace because we're always doing an activity, but it's kind of nice to be out out in the outdoors where people could talk and there's not other distractions or anything a with ah, he wanted to get married as soon as i moved here, that sounds like she's using me for her immigration if that's what my grandma think a lot of sola for us. can you repeat it? ah ah ah ah ah. so most people that seems like way too fast too soon and you're rushing it. but when we met each other, it was like we've known each other forever. that's how i know he was my soulmate because i'm not the type of person to rush into big life decisions like that. but as soon as i met him i, i had this feeling that i had known him for my whole life is planning on writing a venue and having musicians. bunch addresses and stuff. i didn't even go to my college graduation because i don't like being around lots of people. ah, but we ended up having a small already. and i mean small and moroccan terms. i didn't realize how big families are. but this one i didn't have to talk to anyone i just sat there and like smile and how my hands up for pictures with the head of ah. with the same dates i be able to do with. 2 a this is key do you remember the 1st time man? yeah. now can you tell me about it? um you were in your brown jacket. yeah. and i told her i liked her jacket and i told you to walk on my left side because my right side is my bad side. yeah. that was when you thought it was weird. and then we went to we went to the beach. yes. do you believe that aliens and you like yeah, yeah. and i kept asking you questions about it and you didn't know what i was talking about. now i knew what you were talking about. it just weird to talk about owens and our 1st day. it's interesting. well, it wasn't for me. i was, i was interested in you like i wanted to know more about you, but you were talking about it and no emergencies. yeah. a new image. so please. yeah. do you want to show very stuff and no one? no, no, no. oh well, before i moved here, i had this vision that we were gonna live in morocco for at least 5 years. i was gonna get really good at arabic. i was gonna do research, i was gonna do all this stuff. but living here as a responsible adult is a lot different than living here as a student who has a host family taken care of me, humans and latino helicopter, and another din fan a lab. the feasel will cut the 1 may be ne, an till i'm a little child or any other kid with the for i did as i've been, i've been out of the cooler amity ah with her mother. mm hm. oh, you learned so much not being in your home country where you grew up and living abroad and experience in your culture, new language, new way of life, new perspective on things. and i guess i wanted to stay in morocco long term because i started learning arabic. i have only started learning about morocco in some sense. so, and it's really great for me to live here and then help students have the same experience i did when i 1st got to come to morocco. ah, being in morocco definitely made me grow up. i feel like i wasn't really awake until i went to morocco. so i morocco really woke me up and it definitely changed my life in a good way. ah, the activist radical and the founder of african cinema, out just in the world, tells the story of the more italian direct. but i still making the style for that he made the break fairly soon. whole to find a way to me is a lead was a fighter that his weapons were his mind and his intelligence met honda, rebel african found on how she use from al jazeera on the go. and me tonight, i'll just there is only mobile app. this is where with, from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite app to get that for it and tapped on a new app him out is even me at your fingertips. ah, hearts and hazy sunshine is really the name of the game across the middle east. hello everyone. thanks for joining in. here's a peek at those temperatures. on tuesday, we've got 45 in bock dead, 45 in q aide. and notice this orange and brown on our map that some of the sand and dust being spun around windows at times will be about 40 to 45 kilometers per hour, specially as you look toward the eastern province of saudi and likely to see some dust dusty hazy day and though ha, with a high 41 degrees on tuesday, we still got hit through areas of pakistan, jacob bad at 45, but showers are limited temperatures. bish kick tashkent and sean bay. we take a closer look at bish kick and looks like showers are really never too far away. temperatures leave a bit to be desired, but by wednesday you get up to 27 degrees, which is pretty well where you should be for this year. it's common across turkey. we've got sunshine in is stan ball, but some shower is popping up for a central areas that includes our camera with a high $29.00 degrees and through central africa. not as active as we might expect to see for this time of the year. let's finish this one off in southern africa and breezy conditions for south africa, quasi luna tall. but the worst of the winds will remain offshore. they stay and then talk with the high of 90 degrees. ah, the work young activists and organizers to rhonda moon motivated and politically engaged. the challenges they face couldn't be more daunting. here in beta, we were the ones who had life on what was going on in a way that the more me neither didn't. there's looking start, think about the lebanon is always in a my number for us formation. we have the agency to create the vibe. with open generation change on al jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter when you call home al jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that mattie out is there.

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