Transcripts For ALJAZ AJ Selects Love Family 20221024 : co

Transcripts For ALJAZ AJ Selects Love Family 20221024

again, i'm fully back to going doha, with the headlines on al jazeera breaking news out of myanmar, at least 30 people have been killed in a military as strike in the northern cochin state. the victims were at the rehearsal of a ceremony by the kitchen. independence organisation, former prime minister boys, johnson has pulled out of the race for britons leadership, former finance minister issues tonight is now the front runner and the contest to succeed, less stress as prime minister and conservative party leader. ukraine says russian allegations it may use an explosive lace with radioactive material are absurd and dangerous rushes defense minister reportedly raised the concerns during calls with his counterpart. somebody u. k. france enter kia moscow has provided no evidence to back the claims harry foster as more from keith and another potential escalation, even if it doesn't turn out to be an escalation on the battlefield. i think we can say to call this an escalation in terms of that of medic rhetoric being used in the, in the sheer number of calls for of him on the same day to the french, the turkish, the british and the americans all making the same claim that russia has, it says intelligence of the formation of some kind of dirty bomb for use by ukraine to blame russia for carrying out some kind of nuclear explosion inside ukraine. now this is something that has been, as you say, ugly refuted, north korea's military says it's fired 10 shells from multiple rocket launchers off its west coast. it says it was responding to warning shafts fired by south korea at a north korean boat. so says the vessel crossed the maritime northern limits line between the 2 countries. bangladesh is struggling to cope with the increasing number of dang, fever cases. more than a 100 people have died from the disease. since january officials are wanting, the spike in infections will continue for months to come. the united nations has suspended this anti torture mission to australia that after its inspectors were barred from several jails to monitor brutality on detainees and climate change. activists in germany have defaced icloud, monet painting to protest against the use of fossil fuels, the pair through a mixture of mash potatoes at the artwork, and then glued themselves to the war below. and museum says the paintings or was enclosed in glass and isn't damaged. those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up. next it's a j. select a jack maria, or the judge, and i read. madame alleged uncle shaddon with . mm. can you hear him shave? doesn't merrill mc ellis, great tele chaney, composite from abarc, met bob in the kitchen skipper bush, kim, and my name is darla brag. no matter bob, on the left, one more. no, ma'am i do you know i no longer mean many well known dish. could john or chip on the wrong robin koch greg normally brochure? i some chicken not she if made profession him cannot see if her my daughter should be gibberish. she feed done hadn't been in version with mia bono at the opera. got the de mayfield pernesa nursery in lots all did enough. one gigi are for dog pernesa for more. oh hello. i was talking about like. busy does he tell it? my whole girl gets it blown off. mirabelle muscle mercedes bras answer comes using bus bomb. and even though the gum spread saw shawn from while j comma means other coverage will mirrors your straw. cash names only to finish to just have on our school meal. ah lakehoma molly is dead e n. com. all right then is oh gosh good. now nick was good. ah oh good, good, good, good, good. now you more lead with them to breathe, to pre to pre dish and asked me you've been used to me pretty launder ah. blue. oh, how nice of this year? no, no, no, no alone as ether. a bully on me, a brazilian, you cannot get me a my that long go. i have no go apple a with a key. ah yeah, give me one time. yeah. but as far as the numbers innocent, you scott, been going to live there, but it's not a good idea. i like you almost there by the app is amazing. beautifully started. the business you remove it gets to be assembled. be with you. i want to get a new name said ego, a damn no cinemas alice fast. what? so i have been a little baby with go more a late because the a a a, a less on the soonest. i know mom was a day here. i someone saying, well yeah, it must be bad, but i can't people say to me, they think fluently will be our men. nothing really. i mean, but when i, when i get together there's been a timing granularity. i figured that out for me to come for my own. yeah. move value live orders with eager to get around into the meal of yeah. kid via gambia mellencamp. hold on. mm hm. mm hm. you call it a little, i mean a lot of money on with you to is dumber than but on that that on there, there may be that is what i said was about was in was very se. then we'll look some are but indian dollars a because the is on. but as with whatever, what i meant by that i want you guys to put more but feel free to call corporate legal audibly blow low or to do you know low ball but they got it all i meant the well yeah, call me almost oh my god. you gotta, but don't know. what i'm going to do is b a, b, b, a with a c, g, a. so let me give you the list. i want it. i left out of my kid is movies. you don't put in a book, a family, people, family get a loaner, a movie, a new 3 kid. i can move it. can i get? i can complement b. c. you can see what he can with what element the but i me look here, i thought i in law a mass yelder 3 women that are what, oh here's what the men in the pin gate let out. she only know me, my number. i was there for the next available, the look and put that in the women that i do a giver for a thomas coleman 100 kowana. if he could pick anybody if they can, he can. i mean with the regular granddaughter minimums the mid eloquent unit, but i can aba ah, you have to add another kid with both. i'm edible. but i mean that if i thought of to them, ah yes, it would be a cost more around this. erica, or jesse owner, oil or the but the mental honey mass avenue, where is yeah it, but i'm really that is i am was but when ask a general the name on the lam amanela bonnie let me get a moment burglars, but i believe that in the line my loan is of young may offer me those that allow me for 1000000 a me oh, even i log in with ah, well, so i a lady i see a mentor but i mean as i look in your vehicle i when i bought them you quoted me visiting with us in new it would love us a lesson on the set by me. it was with jackie. no, i think they're going to grasp it. but i mean, i like the only thing that i i had people maybe with this that i think is gonna be fine. if you go in a pretty menu, let's go on like a no again. oh yeah, look, it will when blue yellow. i mean, i, in the bye bye, well with the level of the, you know, a bit with the level of your kiddo, my little in it a little over ah, ah, i suppose to enter a 4 dollar miyoshi or in the m a or a government the but i, me is my, you know, you get when you say they don't know. well, my love is had people who are like us to have it for me that there are a 100000 a ah ha ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha more. oh, lovely though. almost done, let me die. go where no me near me though. seek on us, he had on us lemay, she foisy around and i will never went membranous 1000 me horse hill around with me on that to release. i learned a little that there is a i knew i knew lot or is that we lisa was here last young with worse, alida been misplaced or good as we already got in his one. now you got a letter? yes, but oh me cannot boy and need of edmond. he love you now, is he on manual in more less than i normally but us in quite in the last one or loud? absolutely. is this we're novice in seen going, but i'm in sna. where no chick of burn months. i lost get on much. ok. bye. my mom. what the good on those get off wednesday? i oh, i mean isn't book complete or not also look at by phone deal for the the mother of you. for 1000 needle say it's just been moving and that was in the blue it up, but it people see for their own 1000. you know, if i mean it wasn't me that the on to well, no message that a young you when the one day been sick and nobody i figured i think that the no guess it i level on on when i was just what i gave them. awesome. we had our own, i guess jolanda right or not i don't on the women's months. and then matthew as well, it got to know what it meant that i got in for that modem on us. no . tell mom was it in my mom's to 1000 the see why no, mother sonya international needles. and i've seen that there was god like monday to get things going on with us. i've been among bancwest for them and then can i stand by the guns on the phone? many have been on sunday and when i was in the see that there because i think when i go in the last 2 letters will be in the middle. was it those lead time to the same with the case since i don't know almost a little bit on your on the sample for know if that but if not, then it will last but isn't then then one, i'm not just but i you know, but i can find out and listen in the, but i would get them. we'll see. i mean, it's almost broken down. mother informed me that you know me, but, but i will now say, i said not only if he gets home from me that put back in the loop of senior girl, but there's okay, look at, look at someone who can get him on if he gets in front of us. ah, for 5009. yeah. for the family all up. what about mackenzie yamini at that like that then? yeah, that is on yours. yeah. and then a web developer. yeah. i would. i thought about me. no thought better. well, on minutes of math models, get them up on the limited, profess, young boy imagery story. got with please look at that either make you go with as a live person, a little forward as like a sandwich out of any sad as good as a 2nd on the federal. this is sonia. hope it i don't but i've been, i've been bullied. i'm with, i mean it, i, la permit others to 71 is somewhat doable. but when the money that i lose in my skip, when i would have had a funny video this, i put that in his him would have been a voice annually. you like, you don't have a choice? yes. impossible. yeah, no me than a most common lesson with bessie out. come with a mother teacher. you also get your thing was but as i get home the up well on joanna i lisa battle. yeah. unless you because your mother recently your bill of yours for castell cambia, went to rosco. i mean if it's something been down for a year and a half and he's looking for them. i'm okay. those local mental school boss empties . i'm in philos. complete. i opened a local muslim finally. so yeah, hold on for the see the on ah, does is emmy lou. lou lou, the creative african next this journey continues in 2022 africa's success stories on captivating the world. this yet can next weekend. we'll connect abacus. create affected building bridges across africa and the dias bora, i will be live at kelly. we can. we was if you to up at the b. we'll credit you can in hobbies on code of walk from the 25th to the 27th of november 2022 registered to attend for free at can x dot africa that throughout the summer and the autumn motor ravia and include the gulf states has been warmer than the average significant and he still won an average is no significant winds. so that won't sometimes comes with notebook humidity, but that's not been extreme. recently, the temperature still though a degree a so above the average is which in this part of the world is notable. there is a change taking place to the north of that this line of showers through a wrong stretching back towards iraq. we'll see a drop in temperature. it's hinting it won't come to eventually come all the way south, but hasn't made it yet. it has gone through 30, and they're still showers. i had some caucasus that rain will show itself in northern iraq and beyond your notice. but this is to be expected to be ours. and then some rain showing up in egypt and in jordan, even the northwest, the saudi arabia. so changes are afoot. where's nigeria? not yet. the rains that spell a week ago and before that are still there in this particular area. this video traffic desa go so it hasn't yet stopped. i didn't the forecast there is yet more rain, not through all of not jerry, nor indeed such oscar, public or camera. but this area tick the soft, not your is still going see more rain during monday and probably tuesday, although the trend is to be of itself. ah, we understand the differences. americans have cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it out, there will be the news and current affairs that matter to you count is there. oh.

Related Keywords

Australia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , United States , United Kingdom , Brazil , Russia , Jordan , Ukraine , Germany , Bangladesh , Iraq , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , France , Turkey , Americans , Britons , French , North Korean , Brazilian , Turkish , British , Robin Koch Greg , Merrill Mc Ellis , King Charles , Thomas Coleman , Emmy Lou ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For ALJAZ AJ Selects Love Family 20221024 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ AJ Selects Love Family 20221024

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again, i'm fully back to going doha, with the headlines on al jazeera breaking news out of myanmar, at least 30 people have been killed in a military as strike in the northern cochin state. the victims were at the rehearsal of a ceremony by the kitchen. independence organisation, former prime minister boys, johnson has pulled out of the race for britons leadership, former finance minister issues tonight is now the front runner and the contest to succeed, less stress as prime minister and conservative party leader. ukraine says russian allegations it may use an explosive lace with radioactive material are absurd and dangerous rushes defense minister reportedly raised the concerns during calls with his counterpart. somebody u. k. france enter kia moscow has provided no evidence to back the claims harry foster as more from keith and another potential escalation, even if it doesn't turn out to be an escalation on the battlefield. i think we can say to call this an escalation in terms of that of medic rhetoric being used in the, in the sheer number of calls for of him on the same day to the french, the turkish, the british and the americans all making the same claim that russia has, it says intelligence of the formation of some kind of dirty bomb for use by ukraine to blame russia for carrying out some kind of nuclear explosion inside ukraine. now this is something that has been, as you say, ugly refuted, north korea's military says it's fired 10 shells from multiple rocket launchers off its west coast. it says it was responding to warning shafts fired by south korea at a north korean boat. so says the vessel crossed the maritime northern limits line between the 2 countries. bangladesh is struggling to cope with the increasing number of dang, fever cases. more than a 100 people have died from the disease. since january officials are wanting, the spike in infections will continue for months to come. the united nations has suspended this anti torture mission to australia that after its inspectors were barred from several jails to monitor brutality on detainees and climate change. activists in germany have defaced icloud, monet painting to protest against the use of fossil fuels, the pair through a mixture of mash potatoes at the artwork, and then glued themselves to the war below. and museum says the paintings or was enclosed in glass and isn't damaged. those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up. next it's a j. select a jack maria, or the judge, and i read. madame alleged uncle shaddon with . mm. can you hear him shave? doesn't merrill mc ellis, great tele chaney, composite from abarc, met bob in the kitchen skipper bush, kim, and my name is darla brag. no matter bob, on the left, one more. no, ma'am i do you know i no longer mean many well known dish. could john or chip on the wrong robin koch greg normally brochure? i some chicken not she if made profession him cannot see if her my daughter should be gibberish. she feed done hadn't been in version with mia bono at the opera. got the de mayfield pernesa nursery in lots all did enough. one gigi are for dog pernesa for more. oh hello. i was talking about like. busy does he tell it? my whole girl gets it blown off. mirabelle muscle mercedes bras answer comes using bus bomb. and even though the gum spread saw shawn from while j comma means other coverage will mirrors your straw. cash names only to finish to just have on our school meal. ah lakehoma molly is dead e n. com. all right then is oh gosh good. now nick was good. ah oh good, good, good, good, good. now you more lead with them to breathe, to pre to pre dish and asked me you've been used to me pretty launder ah. blue. oh, how nice of this year? no, no, no, no alone as ether. a bully on me, a brazilian, you cannot get me a my that long go. i have no go apple a with a key. ah yeah, give me one time. yeah. but as far as the numbers innocent, you scott, been going to live there, but it's not a good idea. i like you almost there by the app is amazing. beautifully started. the business you remove it gets to be assembled. be with you. i want to get a new name said ego, a damn no cinemas alice fast. what? so i have been a little baby with go more a late because the a a a, a less on the soonest. i know mom was a day here. i someone saying, well yeah, it must be bad, but i can't people say to me, they think fluently will be our men. nothing really. i mean, but when i, when i get together there's been a timing granularity. i figured that out for me to come for my own. yeah. move value live orders with eager to get around into the meal of yeah. kid via gambia mellencamp. hold on. mm hm. mm hm. you call it a little, i mean a lot of money on with you to is dumber than but on that that on there, there may be that is what i said was about was in was very se. then we'll look some are but indian dollars a because the is on. but as with whatever, what i meant by that i want you guys to put more but feel free to call corporate legal audibly blow low or to do you know low ball but they got it all i meant the well yeah, call me almost oh my god. you gotta, but don't know. what i'm going to do is b a, b, b, a with a c, g, a. so let me give you the list. i want it. i left out of my kid is movies. you don't put in a book, a family, people, family get a loaner, a movie, a new 3 kid. i can move it. can i get? i can complement b. c. you can see what he can with what element the but i me look here, i thought i in law a mass yelder 3 women that are what, oh here's what the men in the pin gate let out. she only know me, my number. i was there for the next available, the look and put that in the women that i do a giver for a thomas coleman 100 kowana. if he could pick anybody if they can, he can. i mean with the regular granddaughter minimums the mid eloquent unit, but i can aba ah, you have to add another kid with both. i'm edible. but i mean that if i thought of to them, ah yes, it would be a cost more around this. erica, or jesse owner, oil or the but the mental honey mass avenue, where is yeah it, but i'm really that is i am was but when ask a general the name on the lam amanela bonnie let me get a moment burglars, but i believe that in the line my loan is of young may offer me those that allow me for 1000000 a me oh, even i log in with ah, well, so i a lady i see a mentor but i mean as i look in your vehicle i when i bought them you quoted me visiting with us in new it would love us a lesson on the set by me. it was with jackie. no, i think they're going to grasp it. but i mean, i like the only thing that i i had people maybe with this that i think is gonna be fine. if you go in a pretty menu, let's go on like a no again. oh yeah, look, it will when blue yellow. i mean, i, in the bye bye, well with the level of the, you know, a bit with the level of your kiddo, my little in it a little over ah, ah, i suppose to enter a 4 dollar miyoshi or in the m a or a government the but i, me is my, you know, you get when you say they don't know. well, my love is had people who are like us to have it for me that there are a 100000 a ah ha ha, ha, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha more. oh, lovely though. almost done, let me die. go where no me near me though. seek on us, he had on us lemay, she foisy around and i will never went membranous 1000 me horse hill around with me on that to release. i learned a little that there is a i knew i knew lot or is that we lisa was here last young with worse, alida been misplaced or good as we already got in his one. now you got a letter? yes, but oh me cannot boy and need of edmond. he love you now, is he on manual in more less than i normally but us in quite in the last one or loud? absolutely. is this we're novice in seen going, but i'm in sna. where no chick of burn months. i lost get on much. ok. bye. my mom. what the good on those get off wednesday? i oh, i mean isn't book complete or not also look at by phone deal for the the mother of you. for 1000 needle say it's just been moving and that was in the blue it up, but it people see for their own 1000. you know, if i mean it wasn't me that the on to well, no message that a young you when the one day been sick and nobody i figured i think that the no guess it i level on on when i was just what i gave them. awesome. we had our own, i guess jolanda right or not i don't on the women's months. and then matthew as well, it got to know what it meant that i got in for that modem on us. no . tell mom was it in my mom's to 1000 the see why no, mother sonya international needles. and i've seen that there was god like monday to get things going on with us. i've been among bancwest for them and then can i stand by the guns on the phone? many have been on sunday and when i was in the see that there because i think when i go in the last 2 letters will be in the middle. was it those lead time to the same with the case since i don't know almost a little bit on your on the sample for know if that but if not, then it will last but isn't then then one, i'm not just but i you know, but i can find out and listen in the, but i would get them. we'll see. i mean, it's almost broken down. mother informed me that you know me, but, but i will now say, i said not only if he gets home from me that put back in the loop of senior girl, but there's okay, look at, look at someone who can get him on if he gets in front of us. ah, for 5009. yeah. for the family all up. what about mackenzie yamini at that like that then? yeah, that is on yours. yeah. and then a web developer. yeah. i would. i thought about me. no thought better. well, on minutes of math models, get them up on the limited, profess, young boy imagery story. got with please look at that either make you go with as a live person, a little forward as like a sandwich out of any sad as good as a 2nd on the federal. this is sonia. hope it i don't but i've been, i've been bullied. i'm with, i mean it, i, la permit others to 71 is somewhat doable. but when the money that i lose in my skip, when i would have had a funny video this, i put that in his him would have been a voice annually. you like, you don't have a choice? yes. impossible. yeah, no me than a most common lesson with bessie out. come with a mother teacher. you also get your thing was but as i get home the up well on joanna i lisa battle. yeah. unless you because your mother recently your bill of yours for castell cambia, went to rosco. i mean if it's something been down for a year and a half and he's looking for them. i'm okay. those local mental school boss empties . i'm in philos. complete. i opened a local muslim finally. so yeah, hold on for the see the on ah, does is emmy lou. lou lou, the creative african next this journey continues in 2022 africa's success stories on captivating the world. this yet can next weekend. we'll connect abacus. create affected building bridges across africa and the dias bora, i will be live at kelly. we can. we was if you to up at the b. we'll credit you can in hobbies on code of walk from the 25th to the 27th of november 2022 registered to attend for free at can x dot africa that throughout the summer and the autumn motor ravia and include the gulf states has been warmer than the average significant and he still won an average is no significant winds. so that won't sometimes comes with notebook humidity, but that's not been extreme. recently, the temperature still though a degree a so above the average is which in this part of the world is notable. there is a change taking place to the north of that this line of showers through a wrong stretching back towards iraq. we'll see a drop in temperature. it's hinting it won't come to eventually come all the way south, but hasn't made it yet. it has gone through 30, and they're still showers. i had some caucasus that rain will show itself in northern iraq and beyond your notice. but this is to be expected to be ours. and then some rain showing up in egypt and in jordan, even the northwest, the saudi arabia. so changes are afoot. where's nigeria? not yet. the rains that spell a week ago and before that are still there in this particular area. this video traffic desa go so it hasn't yet stopped. i didn't the forecast there is yet more rain, not through all of not jerry, nor indeed such oscar, public or camera. but this area tick the soft, not your is still going see more rain during monday and probably tuesday, although the trend is to be of itself. ah, we understand the differences. americans have cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it out, there will be the news and current affairs that matter to you count is there. oh.

Related Keywords

Australia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , United States , United Kingdom , Brazil , Russia , Jordan , Ukraine , Germany , Bangladesh , Iraq , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , France , Turkey , Americans , Britons , French , North Korean , Brazilian , Turkish , British , Robin Koch Greg , Merrill Mc Ellis , King Charles , Thomas Coleman , Emmy Lou ,

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