Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Singapores Maximum Se

Transcripts For ALJAZ 101 East Inside Singapores Maximum Security P2 20220821

the daughter of pro kremlin political commentator, alexander duke, and has been killed in a car bomb explosion in moscow. thought he had to give her aunt her father had been vocal supporters of russia's invasion of ukraine workers that one of the u. k. is busiest ports have walked off the job threatening major economic disruption. felix to port accounts for close to half of the countries container freight traffic. the 8 day war count by the you not union was sparked by a pay dispute. it's on the 3rd food supply chains will be heavily affect it. at least 30 people have been killed in an attack on a hotel. in the somali capital mogadishu, the stand off which began on friday, ended after security forces stormed the building. i'll show bob has claimed responsibility. harmon tasser has the latest from nairobi in neighboring kenya. it's the 1st major attack in the capitol, mogadishu since prism muhammad came to power in may, and when it came into power, he promised deal with insecurity. so now questions are being asked, how did algebra manage the enter the hotel? how did manage to hold on to it for so long? 80 hours. and what is this new government going to do to prevent further attacks from taking place in recent weeks? they've been smaller attacks by out to bob. mean you need the border with ethiopia . and ethiopia managed to push out bob back. but then of course, people are saying that this could suggest that according to some analysts that maybe it's al. bob tried to change tactics. guineas military jointer has appointed acting, prime minister, bernard, go more to the job on a permanent basis. gall replaces mohammed vote. vogue we who has been absent for medical reasons since last month. the transition comes as the john to face is increasing pressure. there been protests across the country in recent weeks, against the military plans to stay in power for the next 3 years. and nepalese climber has received a heroine. welcome and cap man to after setting a new record. ah, 48 year old son sherpa has scaled the worlds 14 peaks which are higher than 8000 meters for a 2nd time. as achievement is particularly significant there because 8 of them including mount everest, are in nepal. those were headlines and use continues on al jazeera after one. 0 one a season, but i ah in a special to pot investigation. when i, when ace goes behind bars inside singapore, maximum security joe the most hardened criminals are incarcerated at chunky prison. locked away from their families and loved one. will these inmates bind redemption or a lifetime passing of crime and imprison pump i the i stand by ice it was ready got only one path to possible redemption is through education at the prison school. though learning here is not exactly free and easy. one of the pupils is escandone. oh, good afternoon. thank you won't to bother you. don't be like with up with i've been teaching here for almost 2 years. i teach in lisha media all levels. i was a little bit intimidated and that many of them had rather rough looking at my was i step in the classroom, i realized that they were just like any ordinary students. you go to learn and they're concerned about how to do well for the exams. number 3 is kinda yes, i know, i don't know, my excuse, i have a nice this, i'm going to place person when it comes with event planning for a job or not. and this is a skill i have. oh, you are what a meticulous person on site one site isn't m as in. and it comes with one though, and you get those words from from you will experience there's always more study to do a school curriculum on the outside takes 4 or 5 views here. it's compressed into just one year full of fiscal year. so if you read it by one quote. so right now it's a $35.00. so if it is that them the i to my, to reach and we've my cell meter to be then how is that here? you have to see on the floor as well as cache out feed. have been eve. i don't do it every day. i can get up here. i mean, i'm a bryce to winner, but unfortunately i tend to mistake my life and get my stamps 3 way from the school right. on the crime side. when you, when and it's i can tell, i'm going to get those maybe hang on, let me know. so when i mean this opportunity, right, i were, you see, i see him once in, you know, have a job is to know the little things. no question in my new i really need that will change to have a good that little on my lever. not only does prison school offer a chance for the future, there are other more immediate benefit. if we're going to miss willis. michelle, i came to present school on there. anybody? 2020. and there's a them, i mean to the open yet. the 1st thing i see the open sky just a all new so i was seeing a ceiling and i was in the sky was such a long time on my ac. there's a l b, i finish what i what this is for a long time in the prison. any miss or the singer he's gonna is not the only one missing the outside world. it is you're in is getting on with it. it was. he said that we can use now with the roof. the sentence nearing its end, the prison psychologist assess is how he's rehabilitation is going well. what then difficult days that. ready you encounter when you will out before you come in here . the way of getting money, cars pretty can all you stuff. i use i for things that i believe in life. how does it sit with you knowing that if i were to achieve, if i were to succeed in something but without drop, and i would say probably a slower rate. how does that to you? what are your plans in terms of drugs? when you're relieved in the future, i get when you put the name of the heavenly, quite worrying it is advocating the thought by in the end. once they're released, we don't know what are the different things that might happen outside? i wrote the mom and girlfriend also worry about his attitude. i don't know because i know right now you sound good. i would, i will read. what will i say? i mean, you go now you didn't go up with now the last year. did you inside a fitness? i don't think you should go back to the home. i went on a jeweler. oh, we did do my. if he does mental was the one to introduce me with for whatever the as a fall off. what a s phone when you get the masters get very lean 10 years ago. that was the beginning of the life of upside down a ring. can hope the mother did that live behind it. we've got drugs. he's really just like a normal person, a good one, better laugh, i mean. ringback a sample, i think it will be a bird. it will be to be much, but not a degree young would you do that? i see a thing i've tried is maybe a little to tell you. i do that, but then he has to build that trust to get don't leave us because we contrast him fully. who i liked him and he said, oh, can control him law. he never thing and he behave because if i'll fire nobody. so just got him. you know, ah, ah, prism can put enormous strains on family relationships or ms will call auto dot. solely thirty's were the sudden was we're quite so long i've been told to my children, so i want to know like how to really communicate it after 4 separate child sentences. grayson is not exactly been a hands on dad. my oldest daughter was more to the other 9 and i was the, as i was presented as a to do what now she's a trouble teenager and needs help. so is i need my thought. tried to go may and always you store lot herself in the room and as you start to scream in your don't care about me. i know on me then let me going crazy. i haven't gone chinese before. yeah. and then all my and i always have generally the winter months, 12 is all right. as each they are starting to be aware of a more effective way to express themself the emotions. how shall i talked to her? and i tried to write a few pang, but she doesn't reply. grayson is granted special permission for a foreign cole with his daughter infant for 15 minutes. put on the not speaker. don't touch the horn, then i will said 15 minutes till he oh oh oh. oh, he was a bit nervous because he tried call a few times, couldn't get his face turned rate. it's like a be stress very and she has on ah, there's a lot of thing that went off. hello i'm i didn't with ya from singapore. reason to be your dad, he's here mr. on grayson, i will pass the phone to him. hello hello. how are you? oh, let me myself. i don't want to let her know that i tell her because it's oh, communicate being it would be like over steering. i looking at a time, i try my best to talk to her. he tries to give her some advice. now it is my thing with them. you. lilly mccoy. just? i'm on my. you be little care. don't let more worry i, mr. president, a squad and a square, whereas you i see her running to west me now to feelings i miss almost everything you've heard. she might think that no one is there for no one understand her. no one love her. what live another? 55. the candidate you okay, is it because nobody shopping review is right above her to me she's out. they go go off. good. she's my how does that? and i might be say said it the last of the time is coming. she started to cry again . mama, your pain is over then i'm like, i'm telling her so a . is there anything you do to me and in the car? okay. and usually part of your dear bye. ah, in, oh, today is a special day for roasting. he's moving selves. one step closer to guessing asked of joe. yeah, bubble can gun 502. i did a little peter. ah, you can thank you. i thank you. mm hm. so if it of a your head. now i may say a 5 by night. i'm going to be here 20 to did is did i days night why my wrestling when i knew these funny my be assume is to mingle that only play reason equally masking. i stay standing and we need to i survey. so this can be, i don't place in west and people don't understand. so i need assistance. i was in debt can be occupied with food and only i was again another in my car. i used to field saw alone, he felt suicidal. now, after attending programs within the prison, he's opened up and see if i cut that. i think my friend, i sent me to my meal act. no, i'm not being last thought or something like that thing. nobody i was in. you can people even outside in a smile. oh, listen from family and friends are a lifeline to die. has received an email from his daughter prison and give you a lengthy minutes to log in. it's good law to get a letter from her. he says a ceremony committee, how much, how much he had thought he, alumni board up her cup and yet it will lead that can never do. did you are not going to be a 30 on a manager or can take care of any like you said? so i hope you is proud of me. i change a lot and there was one time you say don't attend the class. you don't thing for the program. can helpful moffat it flew levy asked him you're going try. so now he already 2 months in the program. he already selected for the me i appear supporter helps fellow inmates with their problems. but now yeah. will they in both them knew really then or next thing you knowing you just want to snow this more ah, or inmate when the very blue uniform, the cross, if not 100 percent. sometime when v f a b s up with the day will also help us to monitor. there is any unusual behavior in update. i think he need some help. i thought, you know. ready i just one, what spectrum you know was what kind listens to his complaints, but warns against rocking the both they won't go. so he kind of, i think it will take 5 seconds bag thing of what the family especially the was ms hedge. ah. yeah. it's crunch time for a scandal. a final chance to study the exams are about to stuff a the prison is considered a private exam center regulated by the singapore examination and assessment board. on exam days, the papers are delivered to the prison like only noise. ruth these release date is getting close to it, but there are still a lot of hoops to jump through before the prison gates opened carriage they were gonna go through your period is in the view. okay, all right, so i'm gonna ask you a few questions there has got to do with your plans law for release. gym is everything going well if, if any and within my family is going well. next, do you have a plan, the work or study after release? my offense, i want to try it is delivered here. so i think what my, my eyesight. okay. so i was thinking could do delivery and then so i just wanna remind you that when you what cry, he can be re stressful. and when you get stress, i'm going to quit law. i just want to give to singapore, re offending rate of 20 percent. is the lowest in 3 decades, but that still means one in 5 prisoners returned to jail within 2 years. ha. is going to do is determine who will not be one of them. if he studies pay off to day, it's results day. oh right now are really quite, there was a freight and my english is all right. let me know a good thing with the, with a with the worry odeo with finally rules. these wires is over in this day uribe. anyone can get along the ready. i mean, we're thing anything i know with ah, yeah, these are mostly a really say hello can go me 549 and 549 i i live with . okay. on the on the list on the mission property until the 1st much 2010. i think you must not call me any offense if you missed any honest condition. you mean you were in one sentence where the quote, okay, you understand you signed for me? with rusty dices one last order. his final strip search. he just visible on the quote here with me, i'm going to do a search on you said you will receive the look it all right. we put on your clothing after the search, rusty is able to reclaim his on clothes, mr. game cuz we don't if i'm aware we don't have long benz the joy of getting that things back here. you feel like you winning something that will make us like to come again the i say getting you needed to get. i mean, even to thinking about the business that you're going to be helping me the feeling of the able to what you stay or getting back to see this guy. and he made me very, very emotionally. ah, he didn't mean for me by me having to do what i would, i would not to be c t v, but i i i do i commit to any more. ah, in in south korea, new generation is tightened the stage shaking up social media fashion. any time when i, when ace made the world's oldest influence on al jazeera, ah, with architect is like god, because you creating, shunning a career and building for glory. yes. mean, laurie shifts her attention to the design district can regions of pakistan building upon traditional techniques and arming people with the knowledge needed to sustain their societies. rebel architecture, a traditional future on our disease. the world cup is coming to cattle in just 3 months. as the main event gets closer, we get every step of the way. hello. i'm janet ezra with updates from teams and plans across the glove or seems can expect some strong support here in castle with the spotlight now on europe. can france claim back to back? well, comp victory. all will portugal christiano. rinaldo finally get his hands on a trophy to well comp countdown on al jazeera. as soon as the sun goes down to the salad, i say it's a very talented place to work from. as a journalist, we're always pushing a boundary part of the center of mass, always ongoing love. we are the ones traveling the extra mile where auto media go goes. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. ah, the leader is all the u. s. u. k. france and germany discussed the safety of nuclear plants in ukraine.

Related Keywords

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Portugal , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Kremlin , Mount Everest , Nepal General , Nepal , Ethiopia , Pakistan , Ukraine , Germany , Singapore , Lisha , Dagestan , South Korea , France , Nepalese , Somali , Janet Ezra , Alexander Duke , Lilly Mccoy ,

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