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a slab ganske says many people have been killed and wounded after the city came up to the attack from advancing russian troops for them lay access. the shelling was the heaviest of a long time. adam fisher has more from keith. i saw the answer is very far away from this a change. and that is what steeply wanting settling the last couple of hours we've had from the mayor there. he said there has been a sustained barrage of russian rockets at that has happened over the last few hours . he saying it's the worst assault that he seems to start of the war that are multiple fires, reaching across the city that the trying to put out at least 15. according to his calculations, a number of people have been killed 6 dead. at least 15 injured palestinian leaders of handed over the bullet that killed al jazeera journalist, sharina black latso, american officials for examination. but it's not clear yet who will perform the forensic test to stray the officials claimed they would be involved. a funeral has been held for palestinian teenager who died from his wounds after being shot during this rally raid 17 year old cml abdullah was hit the abdomen south west of jeanine east, the 72nd palestinian to be killed by a stray before since this year. the head of june, easiest constitutional committee has condemned to proposed constitution put forward by the president. christ side sought bely had says it doesn't resemble the draft agreed to by the committee place. and the u. s. are expected to release what's being described as a brutal body camera footage of the shooting of a black man. jalen walker was killed off to offices, stopped him for a traffic violation last monday. at least 5 people have been killed and at least 7 others injured off to a large piece of glassy collapse to northern italy. it happened to the area of mom, a lot of the highest mountains of the dolemite. those are the headlines. the news continues here when al jazeera off to one i, one east, bye for now. ah, a cross india neighborhoods are burning with homes and lives destroyed in new delhi. mountains of rubbish, or a light or whoever it is in the country is most one level, a sweltering under soaring temperatures. a shortages of electricity and water are affecting people's help. and my vehicle comes with one east meets the residents bearing the brunt of a day of heat wave and those desperately trying to put out the fires. oh, across india's capitol, near tele toxic smoke, the air surging temperature triggered a massive fire at this landfill, which quickly engulfed the entire fight. 11 year old arch, much shake lives at the base of the mountain of rubbish. he was home when the police started flora for the younger florida to the head lady. anyway, the full cut, bethany, as if you are the yellow bar the allied, well, i can get in with got a real pull that if we got all this residence here live. but the constant fear of fires but can burn their homes to the ground within minutes i fell. yeah. all yeah, the rear pack for them. 7 0 my father, i was like oh is um dang it got a new with after their house went up in flames. family rented a small hot just a few meters away from the burnt show of their previous home. he takes us back. ah, it only should be manor a lady more here as temperature sore above $45.00 degrees. i told her mother i'll be run b b says the small water coolant fan provide little relief that there is nicolette a lot though. bunker how are going to me? kill, did you get home in the collector like ever to make it job 5 by decimal, the day was done by abducted that with it's not the 1st time files have impacted families, eking out in existence on the cities with thumb, landfills, as high as 17 story buildings they ought to catch fire in the beak of summer. but this year that big arrived sooner than usual. in march, the country recorded it's hot, temperature is at least 222 years, with someplace of scorching at 50, decrease in delhi, the yamuna river. the cities, lifeline is foss trying up even away from the mountains of trash. the extreme dry heat is a deadly recipe for triggering fires in the densely back between battling the flames is fire fighter and mit then la job. a lot of them are gone. we already make more than an esteem, have no time to lose the need to stop the fire at this matter shot from spreading to homes and businesses crammed camille bye with 25 men back to the flames and smoke forwards out of the building. when the entrance of the kill, we're allowed to go inside your camera and we're the heater when we and tell the police it's still floating from inside and they couldn't even go with one with going on the that that's all i can put on the temperature inside the shop, it's 70 degrees. after 2 hours, the fire is contained. nathan can take a break. but at 45 degrees outside that little really i was that low on the lot of them. ah. working in the city or heat can have a dangerous impact on health, but some people have no choice at most risk. are millions of casual workers toiling in the street as sweepers, hawkers are rich shut drivers like public kumar. blue . my greeted to daily 20 years ago to earn a living. but he finds to work harder than ever. got, i mean anybody didn't go to me, odda lumina. i've never liked it. i don't think that amount. due to the searing temperatures, pablo is forced to take more breaks than usual and that costs money to log out of the government a year ago, maybe by yacht about getting me order. we got our data for j edi so which i bet zoer and will come on at, on our on boarding signal on her uncle monica leanne. but tip, but the majority of them will go with your mob. beyond will be given. i thought you didn't have a bag. i'm cool. you've been a them kind of me. besides carrying passengers, but blue also transports heavy like this load of books. i would put them on model of console and within getting into both golden with integrated both on belmont la are that american? lubbock libya. disney jr. i be a little help. right. okay, let me do that with you. do ah, after a 15 hour shift, nathan returns to the fire station. but he can be called back for duty at any time . as available at the new other day made them better about nig, usa, i'm going to go a lot of organ was cause he does not. he's any a year just appellate at that. i get that amusement. i'm beta ali significant. other abdulla will, did i did it that a care 45 the judge, what are they tell go to where do you think that that to me already i'm, i don't know that a bombarding that wasn't me that are already will do the other difficulties. wording, fire decal as well with low temperature related to the heat at the temperature by the little fire close body. and he, he boarding smith dowdy, near the middle of our pool. maybe what, what is he radiating? so that's what he told last man, i'll tell you what we, what are they getting me we're digging. don't go to be able to carry a hog. new early will be it is, it will be a role in me. a load tele recorded more than 3000 fire, one of the highest numbers. if you are a, every day fire, i just received thousands of emergency calls about please us caused by short circuits, especially from residential buildings and small shops. nathan is exhausted, but even when resting at the station, he and his team are always on the alert, waiting for the next court. but nathan wouldn't want to be anyone else or not. i said on mann middle lydia. all are being admitted. father matthew plaza, recently associated with meadow. she was able to easily handle that new tag gave out for many misses won't be given. all of them are weekly modifier to the feel. well, we'll then we'll have to meet, remember to where to verify for a similar to feeling any love we think is i'm of aluminum more. another thing that if the human girl alerts with the switching heat has led to an increased demand for electricity for months, it has struggled to find enough goals to fuel its power plants. and a power crisis is looming. as the polishing heat, waves sweeps across the country, more people are using air conditioners leading to over loading and frequent electrical fires and girls club loaded by florida barriers you gave a little sooner to maggie. this call out was relatively easy. but nathan has seen the deadly coast of the small, but nature mer yorba. i should in both of them. de la calmly, dull metal, but it was, i need to laugh at the invaluable. did he icama, whose key themes algebra deal was called the lyla cutter? or as i guess, i don't know, lambert, or could it loosely reduce key arts holiday august idea doesn't matter as he which was hired him it or what the know that the normal house fire to best buy it with the war baby will the coffee are seen payment was such may other method, maybe big typically to what is here more. don't use it in a war. my own must like go to pick up would go see if i click on the little the medical which waddle maybe got gala moon back at the landfill. actual and his neighbors are also in a net keeping an eye out for more fires. but it's not, they're only widely. the 20 families who live here don't have access to a reliable water supply. the depend on 3000 meters provided weekly by the government and these water tank. with a tight schedule, the families have just a few minutes to collect water for cooking washing. i'm thinking before the tribal lease for the next neighborhood, it's not enough. but to the question of the tank is a long and complicated procedure. i'll be back about the money up on you some a say about them. it's a even for suppliers meeting people's demands is getting increasingly difficult to look at what really it bunny, what are frequently or but i am a you will because you got a guy with the high temperatures and limited access to water, puts residents at risk of heat stroke and dehydration with actual has found a way to protect this precious resource for his family and funny no one going to call and finally, well, as with a what? well, because i lose when he's not at school, and i just want to tries to find ways to deal with the unbearable heat. how and i go back day for finding any man him on the boat. so no, there's a little nasa, despite the temperatures, he also helps us families sift through the trash. but he dreams of a different future. as in the home for abeline, what are their, their balance again, good one bowl as anyone, one of on one or i go on. but in with it's not just the gap until new tele, that's burning up. the western indian city of and about is one of the worst areas with in the last couple of months. the temperature in the city has consistently been above 40 degrees. but here, some locals are doing what they can to beat the heat. with 45 year old mean our sony who lives with her husband, struggles to protect her 2 children from the heat. we've really been nobody there. and he's a nice man who leverages a movie down any level or level to close. grieving mina is the commune. she lito with an angel that works to improve housing conditions for women in slums. never that may have it began. i direly thought i might have idea value with twice a month. she holds climate awareness campaigns across the city, kill in the neighborhood of cage. more than 2000 families live in clumps, which are particularly vulnerable to the scorching temperatures. delgado gotta go to be in a bad, bad bad i. but i did the simple game of snakes and ladders. teachers how the rising heat can affect them. and i need to yeah, guy, gap was obviously a guy that mentos go up. but again, i guess up is valid because he said that i got a meeting. don't go that got to me like you sound good. there were part of it. those get, oh, i'm not gonna bother side of those. gotta be mind finding the why. i'm gonna get those galia up. now. how doc, i'm. well, they probably delete that bill, but again, i mean, yeah, yeah. wow. by the way, i've been di, mixed in georgia. i thought was good at their public hub, liberty and i'll go get some diagnosed that on. oh, bio banneker managed by dtm. i'm aware not by daily kidney. mad you does blow goes . i'm that you was met eg, denby ed lloyd and their then their business and lead leanna, the way that it doesn't go by denver from death of who did what the telephone ah, after explaining the problems of climate change, mina colleague color sharma, bring a low cost solution to help the residents here beat the heat. in the slum, most women stay at home. many of the houses are made with aspects just truth that absorb a lot of heat, making it unbearable inside here, so let it looking white, painted. this is your legacy, how much of a card temperature say, went to a degree and you do so maybe i'm up on my card on the bottom of it. i can fill that image, dana here by then by then by to that logo for hannah. there'd be any it'll bear. so my brand got nick elliot. so dockwood sake of mine, the dictator gave me could said that good stuff because he got weak bought or let akiko beside me will body. will you bought that here? it's a simple idea. but one that 3 coach garcia says works right, brent? like with the a get that in will at the medical i followed him to a sandwich. lucky. so let me know what to do with holly middle enough that you got me with me. all of them, but at least they've had some respite and they have the proof, bailey, i'm never years. oh, no white paint media debbie out there for all sally's boy thought celsius dot money. 40.2 on celsius b v r double m there. and you get a, can you give the open lithium by the me that my idea of these, that a medium or some met barbara was get go be see if there'd be an inverted legally the year. i'm gonna be for a while. that still hot, sorry. can't find some more bearable that me more than the 8 by 30 something or need to be got on paper. we thought our from, from looking fairly thor hamlin body. did this if i can, ne, tana, form of body. so get elegant up. see it without seeing whenever i've been in the land. the project is helping slammed residents across 5 states and india and will soon be expanded to help other poor communities be more climate resilience. back in delhi, but blue completes a stance, richard trip of the dame. he's exhausted and heads home to a make shift hut by the side of the road. this summer, even as the sunset, dusk brings little relief. the air bristled with heat attempt that one would you dinner with her when dallas or somebody could eat with some of the little pussy now? gobbler? buffy not a hey. i've got to know when i call you that i wasn't able to go through. i'm out of the kind of orderly if i got on the clinical galena, philip, i know it's only july the heat makes him with his family and village more than ever. deliver the course id. do it to me for a yes ha montague, if you're gonna move on here, i might be could hold up the gomez joke, laborer to say, boy, willie, but i'm going to get yoga. thorbe biddable. turbojet our, i'm look it up and la chat, violet, i could barely yet they are neither governor over yet. there are gomez or the guy i say that is the limits of any 2 big army medical my telegram the he command good load in does been american commit economy. les america. but it will, are you looking more money? but your chair, my family, my bow, a couple of the little immediate there might have of you had the limited to come up, not coming in. it of the medical a dynamic with cannot kill anyway. coming in the clanging, ne, coming at cascade inside the house. it's too hot to relax and unwind. bubbling, preferred to sit out doas to get some fresh air. but the beef, sharpened by the cries of his neighbor fun, but blue shares his distress. lay the no. i barney's man is donny. vanna bobby dunn is my work. one more than his cool bubble soda i was ordered and his order ged google, ridley parental hammer to look at the reality shorter, shorter, which gallow over of calgary because it has to be done with a trauma check with the border they you get got image of hum, logging in but other but discoverable coping. you are easily ickes will. other word needed is eager. misquote me yell of the year i was going to of are in italy. mice will handle. but just for the other one cubby than a bigger mess or bigger, but does any good about amateur? i totally did going at elling of an app to whatever so did on is the sort of i will also order for those like blue and his neighbors with little relief and sight meaning of the international sign to sworn. this could be one of the world's warmest tears on record with the indian summer's getting hotter and longer. bearing the brunt effect of the country's poorest gotten a battle between making a living and surviving the elements. intelligent and playful authors are in high demand is packed in japan, but concerns are going over the illegal smuggling and irresponsible breeding of these wild animals. one or one east investigate on all to 0. ah, a system, a robot is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the apple that android today can be the really humanoid robots like me, will be everywhere. al jazeera documentary cliffs, the lead on the weird and wonderful world of robots that learn thing for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i on the machine. origins of the species owner, because it july analogies here. campaigning for the kenyan presidency begins in earnest, could a hotly contested battle lead to the violence that his mom previous elections. from the headlines to the unreported, people empower, investigates, the use an abusive power around the world to museums, food in a referendum on a new constitution. could it spell the end for the only democracy to have emerged from the arab spring upright as india, se unprecedented hate way? one o 18th goes to the fiery heart of the crisis. center goal hedge to the pose with the main opposition parties uniting, can they wrestle power away from the ruling party? july on al jazeera, revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera ah russian and separate his forces, se there in full control of the ukrainian city of listed chomsky in the east. ah, i'm a bach her. this is al jazeera life, some doha, also coming up palestinian officials have given us experts. the bullet that killed al jazeera journalist. sure.

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