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. or monday, the top stories are now to 0. should anchors president go to buy a roger puck sir has submitted to his resignation. crowds formed outside the presidential palace when news of his intention to stand down broke. he sent his letter declaring he would leave office by email hours after fleeing to singapore, following mass protest over the country's economic crisis. italy's president has not accepted the resignation of prime minister mario druggie. after one of his coalition partners refused to support her confidence, audio drive, he told his cabinet, he would step down despite surviving the vote. as coalition was thrown into crisis . when the fivestar movement did not back a bill and a tackling the cost of living, then failed back draggy in the confidence vote. autumn rainy is in fed up in northern italy and explain what happens next. well, it will be in seeing the see come next week, wednesday the president has asked that i gave to appear in parliament and kind of give his vision for how he wants to continue and what he needs. it's not clear that he's gonna come out strong and somehow try to rebuild his unity government. we have a lot of things going on in the background here. there's this rising center right movement of 2 parties for italy, or brothers of italy, and the, the league, which is a long time conservative party. these parties together are leading in the polls. so if the dog is government falls in these parties aren't seen as making them fall, they'll come out powerful, they'll be able to win. perhaps the most seats, if election were held earlier, rather than later years. president joe biden says it's vital to well security that iran never has a nuclear weapon. he and his ready prime minister ayala, p to have signed a non binding declaration designed to prevent that from happening while on his middle east visit. pardon, also restated the u. s. position on a 2 state solution for israel and palestine. a russian asked strike is killed at least $22.00 people, including a child in the central ukrainian city of vanessia. many others were injured when missiles it residential buildings and businesses. president, rudder, mister lensky, described the attack as an act of terrorism. when i won east is up next. investigating human trafficking in cambodia, fifa a weekly look at the world's top business stories from global markets to economies and small businesses. to understand how it affects our daily lives and on the dominant. counting the coast on al jazeera. ah, they target people around the world. i loss over $300000.00. chinese cyber scam operation, stealing tens of billions of dollars. these are sophisticated criminal enterprises committee notice fraud butter tossing many of their workers, victims to more traffic, to enslaved and forced to scan or, you know, as and tune, do you, i told you it was in july, you come a hold on. i'm dealing with even children, don't buy any answers or a point such as for angela se, ages, cambodia is a hot bed of these criminal enterprises with one or one east talks the victims of global scam operations and investigate the chinese companies behind them and then links to the cambodian, a late oh, i my money basically all my savings that i saved october enough. my own business. this 33 year old will call melissa lives in the united states. during covered working from home and alone, she fell victim to aside the scan. i was just looking for a fun day. melissa swiped white when she saw the dow on taking up hinge in august 2021 using stolen photos of a tie when he's actor the man playing. he was chinese, an architect and stranded in the united states because of the pandemic. and this is another project he was supposedly working on. he was q, you would share on pictures of his dog videos of live, where he went on vacation. we text literally morning to night. every day it was very, very believable. so to was the online investment company, he encourage her to open an account with a very careful person. i did my researcher elise, i thought i did my research over the next couple of months, melissa transferred $300000.00 to the account virus crypto currency wallet. at 1st she was able to withdraw the money, but soon became victim to what's known in china as pig butchering. i'm the peg harley. i yeah. like they're raising pigs. they're gonna sign up the pig which is fine of the the victim. and then once it's, it's bad and to see which is when they get a lot of money out of us. then there are just gonna butcher us my scammer, he got as much money out of me as, as they can. and then he disappeared. melissa then discovered the scanners were not in the united states, but in southeast asia, who is it that warble, feeling? i don't know if i will ever, i don't know, find justice because he's in cambodia. but on the other side of the world, melissa scanner may also be a victim for almost 40 years. cambodia has been ruled by prime minister and then and his cambodian people's party, repressive and brutal. he, his family and his cronies treat the country like their own business. empire. cambodia has long been regarded as one of the most corrupt countries in asia. but in the past few years, corruption via has taken on a whole new dimension. the country becoming a haven for rufus international criminal across cambodia, compounds like these surrounded by barbed wire fences. how cyber scam operations run by chinese nationalists. there are thousands of people in cambodia being forced to work and scamming compounds. jake seems heads up international justice mission in cambodia. the american human rights organization has been involved in rescuing national was from across asia, entrapped in compounds. they are consistently reporting that there are guards, armed guards preventing them from leaving the building. so we know that there's confinement going on, others reports of people being beaten their hold if they call the police that they're going to get beaten, they're threatened to be sold at what appeared to be market. places or humans are sold for thousands of dollars to conduct this scamming operations. scamming compounds are impenetrable to outside us. but on the outskirts of the capital, pinole pin is a hotel that's become a safe house for chinese nationals. risky from behind their walls. cursed with okay, rushes to volunteer, lose the ann marie. he is at all. his phone is full of messages from chinese citizens. desperate to be freed from scam companies, like how many do you receive a day are on pay per says, the new every day is $1.00 victim since photos of his injuries and rights then these videos of, of use. blue says he receives them directly from victims inside the scam industry or find them posted in social media group chat, mika. they shocking. but they capture a reality. lou says he knows 1st had married with a child and working in the financial securities industry in china. in late 2020 lou quit his job to learn how to run a business travelling to cambodia to help manage a friends restaurant, concierge, we'll call him see she fell into sanders my tie his arm but caused that heat. the restaurant closed and lou was stranded and that's when a regular customer offered him a job. he'd read great accepting joke. i have been in class and i now hang, i'm how you're clear to that. now make a year. maybe you bundle by thou. so natalie. it's weird to cape a war. but on arriving at the company, he discovered he'd been sold to a scam syndicate. many good as you are. and as always in kayla k, then job here are the survivors at the safe house reveal they would traffic from china into the scamming industry to protect their identities. we've given them pseudonyms, married with a toddler, and a new baby. me answered an add on we chat for office working cambodia. the promise salary was 10 times higher than what he was earning and waste recycling. humming thank old. co gina's all his a will. mia? congress? julia thought you fellow chung just human up. verify the noah's ark unless you alex is in 16 year old lin was working in a hot pot restaurant when a man she knew offered are much higher, paid typing job in quantity province on the board with vietnam. but after accepting it, she and her friend found themselves being driven out of the country till that says, i'll pull it as a book ira can. yeah. and things got more terrifying as i were led on foot across a mountain range. now, mental illness or white color by china's values like linda that i shall, wow. you her ways writing gyla? well, no singer. how long does her pan 23 year old shift chin answered in ed to promote online games. cannot go through the consulting that sort of contents within 24 year old aspiring gulf coach hung signed up to be a quality controller in a food factory. mocking moon, who told you saw me what both men had their flights and cove at 19 quarantine paid for, but when they arrived for their 1st day at work, they discovered they'd been duped. proposal. oh will you presume a solo hush. she redone the woman. remar shouldn't all you will hold on to all of these victims were locked up in compounds. 5 hours drive south west of the capital in the city of c. no. phil. a massive influx of chinese investment has seen and developed from a sleepy beachside town to a dangerous casino. metropolis were organized, crime and corruption flourish in the past few years, thin or full, has become ground. 0. the human trafficking and flavouring in many of the buildings in the city, people are held against their will and force the scandal across the world. aah! as nellie falls, we me to form a human resources manager in the legal online sports betting industry, which often crosses over into scamming, hiding his face for fear of deadly repercussions. he takes us on a 2 of them, pointing out the most notorious scanning sites. with those gaijin shooting, zoe, to border juvenile diesels. and lucy, she sounds you did in the rest. he says a bonded labor owing the company is so co payment of thousands of dollars for their flights accommodation, food, and even the id. i believe a little ju, ju, commercial cobol, baldwin, colder than supreme. good teacher, she should you go to mercy. as with the former incited details, a chain of criminal complicity, starting with the building owners and developers, clean gauge property management companies who then range to scam operators can do to try to push. ne told it was an issue also do each each 2 each and she goes to school she to oh, so it's often the greek and highly corrupt governments that are allowing these sorts of activities to take place. a fluent men written speaker, jason tower is a security expert who's been tracking chinese scam syndicates, operating across se, asia. the 1st thing they do on arrival in cambodia is they will work to build close relationships with extremely senior leaders. if you start to look at, you know, who are the names on the handles of some of the businesses that hold the buildings in which these activities take place. you'll find that there are people who are closely connected to the highest levels of leadership in cambodia. scattered around the city, the light of day reveals a size of the scanning sykes. this is known as crown industrial palm. it's owned by crown resorts, a subsidiary of, and co brothers, a company owned by government, senator coke on security guards, uniforms or emblazoned with a badge for his and cold water supply blues ian, re, city was entrapped. here to ensure we more hannah and donna, are yo as anton, and do you mean kind of publish with you that i tell you though, the boy issue hudson in gold sending those out the reading. yeah, i'm wishing you on the 2nd day in captivity. lou email the chinese embassy, he was advised to call the scene of pill plates. they are genuinely alika than they are to susan, i got was her thought, piano, who thought maybe it was a long way as it weighed with i'm my local i to that been the pin up while he waited lucent. facebook messages to the scene. no pill. gov no, but the police never came. they want to go out then nana who yet had me to lower their budget and they use lpa. fah sienna 5 is. lou says the managers then sold him to another scamming company. now if i do saw you a here in the about in a hall a team and they be able, michelle about it says iowa says him ratings. are you all at that in doing that? you may be out to a chain. yeah. yeah. need to the fullest and then you pay for the me. hell i to to who you you i knew it, she and she my raising a dagger. i had all about my about the or that once that year he was in forced into a car and driven to this compound bearing the signage. k 99, a company owned by a relative of senator cock on his son in law's brother, which he rugs might. and what happened while you were there than the hail calla your orders a bit farther korean a time, cleansing those sound. lou contends it was this man who was reportedly found hanging just hours later, our trainees and they took care career, the hive ha, if and passing all repelling 3rd crazy on that them well for the for the year at k 9 he was spared physical harm. but within a day of arriving, he was sold again. this time for $18000.00 to eugene casino to heights in may as our chillers and you're in some town. oh god, cause you know tomba. finally, after 9 days in 3 compounds, lu got a response from siena, hills governor with a contact for his assistant. within 24 hours, police were on their way. how to go. so i thought of but many others suffer for much longer. woolfolk thought these messages within to lou by victim held in thing northville. in february 2022. he also shared this extortion video. his captors forced him to send to his family a good ga. gov. well, but i don't know what it is. half an hour after getting $3000.00, his captain's raised the threats and demands he sent these photos of the building and the street below to help rescue was locate him. but another day passed . so this is a shop frank that the man photographed and this is the compound he said he was imprisoned in the building is connected to non high international hotel, a development closely linked once again to cochran's, relative witty ruts. my the victim was rescued, but others do risk jumping to escape. like mean after being traffic from china, he said he was sold for almost $5000.00 to a company in another scene. northville compound. he says he was made to scam targeting china and around the world and was traded between companies on different floors pursue, man, vital. and yeah. anyway, ging on la nick, i'm a hollow, giovanni huntingdon, in the early hours of june 29th 2021 mean evaded security guards and jump from the 1st floor over here would you though, and you can leave an hour change that i wish of but he landed badly, seriously injuring himself that all wouldn't normally they attention us to a different shower than pezora kong. why does your way, sir? ming was saved by a passing took driver who took him to the hospital about 5 kilometers across town is victory. paradise resort and casino expecting to start work as a quality control or in a food factory home was instead delivered to a scan business here. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. just once in chicago, hands in real estate is closely linked to one of the largest conglomerates in cambodia. the prince, good dining next to the prime minister is prince group chairman, chinese born chin z. granted cambodian citizenship in 2014 sixty's. later he received the country's highest honor, a title for his donations to public works and was also made an advisor to whom thin there could have like all victims. we interviewed went home, arrived. he was made to surrender his passport and sign a contract that bonded him to the company. oh do drama, burn your own john. jewel job you fool on if you will. and she college, if you're he was then confined to the compound, an order to scan into the origin a few years ago. hm says they'd contact victims normally uneducated farmers on chinese social media up q to build a relationship. then he ties them to make investments in a lottery. well, they're suppose you shoot on on the portable me and you closer to hold owners. holton. but what they didn't tell them was that their money would be gone for good . what's a good joke? a recall upon, according to home, there were a couple of 100 people scamming for the company, and the success rate was high. reasonable for sure for winnable fortune. no. so, but why should you abuse design literature for you? because obviously job issue was open. water is after you are in the center of the city scam enterprises appear to operate with impunity. that a prime minister summer residence is just fair and across the road is white fans, hotel and casino. ah, and behind the white sand company is you ling joel. often thing with the prime minister, he's in business with the daughter of whom since personal security chief, a man who's been thanks and by the us for human rights abuses, no one in his homeland as a father, a pyramid schemes used being implicated in numerous criminal fraud cases there and after losing several civil cases had assets frozen by chinese, quartz in 2018, he became a cambodian citizen changing his name to poach unit and set himself up as a crypto currency guru. to cheryl may be handled that they have a 16 year old lindsey she was sold to white sand pallets or til in august 2021 joe told palo p cannot. hi. how you would hum restricted to the upper levels these photographs lien talk show the view of the prime minister's residence. she says she was forced to do sick scans, though i think i shall always r o j o manor and away sla engineer. heather, now an idea, i have an idea on the mesa. i cesar chillen i had to bindles data manual was on pile for now to waive hand hammer token. ashleigh i'll talk with an tenant cow now. i knew you knew that she'd done a little mail to her. sure need and i don't she tools how she and others were constantly abused by the company. and i asked her team hello at telling me i thought, but i thought i had any answers or a point such as 20 item of them and i pay with can you boil year g panel again was any peninsula or kenny 1000000, see it either way back when any challenges happened, i had to pay shadow and according to lien, he also came into the dormitory when i was sleeping. where those are boys are. oh yeah. where bad? he had angel gallenger's partying. sh pack to the holy shit out. should i remind you of ha series in a 100 and i show she to block out the horror. she started taking sleeping tablets to her since illness. and what our hor, shinji arianna? our tasha my whole nature here. my red line. then one day after 3 months imprisoned, it all got too much chance. oh sure, sure, sure. i am. when you went and oh, how large of annie joe. i just saw that on you as an term fans our closing, if an hour or yards. yeah. so i'm lean woke up in hospital, which is where lucy, ann rees teen picked her up and took her to a safe house. not far away. is this large compound, known as white van to the chin was brought here in may 2021. he was told he needed to work for the business for 6 months or pay them more than 6000 dollars to leave the family following to to my family lawyer on the please him, i called the height. i don't enjoy with all the most of them in a convenient time either. he said that it does it for you. the thought about it, he says they had to work 15 hour days on a crypto currency romance scam targeting wolfy chinese women living abroad. the 1st thing they had to do was create a fake persona, using videos and photos from the internet. but with both on a go to hooked on the video for them and how you went to with trisha versus o portal for those from ups to. so you went through the so yeah. and it will save us little all for the whole ah, to muscle as i'm new to the for the you it's higher houghton continue our our for them because highly bit shocking to us. but the con, worked according to chin. the company scanned millions do anita alone, even though to prepare you travel to another just day shy of 6 months and he's promised freedom. chin was sold. that could be any closer to them by demand. mm. none of the companies or individuals behind the scam compounds responded to the allegations raised in the program. next week, we investigate the chinese criminals behind the scans and confront cambodian government officials about the scammers connections to the highest power in the land. does that concern you that a large chinese company linked to the prime minister's nephew is linked to human trafficking and cyber scans. bo janice and the police violently dispersing protest this, these are some of good tens of thousands of people try to flee. gobble inspired to program, making. welcome to generation change unrivalled broadcasting. white people did not want black children in their schools. we have to fight for it. and al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster of the year award for the sick da running a walk down ideals, the french republic, his long proclaimed, but just would ease modern france in a 4 part series. the big picture takes an in depth let france him focus. the concluding episode on al jazeera for over 15 years, i've called for the armed conflict. the natural disasters end up political upheaval in the philippines. parents tell us they walked for hours with their children just to get as a filipino as a woman. it is there where privilege to tell the stories of my own people. so a global audience is only 4 months to go to the world cup and the clock is ticking as teams and fans prepare the cat. so 2022 will have updates from different regions across the globe. this month. the focus is on africa and synagogue mounts a challenge for the trophy to winning the africa cup of nations will be cameroon, gonna to nicea or moral cope. it's the alicia join us for the world. go countdown on al jazeera. ah .

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