Toy Review: X-Men 20th Anniversary Movie Figures Wave 1 : co

Toy Review: X-Men 20th Anniversary Movie Figures Wave 1

Toy Review: X-Men 20th Anniversary Movie Figures Wave 1
Toy Review: X-Men 20th Anniversary Movie Figures Wave 1
To say that modern Marvel Legends figures of the Fox Marvel movies were long-anticipated is an understatement. Not long after the Disney merger, Marvel’s Ike Perlmutter laid down an unofficial, yet observed, rule that merchandise based on the Fox movies was not going to be a thing. So for
Deadpool, Josh Trank’s
First Class onward, only comics-related tie-in merch came out. When Disney acquired Fox, fans got excited not just for X-Men in the MCU movies, but also for toys based on the previous Fox films that Hasbro hadn’t been allowed to make before. Sure, the first few films got Toy Biz and Hasbro figures, but sculpting has come a long way since.

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