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Tough choices as Brazil's Lula gets down to business : compa
Tough choices as Brazil's Lula gets down to business : compa
Tough choices as Brazil's Lula gets down to business
Fresh off a celebratory beach holiday, Brazilian president-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva got down to uglier business on Monday: figuring out how to govern with a hostile Congress, nasty budget crunch and impossible-looking to-do list
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Brasilia ,
Distrito Federal ,
Brazil ,
Sao Paulo ,
Sãpaulo ,
United States ,
Egypt ,
Bahia ,
Brazilian ,
America ,
Leandro Consentino ,
Fernando Haddad ,
Aloizio Mercadante ,
Adriano Laureno ,
Luiz Inacio Lula ,
Marina Silva ,
Auxilio Brasil ,
Jair Bolsonaro ,
Arthur Lira ,
Latin America ,
Folha De Sao Paulo ,