Winnipeg Free Press By: Dan Lett | Posted: 7:00 PM CDT Monday, Jul. 26, 2021 Last Modified: 8:38 PM CDT Monday, Jul. 26, 2021 | Updates Opinion He may not be the biggest thorn in Premier Brian Pallister's side, but Tory MLA Shannon Martin is a thorn, nonetheless. He may not be the biggest thorn in Premier Brian Pallister's side, but Tory MLA Shannon Martin is a thorn, nonetheless. The McPhillips MLA, one of the diligent worker bees on the backbenches of the Pallister government, has quietly become one of the Manitoba premier's foremost critics. Following MLA Eileen Clarke's July 14 resignation from the post of Indigenous and northern affairs minister, Martin became the first Tory to break ranks. He said Clarke's decision — after Pallister tried to defend the benevolent intentions of colonial settlers — was "shitty" but "understandable."