What did you decide in today's Joint Committee meeting? Today's meeting covered all main issues related to the implementation of the Withdrawal Agr... European Commission Press release Bratislava, 17 Dec 2020 The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) signed a €49 million guarantee with Slovenská sporitelna (SLSP), the largest financial institution in Slovakia, to support SMEs and mid-caps impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic European Commission Questions and answers Brussels, 17 Dec 2020 Why did you need to revise Regulation 883/2013? The revision of the so-called OLAF Regulation was necessary for two main reasons. First, the creation of the Eu... European Commission Press release Brussels, 17 Dec 2020 New rules that strengthen the role of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and pave the way for smooth collaboration with the new European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) have been adopted today by the European Parliament.