(1) DJ EQS-News: Support Data Center Business Development through the Proposed Appointment of Executive Director and Placing of Convertible Bonds Grasp Opportunity from Digitalization through the Latest RMB406 million EQS-News / 03/06/2021 / 10:14 UTC+8 [For Immediate Release] 3 June 2021 ZHI SHENG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED ?????????? (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 8370) Support Data Center Business Development through the Proposed Appointment of Executive Director and Placing of Convertible Bonds Grasp Opportunity from Digitalization through the Latest RMB406 million Data Center Engineering and Management Service Contract (3 June 2021 - Hong Kong) Zhi Sheng Group Holdings Limited ("Zhi Sheng Group", together with its subsidiaries, collectively the "Group"; stock code: 8370.HK) is pleased to announce that, it intends to appoint Mr. Lai Ningning ("Mr. Lai") as an executive director, and grant him relevant share options in order to facilitate the construction, management and operation of its China data centers. At the same time, the Group has entered several agreements, effectively tapping into China's data center constructing and operating market on June 2, 2021.