Check below your horoscope astrology prediction as per your rasshi. 1. Today's Horoscope for Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20): You will meet challenges squarely and not get cowed down by them. Your lover may be a little difficult to deal with at times but with your determination, you will manage nicely. It is a good day. You will regain your prestige. You will also fulfill the commitment made to friends. You will be full of self-confidence. And will manage your affairs well. 2. Today's Horoscope for Tarus (Apr 21 - May 21): There will be stability in your relationship but not much excitement happening. Money and home affairs are going to take up most of your time and energy. There will be progress on the work front. Travels abroad are indicated. You will be able to get your work done from officials. The day will bring in happiness.