To Vote, or Not to Vote, that is the QuestionElection 2020, Opinion December 10, 2020 , by Paid Advertisement Gilmer County, GA – Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. When trust erodes in a marriage, divorce looms. When businessmen lose trust in an investment, they want their money back. When a football coach loses trust in his quarterback, the player is benched. Whether in marriage, business, or sports when trust fails relationships are damaged. Today, millions of Americans are questioning the integrity of their elections. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 47% of likely voters believe the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump. This includes 75% of Republicans, 39% of Independents, and 30% of Democrats. Elected officials cannot turn a blind eye to that many citizens losing faith in elections. After all, erosion of trust is the beginning of the end of any relationship. Many Georgians now believe elections are rigged and have declared that they will not vote in the January runoff. While this sentiment is understood, the Gilmer County Republican Party hopes to be an educational outlet for the local voter and to provide productive calls to action.