The federal government will relax payback requirements for projects addressing urgent cybersecurity, pandemic response and IT modernization needs that draw on the $1 billion addition to the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) included in the American Rescue Plan Act. In a joint statement, the Office of Management and Budget and General Services Administration announced on Tuesday that the updated model will foster cross-agency collaboration and allow the TMF Board to focus on four proposal categories, including modernizing high-priority systems, cybersecurity, public-facing digital services and cross-government services and infrastructure. The TMF, a revolving fund of no-year money, was established in 2017 but its capitalization spiked from $150 million to more than $1 billion with the passage of the Rescue Act this March. The fund was created with strict reimbursement requirements to allow for continual funding of new projects. At a recent Senate hearing, current and former technology officials noted that the payback requirements could be an impediment to funding modernization projects.