Time To Get A Little Dirty With Mud Volleyball Get our free mobile app It's time to get a little mud on you and sign up for the 2021 MENs Mississippi Mud Volleyball Tournament. There will be 64 adult teams and 24 Jr. teams available to sign up, so don't wait. You can sign up your team now, and get in on some of the most fun I've ever had. No, I didn't play are you kidding me, the mud would come up to my waist I would have no room to move. The Jr. Tournament will take place on June 30th and July 1st, and the adult tournament will be held July 2nd through the 4th. You can get a full set of rules at ymens.org and see if you have what it takes. I've watched this event and its one of my favorites, people lose shoes, socks, bandanas, and who knows what else in that mud. It's really some good entertainment to watch.