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Three Genius Cosplayers Present Death Note: Uncovered, the B
Three Genius Cosplayers Present Death Note: Uncovered, the B
Three Genius Cosplayers Present Death Note: Uncovered, the Buzzfeed Unsolved Parody of Your Dreams
Mishkali, Svati, and Skyver Cosplay worked together to create stunning Death Note cosplays--and what may be the single greatest Buzzfeed Unsolved parody ever.
Related Keywords
Skyver Cosplay ,
Martina Cosplay ,
Lacey James ,
Death Note ,
Light Yagami ,
Buzzfeed Unsolved ,
மார்டினா ச ,
லேசி ஜேம்ஸ் ,
இறப்பு குறிப்பு ,
புஸ்ஸ்பீட தீர்க்கப்படாதது ,