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Threatened bird species at risk from wind farm developments
Threatened bird species at risk from wind farm developments
Threatened bird species at risk from wind farm developments | The Northern Daily Leader
Wind farms in New England could endanger species like the Little Eagle due to habitat loss and blade strikes, warns bird expert Dr Steve Debus.
Related Keywords
Winterbourne ,
New South Wales ,
Australia ,
Tablelands ,
Western Australia ,
Walcha ,
Steve Debus ,
Heath Forsyth ,
Nick Mooney ,
School Of Environmental ,
Land Service ,
Northern Tablelands Local Land Services ,
Significant Development ,
Little Eagle ,
Adjunct Lecturer ,
Rural Science ,
New England ,
Environmental Impact Statements ,
Environmental Planning ,
Assessment Act ,
State Significant Development ,
State Significant Infrastructure ,
Winterbourne Wind ,
Northern Tablelands ,
Wedge Tailed Eagles ,
Little Eagles ,
Noisy Miners ,
Wedge Tailed Eagle ,
Glossy Black Cockatoo ,
Rotor Swept Area ,
Local Land Service ,
Prey Project ,