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There's still time to get outdoors as temperatures cool : co
There's still time to get outdoors as temperatures cool : co
There's still time to get outdoors as temperatures cool
It's really beginning to feel like fall these last couple days. The cooler weather seems like it is here to stay and I'm trying to soak it all up.
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Nebraska ,
United States ,
Arrowhead Park ,
Iowa ,
Golden Spike Monument ,
Pottawattamie County ,
Botna ,
Council Bluffs ,
America ,
American ,
Jennie Edmundson ,
Scott Stewart ,
Food Bank ,
Home Care Advocacy Network ,
Radio Talking Book Services ,
Leadership Council Bluffs ,
America Center ,
Disney ,
Methodist Health Systems ,
Iowa Army National Guard Armory ,
Chili ,
Angels Care Home Health ,
Catholic Charities ,
Pottawattamie County Public Health ,
Connections Area Agency On ,
Culture Center ,
Olsen Lodge ,
Nebraska Methodist College ,
Union Pacific Railroad Museum ,
Care Health Center ,
Alzheimer Association ,
Binational Health Fair ,
Leadership Council ,
Iowa West Field House ,
Bergan Mercy ,
Connections Area Agency ,
Every Step Hospice ,
Bridges Out ,
Planned Parenthood ,
Iowa Legal Aid ,
Croix Hospice ,
All Hallows Eve Festival ,
Botna Bend Park ,
Pottawattamie Conservation ,
Arrowhead Park Chili Fest ,
Callahan Promotions ,
Fall Arts ,
Craft Fair ,
Mid America Center ,
Golden Spike ,
Army National Guard Armory ,
American Midwest Ballet ,
Hoff Family Arts ,
Drag Queen Bingo ,
Drinkn Paint Pumpkin Painting Contest ,
Food ,
Medicine ,
Astronomy ,
He Economy ,
Ood Industry ,
Sports ,
Ransportation ,
Eteorology ,
Rade ,
Social Services ,
Armed Forces ,
Tourism ,
Olklore ,
Jaw ,
Ublishing ,
Nstitutions ,