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There's always time for a podcast! | FAO Stories
There's always time for a podcast! | FAO Stories
There's always time for a podcast! | FAO Stories | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Listen to stories from around the world and deepen your knowledge with these FAO podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to learn something new, even while you’re on the go! © Nenin
Podcasts have seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the last couple of years, and it’s easy to see why. They are a fantastic way to learn something new, enhance your knowledge on a particular subject or just detach from your own life by tuning into a great story. Podcasts are easily accessible from smartphones or computers, and come in all shapes and sizes – you can listen to a 5-minute bitesize episode whilst washing the dishes or settle into something longer on that hour-long commute.
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