Share this article Share this article WATERBURY, Conn., Jan. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Therap's e-tools workflow for person-centered planning has come full circle with the introduction of Data Driven Outcome (DDO) reporting. With Therap, person-centered planning is not an event that takes place on an anniversary. It is an ongoing process that can be used to capture changes in the skills, events, interest, goals or other aspects of an individual's life as they occur. Then the formal annual review focuses on planning forward without struggling to evaluate preceding years. One of the signature components of Therap's Person Centered Approach is the Individual Home Page. The Individual Home Page is the feature that can be accessed to provide a full description of the individual. The Individual Home Page is the nexus of planning, support, and the activities of the individual. Because of the complete picture, the starting point for assessing and understanding the individual is usually The Individual Home Page. In response to requests by Therap's customer base when a user clicks on an export option from the 'View PDFs' section, the PDF will no longer be directly downloaded. Instead, a new PDF viewer will appear, from which the user will find new features including the options to view the full PDF without downloading it, zoom in or out of the document, search through its content, and print or download the file.