The First Version Was Written in 1983 “THE WORLD AS IT IS AND THE WORLD AS IT COULD BE”, in its original form, dates from 1983, and it was the first article that I ever wrote about global problems. My close friend, Keld Helmer-Petersen, an important pioneer of photography as an art form, helped me by improving it and making a Danish translation. We had several hundred 5-page pamphlets printed both in Danish and in English, and we distributed them to our friends. This brought me into contact with a number of important Danish peace activists. Later, I thought of making an illustrated version of the booklet, and asked several of my friends, who were artists, whether they might be willing to make the illustrations. But before any of my artist friends started on this project, I was able to find images on the Internet that worked quite well. The result was the 32-page version that appears at the end of this book.