By Idella Merrill, 11Paris Elementary School Read Article The sweet, delicious, tasty, drink. Nothing could go wrong … right? But have you ever thought about how chocolate and other flavored milks have an effect on health? About all the sugar, calories and carbohydrates it has? Go find a nutrition label for chocolate milk, you’ll find that it has a lot of sugar … 26 grams to be exact, and don’t even get me started on the calories (there are 160, while white milk has only 110). Many schools have been asking this question lately, “should chocolate milk be banned?” The answer is, yes, it should, and there are three crystal-clear and obvious reasons for this; lots of other schools, and even states are banning flavored milk all together. This awful treat costs a lot too, the DOE spent 12.8 million dollars on chocolate milk alone (The Dark Side of Chocolate Milk, par. 19). It is also very unhealthy. Flavored milk is full of carbohydrates, added sugar and calories and way too often leads to cancer and diabetes.