Northfield Drive-In film series pairs with ‘Tails and Tales’ summer reading program “The Princess Bride” is shown last summer at the Northfield Drive-In as part of a film series spearheaded by Libraries in the Woods in the theme of “Fairy Tales and Fantasy.” This year’s film series is tied to the summer reading program theme “Tails and Tales.” Staff File Photo/PAUL FRANZ Lisa Prolman, an assistant librarian at the Greenfield Public Library, center, and her son, Ben Mazzola, and Mo Spear wait for “The Princess Bride” to start at the Northfield Drive-In in July 2020. “The Princess Bride” was part of a film series spearheaded by Libraries in the Woods in the theme of “Fairy Tales and Fantasy.” This year’s film series is tied to the summer reading program theme “Tails and Tales.” Staff Photo/PAUL FRANZ