The poor, the rich: In a sick India, all are on their own Read full article 1 / 10 Virus Outbreak India On Their OwnA portrait of Padmavathi, who died of COVID-19, hangs on the wall of her family hut made from bamboo and plastic sheeting in a slum in Bengaluru, India, Thursday, May 20, 2021. Padmavathi collected hair, taking it from women's combs and hairbrushes to later be used for wigs. She earned about $50 a month. (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi) ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL, AIJAZ HUSSAIN and TIM SULLIVAN May 22, 2021, 10:27 PM·15 min read NEW DELHI (AP) — For the family of the retired diplomat, the terror struck as they tried desperately to get him past the entrance doors of a private hospital. For the New Delhi family, it came when they had to create a hospital room in their ground-floor apartment. For the son of an illiterate woman who raised her three children by scavenging human hair, it came as his mother waited days for an ICU bed, insisting she’d be fine.