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The Oppenheimer imperative: normalising atomic terror - On L
The Oppenheimer imperative: normalising atomic terror - On L
The Oppenheimer imperative: normalising atomic terror - On Line Opinion
The atomic bomb created the conditions of contingent catastrophe, forever placing the world on the precipice of existential doom. But in doing so, it created a philosophy of acceptable cruelty, worthy extinction, legitimate extermination.
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Japan ,
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Soviet ,
American ,
German ,
Harry Truman ,
Leslie Groves ,
John Hersey ,
Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer ,
Ernesto Lawrence ,
Henry Stimson ,
Roger Robb ,
Lewis Strauss ,
Los Alamos ,
Albert Wohlstetter ,
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Arthurh Compton ,
Enrico Fermi ,
Us Atomic Energy Commission ,
Scientific Panel Of The Interim Committee ,
Metallurgical Laboratory ,
National Security Council Net Evaluation Subcommittee ,
New York Times ,
War Henry Stimson ,
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Second World War ,
National Security Council ,
Net Evaluation Subcommittee ,
Christopher Nolan ,
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Scientific Panel ,
Interim Committee ,
President Harry Truman ,
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General Leslie Groves ,
Energy Commission ,
Atomic Bomb ,
Tomic Bomb ,
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