Joseph Hanlon, editor of Mozambique News Reports and Clippings, was interviewed by Mariana Carneiro, a journalist at the website, linked to Portugal’s Left Bloc. This interview was first published in Portuguese on 20 June, 2021, “Cabo Delgado: “Pior cenário é Moçambique transformar-se no Afeganistão”. The greed and corruption of the leaders of the ruling party, Frelimo, play a central role in the conflict in Cabo Delgado. But this role would not be possible without the support and encouragement of the international community, foreign institutions, and banks. Frelimo established itself in the post-independence period as a multiracial government claiming to be socialist and representing a threat to the United States of America and apartheid South Africa. [1] When Ronald Reagan became president of the United States, he intensified the Cold War and started proxy wars. One of these wars took place in Mozambique. The United States used South Africa to attack the country, creating Renamo and so on. [2]