It may be Friday and we're looking ahead to the weekend, but first, we have to "put in the work". Although, it seems Bill is considering a career change as a proofreader. Dave told us about another job opportunity that while desirable didn't leave a lot of time to work on the resume. Reading the Bible requires some work to be done on a daily basis, but it is amazing what you learn and can be encouraged by. Carmen learned a little more about Mark 6 today. If you are a fan of Days Of Our Lives, you'll need to do a little more work to find the soap opera as it leaves traditional TV. Football players are already back to work and getting ready for the upcoming season. And Carmen is excited as the first pre-season game happened last night ahead of this weekend's Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony. Cape Canaveral was a flurry of activity yesterday as a lot of work had to be done to lauch 2 different rockets in one day! For college students, there can be a lot of distractions that take the attention away from their faith. Bill shared a blog post from a Bible scholar on the work it takes to keep the faith in college. Madison of CAIN endured a lot of labor pains for the arrival of her first child, Calloway Davy. Her sister, Taylor, is due in just a few weeks as well! As we are halfway through hurricane season, Bill had a reminder for us to have all of our technology in working order before you lose power in a storm. Dave's got a new bass guitar, and while he doesn't plan on working with it too much, it holds a lot of sentimental value. Before Bill put in the work to share a BIG Word, we re-shared a couple of conversations with Haley from Thursday that we wanted you to hear again.
00:32 Bill the Proofreader 06:02 Bacon City Mayor 09:22 Mark 6 - Groups of 50 12:16 Mark 6 encouragement 15:48 Days Of Our Lives to Peacock 21:34 First Pre-Season Game 24:17 Tony Dungy on Hall of Fame 29:41 2 Launches at Cape Canaveral 33:08 Keeping The Faith In College 37:55 CAIN Babies 40:11 Be Tech Ready For Storms 43:15 Dave's New Bass 46:41 Haley - "Beaver Shark" story 51:37 Haley - "Yet" 56:20 Bill's BIG Word