As people change their ways and enter retirement, many are moving to parts of our listening area, much to the chagrin of people like Dave. When we talked about the sunrise, we got a lot of pictures from all over as the sun was rising. Psalm 4 will help to change your perspective if you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Dave told us about the possibility of a name change for social media giant, Facebook. Several years ago, we started sharing your stories in something we called JOY Stories. In response to changing habits on the internet, Haley and Jules have teamed up to bring the JOY Stories in a different way. Gossip in the workplace a problem for you? You'll change your ways when you hear what Ford Taylor has to say on the subject. A lot has changed for The Morning Cruise over the last 15 years. But one mainstay has been Carmen's mom, Mohair. As we look back at some of our funniest moments, we had to share a call from Mohair who was changing up they way she wanted to have her own funeral. And that led us to a call we got from a listener who used to live above a funeral home! All month long, we've been reading the Book of Acts. Today we looked at Acts 21 and 22. When it comes to the 3 different personalities on The Morning Cruise, we can credit that combination for our successes and we wouldn't want to change their ways, which we looked at when it comes to preparation this morning.
00:33 Retirement Cities 05:54 Thanks for Sunrise Pics 07:05 Psalm 4 10:00 Facebook Name Change 12:54 Haley and Jules on JOY Stories 17:49 Ford Taylor 20:27 15 Years | 15 Moments – Mohair plans her funeral 24:20 15 Years | 15 Moments – Caller lives above a funeral home 27:47 Acts 21 31:11 Acts 22 36:06 Differences in Preparation 40:36 Creativity 45:01 Bill’s BIG Word