E-Mail Dr. Ruey-Kang Chang, Investigator at The Lundquist Institute, has received the highly-respected Tibbets Award from the Small Business Administration (SBA) for founding QT Medical to create a new system that identifies countless cardiac conditions, from newborns to adults - not only enabling early treatment, but empowering at-home care. Dr. Chang, a pediatric cardiologist, was frustrated with the impracticality of conducting Electrocardiograms (ECGs) on his youngest patients. As a result, Dr. Chang began designing and testing QT ECG, a new system for babies that can detect Long QT Syndrome* early and enable access to proper treatment. QT ECG is a hospital-quality 12-lead ECG device cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for home-use cardiac self-monitoring under a physician's guidance. QT ECG is a complete ECG platform that includes both the device components as well as apps for smart devices, preliminary computer interpretation, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant cloud data storage and management.