The Little Things, which follows a pair of police officers (played by Oscar winners
Denzel Washington and future Bond villain
Rami Malek) as they try to solve a murder in Los Angeles.
Oscar winner
Jared Leto plays one of the duo’s primary suspects, and now a first look image shows Washington – cool as ever – coming face to face with Leto’s character.
The Little Things first look image, and spoke with Leto about his character, the bizarrely named “Albert Sparma.” Leto describes Sparma as “an unusual guy. He’s an outsider, a black sheep, someone who’s stuck in a part of life that maybe he feels like he doesn’t deserve. He’s been blessed and cursed with a significant amount of intelligence and wit, but doesn’t really fit into society so well.” With a character profile like that, it sounds like those fictional police officers should be keeping a close eye on this dude.