The Latest Story Of Seasons Patch Is Live, And We Have Details On The Next One, Too Share: Congratulations, farmers! Your farm has just been updated to 1.0.4, and with that comes a few new patch notes! It's just like real agriculture. Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town launched late last month in the West with a bit of a lukewarm reception - many reviews (including ours!) noted its framerate issues, its tedious cooking/Maker interfaces, and its long loading times, as well as a few bugs and gripes here and there. As a result, XSEED and Marvelous made a show of apologising and promising to fix it, and they're keeping to that promise with their latest patches. Version 1.0.4 - which is out in North America, but not Europe and Australia - has patch notes which include fixes for corrupted save data, an infinite item glitch, and generally just shortening the loading times. It's not a huge update, but it'll certainly fix a few of the most pressing issues.