The IT World Awards® Issues Call for Information Technology and Cyber Security 2021 Nominations and Entries Share Article IT World Awards The IT World Awards® are open to all Information Technology and Cyber Security organizations from all over the world and their end-users of products and services. SAN JOSE, Calif. (PRWEB) January 07, 2021 The Globee® Awards organizer of world’s premier business awards programs and business ranking lists is now accepting nominations and entries for the 16th Annual 2021 IT World Awards® honoring achievements and recognitions in every facet of the information technology and cyber security industries. The SVUS Awards has rebranded as Globee Awards consisting of the same award programs + several new award programs and business ranking lists have been introduced from this year. The Network Products Guide’s IT World Awards has been rebranded as the IT World Awards which will include information technology and cyber and digital security.