To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. All products featured on Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. To live through your early-to-mid-twenties is to live in a state of habitual flux: new apartments! New neighborhoods! New cities! But as that twilight of one formative decade dims and a new, more stable era is on the horizon, you likely want a more settled, stylish environment. Home decor tips might be needed: The hodgepodge of furniture you inherited from an old roommate frankly just doesn’t fit your style. That bed-frame from Craigslist, bought years ago on your just-out-of-college budget, has seen better days. And your artwork? It’s bland, impersonal, and, unfortunately purchased in millennial pink’s heyday. (This writer may or may not be speaking from experience.) “Turning 30 can spark dramatic life changes as we start to turn our dreams into reality, leaving things behind that do not bring us joy and when our true values start to emerge,” interior designer Candace Rimes tells