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The Great Potato Kugel Crisis of 2023 and Halacha : comparem
The Great Potato Kugel Crisis of 2023 and Halacha : comparem
The Great Potato Kugel Crisis of 2023 and Halacha
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for In the past twelve months, the wholesale cost of potato kugel for Yeshivos and shuls has doubled in price. Last year,
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Rav Chaim Kanievsky ,
Rav Karelitz ,
Rav Kamenetsky ,
Yair Hoffman ,
Bava Metziah ,
Daniel Kleinman ,
Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky ,
Shitahmekubetzes Beitzah ,
Mishkenos Yaakov ,
Rav Kohn ,
Rav Nissim Karelitz ,
Sefer Hachinuch ,
Rav Blau ,
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Machane Efraim Onaah Siman ,
Ohr Lyaakov ,
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International Food Policy Research Institute ,
Rabbi Yair Hoffman ,
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Shaivet Halevi ,
Some Poskim ,
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Imrei Yosher ,
Haishiv Moshe ,
Responsa Mishkenos Yaakov ,
Sefer Chofetz Chaim ,
Nissim Karelitz ,
Ohrl Yaakov ,